FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Post an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area showing their interconnections from 9-11.

Here is what I know is a rectangular concrete tube.


On September 13, 2001 the engineer of record provided information to Newsweek identifying a concrete core.

In 1990 I viewed a 2 hour documentary about the construction of WTC 1 titled, "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" and most of it was about a concrete core.

Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 identifies a concrete core.

your text is meaningless. this has all been debunked already. there is no concrete in your picture.

null post.
The agent suggests that only dust and debri are visible here.

Such a suggestion is unreasonable.

That photo clearly shows what can only be rebar. The agents say it shows steel core columns, which is unreason in service to the perpetrators of mass murder by secret methods. Proven by an image taken seconds before, from the same location and same camera, that shows structural steel about the size of the supposed steel core columns. This steel is outside the core and I've proven that too.

I've just proven these agents are working to create an impression of a social group to try and sway the beliefs of viewers. It is a false social group acting in a psyops.

I'm only working to prove you are a lying, delusional, soulless waste of oxygen, who's only purpose in life is to profiteer off of the gut wrenching feeling of pain, loss and heartbreak felt by the 9/11 victim's families.

And you only make it worse by posting their pictures. You're not content with distorting and debasing their pain with your wacko theories, you have to go one step further and twist the knife in their backs by claiming you are putting out this propaganda in their names.

I'm not in a "social group". I've never met the other brave members of this board who are willing to stand up to your hateful lies and deceptions. However, I would like to meet all of them someday and shake their hands for sharing my desire to marginalize you so that you can not hurt these families any more.

We are not "agents". We are just clear thinking people, who recognize steel when we see it, and concrete when we don't.

I am just a simple mucker, acting on my own with the knowledge I possess, trying to clear the air and keep the facts straight.

And the photo does NOT show rebar. I don't care how good of a camera you have, you are not going to resolve rebar at that distance. As a matter of fact, if you lean a piece of rebar on the light post in the near foreground, cameras won't resolve that either. Even America's best satellites don't have that level of resolution.

The Rat
Post an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area showing their interconnections from 9-11.

Here is what I know is a rectangular concrete tube.

On September 13, 2001 the engineer of record provided information to Newsweek identifying a concrete core.

In 1990 I viewed a 2 hour documentary about the construction of WTC 1 titled, "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" and most of it was about a concrete core.

Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 identifies a concrete core.

I already did even used one of yours..... Want another one? Gladly...


See any concrete in that pic? How about this one.....


See any concrete cores yet? No? one more.....


See any concrete? Me either lets give it one more try though.....


Well son of a bitch chris.... All these pics from such varied sources and not one of them shows a concrete core..... now want to continue to play dumb or are we going to suspend the silliness now?
Chris you fucking busted pal I found a pic that shows unmistakably just how utterly wrong you are.....

Take a real close look at this pic.....


Now look very closely at that picture of the WTC lobby..... Look to right and up a little... What is that? Is that glass? Why yes it is I can see through it..... Through to the christmas decorations on the other side..... WAIT!!!! how could I see through a concrete core????????

I couldn't could I.... Nope, that means the core is just as I and so many others here have benn telling you all along..... You are fucking busted huckster.......:lol:
OMG! another inside lobby pic.... This one taken during construction....


HOLY SHIT!!!! There is no concrete core there either.... You are done huckster....

From his own site ... It's probably been posted here but I'm not going to go through 400 pages to see. Anyway probably a timely reminder of who we are dealing with.

Bottom line explains a lot. Basket making would be a useful occupation for someone who likes doing repetitive things, without the need to think.

Stann :eusa_boohoo:
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OMG! another inside lobby pic.... This one taken during construction....


HOLY SHIT!!!! There is no concrete core there either.... You are done huckster....
he's been shown that one before
he will insist the concrete was poured in later
OMG! another inside lobby pic.... This one taken during construction....


HOLY SHIT!!!! There is no concrete core there either.... You are done huckster....
he's been shown that one before
he will insist the concrete was poured in later

LOL really?

OMG! How could they? jesus its gone beyond ignorant and blind now.....:lol::lol:
OMG! another inside lobby pic.... This one taken during construction....


HOLY SHIT!!!! There is no concrete core there either.... You are done huckster....
he's been shown that one before
he will insist the concrete was poured in later

LOL really?

OMG! How could they? jesus its gone beyond ignorant and blind now.....:lol::lol:

there would be no need for the diagonal bracing of the STEEL core if the columns were actually attached to a concrete core, as mr browneye contends.

so even though he insists (irrationally) that the concrete was poured later this picture still disproves his concrete core.
OMG! another inside lobby pic.... This one taken during construction....


HOLY SHIT!!!! There is no concrete core there either.... You are done huckster....
he's been shown that one before
he will insist the concrete was poured in later

LOL really?

OMG! How could they? jesus its gone beyond ignorant and blind now.....:lol::lol:
he claims the concrete was poured in 7 to 10 stories below the steel construction
Well that as well as the simple fact pouring it and then it drying, curing, and pre-stressing it would have made the cost and timescale impossible....

load bearing structures like that would have to be prefabbed with specialized mesh and or rebar already in and pre-stressed to max tolerances and then tested over and again just to pass inspection. THey couldn't nor wouldn't have done it on site. not from in there its just not happening.... Also my other pic from inside... THere are windows in the lobby where the core structure is.....
Well that as well as the simple fact pouring it and then it drying, curing, and pre-stressing it would have made the cost and timescale impossible....

load bearing structures like that would have to be prefabbed with specialized mesh and or rebar already in and pre-stressed to max tolerances and then tested over and again just to pass inspection. THey couldn't nor wouldn't have done it on site. not from in there its just not happening.... Also my other pic from inside... THere are windows in the lobby where the core structure is.....
of course, and forgetting the fact that the concrete weight would have made the lower floors virtually unusable because they would have had to have such a HUGE base they would have been ALL core on the lower levels in order to support the weight of the upper levels
Well that as well as the simple fact pouring it and then it drying, curing, and pre-stressing it would have made the cost and timescale impossible....

load bearing structures like that would have to be prefabbed with specialized mesh and or rebar already in and pre-stressed to max tolerances and then tested over and again just to pass inspection. THey couldn't nor wouldn't have done it on site. not from in there its just not happening.... Also my other pic from inside... THere are windows in the lobby where the core structure is.....
of course, and forgetting the fact that the concrete weight would have made the lower floors virtually unusable because they would have had to have such a HUGE base they would have been ALL core on the lower levels in order to support the weight of the upper levels

Exactly.... This idiot chris is beyond reason and logic.... :cuckoo:
Well that as well as the simple fact pouring it and then it drying, curing, and pre-stressing it would have made the cost and timescale impossible....

load bearing structures like that would have to be prefabbed with specialized mesh and or rebar already in and pre-stressed to max tolerances and then tested over and again just to pass inspection. THey couldn't nor wouldn't have done it on site. not from in there its just not happening.... Also my other pic from inside... THere are windows in the lobby where the core structure is.....
of course, and forgetting the fact that the concrete weight would have made the lower floors virtually unusable because they would have had to have such a HUGE base they would have been ALL core on the lower levels in order to support the weight of the upper levels

Exactly.... This idiot chris is beyond reason and logic.... :cuckoo:
and the new WTC "freedom tower" is using concrete in the core only as an insulating factor
it is not structural concrete and is using new tech to make it lighter weight
of course, and forgetting the fact that the concrete weight would have made the lower floors virtually unusable because they would have had to have such a HUGE base they would have been ALL core on the lower levels in order to support the weight of the upper levels

Exactly.... This idiot chris is beyond reason and logic.... :cuckoo:
and the new WTC "freedom tower" is using concrete in the core only as an insulating factor
it is not structural concrete and is using new tech to make it lighter weight

Yeah I saw that... BTW, that video he posted in here... The pic on it before playing it... Is of the core at the new freedom tower.... A company called Coretek was the originators... Nice way they try and use what ever is handy to sell this BS......
Exactly.... This idiot chris is beyond reason and logic.... :cuckoo:
and the new WTC "freedom tower" is using concrete in the core only as an insulating factor
it is not structural concrete and is using new tech to make it lighter weight

Yeah I saw that... BTW, that video he posted in here... The pic on it before playing it... Is of the core at the new freedom tower.... A company called Coretek was the originators... Nice way they try and use what ever is handy to sell this BS......
yeah, i saw that
he is a lying deadbeat dipshit
WTC 1 concrete core base wall. According to eyewitnesses was cast free standing. However, after the 5th floor so the core could not be seen.

This was found on the usenet.

"Tony Jebson" <[email protected]> wrote:

>......Apparently, the WTC towers had no internal
>structural columns but relied on the exterior structure for
>support / strength. No doubt the impact of an airplane does
>this no end of harm.
I worked in downtown NY in the late 1960's when the towers were
built! At lunch time we went to the construction site to watch the
progress. And we saw them first buildt an internal thick walled
rectangular concrete core inside which later the elevators ran. The
steel work was erected around this core several floors behind!



However, from the "Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" I learned that the construction sequence had improved when WTC 2 was built and 5 floors of steel were erected first, then the steel surrounding the concrete core was used to support forms. These are the forms getting started. There are very dark vertical strips on regular intervals behind the interior box columns. rebar

WTC 1 concrete core base wall. According to eyewitnesses was cast free standing. However, after the 5th floor so the core could not be seen.

This was found on the usenet.

"Tony Jebson" <[email protected]> wrote:

>......Apparently, the WTC towers had no internal
>structural columns but relied on the exterior structure for
>support / strength. No doubt the impact of an airplane does
>this no end of harm.
I worked in downtown NY in the late 1960's when the towers were
built! At lunch time we went to the construction site to watch the
progress. And we saw them first buildt an internal thick walled
rectangular concrete core inside which later the elevators ran. The
steel work was erected around this core several floors behind!



However, from the "Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" I learned that the construction sequence had improved when WTC 2 was built and 5 floors of steel were erected first, then the steel surrounding the concrete core was used to support forms. These are the forms getting started. There are very dark vertical strips on regular intervals behind the interior box columns. rebar


your words are absolutely meaningless. your pictures show a steel core.

null post.
That's funny stan pretending that he's showing something meaningful by showing the commissioners erroneous declaration.

Show the whole site stan.

The Purpose Of Law

Where egregious gaucheries of the courts are documented trying to protect the secret that keeps all secrets.

This one scan of a motion to strike that erroneous declaration of the commissioner proves the court violated my Constitutional right. The famliy law clerk refused to stamp the motion to strike "filed", only recieved. If not "filed", judges are not compelled to consider the pleadings.

Ripped my off for access to courts, equal protection and due process


Meanwhile, no agent has any independently verified evidence for the supposed steel core columns they mostly don't support.

Meanwhile, lots of concrete is seen surrounding the cores of the Twins.

A portion of the east wall of the WTC 1 concrete core wall toppling into the core.

That's funny stan pretending that he's showing something meaningful by showing the commissioners erroneous declaration.

Show the whole site stan.

Where egregious gaucheries of the courts are documented trying to protect the secret that keeps all secrets.

This one scan of a motion to strike that erroneous declaration of the commissioner proves the court violated my Constitutional right. The famliy law clerk refused to stamp the motion to strike "filed", only recieved. If not "filed", judges are not compelled to consider the pleadings.

Ripped my off for access to courts, equal protection and due process

Meanwhile, no agent has any independently verified evidence for the supposed steel core columns they mostly don't support.

Meanwhile, lots of concrete is seen surrounding the cores of the Twins.

A portion of the east wall of the WTC 1 concrete core wall toppling into the core.
dipshit, you have NEVER shown any concrete in the core
not ONCE
you are a fucking MORONIC IDIOT

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