FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Since no photo in 8 years has ever been posted of the core you assert existed, it is logical that you are a lying traitor and that this core of WTC 2 is concrete.

And since no photo has been shown of your whimsical, farcical concrete core in 8 years, it is logical that you are a deadbeat, absentee father, asshole traitor, and that the core of the twins was comprised of steel columns & drywall.

The lack of diagonal braces and gussett plates coupled with the presence of butt plates disproves any suggestion that the vertical steel is "core column", explaining why the core is empty in all 9-11 images.

The elevator guide rail support steel was too weak to stand without the concrete core to provide lateral support.

Behind the WTC 1 east portion of concrete core wall toppling into the core area, it is empty.


Protecting the secret method of mass murder is futile.
already debunked.

quit being a retard and posting the same old debunked crap over and over again.

did you get all the elevators to fit inside your concrete core yet? :lol:
Chris, let's ask you a serious question.

What is your purpose for going forum to forum and filing lawsuits about this concrete core of yours? What is your ultimate goal?


You have been EVERYWHERE spewing the same garbage over and over yet nobody believes a word you say except for a few crackpots. Everyone here (and in the other forums) has provided ample evidence against your core which is WHY nobody believes you. Our evidence trumps yours at every turn. That's why you have nobody on your side. The lurkers have read your evidence and read ours and made a decision.

99% of them decide you're theory is a bunch of crap. That's why nobody comes forward.

8 years later, you're no further along than when you started this bullshit. How's that feel? How's it feel that you've accomplished nothing in 8 years?

The proof is in the pudding Chris. You have maybe 10 supporters in all of woo woo land which means we have overpowering, believable evidence against you. The sad part is, you've been wasting your time on a bullshit theory...

How sad.

Keep up the good work though. I know I'll just post the same evidence I have been after you post yours. We'll just keep going and going and going. I have lot's of time to pass while at work. You'll be no farther in the next 8 years from where you're at now.

Agent, you have no evidence to support the FEMA deception.

You are a proven photoshopper of WTC images in an effort to compensate for your lack of evidence within your elevator strategy.

The footbridge windows bleed through in your alteration of the WTC lobby photo where the footbridge outside of WTC 1 was added.


You refuse to recognize violations of law of law that deprive the public of the official building plans and 6,000 photo files of the WTC.

You have no credibility.
You have no credibility.

Obviously I have WAY more credibility than you. I also have more credible evidence.

How do we know that?

Because in 8 years, you have absolutely NOBODY on your side. Nobody defends you. Nobody believes in your theory. You can sit there and post all of your bullshit for the NEXT 8 years and you'll still have next to nobody on your side.

Look around Chris. YOU HAVE NOBODY!

So continue to post your shit. I'll just post my evidence and trump you every time. How does it feel to support a losing cause? 8 years and you've got nothing to show.

You are a proven photoshopper of WTC images in an effort to compensate for your lack of evidence within your elevator strategy.

Sorry, but my elevator strategy is working isn't it? You have failed to provide one shred of competent evidence or explanation as to WHY is doesn't work.


Because you CAN'T! There is no evidence that you can provide ANYWHERE that proves my "elevator strategy" wrong. Because it's the TRUTH.

Something you know nothing about.

That's why nobody supports you or your bullshit theory. You have nothing. Refuse to answer tough questions. You apply a set of rules to the evidence against you yet throw those same rules out when it comes to your evidence. I could get up in front of 100s of people in a debate against you and would win every time.

Like I said. Success in this realm is based on how many people you have convinced. Based on the fact that over 8 years, you have no more than 20 people at best in your camp, that means you've FAILED!

Agent, you have no evidence to support the FEMA deception.

You are a proven photoshopper of WTC images in an effort to compensate for your lack of evidence within your elevator strategy.

The footbridge windows bleed through in your alteration of the WTC lobby photo where the footbridge outside of WTC 1 was added.


You refuse to recognize violations of law of law that deprive the public of the official building plans and 6,000 photo files of the WTC.

You have no credibility.

bullshit. that picture doesnt look photoshopped. it looks like it was zoomed in too far.:cuckoo:

where is the original picture for your comparison?:lol:

once again you prove you couldnt analyze your way out of a wet paper bag.
Your strategy is not working because you've failed to show the supposed steel core column in the core area on 9-11 when they absolutely would be seen.

The psyops of false society created by the other agents can make an appearance of many things, but not success. Only group approval.

The fact no heavy steel columns protrude from the top of the WTC core seals the verdict.


The core was concrete just like the engineer of record identified in the days after 9-11.

Just like Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 identifies.

Just like August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. identifies in his safety report to FEMA. See chapter 2.1.

Just like Bazant mentions "concrete floors and core walls" in his latest revision.

http://algoxy.com/psych/images2/00 WTC Collapse - Wha#558C6.pdf

You refuse to recognize violations of law of law that deprive the public of the official building plans and 6,000 photo files of the WTC.
what specific law was broken? dont link to your silly NYCLU letter. a letter isnt a law. show me the fucking law that was broken!!!!

Section 87(3)(c) of the Public Officer Law obligates an agency to maintain a “reasonably detailed list by subject matter” of all agency records, “whether or not [those records are] available under this article.” Such a list is necessary to prevent the inappropriate destruction of documents and to inform the public as to the content of the documentary collection. The list appended to the December 24th contract as Attachment A does not contain sufficiently detailed information to satisfy this requirement. And the documents appear, therefore, to have been transferred without complying with this requirement.

City Charter, Chapter 72, § 3004(1)(c). The City Charter mandates that DORIS make all of the materials it maintains available for public inspection. §3004(2)(c). The City Charter also mandates that all records which are deemed to be of historical or research value be transferred by the city official or agency to DORIS’ municipal archives for “permanent custody.” City Charter, Chapter 49, §1133(b); RCNY §1-07. In transferring the documents to the Center, the City has violated this mandate and has made it less likely that the materials will be readily accessible for public inspection.

Pretending you are a moron that cannot read does not make the violations of law go away.

The violations deprive the public of the building plans and 6,000 photo files of the WTC
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You refuse to recognize violations of law of law that deprive the public of the official building plans and 6,000 photo files of the WTC.
what specific law was broken? dont link to your silly NYCLU letter. a letter isnt a law. show me the fucking law that was broken!!!!

Section 87(3)(c) of the Public Officer Law obligates an agency to maintain a “reasonably detailed list by subject matter” of all agency records, “whether or not [those records are] available under this article.” Such a list is necessary to prevent the inappropriate destruction of documents and to inform the public as to the content of the documentary collection. The list appended to the December 24th contract as Attachment A does not contain sufficiently detailed information to satisfy this requirement. And the documents appear, therefore, to have been transferred without complying with this requirement.

City Charter, Chapter 72, § 3004(1)(c). The City Charter mandates that DORIS make all of the materials it maintains available for public inspection. §3004(2)(c). The City Charter also mandates that all records which are deemed to be of historical or research value be transferred by the city official or agency to DORIS’ municipal archives for “permanent custody.” City Charter, Chapter 49, §1133(b); RCNY §1-07. In transferring the documents to the Center, the City has violated this mandate and has made it less likely that the materials will be readily accessible for public inspection.

Pretending you are a moron that cannot read does not make the violations of law go away.

The violations deprive the public of the building plans and 6,000 photo files of the WTC

both laws you cite were complied with.

so again, what specific laws were broken?
what specific law was broken? dont link to your silly NYCLU letter. a letter isnt a law. show me the fucking law that was broken!!!!

Section 87(3)(c) of the Public Officer Law obligates an agency to maintain a “reasonably detailed list by subject matter” of all agency records, “whether or not [those records are] available under this article.” Such a list is necessary to prevent the inappropriate destruction of documents and to inform the public as to the content of the documentary collection. The list appended to the December 24th contract as Attachment A does not contain sufficiently detailed information to satisfy this requirement. And the documents appear, therefore, to have been transferred without complying with this requirement.

City Charter, Chapter 72, § 3004(1)(c). The City Charter mandates that DORIS make all of the materials it maintains available for public inspection. §3004(2)(c). The City Charter also mandates that all records which are deemed to be of historical or research value be transferred by the city official or agency to DORIS’ municipal archives for “permanent custody.” City Charter, Chapter 49, §1133(b); RCNY §1-07. In transferring the documents to the Center, the City has violated this mandate and has made it less likely that the materials will be readily accessible for public inspection.

Pretending you are a moron that cannot read does not make the violations of law go away.

The violations deprive the public of the building plans and 6,000 photo files of the WTC

both laws you cite were complied with.

so again, what specific laws were broken?

Pretending to be a moron is not effective when you quote the answer. You've provided no proof that laws have NOt been violated and ALSO have failed to show where the official plans are.

You are an AGENT of the infiltration working to protect the secret methods of mass murder.
Your text has already to be shown to support treason and secret methods of mass murder.

your bullshit has already been shown to be totally fucking delusional
totally exposed you as a fucking moron too

More text from the traitor.

The Twins had a concrete core.


Just like the engineer of record identified.

There is vast verification for the concrete core, compared to what you have . . . nothing.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.

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