FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Pretending you haven't read the Newsweek article where Robertsons information identifies a steel exoskeleton and concrete is not credible.

MSNBC - ?Painful and Horrible?

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

Why do your 'invisisteel columns" not appear on 9-11 and lack diagonal bracing in construction photos?


Butt plates in construction photos show the vertical steel is not well enough joined to be "core columns".

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Pretending you haven't read the Newsweek article where Robertsons information identifies a steel exoskeleton and concrete is not credible.
i've read it, it was the reporters words, not Robertsons, dipshit
and you post photos showing STEEL CORE COLUMNS then deny they exist
you are totally fucking batshit crazy delusional
If that was true then there you coukd post an image of this on 9-11.


Since you cannot then the heavily verified concrete core is the only possibiity.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
same old delusional bullshit over and over again that has already been debunked... :cuckoo:

1. The Spire is outside the core area. debunked

2. Robertson identifies a concrete core. debunked.

3. A picture of a silhouetted object covered in smoke is a concrete core. debunked

4. No pictures exist of a steel core on 9/11 (accompanied by FEMA drawing). debunked

5. Butt plates are used to join steel core columns and are too weak. debunked

6. Diagonal bracing of steel core columns is actually part of the crane structure. debunked

7. Anyone that disagrees with the concrete core hoax is a secret government agent. (totally delusional. needs no debunking)
Like I said, if anything you said was true, then you could post an image from 9-11 of the core you and FEMA said existed.


However, since you only lie, you cannot.

Since L.E. Roberstsons info to Newsweek was correct, I can post images showing concrete surrounding the core on 9-11.

Like I said, if anything you said was true, then you could post an image from 9-11 of the core you and FEMA said existed.
you are such a fucking moronic idiot
the photos have been posted even by YOU
this just further proves you are a fucking moronic idiot
Since you misrepresent, you cannot decide what anyone has posted.

You insist these are the same steel elements.



The fact you do that elminates you as a reasonable party. Which makes need for the psyops and your false social group.
Since you misrepresent, you cannot decide what anyone has posted.
since you dont know what the fuck you are talking about and have proven you are batshit fucking crazy delusional, seek out professional help before you become a danger to others
Since you misrepresent, you cannot decide what anyone has posted.

You insist these are the same steel elements.



The fact you do that elminates you as a reasonable party. Which makes need for the psyops and your false social group.

they are steel.

nobody believes your bullshit, chrissypoo. :cuckoo:
Since you misrepresent, you cannot decide what anyone has posted.

You insist these are the same steel elements.



The fact you do that elminates you as a reasonable party. Which makes need for the psyops and your false social group.

they are steel.

nobody believes your bullshit, chrissypoo. :cuckoo:
the fact that HE thinks those are 2 very different things when it is clear that they are of the same thing barely seconds apart
and this is shown in the dust cloud movements
the bottom one is from a slightly earlier time and using a higher power lens than the upper one
yet dipshit thinks they are radically different
he can yap all he wants. nobody believes him.:lol:
no one sane anyway LOL
and even some that are clearly insane as well
cause there is only one other troofer on here that comes to his defense, but then he comes to the defense of ALL the insane troofers
Gee, your psyops tactics are quite obvious today agents. That's the way it is without evidence. Manipulation, deception and misrepresentation is all you've got to work with.

I'm amazed everytime when I see this image. How could a portion of the top of the WTC 2 concrete core end up crashing to the ground through WTC 3? I mean the top of WTC 2 seemed to tilt east, WTC 3 is west.


That brownish colored object behind the perimeter walls is the concrete. Not a floor. They were lightweight concrete. That object is so massive it is out running the perimeter walls.
Gee, your psyops tactics are quite obvious today agents. That's the way it is without evidence. Manipulation, deception and misrepresentation is all you've got to work with.

I'm amazed everytime when I see this image. How could a portion of the top of the WTC 2 concrete core end up crashing to the ground through WTC 3? I mean the top of WTC 2 seemed to tilt east, WTC 3 is west.


That brownish colored object behind the perimeter walls is the concrete. Not a floor. They were lightweight concrete. That object is so massive it is out running the perimeter walls.
That object is so massive it is out running the perimeter walls.

Wait, let me guess. The object is outrunning the perimeter walls defying the laws of physics because not only were the cores filled with C-4 coated rebar, they also contained Atlas rocket engines in case the "perps" needed to generate controversy.

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