FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Agents working hard to push their lies onto the second to last page.


The parts with more air resistence fall slower. Steel perimeter walls have more air resistence than concrete walls.

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Text proves nothing agent, unless it proves your role in protecting secret methods of mass murder. FEMA deceived the world about the core structure of the Twins.
my text proves more than the collective of EVERYTHING you have posted
because you are a delusional fucking moronic idiot
Since you cannot post an image of this core on 9-11 in the core area,


you are working to protect the secret methods of mass murder. I have no problem posting images of concrete surrounding the core. Concrete on the left, the "spire" on the right, outside the core area.

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Where is the drawing you said you were making to show us exactly what the core looked like in WTC2 at the lobby level?

Have you fit the 12 express elevators in between the 16' skylobby hallway and your concrete core wall? You know. in the space that about 3 to 4 feet wide? The space circled with the blue ovals in this picture?
You've got a big problem Chris.

If you can't show a drawing that fits everything into your concrete core, then everything else you've posted is pure bullshit.

I've found information that PROVES your core couldn't have physically existed and all you can do is ignore it because it totally screws you up.

Come on Chris. Let's see that WTC2 scaled lobby drawing?

What have you got to lose?

Your fake plan and erroneous dimensions are totally disproved as valid sources.

(silverstein plans shown inaccurate)

Your efforts to show stel core columns in the core area have been shown to be misrepresentations.


The steel in the core has been shown to be elevator guide rail support steel because of the prescense of butt plates on the tops of the steel. Butt plates are too weak to join cteel core column sections together.


only a deep fillet weld will do. Such as this shown joining an "I" beam.


You are an agent seeking to protect secret methods of mass murder.
Your fake plan and erroneous dimensions are totally disproved as valid sources.

(silverstein plans shown inaccurate)

Your efforts to show stel core columns in the core area have been shown to be misrepresentations.


The steel in the core has been shown to be elevator guide rail support steel because of the prescense of butt plates on the tops of the steel. Butt plates are too weak to join cteel core column sections together.


only a deep fillet weld will do. Such as this shown joining an "I" beam.


You are an agent seeking to protect secret methods of mass murder.

Let's see your theory on paper Chris. Let's see you fit everything that was there into your core. Why can;t you provide this drawing? Are you having problems getting things to work?

Come on chickenshit, prove me wrong.

Should be simple enough to make it work. I mean the concrete core did exist right?

Chris, why did you lie and contradict yourself on the Break for News board?

You first post here says the the 20 center to center column dimensions came from sources OTHER that the documentary you saw. Here is the link to the quote below:The Next Level :: View topic - 9/11 Audio: Twin Towers Built for Demo
You posted this on Oct. 30, 2008.
Christophera said:
The 20 feet came from other researchers rather than the "Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" directly.

Yet six months earlier, on Apr 16, 2008 from the same board you posted this next quote in whioch you say the 20 foot dimensions came from the documentary. Here is the link to that: The Next Level :: View topic - 9/11 Audio: Twin Towers Built for Demo

Christophera said:
The dimension of 20 feet come from the "Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" as well as confirmations of it on other boards.

Why the two different quotes Chris? Trying to cover your lies again with more lies? You've been caught doing this on numerous occasions.
Since you cannot source official plans and refuse to recognize the violations of law that deprive the public of the plans and 6,000 photo files, you are not in a position to demand anything.

You need to post an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area from 9-11. You cannot, that is shown, therefore the stel core columns did not exist and the concrete I show surrounding the core did exist.


Certainly the "Engineering and construction of the Twin Towers" documentary had the CtoC dimensions of the interior box columns, but is was a poster on a message board that confirmed what was not a clear memory of the dimension.

All that is simply you trying to change the subject and evade any accountability in proving the core you assert existed.
Since you cannot source official plans and refuse to recognize the violations of law that deprive the public of the plans and 6,000 photo files, you are not in a position to demand anything.

you still clinging to this stupid NYCLU letter? :lol:

show us where it claims the official building plans were part of the files they were talking about. THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT GUILIANI'S FILES not fucking building plans, you moron.:cuckoo:
Chris, why did you lie and contradict yourself on the Break for News board?

You first post here says the the 20 center to center column dimensions came from sources OTHER that the documentary you saw. Here is the link to the quote below:The Next Level :: View topic - 9/11 Audio: Twin Towers Built for Demo
You posted this on Oct. 30, 2008.
Christophera said:
The 20 feet came from other researchers rather than the "Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" directly.

Yet six months earlier, on Apr 16, 2008 from the same board you posted this next quote in whioch you say the 20 foot dimensions came from the documentary. Here is the link to that: The Next Level :: View topic - 9/11 Audio: Twin Towers Built for Demo

Christophera said:
The dimension of 20 feet come from the "Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" as well as confirmations of it on other boards.

Why the two different quotes Chris? Trying to cover your lies again with more lies? You've been caught doing this on numerous occasions.

Why did you lie about the source of the 20 foot spacing Chris?
Agents working to change the subject is so pitiful when the issue they use to try to justify it is of no consquence.

Why haven't you shown us an image of this core on 9-11 in the core area?


Why? WHY?

Nearly 3,000 people were killed in 20 seconds and you try to say it was done with an impossible structure that cannot be evidenced from independently sourced authority.

WHY are you attempting to change the subject agent? WHY?

Is it because you ARE trying to protect the secret methods of mass murder? IS THAT IT AGENT?

Are you an accomplice to misprision of treason? Is that what you are doing here?

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