FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Christosnake said:
Same distance as the other photo, slightly different zoom. The fine vertical elements have a consisten arch to them. Totally different than the spire and framed wall under it.

What the ferk are you blabbering about now .. FRAMED WALL!!! ... ???

The columns are collapsing and are moving in such a way that the "still" photo shows a blurry trace of that movement .. to interpret that, as being fine vertical elements is a bit of a stretch in the speculation department.

Try using some facts .. like .. first of all .. go fetch your documentally then post it in 9 minute segments on YouTube .. you should make ten episodes. 9 x 10 = 90 minutes right dippus shittus.. ?

Then go fetch some construction photos which show this massive concrete phallus (or phalli since there were 2 of them), you know .. the one you are in LOVE with and need to play with day in and day out ..

but remember to not tell any more lies or we will post merry go round videos for you to annoy yourself with. :cuckoo:

Oh, great. Now Patty's making an oddball claim about "FRAMED WALLS".

Is this going to lead to another four thousand, five hundred posts of repetitive, idiotic bullshit??????
And why the hell did the board stop at 5 red badges, and 15 red pips???

Goof-0-phera should be up to at least 7 red badges by now.

Maybe even 8!
Yes, the concrete core is and has been common knowledge, outside of the deceived truth movement.

That is wrong because what I posted shows others stating the concrete core is common knowledge.

That is what the infiltrators who perpetrated this would want you to say.


Why haven't you posted an image from 9-11 of the core you say existed?


That is wrong because what I posted shows others stating the concrete core is common knowledge.

That is what the infiltrators who perpetrated this would want you to say.

Why haven't you posted an image from 9-11 of the core you say existed?

its been done so many times that anyone that thinks you are actually sane, must be insane as well
So what? It is common knowledge the Twin towers had concrete cores.
no, that is the opposite of the truth

What you assert is wrong and you know it. You prove your agenda when you refuse to recognize real evidence.

Independently verified evidence of the concrete core.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work for justifying explanation for collapse, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
Your lack of integrity shows again that you serve an agenda benefitting the infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder.

If this was not true, you would have an image showing steel core columns instead of true Amercans using this image of the concrete core to make you look like a treasonous fool.

Here's a good killer for his theory .. been sitting on this for a while..


This was taken in 1994 inside an elevator shaft and shows one of the massive core columns minus it's fireproofing coating. The area within the red is the face of the column on it's inside which is missing the coating. Photo taken from elevator roof I presume..

Here is the URL for the page and description .. it also includes other photos of the innards of the WTC towers in terms of fireproofing.


I inspected core columns up to the 78th floor but was unable to access them above that point. These inspections revealed that the bond of fireproofing on core columns had failed in many locations and the fireproofing was falling off the columns in floor-high sheets. Photo 3, taken in 1994, shows a core column from which the fireproofing had fallen off in a sheet that is several stories high. The red circle and date was the Port Authority's response to the missing fireproofing. This resulted because the steel had not been properly prepared at the time of the initial spray application.

Somehow his concrete core fits between the elevator shaft and that column... :cuckoo:
Wrong, those vertical elements are too fine or small to be the structural steel. I say that backed by evidence showing the only structural steel that was seen on 9-11 and it surrounded the core. It was not inside the core. It is much larger. Both images are taken from the same camera seconds apart.

completely fucking insane!!
Here's a good killer for his theory .. been sitting on this for a while..


This was taken in 1994 inside an elevator shaft and shows one of the massive core columns minus it's fireproofing coating. The area within the red is the face of the column on it's inside which is missing the coating. Photo taken from elevator roof I presume..

Here is the URL for the page and description .. it also includes other photos of the innards of the WTC towers in terms of fireproofing.


I inspected core columns up to the 78th floor but was unable to access them above that point. These inspections revealed that the bond of fireproofing on core columns had failed in many locations and the fireproofing was falling off the columns in floor-high sheets. Photo 3, taken in 1994, shows a core column from which the fireproofing had fallen off in a sheet that is several stories high. The red circle and date was the Port Authority's response to the missing fireproofing. This resulted because the steel had not been properly prepared at the time of the initial spray application.

Somehow his concrete core fits between the elevator shaft and that column... :cuckoo:


That Fire Engineering board is outstanding! I went there and started searching for anything related to the towers and found some good information. Including the following:
Further, it seems that required lighting (automatically actuated supplementary battery power) and smoke prevention of fire stairs (positive pressurization as is required under many current building codes) should become mandatory. There should also be better exit planning and a more fire- and shock-resistive enclosure of fire stairs and elevators than the currently allowed gypsum board enclosure.

Chris is CLEARLY out of his mind.
Here's a good killer for his theory .. been sitting on this for a while..


This was taken in 1994 inside an elevator shaft and shows one of the massive core columns minus it's fireproofing coating. The area within the red is the face of the column on it's inside which is missing the coating. Photo taken from elevator roof I presume..

Here is the URL for the page and description .. it also includes other photos of the innards of the WTC towers in terms of fireproofing.


I inspected core columns up to the 78th floor but was unable to access them above that point. These inspections revealed that the bond of fireproofing on core columns had failed in many locations and the fireproofing was falling off the columns in floor-high sheets. Photo 3, taken in 1994, shows a core column from which the fireproofing had fallen off in a sheet that is several stories high. The red circle and date was the Port Authority's response to the missing fireproofing. This resulted because the steel had not been properly prepared at the time of the initial spray application.

Somehow his concrete core fits between the elevator shaft and that column... :cuckoo:

There is absolutely NO WAY to know what building that image is from.

AND, it looks like concrete with the tiny fractures all over the face. The inner concrete forms were made of steel, in the curing period a certain amount of iron would transfer to the wet concrete then oxidize in the air after the steel breakdown forms were removed.
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