FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

You attempt to assert it is a floor.

Bwaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaa . . . where did the floor fall from to get into the vertical position we first see it in?

Come on lilybilly, give us a nice reasonable explanation.
You attempt to assert it is a floor.

Bwaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaa . . . where did the floor fall from to get into the vertical position we first see it in?

Come on lilybilly, give us a nice reasonable explanation.

Well, dipshit, let's start with simple premises and basic laws of physics -- both way beyond your ken, clearly.

Things (due to "gravity") fall DOWN.

So, asshole, "Where" it came from is NOT in fact a mystery. IF the object was flooring (and notice I never said it WAS; I merely noted that possibility, despite your dishonest effort to alter my words) then it fell from a higher floor, stupid.

I also noted that it might be just the drywall.

YOU have insisted that it's both "wall" and "concrete" and the truth is, you have exactly ZERO evidence of either proposition.

But we know it cannot have been a concrete core wall, retard, since the core was built without concrete.
You attempt to assert it is a floor.

Bwaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaa . . . where did the floor fall from to get into the vertical position we first see it in?

Come on lilybilly, give us a nice reasonable explanation.

you have exactly ZERO evidence of either proposition.

But we know it cannot have been a concrete core wall, retard, since the core was built without concrete.

The reverse of what agents post is most often true.

Independently verified evidence of the concrete core.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work for justifying explanation for collapse, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
you have exactly zero evidence of either proposition.

But we know it cannot have been a concrete core wall, retard, since the core was built without concrete.

The reverse of what agents post is most often true.

Independently verified evidence of the concrete core.

robertson is verified by oxford, verifying domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of wtc 2 core, verifying the top of wtc 2 core falling onto wtc 3, the wtc 1 rebar, just after the wtc 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the wtc 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on wtc 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the wtc 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised nist analysis of free fall by bazant et. Al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work for justifying explanation for collapse, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.

ha ha ha ha ha
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The reverse of what agents post is most often true.

Independently verified evidence of the concrete core.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work for justifying explanation for collapse, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
all debunked already. :cuckoo:
Hard evidence cannot be "debunked", it can only be disproven by other hard evidence. Yours is fake. A misrepresentation.

Here is the WTC 1 concrete core wall toppling into the empty core.


The evidence of agents AND the misleaders of the truth movement is misrepresentation. The "elevator guide rail support steel" is misrepresented as "core columns". Butt plates on the tops of support steel CANNOT be used for joining section of core columns.


The elevator guide rail support were directly opposite the interior box columns and braced by a short beam cast into the concrete core wall. One of which is the "spire.

Christopharter said:
Here is the WTC 1 concrete core wall toppling into the empty core.(image removed to stop blood money clicking)

Wrong ... the towers had a steel core. You are speculating Chris .. no hard evidence yet.

You just think that what your animated gif shows, is a piece of a concrete wall. We have shown you, with hard evidence, that you are totally wrong.

Looks like .. though it is a bit hard to know for sure, because it's such a lousy image .. that it might be a section of floor. Or maybe gypsum planking or drywall, which as we all know was used extensively in the towers.
Your text is inadequate and NULL in the face of the evidence it attempts to address. The thickness of perhaps 4 feet is easily seen, and there is another photo from a helicopter at the same instant to show the basic size.


Your text inadequately attempts to support a lie. The lie that the steel in the core was "core columns". Only a 100% deep fillet weld on all 4 side of a box column will suffice for a "core column". Butt plates do work for elevator guide rail support steel very well because they facilitate alignment for elevators. However, they always leave an empty core on 9-11 because they have no strength and wil not stand if the concrete core wall are brought down.

==delusional bullshit removed===

The thickness of perhaps 4 feet is easily seen[/url], and there is another photo from a helicopter at the same instant to show the basic size.

unsubstantiated claim :cuckoo:

our text inadequately attempts to support a lie. The lie that the steel in the core was "core columns". Only a 100% deep fillet weld on all 4 side of a box column will suffice for a "core column". Butt plates do work for elevator guide rail support steel very well because they facilitate alignment for elevators. However, they always leave an empty core on 9-11 because they have no strength and wil not stand if the concrete core wall are brought down.

unsubstantiated claim. no documentation to support absurd claim of "elevator guide rail support steel" or "butt plates" in use.:cuckoo:
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As my signature says, agents refuse to recognize evidence and the evidence of butt plates that show weak connection between vertical steel in the core is conclusive when accompanied by the fact the CORE IS EMPTY in all 9-11 images.

elevator guide rail support steel​

Empty core.

steel core columns
Wrong, those vertical elements are too fine or small to be the structural steel. I say that backed by evidence showing the only structural steel that was seen on 9-11 and it surrounded the core. It was not inside the core. It is much larger. Both images are taken from the same camera seconds apart.

Same distance as the other photo, slightly different zoom. The fine vertical elements have a consisten arch to them. Totally different than the spire and framed wall under it.

Of course, as an agent supporting the concealment of treason, you will refuse to recognize facts about evidence.
Same distance as the other photo, slightly different zoom. The fine vertical elements have a consisten arch to them. Totally different than the spire and framed wall under it.

Of course, as an agent supporting the concealment of treason, you will refuse to recognize facts about evidence.

Talk to William yet coward?
Same distance as the other photo, slightly different zoom. The fine vertical elements have a consisten arch to them. Totally different than the spire and framed wall under it.

Of course, as an agent supporting the concealment of treason, you will refuse to recognize facts about evidence.
and in BOTH cases it is core columns, dipshit
Christosnake said:
Same distance as the other photo, slightly different zoom. The fine vertical elements have a consisten arch to them. Totally different than the spire and framed wall under it.

What the ferk are you blabbering about now .. FRAMED WALL!!! ... ???

The columns are collapsing and are moving in such a way that the "still" photo shows a blurry trace of that movement .. to interpret that, as being fine vertical elements is a bit of a stretch in the speculation department.

Try using some facts .. like .. first of all .. go fetch your documentally then post it in 9 minute segments on YouTube .. you should make ten episodes. 9 x 10 = 90 minutes right dippus shittus.. ?

Then go fetch some construction photos which show this massive concrete phallus (or phalli since there were 2 of them), you know .. the one you are in LOVE with and need to play with day in and day out ..

but remember to not tell any more lies or we will post merry go round videos for you to annoy yourself with. :cuckoo:

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