FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Christophuckwit" said:
There is absolutely NO WAY to know what building that image is from.

Did you read the web page Chris ?? The page is about inspection of the Towers fireproofing.

Have you ascertained anything from it .. perhaps even contacted the site authors..

OF COURSE YOU DIDN't YOU MORON .. Fire Engineering .com is a little more credible than you mate. :cuckoo:
Christophuckwit" said:
There is absolutely NO WAY to know what building that image is from.

Did you read the web page Chris ?? The page is about inspection of the Towers fireproofing.

Have you ascertained anything from it .. perhaps even contacted the site authors..

OF COURSE YOU DIDN't YOU MORON .. Fire Engineering .com is a little more credible than you mate. :cuckoo:
hell, newsmax is more credible than his site
and that aint saying much

I've reposted the link to Fire Engineering in long hand .. seems the above links are not working. Doing a search for WTC returns quite a lot of useful information .. much of which Christopher should instill in his dead beat brain. READ IT CHRIS !!

Christopharter said:
AND, it looks like concrete with the tiny fractures all over the face. The inner concrete forms were made of steel, in the curing period a certain amount of iron would transfer to the wet concrete then oxidize in the air after the steel breakdown forms were removed.

Well of course it does Chri$$y Poos .. even a blurry dust cloud looks like solid concrete to you ...:cuckoo:
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Christophuckwit" said:
There is absolutely NO WAY to know what building that image is from.

Did you read the web page Chris ?? The page is about inspection of the Towers fireproofing.

Have you ascertained anything from it .. perhaps even contacted the site authors..

OF COURSE YOU DIDN't YOU MORON .. Fire Engineering .com is a little more credible than you mate. :cuckoo:
hell, newsmax is more credible than his site
and that aint saying much

The Onion is more credible than his site.

I sent them his theory. They refused to believe it.
Reading this is very boring.

This Chris dude is a troll and you guys keep feeding it.

Ohhh, po wittle agent. Got no evidence and getting made a fool of (in the agents world of service to the perps of mass murder and their secret methods) and gonna' cry "troll" now.


There are familes that hold deep grief and need justice. There is a nation that needs its rights and freedom.
Reading this is very boring.

This Chris dude is a troll and you guys keep feeding it.

Ohhh, po wittle agent. Got no evidence and getting made a fool of (in the agents world of service to the perps of mass murder and their secret methods) and gonna' cry "troll" now.


There are familes that hold deep grief and need justice. There is a nation that needs its rights and freedom.

Did your little bed-mate Citizen Pat tell you to post this?

Or was it your little sock, Gr0upthink?
It is very clear that the Constitutional rights and freedoms of American are held in very low regard by the agents.

The support a lie depriving 3,000 innocent people murdered of due process. This is the lie,


the steel core columns did not exist and cannot be shown standing in the core on 9-11.

What is seen is a concrete core,


Just like the engineer of record engineer of record sdescribes in the days after 9-11.
Ferkrise-akes said:
Just like the engineer of record engineer of record sdescribes in the days after 9-11

You are a ferking liar .. Leslie is an honest man and he never said that .. Katherine Stroup said it and she admits to the FACT that she didn't quote LR..

GET IT CHRIS .. some people are honest..

Chris is a hopeless case guys .. we try to help and what does he do .. he might as well shit in a bake bean can .. and call it concrete evidence !! :cuckoo:

Watching a great Genesis concert in Rome .. having a life .. enjoying my kids and my wifey.

Paid all the taxes we never owed .. paid on time .. = security of mind and supporting my country. It may not be USA but hey the people who live here in NZ love the country and we are honest and do a hard days work too.

I'm retired now .. Chris is still an asshole..

Not sure I can be bothered with him .. he is a waste of my time and my space.

Take care all you guys ..

Ferkrise-akes said:
Just like the engineer of record engineer of record sdescribes in the days after 9-11

You are a ferking liar .. Leslie is an honest man and he never said that .. Katherine Stroup said it and she admits to the FACT that she didn't quote LR..

GET IT CHRIS .. some people are honest..

Chris is a hopeless case guys .. we try to help and what does he do .. he might as well shit in a bake bean can .. and call it concrete evidence !! :cuckoo:

Watching a great Genesis concert in Rome .. having a life .. enjoying my kids and my wifey.

Paid all the taxes we never owed .. paid on time .. = security of mind and supporting my country. It may not be USA but hey the people who live here in NZ love the country and we are honest and do a hard days work too.

I'm retired now .. Chris is still an asshole..

Not sure I can be bothered with him .. he is a waste of my time and my space.

Take care all you guys ..


Chris will always be an asshole!

Take care, and all the best.

The Rat
Gee, the psyops certainly has a large cluster of agents . . . with no evidence.

The facts trump all of their text.

Independently verified evidence of the concrete core.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work for justifying explanation for collapse, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.

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