FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

This image of WTC 1 core wall at its base is not seen in the silvertein plans of the 3rd floor core plan which shows an air shaft, a steam shaft or and elevator.

That's because you're WRONG. You have no proof whatsoever to back up your claim. All it is is an assumtpion on your part.


Then where is the huge concrete wall in the floor plan.

3rd floor core plan

Or where are the airshafts and elevators in the image of the core wall at its base?
except that is NOT a wall
the only place the twin towers had concrete was the FLOORS
that is what THAT is
you can even seen the corrugation in it

If and only if what you state is true, my question is, "How can you prevent such a tall building from swaying in high speed winds (in excess of seventy five miles per hour), without the use of concrete walls as horizontal support?"

How about the John Hancock Center tower? BUILDING BIG: Databank: John Hancock Center

Strictly a deception and you know it. stanimal, your NZ disinfo team buddy tried to pass that off at bfn, where you have been exposed photoshopping, and the base of the hancock towers is very broad in several directions. Not a strict square or rectangle top to bottom as were the Twins.

You do deception to keep the methods of mass murder secret.

Which also used the tube in tube design. You see, Chris wants you to believe that "tube in tube" means the first tube is the outside ring of core columns around his supposed concrete core, and the "inside tube" is his concrete core.

Not one stick of structural steel showing.


Wrong. The "tube in tube" concept means the outer tube is the perimeter columns (the outside facade with the aluminum cladding on it) and the "inside tube" is the steel core columns that form a box. Some designs DID use concrete, but not until later as discussed below.

even gam screws it up. What you refer to is the "bundled tube" construction, which has lots of diagonals or shear that is never seen on 9-11.

It is absurd to consider 1,350 foot steel columns without braces. This electrical tower of the proportions of the tower has the most minimal diagonal stiffinning with tension rods. Look at the frequency of horizontal bracing. The FEMA diagram hs no bracing whatsoever. Normally the diagram would have an enlarged detail showing the bracing scheme.
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This image of WTC 1 core wall at its base is not seen in the silvertein plans of the 3rd floor core plan which shows an air shaft, a steam shaft or and elevator.

That's because you're WRONG. You have no proof whatsoever to back up your claim. All it is is an assumtpion on your part.


Then where is the huge concrete wall in the floor plan.

3rd floor core plan

Or where are the airshafts and elevators in the image of the core wall at its base?
no concrete shown in either link

Let me make it easier for your feeble brain.

You pretend you have not seen the image from ground zero showing an immense block of concrete with a hallway, daylight shining down it, as encasing the interior box columns (note conc stain), outside the core, on the north side of WTC 1.

You are not using reason and evidence to observe deprivation of Constitutional due process in 3,000 murders.

You are an agent working to keep the method of mass murder secret. Clearly you are not working for the truth or you would use evidence and reason.

Why are you here? Why is the concrete core so important to make go away?
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Let me make it easier for your feeble brain.

You pretend you have not seen the image from ground zero showing an immense block of concrete with a hallway, daylight shining down it, as encasing the interior box columns (note conc stain), outside the core, on the north side of WTC 1.

You are not using reason and evidence to observe deprivation of Constitutional due process in 3,000 murders.

You are an agent working to keep the method of mass murder secret. Clearly you are not working for the truth or you would use evidence and reason.

Why are you here? Why is the concrete core so important to make go away?
it doesn't show any concrete
you keep lying

Let me make it easier for your feeble brain.

You pretend you have not seen the image from ground zero showing an immense block of concrete with a hallway, daylight shining down it, as encasing the interior box columns (note conc stain), outside the core, on the north side of WTC 1.

You are not using reason and evidence to observe deprivation of Constitutional due process in 3,000 murders.

You are an agent working to keep the method of mass murder secret. Clearly you are not working for the truth or you would use evidence and reason.

Why are you here? Why is the concrete core so important to make go away?
it doesn't show any concrete
you keep lying

You are just saying because the perpetrators want you to so the methods of mass murder will remain secret.

If this was not true the perpetrators would not have had guiliani take the NYC WTC documents. Or you could show some detail somewhere about the interconnecting structure between the supposed columns. Instead, .........



All photos from 9-11 show an empty core. Why?
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Let me make it easier for your feeble brain.

You pretend you have not seen the image from ground zero showing an immense block of concrete with a hallway, daylight shining down it, as encasing the interior box columns (note conc stain), outside the core, on the north side of WTC 1.

You are not using reason and evidence to observe deprivation of Constitutional due process in 3,000 murders.

You are an agent working to keep the method of mass murder secret. Clearly you are not working for the truth or you would use evidence and reason.

Why are you here? Why is the concrete core so important to make go away?
it doesn't show any concrete
you keep lying

You are just saying because the perpetrators want you to so the methods of mass murder will remain secret.

If this was not true the perpetrators would not have had guiliani take the NYC WTC documents. Or you could show some detail somewhere about the interconnecting structure between the supposed columns. Instead, .........



All photos from 9-11 show an empty core. Why?
because it COLLAPSED numbnuts
it doesn't show any concrete
you keep lying

You are just saying because the perpetrators want you to so the methods of mass murder will remain secret.

If this was not true the perpetrators would not have had guiliani take the NYC WTC documents. Or you could show some detail somewhere about the interconnecting structure between the supposed columns. Instead, .........



All photos from 9-11 show an empty core. Why?
because it COLLAPSED numbnuts

Show us what was in the core collapsing, if there was something there.
What about this "minor" :lol: dimensional miscalculation in Chris' part. See the dimension of 25' in the black circle in the scaled drawing Chris did below? That's the ditance he gave from the insdie of the perimeter columns to the outside face of his core wall. That's makes a 25' wide hallway.

Well, he got caught with his pants down and changed the dimension in this photo that he also "carefully scaled". Notice that the dimension that was 25' above is now 31'.

Hmmmm. He got caught in a mistake and had to alter his dimension in order to keep his lies straight and hope nobody would catch it. Well, it was caught. So now Chris has to explain a 6' inward taper in the walls (on each side of the core) that supposedly occurred within one floor, between the lobby and the mezzanine.

Here is a photo of that wall between the lobby and mezzanine. Looks straight to me...

gamey has no evidence of the supposed steel core columns so must play this game, over and over, pretending it is the first time every time.

Firstly, gam expects memory to be perfect but has no plans that represent remnants on the ground.

Secondly gam knows the 17 foot dimension I had remembed was wrongly applied to the narrow end of the core and is fully seen in the GZ image core wall at its base
which was not found until after I'd made the diagram from memory. The linked image shows the 12 foot wall plus there is 5 foot not seen encasing the interior box columns that are 5' deep at the base which is the long side of the core.

gam pretends to not remember he knows all of this interaction from perhaps a year ago, or actually perhaps 4 months ago, but yet expects memory to be perfect in others relating to complex structural issues from 17 years earlier.

This is to be expected from someone that is supporting that the methods of mass murder remain secret when they have no evidence to prove their point and can only flail at the evidence disproving their point that they wish the world to dismiss.


So now you change your story again?!

How funny. Another mistake found and another change in the story. Typical Chris.

Where's the scaled drawing Chris?
What about this "minor" :lol: dimensional miscalculation in Chris' part. See the dimension of 25' in the black circle in the scaled drawing Chris did below? That's the ditance he gave from the insdie of the perimeter columns to the outside face of his core wall. That's makes a 25' wide hallway.

Well, he got caught with his pants down and changed the dimension in this photo that he also "carefully scaled". Notice that the dimension that was 25' above is now 31'.

Hmmmm. He got caught in a mistake and had to alter his dimension in order to keep his lies straight and hope nobody would catch it. Well, it was caught. So now Chris has to explain a 6' inward taper in the walls (on each side of the core) that supposedly occurred within one floor, between the lobby and the mezzanine.

Here is a photo of that wall between the lobby and mezzanine. Looks straight to me...

gamey has no evidence of the supposed steel core columns so must play this game, over and over, pretending it is the first time every time.

Firstly, gam expects memory to be perfect but has no plans that represent remnants on the ground.

Secondly gam knows the 17 foot dimension I had remembed was wrongly applied to the narrow end of the core and is fully seen in the GZ image core wall at its base
which was not found until after I'd made the diagram from memory. The linked image shows the 12 foot wall plus there is 5 foot not seen encasing the interior box columns that are 5' deep at the base which is the long side of the core.

gam pretends to not remember he knows all of this interaction from perhaps a year ago, or actually perhaps 4 months ago, but yet expects memory to be perfect in others relating to complex structural issues from 17 years earlier.

This is to be expected from someone that is supporting that the methods of mass murder remain secret when they have no evidence to prove their point and can only flail at the evidence disproving their point that they wish the world to dismiss.


So now you change your story again?!

How funny. Another mistake found and another change in the story. Typical Chris.

Where's the scaled drawing Chris?

Wheres the official plans? Where are the images from 9-11 showing the steel core column in the core area, all that is seen in the core is concrete shear wall. How come no professionals with independent sources have published anything talking about the steel core columns.

Only you and a bunch of people following FEMA beleive that impossibility.

Still pretending you cannot see the 12 foot thick wall with the 5 foot deep interio box column huh?

You are an agent seeking to keep the means of mass murder secret.

here we go again...a link to sane and rational info

Intercepts Not Routine
Claim: "It has been standard operating procedures for decades to immediately intercept off-course planes that do not respond to communications from air traffic controllers," says the Web site oilempire.us. "When the Air Force 'scrambles' a fighter plane to intercept, they usually reach the plane in question in minutes."

FACT: In the decade before 9/11, NORAD intercepted only one civilian plane over North America: golfer Payne Stewart's Learjet, in October 1999. With passengers and crew unconscious from cabin decompression, the plane lost radio contact but remained in transponder contact until it crashed. Even so, it took an F-16 1 hour and 22 minutes to reach the stricken jet. Rules in effect back then, and on 9/11, prohibited supersonic flight on intercepts. Prior to 9/11, all other NORAD interceptions were limited to offshore Air Defense Identification Zones (ADIZ). "Until 9/11 there was no domestic ADIZ," FAA spokesman Bill Schumann tells PM. After 9/11, NORAD and the FAA increased cooperation, setting up hotlines between ATCs and NORAD command centers, according to officials from both agencies. NORAD has also increased its fighter coverage and has installed radar to monitor airspace over the continent.

how could people keep ignoring facts when all they are armed with are specious and spurious questions? lol

Fire Storm: WTC 7 stands amid the rubble of the recently collapsed Twin Towers. Damaged by falling debris, the building then endures a fire that rages for hours. Experts say this combination, not a demolition-style implosion, led to the roofline "kink" that signals WTC 7's progressive collapse. (Photograph by New York Office of Emergency Management)

FACT: Many conspiracy theorists point to FEMA's preliminary report, which said there was relatively light damage to WTC 7 prior to its collapse. With the benefit of more time and resources, NIST researchers now support the working hypothesis that WTC 7 was far more compromised by falling debris than the FEMA report indicated. "The most important thing we found was that there was, in fact, physical damage to the south face of building 7," NIST's Sunder tells PM. "On about a third of the face to the center and to the bottom — approximately 10 stories — about 25 percent of the depth of the building was scooped out." NIST also discovered previously undocumented damage to WTC 7's upper stories and its southwest corner.

NIST investigators believe a combination of intense fire and severe structural damage contributed to the collapse, though assigning the exact proportion requires more research. But NIST's analysis suggests the fall of WTC 7 was an example of "progressive collapse," a process in which the failure of parts of a structure ultimately creates strains that cause the entire building to come down. Videos of the fall of WTC 7 show cracks, or "kinks," in the building's facade just before the two penthouses disappeared into the structure, one after the other. The entire building fell in on itself, with the slumping east side of the structure pulling down the west side in a diagonal collapse.

According to NIST, there was one primary reason for the building's failure: In an unusual design, the columns near the visible kinks were carrying exceptionally large loads, roughly 2000 sq. ft. of floor area for each floor. "What our preliminary analysis has shown is that if you take out just one column on one of the lower floors," Sunder notes, "it could cause a vertical progression of collapse so that the entire section comes down."

There are two other possible contributing factors still under investigation: First, trusses on the fifth and seventh floors were designed to transfer loads from one set of columns to another. With columns on the south face apparently damaged, high stresses would likely have been communicated to columns on the building's other faces, thereby exceeding their load-bearing capacities.

Second, a fifth-floor fire burned for up to 7 hours. "There was no firefighting in WTC 7," Sunder says. Investigators believe the fire was fed by tanks of diesel fuel that many tenants used to run emergency generators. Most tanks throughout the building were fairly small, but a generator on the fifth floor was connected to a large tank in the basement via a pressurized line. Says Sunder: "Our current working hypothesis is that this pressurized line was supplying fuel [to the fire] for a long period of time."

WTC 7 might have withstood the physical damage it received, or the fire that burned for hours, but those combined factors — along with the building's unusual construction — were enough to set off the chain-reaction collapse.
uh oh....just the facts ma'am. lol


Seismic Spikes
Claim: Seismographs at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, N.Y., 21 miles north of the WTC, recorded the events of 9/11. "The strongest jolts were all registered at the beginning of the collapses, well before falling debris struck the earth," reports the Web site WhatReallyHappened.com.

A columnist on Prisonplanet.com, a Web site run by radio talk show host Alex Jones, claims the seismic spikes (boxed area on Graph 1) are "indisputable proof that massive explosions brought down" the towers. The Web site says its findings are supported by two seismologists at the observatory, Won-Young Kim and Arthur Lerner-Lam. Each "sharp spike of short duration," says Prisonplanet.com, was consistent with a "demolition-style implosion."

link to page with graph. lol

FACT: "There is no scientific basis for the conclusion that explosions brought down the towers," Lerner-Lam tells PM. "That representation of our work is categorically incorrect and not in context."

The report issued by Lamont-Doherty includes various graphs showing the seismic readings produced by the planes crashing into the two towers as well as the later collapse of both buildings. WhatReallyHappened.com chooses to display only one graph (Graph 1), which shows the readings over a 30-minute time span.

On that graph, the 8- and 10-second collapses appear — misleadingly — as a pair of sudden spikes. Lamont-Doherty's 40-second plot of the same data (Graph 2) gives a much more detailed picture: The seismic waves — blue for the South Tower, red for the North Tower — start small and then escalate as the buildings rumble to the ground. Translation: no bombs.
Only you and a bunch of people following FEMA beleive that impossibility.

Still pretending you cannot see the 12 foot thick wall with the 5 foot deep interio box column huh?

You are an agent seeking to keep the means of mass murder secret.

Until you can actually show a scaled design layout of your core at the lobby level, your theory is crap. There is no way your core fit everything that was there.

It's a physical impossibility. That's why you won't draw it.

Only you and a bunch of people following FEMA beleive that impossibility.

Still pretending you cannot see the 12 foot thick wall with the 5 foot deep interior box column huh?

You are an agent seeking to keep the means of mass murder secret.

Until you can actually show a scaled design layout of your core at the lobby level, your theory is crap. There is no way your core fit everything that was there.

It's a physical impossibility. That's why you won't draw it.


You base the statement of "impossibility" upon plans proven to be alered to appear as final drawings.

Until you can produce any of the following, your position is not only fallacious, but totaly unverified AND cannot provide any explanation for anything. Which the perpetrators like very much.

1) Official plans for the core structure.

2) Images from 9-11 showing the steel core columns in the core area.

3) Independent verification from engineers not relying on FEMA info.

4) A feasible explanation for free fall with steel core columns.

5) A feasible explanation for total pulverization.

6) A feasible explanation for superfine, heated particulate

There are more, but you cannot produce 1) or 2)
gamey has no evidence of the supposed steel core columns so must play this game, over and over, pretending it is the first time every time.

Firstly, gam expects memory to be perfect but has no plans that represent remnants on the ground.

Secondly gam knows the 17 foot dimension I had remembed was wrongly applied to the narrow end of the core and is fully seen in the GZ image core wall at its base
which was not found until after I'd made the diagram from memory. The linked image shows the 12 foot wall plus there is 5 foot not seen encasing the interior box columns that are 5' deep at the base which is the long side of the core.

gam pretends to not remember he knows all of this interaction from perhaps a year ago, or actually perhaps 4 months ago, but yet expects memory to be perfect in others relating to complex structural issues from 17 years earlier.

This is to be expected from someone that is supporting that the methods of mass murder remain secret when they have no evidence to prove their point and can only flail at the evidence disproving their point that they wish the world to dismiss.


So now you change your story again?!

How funny. Another mistake found and another change in the story. Typical Chris.

Where's the scaled drawing Chris?

Wheres the official plans? Where are the images from 9-11 showing the steel core column in the core area, all that is seen in the core is concrete shear wall. How come no professionals with independent sources have published anything talking about the steel core columns.

Only you and a bunch of people following FEMA beleive that impossibility.

Still pretending you cannot see the 12 foot thick wall with the 5 foot deep interio box column huh?

You are an agent seeking to keep the means of mass murder secret.
first off, post a fucking link to photos that size or make them smaller


second, that photo does NOT show concrete

So now you change your story again?!

How funny. Another mistake found and another change in the story. Typical Chris.

Where's the scaled drawing Chris?

Wheres the official plans? Where are the images from 9-11 showing the steel core column in the core area, all that is seen in the core is concrete shear wall. How come no professionals with independent sources have published anything talking about the steel core columns.

Only you and a bunch of people following FEMA beleive that impossibility.

Still pretending you cannot see the 12 foot thick wall with the 5 foot deep interio box column huh?

You are an agent seeking to keep the means of mass murder secret.
first off, post a fucking link to photos that size or make them smaller


second, that photo does NOT show concrete

Easy to say, "not concrete", but you must explain, logically, what it is because this also looks like concrete,


And the chief engineer informed Newsweek for their article f September 13, 2001 that the core was concrete.

So now you change your story again?!

How funny. Another mistake found and another change in the story. Typical Chris.

Where's the scaled drawing Chris?

Wheres the official plans? Where are the images from 9-11 showing the steel core column in the core area, all that is seen in the core is concrete shear wall. How come no professionals with independent sources have published anything talking about the steel core columns.

Only you and a bunch of people following FEMA beleive that impossibility.

Still pretending you cannot see the 12 foot thick wall with the 5 foot deep interio box column huh?

You are an agent seeking to keep the means of mass murder secret.
first off, post a fucking link to photos that size or make them smaller


second, that photo does NOT show concrete

It's only there for you, so why are you sniveling? And you have not said what it is, .......... if not concrete?
Wheres the official plans? Where are the images from 9-11 showing the steel core column in the core area, all that is seen in the core is concrete shear wall. How come no professionals with independent sources have published anything talking about the steel core columns.

Only you and a bunch of people following FEMA beleive that impossibility.

Still pretending you cannot see the 12 foot thick wall with the 5 foot deep interio box column huh?

You are an agent seeking to keep the means of mass murder secret.
first off, post a fucking link to photos that size or make them smaller


second, that photo does NOT show concrete

It's only there for you, so why are you sniveling? And you have not said what it is, .......... if not concrete?
i can look at a link too, asswipe
and you show photos that do NOT support your claims but claim they do
anyone can look at your photos and see my point
why should i repost the exact same photos to tell you that you are SEE THINGS THAT ARENT THERE
first off, post a fucking link to photos that size or make them smaller


second, that photo does NOT show concrete

It's only there for you, so why are you sniveling? And you have not said what it is, .......... if not concrete?
i can look at a link too, asswipe
and you show photos that do NOT support your claims but claim they do
anyone can look at your photos and see my point
why should i repost the exact same photos to tell you that you are SEE THINGS THAT ARENT THERE

But you have not, cannot logically say, will not say, as the perps have directed you not to, what is shown in the core wall at its base image if it is not concrete or why the elevator, airshaft, steam shaft, janitor closet shown here are not seen in the GZ photo of the third floor as shown in the plan.

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