FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Here is the inner framework of the outer steel structure.


Here is the outer shell or perimeter walls behind the 12 foot thick concrete core remnant at GZ.


Are you still going to pretend you cannot see how different they are?

Still pretending you cannot tell the difference between the inner wall of the outer framework and the perimeter walls? And you think that drywall can survive the crash of hundreds of thousands of tons of steel.

You cannot explain why the plans don't show that immense piece of concrete.

The perps picked a real loser to try and protect their precious secret methods of mass murder. F'nn pretender.
Here is the inner framework of the outer steel structure.


Here is the outer shell or perimeter walls behind the 12 foot thick concrete core remnant at GZ.


Are you still going to pretend you cannot see how different they are?

Still pretending you cannot tell the difference between the inner wall of the outer framework and the perimeter walls? And you think that drywall can survive the crash of hundreds of thousands of tons of steel.

You cannot explain why the plans don't show that immense piece of concrete.

The perps picked a real loser to try and protect their precious secret methods of mass murder. F'nn pretender.
the plans dont show concrete because there isnt any there
Here is the inner framework of the outer steel structure.


Here is the outer shell or perimeter walls behind the 12 foot thick concrete core remnant at GZ.


Are you still going to pretend you cannot see how different they are?

Still pretending you cannot tell the difference between the inner wall of the outer framework and the perimeter walls? And you think that drywall can survive the crash of hundreds of thousands of tons of steel.

You cannot explain why the plans don't show that immense piece of concrete.

The perps picked a real loser to try and protect their precious secret methods of mass murder. F'nn pretender.
the plans dont show concrete because there isnt any there

How in the hell would you know? You can't tell the difference between the perimeter columns and the inner framework of interior box columns!


Let alone concrete, which is almost impossible to see!

BBBwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaaa. Pretender.
You base the statement of "impossibility" upon plans proven to be alered to appear as final drawings.

And that's were your HUGE mistake lies. I base NOTHING off of the plans. The dimensions of the core are based on what YOU have told everyone. You and your "EXPERT" opinion. The elevator sizes and types are all known and documented in sources OTHER than the blueprints. There are photos of the 16' wide hallway in the core. There are photos and drawings (NOT THE BLUEPRINTS) of how the 24 local elevators were arranged along with the arrangement of the express elevators. These were done by people who WORKED there.

I base none of this on the blueprints, but you're to damn stupid to figure it out. I have you backed into a corner making lame excuses as to why you can't produce a design drawing showing that your core can even REMOTELY be possible.

You had the balls to draw details as to how the explosives were set in t he floors and columns, yet you have a TON more information available to draw a scaled plan of your core.

You've got a huge yellow line running down your back at this point. Draw the scaled plan and prove me wrong if you dare.

Like I said. Until you prove your core could physically work, your theory and all your claims and statements are pure bullshit.

You said yourself you could EASILY produce the scaled drawing, BUT don't want to because you don't want to do it for a "wimp". Remember that? So you told us ALL here that you could do it, but simply choose not to. Sounds to me like you already have the information. You just know the outcome and what it means to your theory.
And the chief engineer informed Newsweek for their article f September 13, 2001 that the core was concrete.

Nope. Reporter said that on her own. Robertson in an email told me that he never said that. Have you asked him yourself coward or are you going to continue to hide behind your stupid theory.

Seeking the truth....

What a crock of shit. You value your small portion of internet fame more than the truth or you'd answer to all the mistakes and contradictions you've made instead of hiding like a little weasel.
It's only there for you, so why are you sniveling? And you have not said what it is, .......... if not concrete?
i can look at a link too, asswipe
and you show photos that do NOT support your claims but claim they do
anyone can look at your photos and see my point
why should i repost the exact same photos to tell you that you are SEE THINGS THAT ARENT THERE

But you have not, cannot logically say, will not say, as the perps have directed you not to, what is shown in the core wall at its base image if it is not concrete or why the elevator, airshaft, steam shaft, janitor closet shown here are not seen in the GZ photo of the third floor as shown in the plan.


Sorry. The print matches the photo PERFECTLY. What you claim is a concrete wall is nothing more than the gypsum planking. I wonder why what you claim is a "hallway through the wall" is the approximately the size of one of the planking sections?

Besides, why would they run a "utility hallway" through a concrete wall supposedly used for support? What a bucket of shit. What was the "utility hallway's" purpose anyways? For the janitors to sleep in?
i can look at a link too, asswipe
and you show photos that do NOT support your claims but claim they do
anyone can look at your photos and see my point
why should i repost the exact same photos to tell you that you are SEE THINGS THAT ARENT THERE

But you have not, cannot logically say, will not say, as the perps have directed you not to, what is shown in the core wall at its base image if it is not concrete or why the elevator, airshaft, steam shaft, janitor closet shown here are not seen in the GZ photo of the third floor as shown in the plan.


Sorry. The print matches the photo PERFECTLY. What you claim is a concrete wall is nothing more than the gypsum planking. I wonder why what you claim is a "hallway through the wall" is the approximately the size of one of the planking sections?

Besides, why would they run a "utility hallway" through a concrete wall supposedly used for support? What a bucket of shit. What was the "utility hallway's" purpose anyways? For the janitors to sleep in?

Both ends of the hallway can be seen as the camera does not look exactly down the center. It is at least 20 feet long which was the distance between interior box columns and a logical place to end a segment.

The fact that it stands at all after all of the steel immediatley around it basically hit it and continued down and out indicates it is concrete. That was one of 2 stairwells where people survived. That was because the concrete would not crush.

The hallway was actually mentioned as part of the 1990 documentary, "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers." It served the purpose of allowing a connection to be made between pipes in the core base wall and the core wall after they were cast. It was explained that the core wall base was so massive that the hallway could be in that position without detracting from the needed support of the base wall. Note the huge rebar coming up out of the base wall. That would be the center of the core wall. The center of the core wall was not over the hallway. It was to the right and aligned on its inner face with the base wall inner face.

The plans do not represent what was built and the fact that there are no details on the needed interconnections between columns confirms that fact. Such details are vital.

In fact, no such wreakage of interconnecting bracing adequate to join the columns can be found at ground zero.

If such existed with a steel columned core, we would see it here.


You cannot keep the means of mass murder secret.
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By conducting a totally unreasonable debate, it is made obvious that the agents not only have no independently verified evidence to support the existence of the steel core but will even go so far as to misrepresent their own perceptions in order to maintain the secret protecting the FEMA lie.
By conducting a totally unreasonable debate, it is made obvious that the agents not only have no independently verified evidence to support the existence of the steel core but will even go so far as to misrepresent their own perceptions in order to maintain the secret protecting the FEMA lie.
by posting complete BULLSHIT you have shown you are BATSHIT CRAZY
By conducting a totally unreasonable debate, it is made obvious that the agents not only have no independently verified evidence to support the existence of the steel core but will even go so far as to misrepresent their own perceptions in order to maintain the secret protecting the FEMA lie.
by posting complete BULLSHIT you have shown you are BATSHIT CRAZY

The excrement of 2 mammals, ....... does not an argument make. Closer to a dietary preference for one who is able to support secret methods of mass murder.

Your resorting to such behavior is a defacto admission of defeat.

The core of the Twin towers was a steel reinforced cast concrete tube,


and the cheif engineer was interviewed for a September 13, 2001 Newsweek article.
no, its telling you to seek out professional help

It sounds like the agent is saying Leslie E. Robertson is crazy. Because on September 13, 2001 Newsweek did an article about him and the Twin towers and Robertson identified a concrete core.
except HE never said that
you are one massive dumbfuck

Actually, the perpetrators would have you pretend to be so dumb as to think Newsweek would allowed to publish and not correct when 3,000 were killed and the engieering company has liability.

The perpetrators would like it if everyone really was that dumb!

It is quite certain, for criminal and legal liability, the engineers would make sure the published information of Newsweek was the correct information.
sheeesh, why is it troofers are such MASSIVE morons?


It is ilogical that when the lead engineer provides information of a concrete core in a Newsweek article AND the Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992 identifies a concrete core


AND another structural engineer certified in 12 states August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE., indentifies a concrete core

AND the below is seen as the core of WTC 2 on 9-11,


that the core of the twin towers AND that you are a pretender working for the perpetrators to kee the methods of mass murder on 9-11 secret. Any moron can see that.

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