FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

well here is a short list ftom the ex-lead fire investigator at NIST

my opinion, the WTC investigation by NIST falls short of expectations by not definitively finding cause, by not sufficiently linking recommendations of specificity to cause, by not fully invoking all of their authority to seek facts in the investigation, and by the guidance of government lawyers to deter rather than develop fact finding.
"I have over 35 years of fire research in my experience. I worked in the fire program at NIST for 19 years, leaving as a division chief. I have been at the University of Maryland since. I am a founding member and past-Chair of the International Association for Fire Safety Science—the principal world forum for fire research. ...

"All of these have been submitted to NIST, but never acknowledged or answered. I will list some of these.

1. Why is not the design process of assigning fire protection to the WTC towers fully called out for fault? ...

2. Why were not alternative collapse hypotheses investigated and discussed as NIST had stated repeatedly that they would do? ...

3. Spoliation of a fire scene is a basis for destroying a legal case in an investigation. Most of the steel was discarded, although the key elements of the core steel were demographically labeled. A careful reading of the NIST report shows that they have no evidence that the temperatures they predict as necessary for failure are corroborated by findings of the little steel debris they have. Why hasn't NIST declared that this spoliation of the steel was a gross error?
4. NIST used computer models that they said have never been used in such an application before and are the state of the art. For this they should be commended for their skill. But the validation of these modeling results is in question. Others have computed aspects with different conclusions on the cause mechanism of the collapse. Moreover, it is common in fire investigation to compute a time-line and compare it to known events. NIST has not done that.

5. Testing by NIST has been inconclusive. Although they have done fire tests of the scale of several work stations, a replicate test of at least & [sic] of a WTC floor would have been of considerable value. Why was this not done? ...

6. The critical collapse of WTC 7 is relegated to a secondary role, as its findings will not be complete for yet another year. It was clear at the last NIST Advisory Panel meeting in September [2005] that this date may not be realistic, as NIST has not demonstrated progress here. Why has NIST dragged on this important investigation?"
[The full text of Dr. Quintiere’s

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

then there are the questions of Intel from the 9/11 commission

Yoko broke up the Beatles AND the Twins.

and you are a cowardly GOOFBALL without the necessary intellect to comprehend the significance of the unanswered question NIST investigators have posed and the courage required to do so

Did she bring them down with here singing?
Yoko broke up the Beatles AND the Twins.

and you are a cowardly GOOFBALL without the necessary intellect to comprehend the significance of the unanswered question NIST investigators have posed and the courage required to do so

Did she bring them down with here singing?

People lost loved ones, lives will never be the same.


Due process has not been provided. The cause of death is invalid.
and you are a cowardly GOOFBALL without the necessary intellect to comprehend the significance of the unanswered question NIST investigators have posed and the courage required to do so

Did she bring them down with here singing?

People lost loved ones, lives will never be the same.


Due process has not been provided. The cause of death is invalid.
and you claiming their own government did it will piss them off
and you are a cowardly GOOFBALL without the necessary intellect to comprehend the significance of the unanswered question NIST investigators have posed and the courage required to do so

Did she bring them down with here singing?

People lost loved ones, lives will never be the same.


Due process has not been provided. The cause of death is invalid.

no kidding the lack of respect to the victims and their loved ones is outrageous.... you couple of glenbeckscumbag wannabes
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf33g9ep4YU]YouTube - Glenn Beck: "I hate 9/11 victims families for asking questions"[/ame]
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Did she bring them down with here singing?

People lost loved ones, lives will never be the same.


Due process has not been provided. The cause of death is invalid.
and you claiming their own government did it will piss them off

At this late datte, many realize their government has been infiltrated, so any anger is them showing how they feel about being decived, misdirected perhaps.

It is a fact the US government under the Constitution is an ideal, and for that reason as soon as something such as 9-11 is undertaken, it is no longer the government acting, it is an infiltration.

And you are helping the infiltrators.
Did she bring them down with here singing?

People lost loved ones, lives will never be the same.


Due process has not been provided. The cause of death is invalid.
and you claiming their own government did it will piss them off

that claim can not be validated ..however the fact that the majority of 9/11 family members do not believe the official story and have gone to extreme lengths in their fight for justice and to win an independent investigation of 9/11..can be validated... and with recent revelations with members of the 9/11 commission and NIST investigators they are convinced more than ever of a cover-up and government complicity in the events of 9/11
People lost loved ones, lives will never be the same.


Due process has not been provided. The cause of death is invalid.
and you claiming their own government did it will piss them off

that claim can not be validated ..however the fact that the majority of 9/11 family members do not believe the official story and have gone to extreme lengths in their fight for justice and to win an independent investigation of 9/11..can be validated... and with recent revelations with members of the 9/11 commission and NIST investigators they are convinced more than ever of a cover-up and government complicity in the events of 9/11
really? the MAJORITY?
yes indeed the majority of 9/11 family members involved in the aftermath of 9/11 do not believe the official story to the point of calling it a cover up and complicity at a minimum..you can not take silence as an acceptance of the official story..of those family groups that have been in actively involved in the process and investigations the majority... believe there was government complicity...you would be hard pressed to find any 9/11 groups or individuals of immediate relatives that voice support for the government investigation or anger for those involved in the press for truth
yof those family groups that have been in actively involved in the process and investigations the majority... believe there was government complicity

And they don't even know yet that FEMA and guliani worked to make a reason for NIST's erroneous cause of death analysis by misrepresenting the core structure so that fire and plane impact damage could be seen as the cause of what was called collapse.

The agents here don't want them to know, or anyone else either because the perpetrators want to get away with it completely unknown, even disguising what happened.
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By the total lack of independently verified evidence of those opposing the truth, in this case the fact of the Twin Towers having a steel reinforced, cast, tubular, rectangular core structure, it can be seen that the cause of death is invalidated because the agency analysing collapse analyzed a structure that didn't exist.

Continued denial of this fact signals that those here who consider themselves American citizens, who have not posted in support of evidence and reason, are by deflault, allowing, the destruction of Constitutional government, whether out of confusion, distraction, fear, ....... or whatever. Ordinary citizens, by their silence, accept the loss of the Constitution and eventual slavery, the loss of all property and the loss of their lives and the lives of the ones they love.

Those colluding to dismiss the facts of the structure, socially intimidating citizens with ridicule, insults and profanity, assist the perpetrators of mass murder, willingly or unknowingly and hasten the complete demise of Consitutional government in America.
By the total lack of independently verified evidence of those opposing the truth, in this case the fact of the Twin Towers having a steel reinforced, cast, tubular, rectangular core structure, it can be seen that the cause of death is invalidated because the agency analysing collapse analyzed a structure that didn't exist.

Continued denial of this fact signals that those here who consider themselves American citizens, who have not posted in support of evidence and reason, are by deflault, allowing, the destruction of Constitutional government, whether out of confusion, distraction, fear, ....... or whatever. Ordinary citizens, by their silence, accept the loss of the Constitution and eventual slavery, the loss of all property and the loss of their lives and the lives of the ones they love.

Those colluding to dismiss the facts of the structure, socially intimidating citizens with ridicule, insults and profanity, assist the perpetrators of mass murder, willingly or unknowingly and hasten the complete demise of Consitutional government in America.

Right on queue, I see you got banned from the Mike Malloy forum already.

By the total lack of independently verified evidence of those opposing the truth, in this case the fact of the Twin Towers having a steel reinforced, cast, tubular, rectangular core structure, it can be seen that the cause of death is invalidated because the agency analysing collapse analyzed a structure that didn't exist.

Continued denial of this fact signals that those here who consider themselves American citizens, who have not posted in support of evidence and reason, are by deflault, allowing, the destruction of Constitutional government, whether out of confusion, distraction, fear, ....... or whatever. Ordinary citizens, by their silence, accept the loss of the Constitution and eventual slavery, the loss of all property and the loss of their lives and the lives of the ones they love.

Those colluding to dismiss the facts of the structure, socially intimidating citizens with ridicule, insults and profanity, assist the perpetrators of mass murder, willingly or unknowingly and hasten the complete demise of Consitutional government in America.

Right on queue, I see you got banned from the Mike Malloy forum already.


Correct, they support attitude driven government and seriously lack any capacity to even post evidence. To pretend as if they had grounds for banning they had to intentionally misinterpret my message refuse to use any form of reasoning.

Similar to yourself, although it is concievable they are simply fearful, gullible Americans simply wanting the "nice warm happy" that gets frogs sleepy continuing into oblivion. You on the other hand actively support that secret methods of mass murder prevail and seek to hasten the demise of the US Constitution and never mention the rights and freedoms of Americans and refuse to recognize violations of law by government.

You are an agent of the infiltrators.
By the total lack of independently verified evidence of those opposing the truth, in this case the fact of the Twin Towers having a steel reinforced, cast, tubular, rectangular core structure, it can be seen that the cause of death is invalidated because the agency analysing collapse analyzed a structure that didn't exist.

Continued denial of this fact signals that those here who consider themselves American citizens, who have not posted in support of evidence and reason, are by deflault, allowing, the destruction of Constitutional government, whether out of confusion, distraction, fear, ....... or whatever. Ordinary citizens, by their silence, accept the loss of the Constitution and eventual slavery, the loss of all property and the loss of their lives and the lives of the ones they love.

Those colluding to dismiss the facts of the structure, socially intimidating citizens with ridicule, insults and profanity, assist the perpetrators of mass murder, willingly or unknowingly and hasten the complete demise of Consitutional government in America.

Right on queue, I see you got banned from the Mike Malloy forum already.


Correct, they support attitude driven government and seriously lack any capacity to even post evidence. To pretend as if they had grounds for banning they had to intentionally misinterpret my message refuse to use any form of reasoning.

Similar to yourself, although it is concievable they are simply fearful, gullible Americans simply wanting the "nice warm happy" that gets frogs sleepy continuing into oblivion. You on the other hand actively support that secret methods of mass murder prevail and seek to hasten the demise of the US Constitution and never mention the rights and freedoms of Americans and refuse to recognize violations of law by government.

You are an agent of the infiltrators.
yeah, everyone that doesnt buy into your fucking nonsense is an agent
Right on queue, I see you got banned from the Mike Malloy forum already.


Correct, they support attitude driven government and seriously lack any capacity to even post evidence. To pretend as if they had grounds for banning they had to intentionally misinterpret my message refuse to use any form of reasoning.

Similar to yourself, although it is concievable they are simply fearful, gullible Americans simply wanting the "nice warm happy" that gets frogs sleepy continuing into oblivion. You on the other hand actively support that secret methods of mass murder prevail and seek to hasten the demise of the US Constitution and never mention the rights and freedoms of Americans and refuse to recognize violations of law by government.

You are an agent of the infiltrators.
yeah, everyone that doesnt buy into your fucking nonsense is an agent

Correct, they may simply decieved by agents. Accordingly they are treated as agents as far as the degree of credibility they are allowed. They can regain credibility if they start using evidence and reason and recognize useful information for more truth.

Otherwise, their effect in the psyops is almost identical to an agent.
Correct, they support attitude driven government and seriously lack any capacity to even post evidence. To pretend as if they had grounds for banning they had to intentionally misinterpret my message refuse to use any form of reasoning.

Similar to yourself, although it is concievable they are simply fearful, gullible Americans simply wanting the "nice warm happy" that gets frogs sleepy continuing into oblivion. You on the other hand actively support that secret methods of mass murder prevail and seek to hasten the demise of the US Constitution and never mention the rights and freedoms of Americans and refuse to recognize violations of law by government.

You are an agent of the infiltrators.
yeah, everyone that doesnt buy into your fucking nonsense is an agent

Correct, they may simply decieved by agents. Accordingly they are treated as agents as far as the degree of credibility they are allowed. They can regain credibility if they start using evidence and reason and recognize useful information for more truth.

Otherwise, their effect in the psyops is almost identical to an agent.

what a maroon
yeah, everyone that doesnt buy into your fucking nonsense is an agent

Correct, they may simply decieved by agents. Accordingly they are treated as agents as far as the degree of credibility they are allowed. They can regain credibility if they start using evidence and reason and recognize useful information for more truth.

Otherwise, their effect in the psyops is almost identical to an agent.

what a maroon

Why do you think he is a moron?
yeah, everyone that doesnt buy into your fucking nonsense is an agent

Correct, they may simply decieved by agents. Accordingly they are treated as agents as far as the degree of credibility they are allowed. They can regain credibility if they start using evidence and reason and recognize useful information for more truth.

Otherwise, their effect in the psyops is almost identical to an agent.

what a maroon

maroon is a color

These are facts.

Robertson of the September 13, Newsweek article describing a concrete core (not reasonable to suggest that when 3,000 are murdered that Newsweek would not make sure the information was good or that the engineering firm designing the building that collapsed would not demend, and recieve a correction)

August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE ground zero safety report. (He saw FEMA plans 2 weeks after 9-11 at ground zero and identifies a concrete core)

Concrete core of WTC 2,

Correct, they may simply decieved by agents. Accordingly they are treated as agents as far as the degree of credibility they are allowed. They can regain credibility if they start using evidence and reason and recognize useful information for more truth.

Otherwise, their effect in the psyops is almost identical to an agent.

what a maroon

Why do you think he is a moron?
because he sees concrete where none was

he claims a 12' thick concrete core wall that doesnt show up in a single plan or construction photo
his excuse is "they" destroyed all those photos
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Correct, they may simply decieved by agents. Accordingly they are treated as agents as far as the degree of credibility they are allowed. They can regain credibility if they start using evidence and reason and recognize useful information for more truth.

Otherwise, their effect in the psyops is almost identical to an agent.

what a maroon

maroon is a color

These are facts.

Robertson of the September 13, Newsweek article describing a concrete core (not reasonable to suggest that when 3,000 are murdered that Newsweek would not make sure the information was good or that the engineering firm designing the building that collapsed would not demend, and recieve a correction)

August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE ground zero safety report. (He saw FEMA plans 2 weeks after 9-11 at ground zero and identifies a concrete core)

Concrete core of WTC 2,
then show a single photo from construction where they poured concrete in the core above grade, just ONE
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