FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Because FEMA lied gonad has no evidence so must invent ways to attempt to discredit what the lead engineer identified to Newsweek what the towers core was on September 13, 2001, ............ concrete.

Or what a structural engineer certified in 12 states identified in his safety report, concrete core. August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE.

Or the Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Innovation, published in 1992.
yup, still a massive MORON

Lying, deceiveing manipulating snake,

You'll do about anything to keep the methods of mass murder secret. Your photoshopping is destined for history.

In order to attempt debunking the concrete core evidence, because there is no independently verified evidence for the steel core columns. gamit, being the internet stalker/debunker of concrete it is, takes the position that the elevators opened onto the lobby making the concrete core impossible then tries to reinforce it with a photoshop ruse.

WTC 2 did have a completely redesigned core to get away from the difficult to rent WTC 1 (34% vacant in 2001) which had elevators that could only be accessed from the inside of the core via hallways. At the lobby level, and only the lobby level, elevators went through the plane of the concrete core wall. "The Engineering and construction of the Twin Towers" , mostly about WTC 1, spent a minute or 3 talking about WTC 2 to explain how the elevators went through the bottom of a 1,350 foot concrete wall all the way along the long axis.

There were short walls running perpendicular to the long axis that were behind each interior box column, 24 of which surrounded the rectangular concrete tube from top to bottom. The elevator opening to the lobby entry of the elevator boxed out in the back as you walked in from the lobby to what was one of the walls parallel to the escalator running the long axis. WTC 2 also had twice as many hallways.

Wonder why W. Rodriguez hasn't resolved this issue and I've sent email and others have asked why he hasn't described the interior layout of WTC 1.

gamit had to make WTC 2 look like WTC 1. What was done is that WTC 1 exterior objects were placed on another layer from image showing the inside of the perimeter columns. That layer had the WTC 2 exterior through the windows made translucent then the objects of the WTC 1 exterior were positioned behind the perimeter walls.

This is a zoom of part of the image. Notice the proportions of the windows of the footbridge appearing to be outside. You see windows wider than they are tall.


Notice also that some of the footbridge windows show very faintly through the perimeter columns.

As a surveyor I instantly realized that the person that made the WTC exterior object did not understand perspectives well. The site plan shows the footbridge orientation. See the alignment of the "north bridge" west of WTC 1.


Such a angular relationship creates a large foreshortening of the true length of the line viewed, not the other way around as in the photoshopped image. I found a video and took a screen shot then posted at breakfornews.com in the thread the admin had started there to attempt a grand debunking of the concrete core evidence. stan and gam were the late players. Here is the proper appearance of the foot bridge from WTC 1.


Then the admin at breakfronews.com posts another badly shopped image in an attempt to salvage their debunking.


The width of a square never gets wider horizontally than it is tall vertically unless you view it from above. The windows of the foot bridge are square.

The sordid past of psyops concrete core stalker/debunkers having no independently verified evidence of the steel core columns FEMA told NIST were inside the towers. You have no credibility, .. agent.

I notice you didn't address my point which makes you a fraud.

I asked you to make a scaled plan of WTC1 using YOUR core and it's dimensions. Then I asked you to place all 24 local elevators, 23 express elevators, 16' wide hallway running the length of the long axis, a smaller hallway running perpendicular to the 16' hallway, stairwells, and support steel.

It's that simple Mr. Construction. You produce a working drawing of your core as you say it existed. Until you do, you're nothing more than a delusional fraud. The reason you keep ignoring my request is that you KNOW you can't fit your concrete core around all that was there in WTC1 and that it would prove you and your charade completely wrong.

So once again. Show us your core was physically possible. I have shown it was not by drawing my own scaled core drawing using YOUR dimensions of it.

I guess you are just admitting I am correct as you won't show me where I am wrong. If you are saying my drawing is wrong, since it is based on the dimensions you provided, then you are saying that YOU are wrong.

Come on coward. Show me I'm wrong.

This is a zoom of part of the image. Notice the proportions of the windows of the footbridge appearing to be outside. You see windows wider than they are tall.


Notice also that some of the footbridge windows show very faintly through the perimeter columns.

As a surveyor I instantly realized that the person that made the WTC exterior object did not understand perspectives well. The site plan shows the footbridge orientation. See the alignment of the "north bridge" west of WTC 1.


Hey stupid. The windows are NOT wider than they are tall. I can't believe the amount of stupid coming from you.

Here dumbass. I'll help you. Here is the same picture. I outlined the footbridge window (which is comprised of 3x3 rows of smaller windows) outside the WTC windows. How can you say that the window is WIDER (the horizontal line) then it is tall (the vertical line).

WTC 2 did have a completely redesigned core to get away from the difficult to rent WTC 1 (34% vacant in 2001) which had elevators that could only be accessed from the inside of the core via hallways. At the lobby level, and only the lobby level, elevators went through the plane of the concrete core wall. "The Engineering and construction of the Twin Towers" , mostly about WTC 1, spent a minute or 3 talking about WTC 2 to explain how the elevators went through the bottom of a 1,350 foot concrete wall all the way along the long axis.

There were short walls running perpendicular to the long axis that were behind each interior box column, 24 of which surrounded the rectangular concrete tube from top to bottom. The elevator opening to the lobby entry of the elevator boxed out in the back as you walked in from the lobby to what was one of the walls parallel to the escalator running the long axis. WTC 2 also had twice as many hallways.

Draw us a picture fraud because what you just explained makes no sense whatsoever. Why is it always words with you? And never any drawings? Is it because it's easier to confuse people?

Wonder why W. Rodriguez hasn't resolved this issue and I've sent email and others have asked why he hasn't described the interior layout of WTC 1.

He has responded. I wrote him a couple of emails and he said to look at the plans that are out there for an accurate description of the towers. You are full of crap. There are people who worked there that I have spoken to that say that you are full of crap.

Instead of spewing your fantasies, why don't seek out folks who worked there and ask.

Yeah, you want the truth.

What a pile of crap you are.
Big problem for you. I have drawn out your core and added the elevators inside. Here's what I get.

How come the 16' wide hallway doesn't fit now? I can't get the stairwells in there. What about the hallway that was perpendicular to the 16' wide hallway? What about your four concrete walls that supposedly divided the core into four cells? Where's the structural steel supposed to go?

You're a joke. I have proved you wrong in one drawing using your own dimensions and nothing fits. That's why you won't debate me. This is the end of the line for you here.

Here dumbass. I'll help you. Here is the same picture. I outlined the footbridge window (which is comprised of 3x3 rows of smaller windows) outside the WTC windows. How can you say that the window is WIDER (the horizontal line) then it is tall (the vertical line).


Bbwwwwwwwaaaaaaaahhhhhaaaaa, y

We can see the footbridge bleeding through the perimeter columns.

This is what the footbridge windows should look like.


You are a fraud agent.
You are a fraud agent.

Must be fun schooling these people and taking these disinformation agent frauds to school huh Chris?

It is beginning to have certain satisfaction. I know people, given a chance with real information, can see simple things are very wrong in what the truth movements leadership has embraced, and rejected. Primarily because they never explain anything and propose no uses for their information.

The false leaders must have a false flock as well, because no ordinary sheep would follow such morons for very long.

The dumbing down of America included a full removal of all traces of the methods of mind control that creates the secrecy that we no contend with. Accordingly the public can't imagine how a false flock would be assembled or how to detect they are not real.

You can see the psyops working the concept relating to governmental secrecy, or intentional control through planned distractional expose, when agents posing as truthers say, "How could the government ever keep such a secret? They are inept bumblers"
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You are a fraud agent.

Must be fun schooling these people and taking these disinformation agent frauds to school huh Chris?

It is beginning to have certain satisfaction. I know people, given a chance with real information, can see simple things are very wrong in what the truth movements leadership has embraced, and rejected. Primarily because they never explain anything and propose no uses for their information.

The false leaders must have a false flock as well, because no ordinary sheep would follow such morons for very long.

The dumbing down of America included a full removal of all traces of the methods of mind control that creates the secrecy that we no contend with. Accordingly the public can't imagine how a false flock would be assembled or how to detect they are not real.

You can see the psyops working the concept relating to governmental secrecy, or intentional control through planned distractional expose, when agents posing as truthers say, "How could the government ever keep such a secret? They are inept bumblers"
yes, most people see you for the totally delusional fuckup that you are
Must be fun schooling these people and taking these disinformation agent frauds to school huh Chris?

It is beginning to have certain satisfaction. I know people, given a chance with real information, can see simple things are very wrong in what the truth movements leadership has embraced, and rejected. Primarily because they never explain anything and propose no uses for their information.

The false leaders must have a false flock as well, because no ordinary sheep would follow such morons for very long.

The dumbing down of America included a full removal of all traces of the methods of mind control that creates the secrecy that we no contend with. Accordingly the public can't imagine how a false flock would be assembled or how to detect they are not real.

You can see the psyops working the concept relating to governmental secrecy, or intentional control through planned distractional expose, when agents posing as truthers say, "How could the government ever keep such a secret? They are inept bumblers"
yes, most people see you for the totally delusional fuckup that you are

The perpetrators would hope to benefit from you saying that. Your efforts to diminish the fact of the FEMA deception are without any factual basis, so you clearly have no other strategy.

The core structure incompetently describes with this diagram,


is never seen in the core area of either tower on 9-11.


What is seen matches what the lead engineer provided to Newsweek on September 13, 2001 describing a concrete core.
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It is beginning to have certain satisfaction. I know people, given a chance with real information, can see simple things are very wrong in what the truth movements leadership has embraced, and rejected. Primarily because they never explain anything and propose no uses for their information.

The false leaders must have a false flock as well, because no ordinary sheep would follow such morons for very long.

The dumbing down of America included a full removal of all traces of the methods of mind control that creates the secrecy that we no contend with. Accordingly the public can't imagine how a false flock would be assembled or how to detect they are not real.

You can see the psyops working the concept relating to governmental secrecy, or intentional control through planned distractional expose, when agents posing as truthers say, "How could the government ever keep such a secret? They are inept bumblers"
yes, most people see you for the totally delusional fuckup that you are

The perpetrators would hope to benefit from you saying that. Your efforts to diminish the fact of the FEMA deception are without any factual basis, so you clearly have no other strategy.

The core structure incompetently describes with this diagram,

is never seen in the core area of either tower on 9-11.

What is seen matches what the lead engineer provided to Newsweek on September 13, 2001 describing a concrete core.
except that you cant tell what the fuck it is, numbnuts
you remain delusional since ALL the plans say no concrete in the core above grade
you continue to show everyone what a fucking moronic idiot you are

seek out professional help
yes, most people see you for the totally delusional fuckup that you are

The perpetrators would hope to benefit from you saying that. Your efforts to diminish the fact of the FEMA deception are without any factual basis, so you clearly have no other strategy.

The core structure incompetently describes with this diagram,

is never seen in the core area of either tower on 9-11.

What is seen matches what the lead engineer provided to Newsweek on September 13, 2001 describing a concrete core.
except that you cant tell what the fuck it is, numbnuts

You misrepresent the facts. I knew what was in the core before the image showing the concret core was found. Recall, Dr. Ron Larsen found signs that the 2 hour 1990 PBS documentary I saw was in the records of libraries. Here is a .mp3 of his readio show where he describes the search for a copy of "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers."

BTW, even if I hadn't seen the documentary and did not know how the towers were made, I would still recognize concrete in the masses seen.

The perpetrators would want you to pretend that people could not recognize the concrete when in fact they can. And they can plainly see there are no steel core columns in the core area as the FEMA diagram shows.
The perpetrators would hope to benefit from you saying that. Your efforts to diminish the fact of the FEMA deception are without any factual basis, so you clearly have no other strategy.

The core structure incompetently describes with this diagram,

is never seen in the core area of either tower on 9-11.

What is seen matches what the lead engineer provided to Newsweek on September 13, 2001 describing a concrete core.
except that you cant tell what the fuck it is, numbnuts

You misrepresent the facts. I knew what was in the core before the image showing the concret core was found. Recall, Dr. Ron Larsen found signs that the 2 hour 1990 PBS documentary I saw was in the records of libraries. Here is a .mp3 of his readio show where he describes the search for a copy of "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers."

BTW, even if I hadn't seen the documentary and did not know how the towers were made, I would still recognize concrete in the masses seen.

The perpetrators would want you to pretend that people could not recognize the concrete when in fact they can. And they can plainly see there are no steel core columns in the core area as the FEMA diagram shows.
you see things that are NOT there
i've seen the documentaries on the construction
no concrete above grade in the towers core
it was a design feature they made very well known
except that you cant tell what the fuck it is, numbnuts

You misrepresent the facts. I knew what was in the core before the image showing the concret core was found. Recall, Dr. Ron Larsen found signs that the 2 hour 1990 PBS documentary I saw was in the records of libraries. Here is a .mp3 of his readio show where he describes the search for a copy of "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers."

BTW, even if I hadn't seen the documentary and did not know how the towers were made, I would still recognize concrete in the masses seen.

The perpetrators would want you to pretend that people could not recognize the concrete when in fact they can. And they can plainly see there are no steel core columns in the core area as the FEMA diagram shows.
you see things that are NOT there

You mean you want people to see things that are not there like steel core columns.

You misrepresent the facts. I knew what was in the core before the image showing the concret core was found. Recall, Dr. Ron Larsen found signs that the 2 hour 1990 PBS documentary I saw was in the records of libraries. Here is a .mp3 of his readio show where he describes the search for a copy of "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers."

BTW, even if I hadn't seen the documentary and did not know how the towers were made, I would still recognize concrete in the masses seen.

The perpetrators would want you to pretend that people could not recognize the concrete when in fact they can. And they can plainly see there are no steel core columns in the core area as the FEMA diagram shows.
you see things that are NOT there

You mean you want people to see things that are not there like steel core columns.

no concrete there, and the steel columns had already fallen, asswipe
you see things that are NOT there

You mean you want people to see things that are not there like steel core columns.

no concrete there, and the steel columns had already fallen, asswipe

If you assert a thing, you need evidence to support that it is of substance.

Again, you have no substance.

Have they already fallen here? How come we do not see them?


Or here,


I know why. It is because the steel in the core was elevator guide rail support steel and had no lateral strength. Butt plates on the tops show they were joined weakly.
agent divot has no evidence and cannot oppose the truth with any substance.

The agent only provides statements intended to create attitudes which in turn control perceptions. All for the purpose of concealing the true structural design of the towers and prevent the public from demanding a valid cause of death in a case of mass murder.
agent divot has no evidence and cannot oppose the truth with any substance.

The agent only provides statements intended to create attitudes which in turn control perceptions. All for the purpose of concealing the true structural design of the towers and prevent the public from demanding a valid cause of death in a case of mass murder.
LOL i dont have to post anything to prove you are a moron, your posts do that quite effectively

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