FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Hey Chris. Come on. Debate me. How come my scaled drawing of your core, using your dimensions, not fit around everything that was there?
Must be why you won't debate this. Because you can't. Show me where I'm wrong.

Your scaled drawing is based on silversteins plans which are obsolete and proven so by comparison to GZ images of remnants of the tower which do not show a massive concrete wall with a tiny hallway running the length of it. And, you don't have the integrity to admit it, because then you have NOTHING to support your position.

Of course expecting you to admit your dimensional model is wrong after your photoshopping is silly. You are an f'nnnnn criminal.
Hey Chris. Come on. Debate me. How come my scaled drawing of your core, using your dimensions, not fit around everything that was there?
Must be why you won't debate this. Because you can't. Show me where I'm wrong.

Your scaled drawing is based on silversteins plans which are obsolete and proven so by comparison to GZ images of remnants of the tower which do not show a massive concrete wall with a tiny hallway running the length of it. And, you don't have the integrity to admit it, because then you have NOTHING to support your position.

Of course expecting you to admit your dimensional model is wrong after your photoshopping is silly. You are an f'nnnnn criminal.

Sorry dumbass, but my scaled drawing was created using YOUR VERY OWN DIMENSIONS. So if you are saying my drawing is incorrect, you are saying that your dimensions are incorrect. I used nothing from the plans to make that drawing.

Now that you've been corrected, please continue. You can't prove me wrong.

As far as your "tiny hall", you're full of crap. The width was about 16' wide. Not to mention the fact that you successfully blocked in the second door of the express elevators.

Your theory has fallen apart and your refusal to produce a scaled drawing of how the core was situated within your fantasy core is proof that you know you're wrong.
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Hmm, Gamolon is wiping the floor with you. His repeated verbal beatdowns are entertaining.
Hey Chris. Here's the drawing you gave us a long time ago.

See those dimensions? I was them when I had drawn this scaled core.

Here's one of the "tiny hallways" you are talking about. Yeah, they're tiny all right. Looks to be about 16' wide like I said. It's from one of the skylobbies.

Any reason why your drawing here shows the "tiny hallways" as fitting right in between the columns, which were spaced 20' apart according to you? I mean you have drawn the hallways about the same size as the spacing between. And now you say "tiny hallways"?
Sorry dumbass, but my scaled drawing was created using YOUR VERY OWN DIMENSIONS.

Only part, the core dimensions that I remembered but have since found evidence showing I had erroneously applied the long axis wall thickness to the narrow end. The other dimensions you use come from silversteins plans which nobody else but you can read, and you admitted that once at bfn but not since then . because the plans are invalidated.

Wonder why only gasmit can read silverteins plans? Yea, wonder.

Meanwhile you are a proven fraud conspiring with administrators of message boards conducting cointelpro BS with poorly photoshopped images. The proof, again.

agent gam used photoshop to put WTC 1 exterior features outside the windows of WTC 2 in order to make the lobbies appear the same. Since there is no evidence of the supposed steel core columns, the only avenue for agents is to try and disprove or overcome the concrete core evidence.

The first image. Note the windows of the footbride outside are wider than they are tall. In reality the windows are square.


Upon zooming a portion it is seen that the windows of the footbridge outside bleed through the perimeter columns.


Then the agent shops another one to try and create consistency.


Then the message board admin gets into the act and photoshops another with windows wider than they are tall. Don't ask what all the arrows mean.


Then I get a screen shot of a video with the real view.


The horizontal lines will always foreshorten when the point of perspective is rotated from perpendicualr from the plane viewed. Here is a site plan.


They psyops includes lots of agents to try and cover for the fact that there is no evidence fof the concrete core.
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Sorry dumbass, but my scaled drawing was created using YOUR VERY OWN DIMENSIONS.

Only part, the core dimensions that I remembered but have since found evidence showing I had erroneously applied the long axis wall thickness to the narrow end. The other dimensions you use come from silversteins plans which nobody else but you can read, and you admitted that once at bfn but not since then . because the plans are invalidated.

Wonder why only gasmit can read silverteins plans? Yea, wonder.

Meanwhile you are a proven fraud conspiring with administrators of message boards conducting cointelpro BS with poorly photoshopped images. The proof, again.

agent gam used photoshop to put WTC 1 exterior features outside the windows of WTC 2 in order to make the lobbies appear the same. Since there is no evidence of the supposed steel core columns, the only avenue for agents is to try and disprove or overcome the concrete core evidence.

The first image. Note the windows of the footbride outside are wider than they are tall. In reality the windows are square.

Upon zooming a portion it is seen that the windows of the footbridge outside bleed through the perimeter columns.

Then the agent shops another one to try and create consistency.

Then the message board admin gets into the act and photoshops another with windows wider than they are tall. Don't ask what all the arrows mean.

Then I get a screen shot of a video with the real view.

The horizontal lines will always foreshorten when the point of perspective is rotated from perpendicualr from the plane viewed. Here is a site plan.

They psyops includes lots of agents to try and cover for the fact that there is no evidence fof the concrete core.
proving NOTHING of what you claim
you keep proving that you are a fucking insane asshole
America needs the truth,

for justice, ....... and preservation of its Constituton.

You probably don't care about that.
you dont care either
you just want to USE those peoples grief for your lies

If you could show me official plans, that might mean something. Otherwise it just shows that you support the secret methods of mass murder to try to wriggle away from that guilt you know.

I can show that the agency charged with analysing the presumed cause of death has a disclaimer that would allow them to use the sunday funnies for plans. I can show that guiliani took the NYC WTC documents and a NY state judge refused to follow and uphold federal law and return the public documents to public offices.
Still, in all these pages, not one image from 9-11 showing steel core column in the core area. Not one!

FEMA did misrepresent the Towers core and the cause of death is invalidated.
Still, in all these pages, not one image from 9-11 showing steel core column in the core area. Not one!

FEMA did misrepresent the Towers core and the cause of death is invalidated.
yes, there were
i posted several from construction
you lie

what a clown
Mr Brown
Hey Chris. Come on. Debate me. How come my scaled drawing of your core, using your dimensions, not fit around everything that was there?
Must be why you won't debate this. Because you can't. Show me where I'm wrong.

Your scaled drawing is based on silversteins plans which are obsolete and proven so by comparison to GZ images of remnants of the tower which do not show a massive concrete wall with a tiny hallway running the length of it. And, you don't have the integrity to admit it, because then you have NOTHING to support your position.

Of course expecting you to admit your dimensional model is wrong after your photoshopping is silly. You are an f'nnnnn criminal.

Ok smartass. Here's where it comes down to your touted "construction/design knowledge".

Please tell me what dimensions I used from the blueprints. Let's see what you come up with. if you're going to say the elevator sizes, I've got news for you. Go look up information on the types of elevators that were used ion the towers and see if you come up with platform sizes. Then figure out he shaft sizes to accommodate them. THEN add in the support steel. See what sizes "rectangles" you get for both the express elevators and the local elevators. Here's a couple clues. Go measure some elevators yourself. Also, the express elevators were designed for 50 people. How big do you think they were?

So again, what dimensions am I using from the blueprints?
So again, what dimensions am I using from the blueprints?

The elevator dimensions.

BTW, you've completely screwed up. "Tiny" hallway" is this hallway running the length of the core wall at its base.

Liars protecting liars are always misrepresenting whatever will help the lie.

Still, no image of steel core columns inthe core area on 9-11. All we have is this, and it is obviously a concrete core.


which is obviously NOT what FEMA said it was.

So again, what dimensions am I using from the blueprints?

The elevator dimensions.


Wrong!!!! Go look up they elevators they actually used idiot. Get the platform area. Then figure out the shaft space and add in the support steel. How big would one of the rectangles be? How much space would be taken up by a pair of them?

If you can't figure it out for yourself, then you obviously have NO clue. This is why you continue to believe your own garbage. All assumptions with no evidence.

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