Female Democrat Tweets / Tells Teenager He Should Be AFRAID Of Her...

That's a direct quote, do you deny he said it? Is there another way to interpret it?
Uuuummm, YEAH!

It's called SARCASM....HUMOR. Also know as, in political situations like DEBATES, a 'Zinger', making fun of her suddenly missing thousands of e-mails. (Missing, hell - she tried to destroy them.)

According to Comey, Hillary may have been too stupid to know she was breaking laws, but Trump is not stupid enough to 'give a shout-out' to his 'buds', the Russians, on a televised debate asking them to hack her friggin' illegal server and find the thousands of criminal subpoenaed e-mails Hillary tried to delete / hide (Obstruction)!


Damn, sometimes snowflakes don't use the common sense God gave door knobs!
(Actually, its just them playing the 'stupid game' again so they can justify the Witch Hunt.)
WHY should any child - or American - be AFRAID of an elected 'Servant Of The People'?

WHY would any politician Tweet to a child and tell them that they should be AFRAID of her?

CJ Pearson, the teen Internet star/activist on the internet who goes back and forth between supporting conservatives and Liberals, was Tweeting during the State of the Union Speech.

In one Tweet he comments about AOC constantly talking to a woman next to her, a woman he does not know.

".@AOC has been talking this entire speech and the woman next to her keeps trying to look the other way ????.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) February 6, 2019"

To Pearson's surprise, 'the woman' Tweeted a response to him.

"Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I -- and millions like us -- are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us. But you should learn my name. https://t.co/frL8ikNDcV
— Nydia M Velázquez (@ReElectNydia) February 6, 2019"

...ok, that's a little CREEPY! She actually 'threatened' the child, told the child they had a reason to be afraid of an elected federal politician.

That is not MY OPINION - That is the same way 'TWITTER' felt ... and THEY responded back to D-NY Velázquez:

"You do know that @thecjpearson is a minor right? You sound like you are threatening a minor...
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju)
February 6, 2019"

"United States Citizens should NEVER fear politicians. This tweet is deeply disturbing.
— Julie Betts (@JulieLvsPACKERS)
February 6, 2019"

"Wow. You had an opportunity to introduce yourself in a diplomatic way. Instead you chose to let citizens know we should be afraid of you. Not to mention on a night when POTUS was calling for unity.. literally right in front of you. Who are the divisive ones again?? ??
— Allie Mass (@AllieMassengale)
February 6, 2019"

"This tweet is disturbing... An elected official who demands that they be feared is an elected official who should never have been elected in the first place.
— Lady Porch ?? (@TheMrsPorch)
February 6, 2019"

"Threatening the constituency? Who are you, Joseph Stalin? Oops. You probably don't know who that is.
— Amy R (@LittleHawaii) February 6, 2019"


Unfortunately it seems D-NY Velázquez suffers from the same problem as does AOC - major attitude and speaks without thinking 1st. She had an opportunity to introduce herself to the teen and chose instead to Tweet a 'threat' / 'warning/ instead.

Pearson Tweeted back that he genuinely didn't know who she was and told her that perhaps if she worked harder more Americans would know her name.

With there being 435 members of Congress 'working harder' probably won't help many people outside of her own Constituents to get to know her....BUT INTRODCING YOURSELF BY THREATENING A CHILD IN A TWEET IS A REALLY GOOD WAY TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS YOU...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. :p

(In her defense, I / we do not know if she has faced insults and criticism - especially sexist or 'socialist' or whatever, but it sounds like she was a rather 'defensive'. She just need to remember to work on her PR / People skills and to always be 'pleasant', especially at 1st....until it's time to stop being so 'pleasant'.)

Seriously? This Dem Rep Just Told a Kid He Should Fear Members of Congress
Holy deliberate misinterpretation Batman!

She's obviously talking about coming political changes, not physical violence.
why should i fear what this government wants to do with our country?

unless they know i'm not going to like it. in which case, it's on.

not misinterpreted at all. just something very stupid to say.
Lol, the way you guys act I'd hate to see what happens if someone uses a metaphor or a figure of speech around you.
you mean like "please, find those 33k mails" gets way blown out of proportion?

you defending this bullshit speaks volumes of you.
That's a direct quote, do you deny he said it? Is there another way to interpret it?
not at all. he said if you can find her mail, get it to him.

are you trying to say that means HACK DAMN IT!!!!

you want to say "you should fear is" is misinterpreted and now you're going to say this isn't.

biggest fool of the day award already gone by 9am.
That's a direct quote, do you deny he said it? Is there another way to interpret it?
Uuuummm, YEAH!

It's called SARCASM....HUMOR.

According to Comey, Hillary may have been too stupid to know she was breaking laws, but Trump is not stupid enough to 'give a shout-out' to his 'buds', the Russians, on a televised debate asking them to hack her friggin' illegal server and find the thousands of criminal subpoenaed e-mails Hillary tried to delete / hide (Obstruction)!


Damn, sometimes snowflakes don't use the common sense God gave door knobs!
(Actually, its just them playing the 'stupid game' again so they can justify the Witch Hunt.)
it's also funny cause
1) hillarys server had been dead for well over a year at this point. impossible to hack cause no longer there.
2) DNC - if that is their intent, when why would we MOVE 33k mails and destroy a server just to put them up on a server THAT WAS ALREADY HACKED before the debate to begin with

they got that delorean in overdrive today.
WHY should any child - or American - be AFRAID of an elected 'Servant Of The People'?

WHY would any politician Tweet to a child and tell them that they should be AFRAID of her?

CJ Pearson, the teen Internet star/activist on the internet who goes back and forth between supporting conservatives and Liberals, was Tweeting during the State of the Union Speech.

In one Tweet he comments about AOC constantly talking to a woman next to her, a woman he does not know.

".@AOC has been talking this entire speech and the woman next to her keeps trying to look the other way ????.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) February 6, 2019"

To Pearson's surprise, 'the woman' Tweeted a response to him.

"Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I -- and millions like us -- are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us. But you should learn my name. https://t.co/frL8ikNDcV
— Nydia M Velázquez (@ReElectNydia) February 6, 2019"

...ok, that's a little CREEPY! She actually 'threatened' the child, told the child they had a reason to be afraid of an elected federal politician.

That is not MY OPINION - That is the same way 'TWITTER' felt ... and THEY responded back to D-NY Velázquez:

"You do know that @thecjpearson is a minor right? You sound like you are threatening a minor...
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju)
February 6, 2019"

"United States Citizens should NEVER fear politicians. This tweet is deeply disturbing.
— Julie Betts (@JulieLvsPACKERS)
February 6, 2019"

"Wow. You had an opportunity to introduce yourself in a diplomatic way. Instead you chose to let citizens know we should be afraid of you. Not to mention on a night when POTUS was calling for unity.. literally right in front of you. Who are the divisive ones again?? ??
— Allie Mass (@AllieMassengale)
February 6, 2019"

"This tweet is disturbing... An elected official who demands that they be feared is an elected official who should never have been elected in the first place.
— Lady Porch ?? (@TheMrsPorch)
February 6, 2019"

"Threatening the constituency? Who are you, Joseph Stalin? Oops. You probably don't know who that is.
— Amy R (@LittleHawaii) February 6, 2019"


Unfortunately it seems D-NY Velázquez suffers from the same problem as does AOC - major attitude and speaks without thinking 1st. She had an opportunity to introduce herself to the teen and chose instead to Tweet a 'threat' / 'warning/ instead.

Pearson Tweeted back that he genuinely didn't know who she was and told her that perhaps if she worked harder more Americans would know her name.

With there being 435 members of Congress 'working harder' probably won't help many people outside of her own Constituents to get to know her....BUT INTRODCING YOURSELF BY THREATENING A CHILD IN A TWEET IS A REALLY GOOD WAY TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS YOU...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. :p

(In her defense, I / we do not know if she has faced insults and criticism - especially sexist or 'socialist' or whatever, but it sounds like she was a rather 'defensive'. She just need to remember to work on her PR / People skills and to always be 'pleasant', especially at 1st....until it's time to stop being so 'pleasant'.)

Seriously? This Dem Rep Just Told a Kid He Should Fear Members of Congress
Try stretching it into a death penalty ya snowflake...
not quite what he is doing but it is fun to push what people say to an extreme and mock the extreme, not what they actually said. i catch myself doing that and am trying to stop cause it doesn't make much sense and perpetuates the problem.

our leadership should never say "you should fear us". when they do - they crossed a line. all there is to it.
Those who engaged in the attempt to cover up the Mueller Investigation are to be feared. The truth will make you free; lies can destroy you.
Sorta like the Federal Govt / FBI hiding the fact that the FBI lied to / abused the FISA Court to illegally spy on individuals more than 75 times by claiming they could not release this fact to the American people because it was 'a matter of national security', which is, as we know, utter BS. Keeping that hidden was protecting their own ass and allowing them to continue doing it. Such a rogue agency with that much power is also dangerous.
Try stretching it into a death penalty ya snowflake...
Why would anyone be so absurd as to do that? It was an error is judgment, a Public Relations faux pas.

Unleashing our 'drama queen' side for a bit this morning, are we?
WHY should any child - or American - be AFRAID of an elected 'Servant Of The People'?

WHY would any politician Tweet to a child and tell them that they should be AFRAID of her?

CJ Pearson, the teen Internet star/activist on the internet who goes back and forth between supporting conservatives and Liberals, was Tweeting during the State of the Union Speech.

In one Tweet he comments about AOC constantly talking to a woman next to her, a woman he does not know.

".@AOC has been talking this entire speech and the woman next to her keeps trying to look the other way ????.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) February 6, 2019"

To Pearson's surprise, 'the woman' Tweeted a response to him.

"Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I -- and millions like us -- are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us. But you should learn my name. https://t.co/frL8ikNDcV
— Nydia M Velázquez (@ReElectNydia) February 6, 2019"

...ok, that's a little CREEPY! She actually 'threatened' the child, told the child they had a reason to be afraid of an elected federal politician.

That is not MY OPINION - That is the same way 'TWITTER' felt ... and THEY responded back to D-NY Velázquez:

"You do know that @thecjpearson is a minor right? You sound like you are threatening a minor...
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju)
February 6, 2019"

"United States Citizens should NEVER fear politicians. This tweet is deeply disturbing.
— Julie Betts (@JulieLvsPACKERS)
February 6, 2019"

"Wow. You had an opportunity to introduce yourself in a diplomatic way. Instead you chose to let citizens know we should be afraid of you. Not to mention on a night when POTUS was calling for unity.. literally right in front of you. Who are the divisive ones again?? ??
— Allie Mass (@AllieMassengale)
February 6, 2019"

"This tweet is disturbing... An elected official who demands that they be feared is an elected official who should never have been elected in the first place.
— Lady Porch ?? (@TheMrsPorch)
February 6, 2019"

"Threatening the constituency? Who are you, Joseph Stalin? Oops. You probably don't know who that is.
— Amy R (@LittleHawaii) February 6, 2019"


Unfortunately it seems D-NY Velázquez suffers from the same problem as does AOC - major attitude and speaks without thinking 1st. She had an opportunity to introduce herself to the teen and chose instead to Tweet a 'threat' / 'warning/ instead.

Pearson Tweeted back that he genuinely didn't know who she was and told her that perhaps if she worked harder more Americans would know her name.

With there being 435 members of Congress 'working harder' probably won't help many people outside of her own Constituents to get to know her....BUT INTRODCING YOURSELF BY THREATENING A CHILD IN A TWEET IS A REALLY GOOD WAY TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS YOU...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. :p

(In her defense, I / we do not know if she has faced insults and criticism - especially sexist or 'socialist' or whatever, but it sounds like she was a rather 'defensive'. She just need to remember to work on her PR / People skills and to always be 'pleasant', especially at 1st....until it's time to stop being so 'pleasant'.)

Seriously? This Dem Rep Just Told a Kid He Should Fear Members of Congress
Try stretching it into a death penalty ya snowflake...
not quite what he is doing but it is fun to push what people say to an extreme and mock the extreme, not what they actually said. i catch myself doing that and am trying to stop cause it doesn't make much sense and perpetuates the problem.

our leadership should never say "you should fear us". when they do - they crossed a line. all there is to it.
Trump does it all the time what the fuck are you talking about? He even told investigators to stop investigating or else. Go play your stupid game somewhere else..
He even told investigators to stop investigating or else. .
Please provide the exact quote and a link to it. It's not that I don't believe you....No, yes it is - I don't believe you. :p
Those who engaged in the attempt to cover up the Mueller Investigation are to be feared. The truth will make you free; lies can destroy you.
Sorta like the Federal Govt / FBI hiding the fact that the FBI lied to / abused the FISA Court to illegally spy on individuals more than 75 times by claiming they could not release this fact to the American people because it was 'a matter of national security', which is, as we know, utter BS. Keeping that hidden was protecting their own ass and allowing them to continue doing it. Such a rogue agency with that much power is also dangerous.

An opinion ^^^ based on biases and a meme.
Try stretching it into a death penalty ya snowflake...
Why would anyone be so absurd as to do that? It was an error is judgment, a Public Relations faux pas.

Unleashing our 'drama queen' side for a bit this morning, are we?
No I'm pretending to be a "Hen Peck", a "Balling Betty",a Whiney Willy", A" Sour Note Sally" like yous...
WHY should any child - or American - be AFRAID of an elected 'Servant Of The People'?

WHY would any politician Tweet to a child and tell them that they should be AFRAID of her?

CJ Pearson, the teen Internet star/activist on the internet who goes back and forth between supporting conservatives and Liberals, was Tweeting during the State of the Union Speech.

In one Tweet he comments about AOC constantly talking to a woman next to her, a woman he does not know.

".@AOC has been talking this entire speech and the woman next to her keeps trying to look the other way ????.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) February 6, 2019"

To Pearson's surprise, 'the woman' Tweeted a response to him.

"Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I -- and millions like us -- are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us. But you should learn my name. https://t.co/frL8ikNDcV
— Nydia M Velázquez (@ReElectNydia) February 6, 2019"

...ok, that's a little CREEPY! She actually 'threatened' the child, told the child they had a reason to be afraid of an elected federal politician.

That is not MY OPINION - That is the same way 'TWITTER' felt ... and THEY responded back to D-NY Velázquez:

"You do know that @thecjpearson is a minor right? You sound like you are threatening a minor...
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju)
February 6, 2019"

"United States Citizens should NEVER fear politicians. This tweet is deeply disturbing.
— Julie Betts (@JulieLvsPACKERS)
February 6, 2019"

"Wow. You had an opportunity to introduce yourself in a diplomatic way. Instead you chose to let citizens know we should be afraid of you. Not to mention on a night when POTUS was calling for unity.. literally right in front of you. Who are the divisive ones again?? ??
— Allie Mass (@AllieMassengale)
February 6, 2019"

"This tweet is disturbing... An elected official who demands that they be feared is an elected official who should never have been elected in the first place.
— Lady Porch ?? (@TheMrsPorch)
February 6, 2019"

"Threatening the constituency? Who are you, Joseph Stalin? Oops. You probably don't know who that is.
— Amy R (@LittleHawaii) February 6, 2019"


Unfortunately it seems D-NY Velázquez suffers from the same problem as does AOC - major attitude and speaks without thinking 1st. She had an opportunity to introduce herself to the teen and chose instead to Tweet a 'threat' / 'warning/ instead.

Pearson Tweeted back that he genuinely didn't know who she was and told her that perhaps if she worked harder more Americans would know her name.

With there being 435 members of Congress 'working harder' probably won't help many people outside of her own Constituents to get to know her....BUT INTRODCING YOURSELF BY THREATENING A CHILD IN A TWEET IS A REALLY GOOD WAY TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS YOU...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. :p

(In her defense, I / we do not know if she has faced insults and criticism - especially sexist or 'socialist' or whatever, but it sounds like she was a rather 'defensive'. She just need to remember to work on her PR / People skills and to always be 'pleasant', especially at 1st....until it's time to stop being so 'pleasant'.)

Seriously? This Dem Rep Just Told a Kid He Should Fear Members of Congress
Try stretching it into a death penalty ya snowflake...
not quite what he is doing but it is fun to push what people say to an extreme and mock the extreme, not what they actually said. i catch myself doing that and am trying to stop cause it doesn't make much sense and perpetuates the problem.

our leadership should never say "you should fear us". when they do - they crossed a line. all there is to it.
Trump does it all the time what the fuck are you talking about? He even told investigators to stop investigating or else. Go play your stupid game somewhere else..
give me a quote where he says "you should fear me".
Interesting how dressing up in white and jumping around like a bunch of amped up sorority sisters singing "We are Family!" makes liberal women think the rest of the world "fears" them! We fear what your policies will do to the country if you ever seize power...that doesn't mean we fear you!
The woman that tweeted that is right. That, is the scary part.

People, wake up. They own the culture war. They own the schools. They have long owned the entertainment INDUSTRY.

AOC is the product and while is a complete fucking moron, the left embrace her.

We should be very concerned. Do you see what is going on in our society? Let me just clarify.

Most, if not all of them, are incapable of repenting. Their hearts are forever closed.

This is going to happen. The tribulations need to happen.

We deserve what we will be getting, since we all allow this to happen.

Me included.
Democratic Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez appeared to threaten black teen conservative CJ Pearson during a Twitter exchange when Velázquez told the 16-year-old, “be afraid of us”.
Democratic Congresswoman Tells Black Teen Conservative: “Be Afraid of Us”

Now what kind of loser goes around making threats like this. Oh we know a democratic scum bag whose head is so far up Obama and the Democratic parties asses they can't see straight. One day reality might smack these loons into reality.
WHY should any child - or American - be AFRAID of an elected 'Servant Of The People'?

WHY would any politician Tweet to a child and tell them that they should be AFRAID of her?

CJ Pearson, the teen Internet star/activist on the internet who goes back and forth between supporting conservatives and Liberals, was Tweeting during the State of the Union Speech.

In one Tweet he comments about AOC constantly talking to a woman next to her, a woman he does not know.

".@AOC has been talking this entire speech and the woman next to her keeps trying to look the other way ????.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) February 6, 2019"

To Pearson's surprise, 'the woman' Tweeted a response to him.

"Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I -- and millions like us -- are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us. But you should learn my name. https://t.co/frL8ikNDcV
— Nydia M Velázquez (@ReElectNydia) February 6, 2019"

...ok, that's a little CREEPY! She actually 'threatened' the child, told the child they had a reason to be afraid of an elected federal politician.

That is not MY OPINION - That is the same way 'TWITTER' felt ... and THEY responded back to D-NY Velázquez:

"You do know that @thecjpearson is a minor right? You sound like you are threatening a minor...
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju)
February 6, 2019"

"United States Citizens should NEVER fear politicians. This tweet is deeply disturbing.
— Julie Betts (@JulieLvsPACKERS)
February 6, 2019"

"Wow. You had an opportunity to introduce yourself in a diplomatic way. Instead you chose to let citizens know we should be afraid of you. Not to mention on a night when POTUS was calling for unity.. literally right in front of you. Who are the divisive ones again?? ??
— Allie Mass (@AllieMassengale)
February 6, 2019"

"This tweet is disturbing... An elected official who demands that they be feared is an elected official who should never have been elected in the first place.
— Lady Porch ?? (@TheMrsPorch)
February 6, 2019"

"Threatening the constituency? Who are you, Joseph Stalin? Oops. You probably don't know who that is.
— Amy R (@LittleHawaii) February 6, 2019"


Unfortunately it seems D-NY Velázquez suffers from the same problem as does AOC - major attitude and speaks without thinking 1st. She had an opportunity to introduce herself to the teen and chose instead to Tweet a 'threat' / 'warning/ instead.

Pearson Tweeted back that he genuinely didn't know who she was and told her that perhaps if she worked harder more Americans would know her name.

With there being 435 members of Congress 'working harder' probably won't help many people outside of her own Constituents to get to know her....BUT INTRODCING YOURSELF BY THREATENING A CHILD IN A TWEET IS A REALLY GOOD WAY TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS YOU...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. :p

(In her defense, I / we do not know if she has faced insults and criticism - especially sexist or 'socialist' or whatever, but it sounds like she was a rather 'defensive'. She just need to remember to work on her PR / People skills and to always be 'pleasant', especially at 1st....until it's time to stop being so 'pleasant'.)

Seriously? This Dem Rep Just Told a Kid He Should Fear Members of Congress
I thought Socialists were against Bullying,.?
Socialism is forced ownership of everything.
They don't serve us.......we serve them.
They can only get this kind of setup by bullying others.
He even told investigators to stop investigating or else. .
Please provide the exact quote and a link to it. It's not that I don't believe you....No, yes it is - I don't believe you. :p
During the State of the Union Address....Get a clue what is happening before you play stupid.

Quote it, dumbass!

It didn't happen the way you fantasize!

Maybe you will learn from your mistake.
snowflake, yes you republicans should be scared of what us Dems are going to do. Get rid of citizen united, take care of climate change, and raise taxes on the elites.

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