Female Russian athletes KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Female Russian Athletes Kiss After Winning Gold In Possible Protest Of Anti-Gay Law


And, the haters' heads explode all over the world!:lol:
You're excited about this? Big deal. If they start having sex in the middle of the field, I can understand being shocked or excited or outraged. But you do realize that kissing in other cultures doesn't have the same sexual connotation it does in the US right?
I kiss my mom too, does that mean it's sexual?

the runners are not exactly swapping spit, just a peck on the cheek

source: huffpoo, gay voices.

of course, to them everything is queer :cuckoo:
You're excited about this? Big deal. If they start having sex in the middle of the field, I can understand being shocked or excited or outraged. But you do realize that kissing in other cultures doesn't have the same sexual connotation it does in the US right?
Progressives are notoriously ignorant of other cultures. Look at all the criticism they gave George Bush for holding hands with the Saudi king and them kissing each other on the cheek.

That's how equals treat each other in Arab culture. Equals don't bow.


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