Female Russian athletes KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're excited about this? Big deal. If they start having sex in the middle of the field, I can understand being shocked or excited or outraged. But you do realize that kissing in other cultures doesn't have the same sexual connotation it does in the US right?
Progressives are notoriously ignorant of other cultures. Look at all the criticism they gave George Bush for holding hands with the Saudi king and them kissing each other on the cheek.

That's how equals treat each other in Arab culture. Equals don't bow.


It was a full on mouth kiss that bush gave his owner and you know it.

And yes, in some cultures, equals do bow to each other.

You're an idiot.
You're excited about this? Big deal. If they start having sex in the middle of the field, I can understand being shocked or excited or outraged. But you do realize that kissing in other cultures doesn't have the same sexual connotation it does in the US right?
Progressives are notoriously ignorant of other cultures. Look at all the criticism they gave George Bush for holding hands with the Saudi king and them kissing each other on the cheek.

That's how equals treat each other in Arab culture. Equals don't bow.


It was a full on mouth kiss that bush gave his owner and you know it.

And yes, in some cultures, equals do bow to each other.

You're an idiot.

mouth kiss?

now that's some real action
Even Russian leaders kiss ....from a long time ago...


"In 1979, Honecker and Soviet leader Brezhnev kissed at celebrations marking 30 years of the GDR. This image was the inspiration for one of the most famous paintings on the Berlin Wall, depicting Brezhnev kissing his East German counterpart Erich Honecker"

What... another Gay Boys-and-Girls Circle-Jerk thread?


Jesus-H-Tap-Dancin'-Christ... can we just open-up another whole forum to flush this stuff into? So the rest of us don't have to continually deal with this shit...

...and so that we can get on with the business of talking about truly important things happening in the world?
You're excited about this? Big deal. If they start having sex in the middle of the field, I can understand being shocked or excited or outraged. But you do realize that kissing in other cultures doesn't have the same sexual connotation it does in the US right?
Progressives are notoriously ignorant of other cultures. Look at all the criticism they gave George Bush for holding hands with the Saudi king and them kissing each other on the cheek.

That's how equals treat each other in Arab culture. Equals don't bow.


It was a full on mouth kiss that bush gave his owner and you know it.

And yes, in some cultures, equals do bow to each other.

You're an idiot.
Good strategy: When called ignorant, proudly proclaim yourself even more ignorant.

Some cultures, yes. But not Arab culture.

Asians bow. Equals bow an equal amount. The less important individual bows lower.


Progressives are ignorant.
Progressives are notoriously ignorant of other cultures. Look at all the criticism they gave George Bush for holding hands with the Saudi king and them kissing each other on the cheek.

That's how equals treat each other in Arab culture. Equals don't bow.


It was a full on mouth kiss that bush gave his owner and you know it.

And yes, in some cultures, equals do bow to each other.

You're an idiot.

mouth kiss?

now that's some real action
Homophones? Nokia? Motorola? Samsung? LG? HTC? Apple?
Whoever makes 'em, I'm sure they come in an Absolutely Fabulous Color-Coordinated range of shades and hues.
And, oooooohhh, the accessories!
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The one on the left didn't get her head turned in time to get a cheek-kiss so she quickly spit and wiped her mouth when the other woman wasn't looking. :rolleyes:

This would be cool if the women looked good.....Again why do we care if you are a fag?

They don't look like ugly chinese swimmers.

As it turns out, the athlete who is the subject of the show of gay defiance, is PISSED about the liberal lie.

Russian gold medallist insulted by 'gay kiss' claims - RUSSIA - FRANCE 24

Some activists saw the kiss as a brazen show of defiance in support of gays and lesbians and against President Vladimir Putin after the championships were shadowed throughout by controversy over the law.

But Ryzhova on Tuesday insisted that she was married and made clear she was none too happy that people suspected that she and Gushchina might be more than just good friends.

“Yesterday, I was telephoned 20 times by various publications and instead of congratulating me they decided to insult me with these questions,” she fumed, quoted by the ITAR-TASS news agency.

“Myself and Yulia are both married and we are not having any kind of relationship,” she added, saying the two were very good friends after having trained together for eight years.

“It was a storm of emotions (after winning).

“This insults not just us but our trainers,” she added

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