Female student beats up teacher in hallway at St Louis high school 'after she refused to allow her to use anti-seizure medicine', has seizure shortly

I think most schools require students to check with the nurse before taking any drug, including aspirin. Maybe that was the problem.

black student beating on black teacher. here is some black on black crime for you. all over drugs. missouri.
Timing is important. Looks like if the teacher had waited another couple of minutes, the kid would have been on the ground with her seizure and the teacher could have looked through the girl's purse all she wanted. Now the teacher got a trip to the hospital and nothing will happen with the girl, due to it being a medical thing.:dunno:

black student beating on black teacher. here is some black on black crime for you. all over drugs. missouri.
hold on hold on here...a seizure disorder can cause very erratic behavior pre seizure.............the school and administrators should have known and approved the meds

know what a pre-seizure could involve

why does the uk have to report this
Timing is important. Looks like if the teacher had waited another couple of minutes, the kid would have been on the ground with her seizure and the teacher could have looked through the girl's purse all she wanted. Now the teacher got a trip to the hospital and nothing will happen with the girl, due to it being a medical thing.

My how times have changed. When I was in high school, my teachers were where I got my best drugs from! :dunno:
Here's the thing, my fellow and sister teachers on here:

Past about 3rd grade, the time for teachers physically controlling students is passed. If a student refuses your instructions, or flouts the rules right in front of you, report it to the administrators. They get paid the big bucks to figure out what to do. They will likely call the school resource officer who gets paid (bigger bucks than we, most likely) to deal with physical resistance.

Taking their purse, their phone, or any other belongings, pushing them to where you want them to go, blocking their way, or getting in their face is an invitation to exactly this kind of thing. We're not cops, we're not judges, and we surely are not jailers.

That studen will be back in that school, the teacher maybe not. The student would be back in that school, if it had been crack she was getting out of purse, and she assaulted a teacher over it. Until they actually go to kid jail, their home campus is stuck educating them, whether they assault teachers or not. No doubt a big part of the reason it is so hard to get teachers to work anymore.

Not arguing any of that is right, becuase it isn't. But it's the way things are.
I think most schools require students to check with the nurse before taking any drug, including aspirin. Maybe that was the problem.
exactly and her just taking some out of her locker was suspicious to the teacher.
hold on hold on here...a seizure disorder can cause very erratic behavior pre seizure.............the school and administrators should have known and approved the meds

know what a pre-seizure could involve

why does the uk have to report this
it is not the uk it was in missouri
I think most schools require students to check with the nurse before taking any drug, including aspirin. Maybe that was the problem.

I can't speak about now since I'm 48, nor that state because I didn't live there but when I was in school any medications had to be given to the school nurse or if the nurse wasn't there to supply it the principal or vice principal did it according to directions.

The only exception was an epinephrine pen for kids with her sting allergies or whatever.

You'd get in trouble just having aspirin or any medication. In today's world I'd understand a teacher confronting a student over any kind of drug use or possession.

If the student or parent followed the schools procedures this all could have been avoided

Course it also could have been avoided if that nword had the ability to rationally and calmly discuss things with the teacher instead of resorting to violence. But of course most nwords are not capable of that since they are savages.

black student beating on black teacher. here is some black on black crime for you. all over drugs. missouri.
When I lived and worked in StL I remember about noon in front of their beautiful downtown library a man was killed brutally in broad daylight. Liberal Democrats ruined the city , we moved.
My how times have changed. When I was in high school, my teachers were where I got my best drugs from! :dunno:
Back in the early 70's, when possession of pot was a major felony in Texas, I had an English Professor who was married to a History Professor. One of my classmates was busted by the State Narcotics people for sale of pot and was being held in the local county jail pending trial. Those two "professors" were his frequent visitors. Oddly, both were NOT employed at that school the following year. I always wondered about what happened to them.
Here's the thing, my fellow and sister teachers on here:

Past about 3rd grade, the time for teachers physically controlling students is passed. If a student refuses your instructions, or flouts the rules right in front of you, report it to the administrators. They get paid the big bucks to figure out what to do. They will likely call the school resource officer who gets paid (bigger bucks than we, most likely) to deal with physical resistance.

Taking their purse, their phone, or any other belongings, pushing them to where you want them to go, blocking their way, or getting in their face is an invitation to exactly this kind of thing. We're not cops, we're not judges, and we surely are not jailers.

That studen will be back in that school, the teacher maybe not. The student would be back in that school, if it had been crack she was getting out of purse, and she assaulted a teacher over it. Until they actually go to kid jail, their home campus is stuck educating them, whether they assault teachers or not. No doubt a big part of the reason it is so hard to get teachers to work anymore.

Not arguing any of that is right, becuase it isn't. But it's the way things are.
it shouldnt be. bad parenting causes it.

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