Feminism Is A Scam


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
The main purpose for feminism isn't to support women.
It was designed to get women out of the home into the working place and give your kids to the state to indoctrinate.
Feminists don't think all rape victims are equal. Biden and Clinton both committed rape, but feminists don't care about their victims. Rape, or Cancel Culture, was designed to be used against Republicans only.

The main purpose for feminism isn't to support women.
It was designed to get women out of the home into the working place and give your kids to the state to indoctrinate.
Feminists don't think all rape victims are equal. Biden and Clinton both committed rape, but feminists don't care about their victims. Rape, or Cancel Culture, was designed to be used against Republicans only.

Someone needs to tell Al Franken about this.
The main purpose for feminism isn't to support women.
It was designed to get women out of the home into the working place and give your kids to the state to indoctrinate.
Feminists don't think all rape victims are equal. Biden and Clinton both committed rape, but feminists don't care about their victims. Rape, or Cancel Culture, was designed to be used against Republicans only.

It's the same with BLM, the main goal is not to stand up for Blacks, the main goal is cultural Marxism. That is why all of the founders of BLM are professed Marxists and why they do nothing to protect Blacks who are not left leaning.

Essentially, the Left targets "oppressed groups" and virtue signals about standing up for them, while all the while only being concerned with forming a block vote for their fake concern for them.

Today feminists purport to stand up for women while letting men dominate their sport and even denying that women even exist. Being a woman today is just a state of mind apparently.

Sick, sick, sick.
Always with the excuses when your lame conspiracies are shown to be just that.
Ridicule is the only weapon you folks have.

You don't have any facts on your side.

BTW, how is it my conspiracy when someone else published it?

I'm simply agreeing to something I already knew long ago.
Feminism is not the scam the ALEC/MAGA right wing anti American Fascist Communist Party posing as the GOP is the largest scam on earth.

ALEC/MAGA put the GOP to death thus the GOP is dead.
I posted a fact to dispute your accusation.
I responded with the reason why your "Fact" is bogus.

The left supports the higher-ups, but if the minions get in trouble they decide if it's worth defending them or not, and Al Franken wasn't valuable enough to defend. Biden and the Clintons are.
I responded with the reason why your "Fact" is bogus.

The left supports the higher-ups, but if the minions get in trouble they decide if it's worth defending them or not, and Al Franken wasn't valuable enough to defend. Biden and the Clintons are.

Sadly people excuse poor behavior out of our presidents. If you want to argue simply that I will not disagree.

One can point out examples of nearly all of them.
Sadly people excuse poor behavior out of our presidents. If you want to argue simply that I will not disagree.

One can point out examples of nearly all of them.
the left is worse on having consistent values.

more of the "any means necessary" crowd is on the left.

Hillary said there public and private positions, with an air of snarky elitism.
the left is worse on having consistent values.

"The left" is a worthless vast generalization. It was also the "left" that refused to vote for Hillary.

more of the "any means necessary" crowd is on the left.

Hillary said there public and private positions, with an air of snarky elitism.

And she lost.

No one forced a single woman to leave the home and get a job. Not one.

Every single woman in the entire country is 100% free to stay home as a homemaker if she so chooses.

What are you complaining about? Some of you sure are whiny snowflakes
Sadly people excuse poor behavior out of our presidents. If you want to argue simply that I will not disagree.

One can point out examples of nearly all of them.
I'm sure the media will always give us plenty of examples to choose from, real or imagined.
"The left" is a worthless vast generalization. It was also the "left" that refused to vote for Hillary.

And she lost.

let's stick just to the effects of feminism and how it served our society.

it's destroyed families and glutted the labor pool.

let's stick just to the effects of feminism and how it served our society.

it's destroyed families and glutted the labor pool.

I disagree. Nobody should be relegated to a role because of yours (and others) ideas of who they should be.

On top of that many women didn't have a choice on whether to join the work force. It was that or answer calls from the bill collectors all day.

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