Feminist who aborted first baby..changes heart with the birth of her next baby...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This woman was a rabid feminist...and finally got the wake up call when she allowed her second baby to be born....

Feminist-founder Has Change of Heart, Turns Pro-Life, Asks for Forgiveness

Lifesite News has the story:

Sara Fernanda Giromin first made herself known to Brazil and to the world under the alias “Sara Winter” in 2012, when she became the founding member of Femen Brazil, and led a trio of girls in a number of topless protests that garnered much media attention. However, only three years later, the young activist has done an about-face and has declared war on feminism and abortion, and is apologizing to Christians for her offensive behavior. She has also published a short book detailing the abuse and disappointment she suffered at the hands of fellow feminists.

Giromin regrets terminating her first pregnancy and now implores those considering abortion to reconsider.

“I have repented of having had an abortion and today I ask for forgiveness,” wrote Giromin. “Yesterday marked one month after the birth of my baby and my life has taken on a new meaning. I’m writing this while he sleeps serenely on my lap. It is the greatest sensation in the world.”

“Please, women who are desperate to abort, think carefully about it. I was very sorry I did it. I don’t want the same for you,” she added.

But Giromin’s about-face isn’t limited to abortion. She’s now speaking out against the feminist movement referring to it as a corrupt religious “sect.”
This woman was a rabid feminist...and finally got the wake up call when she allowed her second baby to be born....

Feminist-founder Has Change of Heart, Turns Pro-Life, Asks for Forgiveness

Lifesite News has the story:

Sara Fernanda Giromin first made herself known to Brazil and to the world under the alias “Sara Winter” in 2012, when she became the founding member of Femen Brazil, and led a trio of girls in a number of topless protests that garnered much media attention. However, only three years later, the young activist has done an about-face and has declared war on feminism and abortion, and is apologizing to Christians for her offensive behavior. She has also published a short book detailing the abuse and disappointment she suffered at the hands of fellow feminists.

Giromin regrets terminating her first pregnancy and now implores those considering abortion to reconsider.

“I have repented of having had an abortion and today I ask for forgiveness,” wrote Giromin. “Yesterday marked one month after the birth of my baby and my life has taken on a new meaning. I’m writing this while he sleeps serenely on my lap. It is the greatest sensation in the world.”

“Please, women who are desperate to abort, think carefully about it. I was very sorry I did it. I don’t want the same for you,” she added.

But Giromin’s about-face isn’t limited to abortion. She’s now speaking out against the feminist movement referring to it as a corrupt religious “sect.”
But what's her opinion of the dumb negro and the shameless woman that were casted in the new PC Star Wars?
week14-fetus.jpg Just hanging out thinking, feeling, being human and innocent with no right to choose.

14 week fetus
Lumpy 18 said:
[QUOthatThe Great Goose, post: 13149692, member: 55796"]They are babies! You killing assholes!

You kinda confuse me, you seem to be left, right and center.

I find it refreshing, interesting and well worth paying attention to....:beer:[/QUOTE]
I like babies. Whats confusing about that?
Lumpy 18 said:
[QUOthatThe Great Goose, post: 13149692, member: 55796"]They are babies! You killing assholes!

You kinda confuse me, you seem to be left, right and center.

I find it refreshing, interesting and well worth paying attention to....:beer:

I like babies. Whats confusing about that?[/QUOTE]

Me too, in fact my daughter just had a baby boy and named him after me, a whole week old today .. oh soooo cute.

I wasn't confused about your baby likes, it's just that I agree and disagree with your renderings on the USMB, you're unpredictable which is refreshing..
"Feminist who aborted first baby..changes heart with the birth of her next baby..."

Which she's a liberty to do – that's what most conservatives fail to understand, or refuse to understand, the consequence of their fear and contempt for individual liberty: that the right to privacy exists within the overall context of the right of individuals to make decisions and choices concerning personal, private matters free from unwarranted interference from the state.

Therefore, conservatives who seek to deny a woman her right to privacy through force of law wish only to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

That conservatives might 'disapprove' of how Americans decide to exercise their right to privacy is thankfully irrelevant.
I was listening to NPR today (I know!) and they had an interview with a feminist who told a story about the abortion she had before it was legal.

The doctor told her he had two conditions to giving her an abotion:

1) Never tell anyone his name.

2) Do whatever you want to do in your life.

I have come to the realization that pro-life and pro-choice will never resolve anything, because they're not talking about the same thing. It's a complete disconnect.

Pro-life talks about the innocence of the baby, and it's right to live.

Pro-choice people say that women should not be burdened with an unwanted child when she has more important things to do, like pursuing a career.

Now, there are millions of women who had babies, AND had successful careers. I would like to know why pro-choicers think it's impossible for a woman to have a baby, give it up for adoption, and then continue her plans to conquer the world.

I have worked for two lawfirm and both were owned by two high-power female lawyers. They all have children, and yet they have made enormous success for themselves as lawyers and businessmen.
"Feminist who aborted first baby..changes heart with the birth of her next baby..."

Which she's a liberty to do – that's what most conservatives fail to understand, or refuse to understand, the consequence of their fear and contempt for individual liberty: that the right to privacy exists within the overall context of the right of individuals to make decisions and choices concerning personal, private matters free from unwarranted interference from the state.

Therefore, conservatives who seek to deny a woman her right to privacy through force of law wish only to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

That conservatives might 'disapprove' of how Americans decide to exercise their right to privacy is thankfully irrelevant.

Not fear of individual liberty twit.....we don't want babies murdered. I know that is an intensely difficult concept for you to get....but that is what it is......

The right to privacy...that is funny. so...if I lure someone into my home and murder them the right to privacy should also hold..right, you twit?

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