Feminist who aborted first baby..changes heart with the birth of her next baby...

I was listening to NPR today (I know!) and they had an interview with a feminist who told a story about the abortion she had before it was legal.

The doctor told her he had two conditions to giving her an abotion:

1) Never tell anyone his name.

2) Do whatever you want to do in your life.

I have come to the realization that pro-life and pro-choice will never resolve anything, because they're not talking about the same thing. It's a complete disconnect.

Pro-life talks about the innocence of the baby, and it's right to live.

Pro-choice people say that women should not be burdened with an unwanted child when she has more important things to do, like pursuing a career.

Now, there are millions of women who had babies, AND had successful careers. I would like to know why pro-choicers think it's impossible for a woman to have a baby, give it up for adoption, and then continue her plans to conquer the world.

I have worked for two lawfirm and both were owned by two high-power female lawyers. They all have children, and yet they have made enormous success for themselves as lawyers and businessmen.

For some reason, requiring a woman to carry a baby 9 months is an undue burden and the act of murdering the baby makes more sense to them. That she could then surrender the baby to the state for adoption or any other service is also an undue burden that can be rectified by killing the baby. They can't see past the situation and how evil that choice is....no matter how slowly you explain it to them.

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