Fentanyl Found in Floyd's System

Why wasn't Floyd put in a patrol car? Pretty simple but none of that is coming out...why is that?
I read SOMEWHERE two days ago Floyd was physically resisting going into the patrol car. :dunno:

He was in the patrol car; he was let out when he sniveled about being ' claustrophobic' and 'couldn't breathe'. When he got out he tried to run but fell to the ground, where he kept babbling for over 7 minutes while supposedly being unable to breathe, an physical impossiblity. You can't make noise with no air in your lungs, much less speak.
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Don't let the differences in the 2 reports mislead you.

Heart failure does not rule out asphyxiation as soon after one stops breathing the heart will stop

If the windpipe is injured it SWELLS...you count on that if you're fighting several opponents at once. One shuto strike to the front of the throat is lethal within a minute without a tracheotomy.. (feel for the little notch, make an incision under it with a pocket knife, insert a drinking straw). If Floyd's trachea had been compromised, the coroner would have seen it immediately from the hemorrhaging.
His trachea does not have to be compromised in order to die of asphyxiation.

There were two other cops on Floyd's back as well as the one with his knee on his neck.

One can die of suffocation if enough weight is placed on his back for sufficient time. What happens is that the person being restrained in that manner tires quite quickly and is no longer able to draw air into his lungs he then asphyxiates. Now add to that the compromised blood flow to the brain due to the knee on his neck and you get death by asphyxiation.
Actually, this is about police brutality. Which is a very real issue.

Absolutely not. This is about democrats going out of their way to incite a race riot. Nothing to do with police brutality, which is a very small issue, certainly not worth rioting or even protesting over.
People shouldn’t protest police brutality?

I doubt many people protest police brutality. They are there to virtue signal about an issue that isn't an issue in 99.999999% of our lives, and the 70 IQ blacks want to end the police so that they can commit crime as they please.

Medical Examiner: George Floyd Was High on Fentanyl During Police Encounter and Died of Heart Attack

This may invalidate the narrative being pushed by social justice activists.


15 hours ago
Jun 1, 2020
Shane Trejo

The Hennepin County Medical Examiner has announced that George Floyd, whose death during an encounter with Minneapolis police have set off nationwide riots, had fentanyl in his system during his passing with the cause of death being a heart attack.

The medical examiner claims that Floyd suffered “a cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained by law enforcement.” In addition, the report claims that Floyd had used methamphetamine recently in addition to the fentanyl. They listed his cause of death as a homicide.

They listed his cause of death as a homicide.
Yes, I posted that link on page ONE! You should read ALL OF IT!
There were two other cops on Floyd's back as well as the one with his knee on his neck.

Ah, I wondered what became of them since they were behind the car and out of view of the camera. I thought they might have been fending off bystanders, directing traffic, whatever. So how could they have had their knee in his back if he was laying on his side????

Here's another shot and another cop holding him down...and a lot more pressure on Floyd's neck than we saw before....damn.

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Baden was on Hannity last night.....he got old and is no longer able to make a coherent argument. He blithered through his findings on Floyd without making much sense or explaining how he reached his conclusions. But he was paid well for his efforts I'm sure...my question is who signed the check? Hannity meanwhile seemed more interested in telling us about how his martial arts training involved the rear-naked choke hold over and over again......One of the more senseless and irritating 5 minutes of television I've seen lately.

The Floyd family's lawyers, the Bling Brigade, paid for an 'independent autopsy', which naturally came to the conclusions' they wanted, for the civil suit anyway, the one that really matters to the family.

This going to get interesting.
Time to bring in some more experts since someone here is obviously lying.

Medical Examiner: George Floyd Was High on Fentanyl During Police Encounter and Died of Heart Attack

This may invalidate the narrative being pushed by social justice activists.


15 hours ago
Jun 1, 2020
Shane Trejo

The Hennepin County Medical Examiner has announced that George Floyd, whose death during an encounter with Minneapolis police have set off nationwide riots, had fentanyl in his system during his passing with the cause of death being a heart attack.

The medical examiner claims that Floyd suffered “a cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained by law enforcement.” In addition, the report claims that Floyd had used methamphetamine recently in addition to the fentanyl. They listed his cause of death as a homicide.

They listed his cause of death as a homicide.
Yes, I posted that link on page ONE! You should read ALL OF IT!
My point was that this was A HOMICIDE, despite anything you want to make of the fentanyl issue. IT WAS A HOMICIDE.

Medical Examiner: George Floyd Was High on Fentanyl During Police Encounter and Died of Heart Attack

This may invalidate the narrative being pushed by social justice activists.


15 hours ago
Jun 1, 2020
Shane Trejo

The Hennepin County Medical Examiner has announced that George Floyd, whose death during an encounter with Minneapolis police have set off nationwide riots, had fentanyl in his system during his passing with the cause of death being a heart attack.

The medical examiner claims that Floyd suffered “a cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained by law enforcement.” In addition, the report claims that Floyd had used methamphetamine recently in addition to the fentanyl. They listed his cause of death as a homicide.

They listed his cause of death as a homicide.
Yes, I posted that link on page ONE! You should read ALL OF IT!
My point was that this was A HOMICIDE, despite anything you want to make of the fentanyl issue. IT WAS A HOMICIDE.

Manslaughter at best.
There were two other cops on Floyd's back as well as the one with his knee on his neck.

Ah, I wondered what became of them since they were behind the car and out of view of the camera. I thought they might have been fending off bystanders, directing traffic, whatever. So how could they have had their knee in his back if he was laying on his side????
From the few clips, I saw I inferred the Asian-looking cop was trying in some light way, to perhaps question the cop in question as to what and why was he holding him down-I don't know, it was just as it appeared to me. Maybe because Floyd was 6'6" tall and 200 lbs. and fear and adrenaline were pulsating through veins? Still---we have a dead man on drugs who had just committed a crime and all hell has broken loose. If Floyd had been white we would still only be talking about C-19. Only blacks can kill blacks and get away with murder!
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Medical Examiner: George Floyd Was High on Fentanyl During Police Encounter and Died of Heart Attack

This may invalidate the narrative being pushed by social justice activists.


15 hours ago
Jun 1, 2020
Shane Trejo

The Hennepin County Medical Examiner has announced that George Floyd, whose death during an encounter with Minneapolis police have set off nationwide riots, had fentanyl in his system during his passing with the cause of death being a heart attack.

The medical examiner claims that Floyd suffered “a cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained by law enforcement.” In addition, the report claims that Floyd had used methamphetamine recently in addition to the fentanyl. They listed his cause of death as a homicide.

They listed his cause of death as a homicide.
Yes, I posted that link on page ONE! You should read ALL OF IT!
My point was that this was A HOMICIDE, despite anything you want to make of the fentanyl issue. IT WAS A HOMICIDE.
I didn't miss your point. Doh!
There were two other cops on Floyd's back as well as the one with his knee on his neck.

Ah, I wondered what became of them since they were behind the car and out of view of the camera. I thought they might have been fending off bystanders, directing traffic, whatever. So how could they have had their knee in his back if he was laying on his side????
From the few clips, I saw I inferred the Asian-looking cop was trying in some light way, to perhaps question the cop in question as to what and why was he holding him down-I don't know, it was just as it appeared to me. Maybe because Floyd was 6'6" tall and 200 lbs. and fear and adrenaline were pulsating through veins? Still---we have a dead man on drugs who had just committed a crime and all hell has broken loose. If Floyd had been white we would still only be talking about C-19.
He was trying to pass a fake $20 bill; he may have not even known it was fake. This is not a violent crime. This is not a crime you kill someone over.
Everybody knows he didn't die from a knee on his neck. He gibbered along for over 7 minutes in that position, and it's impossible to talk if you can't breathe; he had a heart attack from his dope habit, is all. Narcotics shut down your lungs, among other functions. the tard swallowed a bunch of pills when he saw the cops coming, probably a handful he was planning on selling at his 'bouncer' job that night. He was sniveling about not being able to breathe for 5 minutes while he was in the back of the patrol car before they let him out and sat on the hoodlum when he fell to the ground; they thought he was trying to run, which he probably was but was too doped up to do so.

Fentanyl is also a euphoriant and an hallucinogen.
Sheeeesh----he was muttering? It is difficult to know
just what he was saying or seeing or experiencing.
What did the autopsy show? Death by asphyxiation
Sorry. But this was manslaughter. The guy was cuffed. No need to knee his neck. But even if that rogue cop had just shot him in the back ,there is no excuse for these filthy savages to plunder our cities. Blacks ALWAYS riot. They ALWAYS react violently to any stimuli.
but, he died from a drug overdose
that means they cuffed and then stood on the neck of a dying man when they should have been helping him,,,
But, did they know that he was overdosing?
Pharmaceutical fentanyl is a synthetic opioid pain reliever, approved for treating severe pain, typically advanced cancer pain. It is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine. However, most recent cases of fentanyl-related harm, overdose, and death in the U.S. are linked to illegally made fentanyl, It is sold through illegal drug markets for its heroin-like effect.

It appears that police misconduct on those who aren't criminals is much less likely to get you killed than a lightning strike. So no, the real story here is not police brutality (although of course, I am no big fan of agents of big government and condemn the actions of this cop - so throw me some virtue points now).

The real story is the media manipulating the dumb 80 IQ jogger population for their gain, and the far leftists fueled by their TDS jumping in on it for their own purposes. As Aristotle noted


Fentanol didn't murder George Floyd. 4 police officers did. An independent medical examiner said drugs paid no part in his death - via asphixiation from the compression of three police officers on his chest, throat and back.
He was trying to pass a fake $20 bill; he may have not even known it was fake. This is not a violent crime. This is not a crime you kill someone over.

Nobody said it was.....and if you turn over a counterfeit bill, you don't get a replacement...you're out the money so it's not unusual to try to pass it especially if you're poor. My advice is to find a food stand that's extremely busy and not checking bills.
There were two other cops on Floyd's back as well as the one with his knee on his neck.

Ah, I wondered what became of them since they were behind the car and out of view of the camera. I thought they might have been fending off bystanders, directing traffic, whatever. So how could they have had their knee in his back if he was laying on his side????

Here's another shot and another cop holding him down...and a lot more pressure on Floyd's neck than we saw before....damn.

you can clearly see the second cop pressing on Floyd's ribs and we can't see the 3rd cop at all but the reports say that all 3 were restraining him not just one.

Why don't you see how long you can breathe with 3 men holding you down like that.

When I was taking MMA classes I learned real fast how hard it is to breathe when prone on the mat with the weight of just one guy on my back never mind 3

Everybody knows he didn't die from a knee on his neck. He gibbered along for over 7 minutes in that position, and it's impossible to talk if you can't breathe; he had a heart attack from his dope habit, is all. Narcotics shut down your lungs, among other functions. the tard swallowed a bunch of pills when he saw the cops coming, probably a handful he was planning on selling at his 'bouncer' job that night. He was sniveling about not being able to breathe for 5 minutes while he was in the back of the patrol car before they let him out and sat on the hoodlum when he fell to the ground; they thought he was trying to run, which he probably was but was too doped up to do so.

Fentanyl is also a euphoriant and an hallucinogen.
Sheeeesh----he was muttering? It is difficult to know
just what he was saying or seeing or experiencing.
What did the autopsy show? Death by asphyxiation
Sorry. But this was manslaughter. The guy was cuffed. No need to knee his neck. But even if that rogue cop had just shot him in the back ,there is no excuse for these filthy savages to plunder our cities. Blacks ALWAYS riot. They ALWAYS react violently to any stimuli.
but, he died from a drug overdose
that means they cuffed and then stood on the neck of a dying man when they should have been helping him,,,
But, did they know that he was overdosing?
they knew he was unresponsive and complaining about breathing,,,
and chose to stand on his neck even after he was dead,,,
I don't like the looks of the pic I just posted....he had his full weight on the man's neck not on his back leg. I'm reassessing my opinion on this whole matter based on the new pic...notice the front foot turned out...not good for the cop.
There were two other cops on Floyd's back as well as the one with his knee on his neck.

Ah, I wondered what became of them since they were behind the car and out of view of the camera. I thought they might have been fending off bystanders, directing traffic, whatever. So how could they have had their knee in his back if he was laying on his side????
From the few clips, I saw I inferred the Asian-looking cop was trying in some light way, to perhaps question the cop in question as to what and why was he holding him down-I don't know, it was just as it appeared to me. Maybe because Floyd was 6'6" tall and 200 lbs. and fear and adrenaline were pulsating through veins? Still---we have a dead man on drugs who had just committed a crime and all hell has broken loose. If Floyd had been white we would still only be talking about C-19.
He was trying to pass a fake $20 bill; he may have not even known it was fake. This is not a violent crime. This is not a crime you kill someone over.
The police were called! The rest of the story will unfold as days go by!
you can clearly see the second cop pressing on Floyd's ribs and we can't see the 3rd cop at all but the reports say that all 3 were restraining him not just one.

Why don't you see how long you can breathe with 3 men holding you down like that.

When I was taking MMA classes I learned real fast how hard it is to breathe when prone on the mat with the weight of just one guy on my back

I'm a combat Vet and GoJuKai blackbelt...I don't need advice on how this works....I've silenced a couple sentries and a stray from an NVA combat unit with choke-holds to avoid noise. I twist the neck until it snaps if required. If you'll notice, I don't like the looks of the pic I found but it's not a constricted windpipe...it's pressure on the carotid artery stopping blood flow to that side of the brain.

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