Fentanyl Killed One of My Best Friends Sons

Liberals rationalize that this isn't their fault while actively supporting Open Border policies.

That does not mean they are not responsible.

THey are vile scum.
Conservatives rationalize this the Liberals fault even though the criminals were from Texas- not Mexico.

Conservatives rationalize that this isn't another example of their failed 'war on drugs' while doing nothing about the Opioid crisis- other than blaming liberals.

The blood is on the hands of all of those who support the current 'war on drugs'

This isn't about who these individual criminals are, though I seriously doubt they are conservatives,
but about the policies that have created the problem.

And those policies are the "War on Drugs"- not illegal immigration.

Despite the contard's who want to blame everything on illegal immigration.
The fenatnyl didn't kill him he killed himself by using it.

YOu create an environment of despair, and easy access to drugs, you share in the responsibility of the results.

Not to mention the simple fact that the kid probably did not realize that the fenatnyl was in the drugs in the first place.

We need to legalize the sale and distribution of recreational drugs and have them inspected prior to sale in safe clean store fronts.

What you are saying is that we should end our current Prohibition.

We found out in the early 20th century that the Prohibition against alcohol led to several unintended consequences:
  • an increase in deaths due to alcohol poisoning- people were buying unregulated hard alcohol that included among other things wood alcohol, and other poisons.
  • the rise of organized crime. All of the gangsters we associate with the era- Al Capone etc, got rich with illegal alcohol sales- all of their other blackmarket business's paled in comparison- prostitution and gambling wasn't nearly as lucrative.
  • the rise of violence due to organized crime. With the huge amounts of money to be made, mobs openly battled with each other
  • An increase in alcoholism- this was the most counterintuitive- but with Prohibition people tended to drink hard liquor instead of beer and wine- and tended to binge drink more.
Virtually everything that happened during Prohibition ended up happening during our 'War on Drugs'.

Want to change things?

Look at what Portugal has done.

Portugal's policies are saving lives, reducing addiction and cost less money then their own previous 'war on drugs'.
The most callous people are those who never experienced loss or have experienced so much loss that they're numb to it. Which are you skull pilot?

My losses are my business.

Just like the choice to do drugs would be my business
The fenatnyl didn't kill him he killed himself by using it.
That will be your opinion until you lose someone close to you from the opioid crisis.

No it will be my opinion until the day I die regardless of what happens to anyone I know.

His choices killed him.
Or her. It could be your daughter or your lover or wife too. Then I'll bet a tear or two will shed down your cheeks.

Of course but that in no way justifies me telling anyone else what choices to make does it?

You say you want to tell other people what to do because you care about them. I say it's just the opposite. You care more about the pain you will feel if a person you love chooses to engage in a behavior that might lead to his death so you want to be able to control that person and tell him what choices he can make so as to spare yourself the pain.

I on the other hand don't think I have the right to tell anyone never mind to force anyone to behave the way I want them to no matter how much their choices may hurt me
Toledo, badger's hometown. 21-pound heroin bust at Cinci, one wonders about water routes or a local lab.
Who are you to tell me what is my business or not?

I'm me who the fuck are you to tell other people they can't choose to do drugs?

I'm their fellow citizen. We are part of a community. Judging other's behavior and taking care of one another is part of being part of a community.

Always has been.
No respecting other's people's choices is being part of a community

Who the fuck are you to sit in judgement of anyone else?

No. People are unknowingly killing themselves and wreaking havic on others, and youre trying to convince us the moral thing to do is stay out of it. Sorry im not buying it.

I never once mentioned morals

your morals are yours and yours alone and you have no right to use your morals as a benchmark for telling other people how to behave.

And there is not one drug user out there who doesn't know that they can die from drug use.

Nope. Individuals have a right to use their morals in policy debate and formulation.

Thous shall not kill, is a moral, and the basis of the law against murder. As it well should be.
A certain amount of judgement of others (and selfs) actions is a fundamental part of being a community.

You got a community of wooden huts with thatched roofs, and some asshole likes to play with matches, that person needs some serious judging.

No he needs to be respected until he actually does something to harm someone else.

This whole I have the right to tell you what to do because I'm your neighbor is getting out of hand.

No, he doesn't.

He's an obvious threat to the lives of everyone in the community and the community needs to take action.

Judgement or gossip is the first step towards that.

We'll have to disagree.

What he does is no one's business until he actually harms someone else. Then you can judge him and punish him.

Your thinking is what's driving the movement to ban everything from guns to Twinkies

Big difference from a reasonable fear of harm to the community and a scapegoat to rationalize away the real issue(s).

One is true, one is a lie.

That's a very real difference.

Lie or no lie that very philosophy is used to justify controlling others.

Where my philosophy can never be used for such a justification

You philosophy is an over reaction to abuse of the concept of community by the left, and is not viable in any long term sense.

You bring deadly poison into my community, and it is my business and I have a right to try to stop you.
I'm their fellow citizen. We are part of a community. Judging other's behavior and taking care of one another is part of being part of a community.

Always has been.
No respecting other's people's choices is being part of a community

Who the fuck are you to sit in judgement of anyone else?

No. People are unknowingly killing themselves and wreaking havic on others, and youre trying to convince us the moral thing to do is stay out of it. Sorry im not buying it.

I never once mentioned morals

your morals are yours ans yours alone and you have no right to use your morals as a benchmark for telling other people how to behave.

And there is not one drug user out there who doesn't know that they can die from drug use.

We live in a society with shared values to some extent. To be neutral on an issue that affects the community in so many negative aspects is the height of irresponsibility. And i disagree with the premise that most, or every as you put it, every drug user realizes they are playing russian roulette with their lives. Most drug users that OD are committing suiced, but its passive suicide, they dont relize the consequences of their actions.

Suicide is a personal choice and I will argue it is the most important personal choice.
Whether a person chooses to live or die is his choice and his alone and it is not your right to force people to live if they choose not to.

And it's not drug use that causes the violence and the crime or any other damage to the community it is the drug laws and the prohibition on drugs that we try and fail to enforce that is causing the problems.

Suicide is generally an irrational choice.

A community that prevents a man (or woman) from suicide during a short term period of despair, and thus allowing that individual to get past that to new periods of decent or better quality of life, is a good thing.

And completely keeping in the give and take of being part of a community.
Liberals rationalize that this isn't their fault while actively supporting Open Border policies.

That does not mean they are not responsible.

THey are vile scum.
Conservatives rationalize this the Liberals fault even though the criminals were from Texas- not Mexico.

Conservatives rationalize that this isn't another example of their failed 'war on drugs' while doing nothing about the Opioid crisis- other than blaming liberals.

The blood is on the hands of all of those who support the current 'war on drugs'

This isn't about who these individual criminals are, though I seriously doubt they are conservatives,
but about the policies that have created the problem.

And those policies are the "War on Drugs"- not illegal immigration.

Despite the contard's who want to blame everything on illegal immigration.

An border kept open, for what ever reason, certain political parties have to keep it open, allows ALSO, the free flow of drugs.
$1M in fentanyl seized from Texas trio plotting to mail drugs back from Ohio, authorities say
He overdosed and was in a coma. They had to make the decision to pull the plug. This was at a time when both mother and father had lost their jobs due to NAFTA. Great fucking life huh? Thanks liberals for screwing up our country. Let drugs and illegals in...ship working class folks jobs out. Pricks.

you think the fentanyl wasn't from inside this country... where it's manufactured?


and while I would not wish on my worst enemy what your friends are going through, there is some personal responsibility there for the person who OD'd.

but please make it about immigrants, lowlife
$1M in fentanyl seized from Texas trio plotting to mail drugs back from Ohio, authorities say
He overdosed and was in a coma. They had to make the decision to pull the plug. This was at a time when both mother and father had lost their jobs due to NAFTA. Great fucking life huh? Thanks liberals for screwing up our country. Let drugs and illegals in...ship working class folks jobs out. Pricks.

you think the fentanyl wasn't from inside this country... where it's manufactured?


and while I would not wish on my worst enemy what your friends are going through, there is some personal responsibility there for the person who OD'd.

but please make it about immigrants, lowlife

Lot of sympathy you have there for people
I'm me who the fuck are you to tell other people they can't choose to do drugs?

I'm their fellow citizen. We are part of a community. Judging other's behavior and taking care of one another is part of being part of a community.

Always has been.
No respecting other's people's choices is being part of a community

Who the fuck are you to sit in judgement of anyone else?

No. People are unknowingly killing themselves and wreaking havic on others, and youre trying to convince us the moral thing to do is stay out of it. Sorry im not buying it.

I never once mentioned morals

your morals are yours and yours alone and you have no right to use your morals as a benchmark for telling other people how to behave.

And there is not one drug user out there who doesn't know that they can die from drug use.

Nope. Individuals have a right to use their morals in policy debate and formulation.

Thous shall not kill, is a moral, and the basis of the law against murder. As it well should be.

But a drug user is only killing himself.

He is not committing a crime against anyone else is he?

See the difference?
I'm their fellow citizen. We are part of a community. Judging other's behavior and taking care of one another is part of being part of a community.

Always has been.
No respecting other's people's choices is being part of a community

Who the fuck are you to sit in judgement of anyone else?

No. People are unknowingly killing themselves and wreaking havic on others, and youre trying to convince us the moral thing to do is stay out of it. Sorry im not buying it.

I never once mentioned morals

your morals are yours and yours alone and you have no right to use your morals as a benchmark for telling other people how to behave.

And there is not one drug user out there who doesn't know that they can die from drug use.

Nope. Individuals have a right to use their morals in policy debate and formulation.

Thous shall not kill, is a moral, and the basis of the law against murder. As it well should be.

But a drug user is only killing himself.

He is not committing a crime against anyone else is he?

See the difference?

No respecting other's people's choices is being part of a community

Who the fuck are you to sit in judgement of anyone else?

No. People are unknowingly killing themselves and wreaking havic on others, and youre trying to convince us the moral thing to do is stay out of it. Sorry im not buying it.

I never once mentioned morals

your morals are yours ans yours alone and you have no right to use your morals as a benchmark for telling other people how to behave.

And there is not one drug user out there who doesn't know that they can die from drug use.

We live in a society with shared values to some extent. To be neutral on an issue that affects the community in so many negative aspects is the height of irresponsibility. And i disagree with the premise that most, or every as you put it, every drug user realizes they are playing russian roulette with their lives. Most drug users that OD are committing suiced, but its passive suicide, they dont relize the consequences of their actions.

Suicide is a personal choice and I will argue it is the most important personal choice.
Whether a person chooses to live or die is his choice and his alone and it is not your right to force people to live if they choose not to.

And it's not drug use that causes the violence and the crime or any other damage to the community it is the drug laws and the prohibition on drugs that we try and fail to enforce that is causing the problems.

Suicide is generally an irrational choice.

A community that prevents a man (or woman) from suicide during a short term period of despair, and thus allowing that individual to get past that to new periods of decent or better quality of life, is a good thing.

And completely keeping in the give and take of being part of a community.

You think it is irrational but you have no right to force your opinions on others

If a person makes the choice to end his own life who are you to tell him he must stay alive ?
And a drug user is hurting more than just himself
No respecting other's people's choices is being part of a community

Who the fuck are you to sit in judgement of anyone else?

No. People are unknowingly killing themselves and wreaking havic on others, and youre trying to convince us the moral thing to do is stay out of it. Sorry im not buying it.

I never once mentioned morals

your morals are yours and yours alone and you have no right to use your morals as a benchmark for telling other people how to behave.

And there is not one drug user out there who doesn't know that they can die from drug use.

Nope. Individuals have a right to use their morals in policy debate and formulation.

Thous shall not kill, is a moral, and the basis of the law against murder. As it well should be.

But a drug user is only killing himself.

He is not committing a crime against anyone else is he?

See the difference?


He is unknowingly choosing to take illicit drugs?

I don't think so
Liberals rationalize that this isn't their fault while actively supporting Open Border policies.

That does not mean they are not responsible.

THey are vile scum.
Conservatives rationalize this the Liberals fault even though the criminals were from Texas- not Mexico.

Conservatives rationalize that this isn't another example of their failed 'war on drugs' while doing nothing about the Opioid crisis- other than blaming liberals.

The blood is on the hands of all of those who support the current 'war on drugs'

This isn't about who these individual criminals are, though I seriously doubt they are conservatives,
but about the policies that have created the problem.

And those policies are the "War on Drugs"- not illegal immigration.

Despite the contard's who want to blame everything on illegal immigration.

An border kept open, for what ever reason, certain political parties have to keep it open, allows ALSO, the free flow of drugs.

And of course there is no 'border kept open' except arguably between Canada and the United States.

As far as the 'free flow of drugs'- drugs manage to get into our prisons- the most guarded facilities we have.

We have home grown drugs, home made drugs, drugs coming by mail- but the contards- the contards want to blame everything on illegal aliens.

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