Fentanyl Kills America's Kids While Joe Biden Fights Imaginary MAGA Monster

Funny it didn't become a problem until white folks started dying from it.
Prog politicians are like mobsters.. Drugs, whores, gangs let in in huge numbers of illegals even bringing back diseases that were eliminated from American society. Old Joe be Pimping with Jill being Doctor Feelgood.
But allowing much, much more of into the country by breaking our immigration laws is a win-win according to you??
No. Please feel free to quote me where I said that. Of course, you can't, as been here over two years and never said anything like it.
No. Please feel free to quote me where I said that. Of course, you can't, as been here over two years and never said anything like it.
Such a thing as implying, or lessening the impact of a horrible killer drug problem in the statements you make.
Such a thing as implying, or lessening the impact of a horrible killer drug problem in the statements you make.
Never implied that either. You just love to make shit up. Probably a habit, you got away with as a kid, so now think people fall for it.
Never implied that either. You just love to make shit up. Probably a habit, you got away with as a kid, so now think people fall for it.
I don't think so, but we can see if others agree with you. Im not a Democrat so your take doesn't make sense.
Lol, I love seeing retard repugs going to jail for trying to kill Pence and stop the certification of a fair free election retard.

Imaginary MAGA Monster


"trying to kill Pence"


What a fucktard.

But I guess all lefties are that way these days.

Pretty much full of shit.
Imaginary MAGA Monster


"trying to kill Pence"


What a fucktard.

But I guess all lefties are that way these days.

Pretty much full of shit.
Lol, hey retard check the score board! Hundreds upon hundreds jailed over Jan 6th. Bannon doing a perp walk. Lol you are a retard. How do you feel about those hundreds upon hundreds jailed. Lol, why weren't you with them? All F in mouth on you huh! Why were you not with your brethren on Jan 6th retard? All blow ans no show. Hilarious
Lol, hey retard check the score board! Hundreds upon hundreds jailed over Jan 6th. Bannon doing a perp walk. Lol you are a retard. How do you feel about those hundreds upon hundreds jailed. Lol, why weren't you with them? All F in mouth on you huh! Why were you not with your brethren on Jan 6th retard? All blow ans no show. Hilarious
Do you ever say anything that's not stupid?

Come on, try it. Repeat after me - "I am a brainwashed leftard"
No one tried to overthrow the government, shit for brains leftard liar
WTF was that stupid garbage? These guys were criminals...Trump always has been...Only pure bs for his dupes alone makes this mess possible. Poor America......
yep there was a massive increase due to the new drug called fentanyl…hence why he was so aggressive in dealing with it, as i showed in my link
didn't do any good, the only solution is ending the war on drugs, treatment and having a mental health system finally....and something for China. Pretty amazing...
I'm going to keep out of politics for this one. Blogger hat off. EMT hat on.

Fentanyl is becoming a real problem on the streets. It's being cut into everything these days. You have colored candy pills floating around that distract that you're basically playing Russian roulette with a high. We're seeing far more overdoses these days than we have in the past and it's only getting worse and worse. A lot of times the people buying these drugs don't even know fentanyl is being laced into it. I really hope we start taking this topic seriously because honestly I don't find this issue to be that political. We differ on solutions but we need to come together and declare it an issue. Until we can come together to find compromise on this the issue is only going to get worse.
Do you ever say anything that's not stupid?

Come on, try it. Repeat after me - "I am a brainwashed leftard"
Lol, look at the score board retard@ hilarious. I have hundreds upon hundreds of retard repugs in jail as we speak! You have nothing! Lol. Ya see how your buddy Putin is doing today ass clown? Ukrainians broke through to the border today. Good stuff. Don the cons master is getting his ass kicked. Beautiful day in the neighborhood. Lol, suck on that for a while retard. Lol. Maybe send some of your Jan 6th buddies some money for their comisary accounts. That would at least make them feel better as they rot in jail.
Lol, look at the score board retard@ hilarious. I have hundreds upon hundreds of retard repugs in jail as we speak! You have nothing! Lol. Ya see how your buddy Putin is doing today ass clown? Ukrainians broke through to the border today. Good stuff. Don the cons master is getting his ass kicked. Beautiful day in the neighborhood. Lol, suck on that for a while retard. Lol. Maybe send some of your Jan 6th buddies some money for their comisary accounts. That would at least make them feel better as they rot in jail.

Why are you talking about Putin?

Are you some kind of snowflake or something?

Dude - if I cared about Putin I would have said something.

You people are full of boogeymen, aintcha?

Putin, Trump...

Anything to deflect from Bidenazi's horrible failures, right?

Maybe that's your biggest boogeyman right there. Joe Biden and his miserable reptilian handlers
The drug war is unwinnable. I don't care who is prez. Americans want their drugs. As long as there is a market there will be drugs.
Why are you talking about Putin?

Are you some kind of snowflake or something?

Dude - if I cared about Putin I would have said something.

You people are full of boogeymen, aintcha?

Putin, Trump...

Anything to deflect from Bidenazi's horrible failures, right?

Maybe that's your biggest boogeyman right there. Joe Biden and his miserable reptilian handlers
Lol, so you are one of those q guys huh retard! Hilarious. That explains alot. Giant Jewish space lasers and vampire pedo lizard men and such. Hilarious. Lol what a retard. The fact remains the same no matter what you say Bannon sat in jail over the weekend and hundreds upon hundred of retards just like you sit in jail as we speak. Lol, you need a rubber room retard.
I don't think so, but we can see if others agree with you. Im not a Democrat so your take doesn't make sense.
So you basically do not agree that the kids have a choice. They could come to the conclusion that the drugs they are buying, are having Fentanyl mixed (as well as other ingredients) at unpredictable levels of strength, even though it has been in the news, in the papers, reported by people that almost died, and parent of the dead, but not up to them to protect themselves. You make it sound like a democrat thing, expecting the government to solve the problem, as they have no personal responsibility. It is all government. Kids should be able to do as they please, like their grandparents in the late 60s or 70s though this ain't the street drugs of yesteryear, as it is not their personal responsibility for street drugs they take, these days, it is the government that has to solve the problem, making it safe for kids, junkies and pain sufferers alike, as if the black market was a regulated industry. Tell you what, wish and blame in one hand, shit in the other sand see which fills up first, while tell kids and junkies to have a good time and if anything goes wrong, they can blame the government and make it all better.

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