Fentanyl Kills America's Kids While Joe Biden Fights Imaginary MAGA Monster

Prog politicians are like mobsters.. Drugs, whores, gangs let in in huge numbers of illegals even bringing back diseases that were eliminated from American society. Old Joe be Pimping with Jill being Doctor Feelgood.
More of the same partisan garbage.
Maybe the dumbass kids should quit experimenting with street drug. Just sayin. It is not like some president here ever won a drug war. Even president's wives, came up with ideas, like "just say no".
Blame the victim? Really?
Come on man!!! Biden LOVES children.....Especially little girls' chests. The dirty old man needs to keep his fucking hands to himself!!! Someone should have slugged the pervert but apparently there was no real MAN about. Me: BOOM!!! (smashing Biden's nose) KEEP YOUR FUCKING DIRTY HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER!!!!!!

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If the shoe fits, snort it, smoke it or stick it in a vein. Yes, I blame the kids for being too stupid to know the game has changed and now kind of like Russian roulette. This is why you have athletes, healthy by nature but still willing to try something new dropping dead the first time they pop a pill or damaged internally from trying a snort or a pipe. I feel sorry for them and their parents and loved ones, but there is no way you are keeping this stuff off the streets, no matter where it comes from. Sure the countries and cartels are horrible, but knowing what is out there and where it originates, the kids are just going to get a clue, realizing this ain't like the offering back in granddad's day. The game has changed, the stakes and odds have changed. Any real gamble knows, never play another man's game without regard for the rules or where you are playing.
That’s straight up bull shit right there.
Come on man!!! Biden LOVES children.....Especially little girls' chests. The dirty old man needs to keep his fucking hands to himself!!! Someone should have slugged the pervert but apparently there was no real MAN about. Me: BOOM!!! (smashing Biden's nose) KEEP YOUR FUCKING DIRTY HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER!!!!!!

Biden didn't hang out with Epstein, but Trump did.
Blame the victim? Really?
In addition, but not only the dumbass victim.
Here is the way I look at doing dope. I really have nothing against it, different than drinking. Legal, illegal, it is going to happen. I have seen people drink themselves to death, also. I drank underage and got away with it, never endangering others and living through endangering myself. Same with doin dope such as pot, hash, downers, speed, wide range of hallucinogenics, such as varieties of acid and mescalin, but I always knew what I was getting. The big thing that is getting kid, athletes, junkies, pain sufferers today is not knowing what they are getting, because where they are coming from and how they are processed. Not like the old days when you could look it up in a PDR (except for the microdots) and it actually was the exact pharmaceutical manufactured drug in the dose, you thought you were playing with. At least that is how it was around here. Now, it is not, and you do not know what you are getting. To take it is to experiment with your life. I have had friends that got caught up and hooked, seeing them go down hill, get killed in accidents, or just OD. I missed them, but always knew who's fault it was for what happened to them. They started out, having fun, just like I, but got carried away with the fun, until what once were vices became habits. I wrote off a bunch first 3 years after highschool and saw several dead of accident or OD, but I was just a weekend hippy. I walked some of those to the grave, but always knew it was their decisions that killed them. I couldn't go that way and never went down that road, finally severing ties with that side of my life. But, knowing it and living through it, I know it is the decisions we make that make the difference. These idiots taking street drugs these days are fools and often come to a bad end.
In addition, but not only the dumbass victim.
Here is the way I look at doing dope. I really have nothing against it, different than drinking. Legal, illegal, it is going to happen. I have seen people drink themselves to death, also. I drank underage and got away with it, never endangering others and living through endangering myself. Same with doin dope such as pot, hash, downers, speed, wide range of hallucinogenics, such as varieties of acid and mescalin, but I always knew what I was getting. The big thing that is getting kid, athletes, junkies, pain sufferers today is not knowing what they are getting, because where they are coming from and how they are processed. Not like the old days when you could look it up in a PDR (except for the microdots) and it actually was the exact pharmaceutical manufactured drug in the dose, you thought you were playing with. At least that is how it was around here. Now, it is not, and you do not know what you are getting. To take it is to experiment with your life. I have had friends that got caught up and hooked, seeing them go down hill, get killed in accidents, or just OD. I missed them, but always knew who's fault it was for what happened to them. They started out, having fun, just like I, but got carried away with the fun, until what once were vices became habits. I wrote off a bunch first 3 years after highschool and saw several dead of accident or OD, but I was just a weekend hippy. I walked some of those to the grave, but always knew it was their decisions that killed them. I couldn't go that way and never went down that road, finally severing ties with that side of my life. But, knowing it and living through it, I know it is the decisions we make that make the difference. These idiots taking street drugs these days are fools and often come to a bad end.
We still have a robust DEA in this country, and the current administration is doing NOTHING to interdict these drugs. And all because it’ll give them a black eye on their border policy.

This is an intentional injection of this drug aimed at our youth by China driven by greed from the cartels, and warfare from the Chinese. Your inability to blame only a duped underage consumer is little more than covering for do nothing democrats while children die. Shame on you.
End the GOP War on Drugs and try treatment, a mental health system, and cheap training and college. Like every other modern country. We are the richest by far....

Why do you think we’re the richest by far dumb ass? Imitating leftists countries isn’t it.
We still have a robust DEA in this country, and the current administration is doing NOTHING to interdict these drugs. And all because it’ll give them a black eye on their border policy.

This is an intentional injection of this drug aimed at our youth by China driven by greed from the cartels, and warfare from the Chinese. Your inability to blame only a duped underage consumer is little more than covering for do nothing democrats while children die. Shame on you.
They are doing what they have always done, just failing to be effective, as they have always been ineffective at totally stopping a black market demand, that is generating big bucks for bad people.

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