Ferguson PD releases more information


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
Robbery claim overshadows officer ID - CNN.com

Four to six shots fired. the officer may have heard a report about a robbery, this time. Why is Ferguson PD so anxious to release information that makes the officer involved look bad? He too is described by friends as gentle, kind, and generous to a fault. Said to be devestated by Michael Brown's death.

This could be a tragedy of errors; maybe the officer was hit by Brown's 'friend'; never been in the situation before, heard sounds that to him seemed like gunfire, he shoots BACK. Did he see Brown's hands in the air, if they were?

Brown's 'friend' quickly told a story of Brown stealing, and wild police abuse............neither of which fit the history of either man.

And FPD keeps releasing information, nothing about training however.
Can you link to anything that says the friend is suspected of assaulting the officer...cuz I've been following this pretty closely and you are the only one saying that.
Can you link to anything that says the friend is suspected of assaulting the officer...cuz I've been following this pretty closely and you are the only one saying that.

Ferguson PD now says "one of the men", I posted a link. That leaves his friend as a possiblity. Again, I am speculating, as are all other posters. Things are not adding up, and Ferguson PD keeps sending out bits and pieces of information.

Michael Brown Stopped By Ferguson Police Officer Over Walking In Street

They say one of the men pushed the officer into his squad car, then physically assaulted him in the vehicle and struggled with the officer over the officer's weapon. At least one shot was fired inside the car before the struggle spilled onto the street.

The 'friend's' story recalls a wild, homicidal officer; nothing in the officer's record, whether personal, or employment indicates anything of the kind; he is taking the death very seriously, say friends. Thus my questions about Michael Brown's alleged friend.
well it looks like Brown stole the cigars, eventually ran from the cops, had his hands in the air and was shot.

thats the short version of this. If so we have two people in the wrong and sadly another case of a cop who perhaps panicked.....We see cops shooting unarmed people all the time.
Problem with taking Jackson's statements word for word. Truth is he wasn't there and he'd handed over the case to County for investigation before he even got on the scene.

Now he's gotta be real careful that he answers exactly what he is asked and nothing more cause the Media is playing them hard, weighting their questions and twisting up every statement he makes to fit their agendas and shit.

Jackson should have said nothing at all because he wasn't there, had handed the case to someone else, and doesn't know anything for sure. But he can't because of the Freedom of Information Act, the press, and nation are all hounding him to give out information.

Hopefully, now that he says he's released everything they have that he can release, he won't have anymore meetings with the press and shit won't get more twisted by everyone.
well it looks like Brown stole the cigars, eventually ran from the cops, had his hands in the air and was shot.

thats the short version of this. If so we have two people in the wrong and sadly another case of a cop who perhaps panicked.....We see cops shooting unarmed people all the time.

I believe it is rare for an unarmed individual, with no criminal record, and posing no present danger, to be shot dead by LE. The officer could have disabled him by shooting him in the leg; 4-6 shots, only Brown hit. Also, for such a "short, simple" tragedy, there are conflicting statements...........and, Michael Brown, within a matter of minutes got rid of the hat worn in the video.
well it looks like Brown stole the cigars, eventually ran from the cops, had his hands in the air and was shot.

thats the short version of this. If so we have two people in the wrong and sadly another case of a cop who perhaps panicked.....We see cops shooting unarmed people all the time.

I believe it is rare for an unarmed individual, with no criminal record, and posing no present danger, to be shot dead by LE. The officer could have disabled him by shooting him in the leg; 4-6 shots, only Brown hit. Also, for such a "short, simple" tragedy, there are conflicting statements...........and, Michael Brown, within a matter of minutes got rid of the hat worn in the video.

...it was at the scene. http://www.usmessageboard.com/9632253-post516.html
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well it looks like Brown stole the cigars, eventually ran from the cops, had his hands in the air and was shot.

thats the short version of this. If so we have two people in the wrong and sadly another case of a cop who perhaps panicked.....We see cops shooting unarmed people all the time.


It has not been determined that Brown had his hands in the air.

In fact, the buzz is Brown turned on Officer Wilson and came back at him while Wilson was in pursuit...the exact same way he did with the store owner.

But that is not confirmed either.

The short version is we don't know the officer was in the wrong and so much of what was presented as truth has been such utter bullshit, making any conclusion based soley on what we think we know is the epitome of foolhardiness.
White thug gets shot: Serves him right.

Black thug gets shot: National hero murdered.
well it looks like Brown stole the cigars, eventually ran from the cops, had his hands in the air and was shot.

thats the short version of this. If so we have two people in the wrong and sadly another case of a cop who perhaps panicked.....We see cops shooting unarmed people all the time.


It has not been determined that Brown had his hands in the air.

In fact, the buzz is Brown turned on Officer Wilson and came back at him while Wilson was in pursuit...the exact same way he did with the store owner.

But that is not confirmed either.

The short version is we don't know the officer was in the wrong and so much of what was presented as truth has been such utter bullshit, making any conclusion based soley on what we think we know is the epitome of foolhardiness.

True, many, many questins remain unanswered.
well it looks like Brown stole the cigars, eventually ran from the cops, had his hands in the air and was shot.

thats the short version of this. If so we have two people in the wrong and sadly another case of a cop who perhaps panicked.....We see cops shooting unarmed people all the time.

I believe it is rare for an unarmed individual, with no criminal record, and posing no present danger, to be shot dead by LE. The officer could have disabled him by shooting him in the leg; 4-6 shots, only Brown hit. Also, for such a "short, simple" tragedy, there are conflicting statements...........and, Michael Brown, within a matter of minutes got rid of the hat worn in the video.

...it was at the scene. http://www.usmessageboard.com/9632253-post516.html

Other sources write differently; I do not see the media as "twisted" as much as the speakers altering versions of events. Only time will tell.
Can you link to anything that says the friend is suspected of assaulting the officer...cuz I've been following this pretty closely and you are the only one saying that.

Ferguson PD now says "one of the men", I posted a link. That leaves his friend as a possiblity. Again, I am speculating, as are all other posters. Things are not adding up, and Ferguson PD keeps sending out bits and pieces of information.

Michael Brown Stopped By Ferguson Police Officer Over Walking In Street

They say one of the men pushed the officer into his squad car, then physically assaulted him in the vehicle and struggled with the officer over the officer's weapon. At least one shot was fired inside the car before the struggle spilled onto the street.

The 'friend's' story recalls a wild, homicidal officer; nothing in the officer's record, whether personal, or employment indicates anything of the kind; he is taking the death very seriously, say friends. Thus my questions about Michael Brown's alleged friend.

This is exactly what I mean about reading critically and putting out accurate information.

You said the police's story had changed, and that they didn't know who did it...but that's is not what this like says at all!

It says one of the men assaulted officer Wilson.

Did they say they didn't know which of the men assaulted the officer?

Is Brown "one of the men"?

Give that, in point of fact, the police's story NEVER changed, and you are spreading false information.
I believe it is rare for an unarmed individual, with no criminal record, and posing no present danger, to be shot dead by LE. The officer could have disabled him by shooting him in the leg; 4-6 shots, only Brown hit. Also, for such a "short, simple" tragedy, there are conflicting statements...........and, Michael Brown, within a matter of minutes got rid of the hat worn in the video.

...it was at the scene. http://www.usmessageboard.com/9632253-post516.html

Other sources write differently; I do not see the media as "twisted" as much as the speakers altering versions of events. Only time will tell.

You believe the police 'faked' that photo of Brown's hat at the scene of the shooting?
Can you link to anything that says the friend is suspected of assaulting the officer...cuz I've been following this pretty closely and you are the only one saying that.

Ferguson PD now says "one of the men", I posted a link. That leaves his friend as a possiblity. Again, I am speculating, as are all other posters. Things are not adding up, and Ferguson PD keeps sending out bits and pieces of information.

Michael Brown Stopped By Ferguson Police Officer Over Walking In Street

They say one of the men pushed the officer into his squad car, then physically assaulted him in the vehicle and struggled with the officer over the officer's weapon. At least one shot was fired inside the car before the struggle spilled onto the street.

The 'friend's' story recalls a wild, homicidal officer; nothing in the officer's record, whether personal, or employment indicates anything of the kind; he is taking the death very seriously, say friends. Thus my questions about Michael Brown's alleged friend.

This is exactly what I mean about reading critically and putting out accurate information.

You said the police's story had changed, and that they didn't know who did it...but that's is not what this like says at all!

It says one of the men assaulted officer Wilson.

Did they say they didn't know which of the men assaulted the officer?

Is Brown "one of the men"?

Give that, in point of fact, the police's story NEVER changed, and you are spreading false information.

No, I read the stories saying "one of the two" differently. Now for "he was responding to a call about the robbery" and "he knew nothing about the robbery". How you gonna slide around that contradiction?

County Police Chief Jon Belmar said the shooting occurred after an officer encountered two people -- one of whom was Brown -- on the street near an apartment complex in Ferguson.

Belmar said one of the men pushed the officer back into his squad car and a struggle began. Belmar said at least one shot was fired from the officer's gun inside the police car. Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said authorities were still sorting out what happened inside the police car. It was not clear if Brown was the man who struggled with the officer.

Protest over black Missouri teenager's shooting by police turns to looting, vandalism | Fox News

So stories changed over five days, and it is thus proven, sure....................I want lab tests & FBI reports; the events leading up to the death are clouded. And I do not believe the officer suddenly became a rabid animal either, as Johnson described him. The officer was known for his decency, and devestated, though for one hour he decided to just gun down a certain teenager; not.buying.that.line.either.
well it looks like Brown stole the cigars, eventually ran from the cops, had his hands in the air and was shot.

thats the short version of this. If so we have two people in the wrong and sadly another case of a cop who perhaps panicked.....We see cops shooting unarmed people all the time.

I believe it is rare for an unarmed individual, with no criminal record, and posing no present danger, to be shot dead by LE. The officer could have disabled him by shooting him in the leg; 4-6 shots, only Brown hit. Also, for such a "short, simple" tragedy, there are conflicting statements...........and, Michael Brown, within a matter of minutes got rid of the hat worn in the video.

Exactly. What do cops do when a bank robber takes off in a getaway car? They shoot the tires.

Sorry, but this so-called officer of the peace is anything but. He had a gun and Brown did not. Brown had a box of cigars.
well it looks like Brown stole the cigars, eventually ran from the cops, had his hands in the air and was shot.

thats the short version of this. If so we have two people in the wrong and sadly another case of a cop who perhaps panicked.....We see cops shooting unarmed people all the time.


It has not been determined that Brown had his hands in the air.

In fact, the buzz is Brown turned on Officer Wilson and came back at him while Wilson was in pursuit...the exact same way he did with the store owner.

But that is not confirmed either.

The short version is we don't know the officer was in the wrong and so much of what was presented as truth has been such utter bullshit, making any conclusion based soley on what we think we know is the epitome of foolhardiness.

And the pussified policeman Wilson, who was probably peeing his pants by then, could have done the right thing and shot him in the leg. He had a fucking gun. Get that through your head.
Ferguson PD now says "one of the men", I posted a link. That leaves his friend as a possiblity. Again, I am speculating, as are all other posters. Things are not adding up, and Ferguson PD keeps sending out bits and pieces of information.

Michael Brown Stopped By Ferguson Police Officer Over Walking In Street

They say one of the men pushed the officer into his squad car, then physically assaulted him in the vehicle and struggled with the officer over the officer's weapon. At least one shot was fired inside the car before the struggle spilled onto the street.

The 'friend's' story recalls a wild, homicidal officer; nothing in the officer's record, whether personal, or employment indicates anything of the kind; he is taking the death very seriously, say friends. Thus my questions about Michael Brown's alleged friend.

This is exactly what I mean about reading critically and putting out accurate information.

You said the police's story had changed, and that they didn't know who did it...but that's is not what this like says at all!

It says one of the men assaulted officer Wilson.

Did they say they didn't know which of the men assaulted the officer?

Is Brown "one of the men"?

Give that, in point of fact, the police's story NEVER changed, and you are spreading false information.

No, I read the stories saying "one of the two" differently. Now for "he was responding to a call about the robbery" and "he knew nothing about the robbery". How you gonna slide around that contradiction?

County Police Chief Jon Belmar said the shooting occurred after an officer encountered two people -- one of whom was Brown -- on the street near an apartment complex in Ferguson.

Belmar said one of the men pushed the officer back into his squad car and a struggle began. Belmar said at least one shot was fired from the officer's gun inside the police car. Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said authorities were still sorting out what happened inside the police car. It was not clear if Brown was the man who struggled with the officer.

Protest over black Missouri teenager's shooting by police turns to looting, vandalism | Fox News

So stories changed over five days, and it is thus proven, sure....................I want lab tests & FBI reports; the events leading up to the death are clouded. And I do not believe the officer suddenly became a rabid animal either, as Johnson described him. The officer was known for his decency, and devestated, though for one hour he decided to just gun down a certain teenager; not.buying.that.line.either.

AGAIN where did anyone say "he knew nothing about the robbery".

Show me.

Copy it and paste it right here.

So and so said "The officer knew nothing about the robbery".

Not a link to an article...not a bunch of bloviation...just a quote and a link.

I'll wait.
Ferguson PD now says "one of the men", I posted a link. That leaves his friend as a possiblity. Again, I am speculating, as are all other posters. Things are not adding up, and Ferguson PD keeps sending out bits and pieces of information.

Michael Brown Stopped By Ferguson Police Officer Over Walking In Street

They say one of the men pushed the officer into his squad car, then physically assaulted him in the vehicle and struggled with the officer over the officer's weapon. At least one shot was fired inside the car before the struggle spilled onto the street.

The 'friend's' story recalls a wild, homicidal officer; nothing in the officer's record, whether personal, or employment indicates anything of the kind; he is taking the death very seriously, say friends. Thus my questions about Michael Brown's alleged friend.

This is exactly what I mean about reading critically and putting out accurate information.

You said the police's story had changed, and that they didn't know who did it...but that's is not what this like says at all!

It says one of the men assaulted officer Wilson.

Did they say they didn't know which of the men assaulted the officer?

Is Brown "one of the men"?

Give that, in point of fact, the police's story NEVER changed, and you are spreading false information.

No, I read the stories saying "one of the two" differently. Now for "he was responding to a call about the robbery" and "he knew nothing about the robbery". How you gonna slide around that contradiction?

County Police Chief Jon Belmar said the shooting occurred after an officer encountered two people -- one of whom was Brown -- on the street near an apartment complex in Ferguson.

Belmar said one of the men pushed the officer back into his squad car and a struggle began. Belmar said at least one shot was fired from the officer's gun inside the police car. Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said authorities were still sorting out what happened inside the police car. It was not clear if Brown was the man who struggled with the officer.

Protest over black Missouri teenager's shooting by police turns to looting, vandalism | Fox News

So stories changed over five days, and it is thus proven, sure....................I want lab tests & FBI reports; the events leading up to the death are clouded. And I do not believe the officer suddenly became a rabid animal either, as Johnson described him. The officer was known for his decency, and devestated, though for one hour he decided to just gun down a certain teenager; not.buying.that.line.either.

I've watched all of the videos put out by FPD (and everything else as well) Belmur != Jackson. Two statements, from two different Chiefs first off.

Second off, Jackson only said that the "INITIAL" reason Wilson had stopped Brown and Johnson was because they were blocking traffic. That is a key word there for legal reasons. Johnson even says in his testimony that Wilson had yelled at them to get on the side walk.

Jackson also states that Wilson maybe saw the cigars from the robbery.

So media twisting in action - The INITIAL stop was indeed for blocking traffic, however Wilson was aware of the robbery and Brown had the stolen cigars on him. After which something occurred that resulted in Brown's Death.
well it looks like Brown stole the cigars, eventually ran from the cops, had his hands in the air and was shot.

thats the short version of this. If so we have two people in the wrong and sadly another case of a cop who perhaps panicked.....We see cops shooting unarmed people all the time.

I believe it is rare for an unarmed individual, with no criminal record, and posing no present danger, to be shot dead by LE. The officer could have disabled him by shooting him in the leg; 4-6 shots, only Brown hit. Also, for such a "short, simple" tragedy, there are conflicting statements...........and, Michael Brown, within a matter of minutes got rid of the hat worn in the video.

Exactly. What do cops do when a bank robber takes off in a getaway car? They shoot the tires.

Sorry, but this so-called officer of the peace is anything but. He had a gun and Brown did not. Brown had a box of cigars.

The officer may have heard what he believed was gun shots, the 'friend' might have been making the situation worse by interfering, many reasons why this death occurred. None of which involve a sudden flash of demonic possession of a human being others say was kind, generous and caring.

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