Ferguson Police Investigating Michael Brown's Stepdad for Inciting a Riot

The lack of indictment of Wilson is what caused the riot. Unless there is some credible evidence that the man willfully set out to incite a riot, this should go no where.
Bubblehead much?

The lack of indictment is why any of it happened, why his inciting violence was welcome
Law & Legal Definition

Under federal law, a riot is a public disturbance involving an act of violence by one or more persons assembled in a group of at least three people. Inciting a riot applies to a person who organizes, encourages, or participates in a riot. It can apply to one who urges or instigates others to riot. According to 18 USCS § 2102 "to incite a riot", or "to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot", includes, but is not limited to, urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts.

18 U.S.C. 2102 US Code - Section 2102 Definitions

It's about freaking time, now we shall see if they have the actual balls to charge him.
As SOON as that guy started shouting that shit, not sure why they didn't immediately call in the water cannons??

All those minority businesses would have been saved.

Hell I would have used the city's fire trucks to not only put out the fires but I would have also used them to disperse the rioters too. If they did this from the very start they would not have lost control like they did.
It's about freaking time, now we shall see if they have the actual balls to charge him.

They won't.

Any reaction to these thugs will only lead to more violence and keep the issue in the public eye. I'd wait till things cool off and arrest him when the media is focused on some other mess Obama has started.
While Brown's stepfather of six months was inciting a riot, Brown's real father was on television telling people not to riot.
That's going absolutely nowhere; unless they want a new round of violence and rioting. The police and prosecutors nor the Feds want that - the Feds for reasons of their own; that being to point out bad behavior in the black community would be counter productive to their aims.

Also it would be impossible find or prove a direct lone of cause and effect between his outburst and the destruction that followed.
Huh? They have him on video and then the fires erupted. A retarded deaf dumb and blind lawyer could convict him. As far as not prosecuting the law out of fear, I can't agree, that isn't how it works. Nor should it.

This falls under prosecutorial discretion.
Of course. And sometimes prosecutors run for higher office.
As SOON as that guy started shouting that shit, not sure why they didn't immediately call in the water cannons??

All those minority businesses would have been saved.

Hell I would have used the city's fire trucks to not only put out the fires but I would have also used them to disperse the rioters too. If they did this from the very start they would not have lost control like they did.

They were shooting at the unarmed firemen. I know...the irony is heavy on that.
As SOON as that guy started shouting that shit, not sure why they didn't immediately call in the water cannons??

All those minority businesses would have been saved.

Hell I would have used the city's fire trucks to not only put out the fires but I would have also used them to disperse the rioters too. If they did this from the very start they would not have lost control like they did.

They were shooting at the unarmed firemen. I know...the irony is heavy on that.

They were distraught.

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