Ferguson prosecutor admits he lied - video

Since when does lying bother you all? Obama does it does daily

for crying out loud. you just pick pick pick at a scab
Since when does lying bother you all? Obama does it does daily

for crying out loud. you just pick pick pick at a scab

So once again, you don't mind that you're basing your opinion on lies. Got it.

Now, get your tax-payer funded, govt cheese and turn on Fox.

Looking for a scab? Check your own mirror.
Not News. Leftist liars were allowed to give false testimony so that they could be prosecuted for perjury if Holder or anyone else tried to carry this factless vendetta further.
And what motive would the prosecutor have for doing such a thing? To ruin his life and go to prison for 10 years because he had a crush on Al Sharpton's butt? Maybe Al Sharpton and Ferguson's Crips were threatening to rape and torture his wife and kids. I mean, pull your heads out of your race-baiting asses and think for two seconds. What's the motive here???????
If he truly said what you say he did, that is grounds for disbarment and incarceration. I would think a prosecutor would have enough sense to not say something like that. If he did indeed say it, then he needs to prosecuted, plain and simple.
He put known liars on the stand which he admits is not the normal procedure. When asked why? He doesnt have an answer.

I have an answer: To muddy the waters.
I think there's conclusive evidence to prove Luddly is responsible for Michael Brown's murder.
BTW Is there anybody who's been here for more that 90 days who ISN'T convinced that everything out of Luddy's mouth is complete bullshit?

Hmmm, and what does that have to do with the content of the OP?

Answer: nothing.

But it is par for the course for butthurt Righties who long ran out of ammunition.

Carry on, I enjoy the entertainment value of your angry flailings.

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