Ferguson Prosecutor Robert McCulloch Gives Bizarre Press Conference

Horseshit back at you. Cause and effect are never irrelevant. Denying the fact that human behavior is determined largely by emotions and the hormones those emotions stimulate does not argue in Wilson's favor. He had different options to the actions he took and if judged by pure logic in a perfect world a number of optional reasoned responses can be suggested that would have led to a non-fatal conflict resolution.
Not everybody is a liberal. Some people CAN control their emotions. He had seconds to act by what I've heard and dispatched the threat quickly and professionally. Waiting until it's too late is for TV.
'They're Definitely Targeting People': How The St. Louis County Courts Screw Over Minorities

FERGUSON, Mo. - The concept of "driving while black" has been part of the public consciousness for years, but for those who have never experienced this injustice, it's hard to understand how much it can permeate the lives of those caught up in it.

The Huffington Post visited four separate St. Louis-area municipal courts in a span of four nights last week: Pasadena Hills, Jennings, Country Club Hills and St. Ann. Two court sessions took place in municipal buildings, and two took place in residential homes that serve as courtrooms and city hall. In every single court session, the court officials, police officers and lawyers were overwhelmingly white, while the defendants were overwhelmingly black.

Part of the nickel and diming of America's working class, with a particular focus on African Americans, the unrelenting harassment of people leads to lost hours at work, if not lost jobs, and transfers millions of dollars from those who can afford it least to a government that then uses it to disproportionately imprison members of its community.

More: 'They're Definitely Targeting People': How The St. Louis County Courts Screw Over Minorities

Something is horribly wrong in the St. Louis area!

It's kind of interesting that you jump to the conclusion that black people are being targeted and harassed because black people are disproportionately represented amongst defendants in the criminal justice system. Did it not occur to you that it is possible that this is true because they are actually disproportionately committing crimes? Or that they are disproportionately unlucky enough or bad enough to be caught committing crimes?

No other possibility even entered your mind? Just jump to the conclusion that racism is the cause?

Yeah, that's not knee-jerk at all.
Although Wilson was not indicted - I expect we'll learn in the coming days/weeks/months just how fucked up the process was that did not indict him.

Holder didn't see it your way after he looked at all the evidence.

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