Ferguson Prosecutor Robert McCulloch Gives Bizarre Press Conference

Having George Zimmerman's asshole attorney, Mark O'Mara, commentate about this on CNN just adds more salt to the wounds and further inflames the injustice..
Haha! The DA is a Democrat...as is the Governor.

Progressive incompetence in action...as Ferguson burns. They only had months to prepare (just like the Obamanoids had years to prepare for Obamacare).

Big Government does an Epic Fail yet again.
Having George Zimmerman's asshole attorney, Mark O'Mara, commentate about this on CNN just adds more salt to the wounds and further inflames the injustice..

Sounds like standard operating procedure at CNN.

No need to let a tragedy go to waste when you can throw gasoline on the fire and whip your viewers into a frothing mob intent on burning a town to the ground while protesting for justice.

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What is CNN thinking by having Mark O'Mara constantly commentating on this case? The insensitivity is unbelievable.

he did his job as an attorney and has experience in this area....why wouldn't they use him?

you are a sensitive crybaby loktota
'They're Definitely Targeting People': How The St. Louis County Courts Screw Over Minorities

FERGUSON, Mo. - The concept of "driving while black" has been part of the public consciousness for years, but for those who have never experienced this injustice, it's hard to understand how much it can permeate the lives of those caught up in it.

The Huffington Post visited four separate St. Louis-area municipal courts in a span of four nights last week: Pasadena Hills, Jennings, Country Club Hills and St. Ann. Two court sessions took place in municipal buildings, and two took place in residential homes that serve as courtrooms and city hall. In every single court session, the court officials, police officers and lawyers were overwhelmingly white, while the defendants were overwhelmingly black.

Part of the nickel and diming of America's working class, with a particular focus on African Americans, the unrelenting harassment of people leads to lost hours at work, if not lost jobs, and transfers millions of dollars from those who can afford it least to a government that then uses it to disproportionately imprison members of its community.

More: 'They're Definitely Targeting People': How The St. Louis County Courts Screw Over Minorities

Something is horribly wrong in the St. Louis area!
Although Wilson was not indicted - I expect we'll learn in the coming days/weeks/months just how fucked up the process was that did not indict him.

Yeah, like this photo that seems to have been missing before now. Brown was at least 130 feet from Wilson when he was shot. Wilson's SUV is circled in red at the far left, Brown's body is to the far right in the street. The second policeman to the right of Brown's body is the "horribly injured" Wilson who reportedly was taken to the hospital to attend his injuries.


And here's a recently released photo of Wilson's "injuries", you know, the eye-socket wallop as reported by fellow FPD police:


Yeah, a slap on the face is reason to kill somebody unarmed and running away from you .

The have the DA's office fuck with the heads of everybody in town and drag out a grand jury for three months, then make a bizarro press conference at night when everybody is out on the streets.

Totally, completely mismanaged, mangled by a bunch of redneck amateurs. A pack of lies by authorities from beginning to end.

So the redneck Justice Department that was sent to Ferguson to investigate fucked up?

Your pictures prove nothing, they are blurry, no one has any idea when they were taken, whom they were taken by, who they are of or that they were doctored or not.

I am sure the Grand Jury saw a lot more evidence than you were allowed to see or search over the internet.
'They're Definitely Targeting People': How The St. Louis County Courts Screw Over Minorities

FERGUSON, Mo. - The concept of "driving while black" has been part of the public consciousness for years, but for those who have never experienced this injustice, it's hard to understand how much it can permeate the lives of those caught up in it.

The Huffington Post visited four separate St. Louis-area municipal courts in a span of four nights last week: Pasadena Hills, Jennings, Country Club Hills and St. Ann. Two court sessions took place in municipal buildings, and two took place in residential homes that serve as courtrooms and city hall. In every single court session, the court officials, police officers and lawyers were overwhelmingly white, while the defendants were overwhelmingly black.

Part of the nickel and diming of America's working class, with a particular focus on African Americans, the unrelenting harassment of people leads to lost hours at work, if not lost jobs, and transfers millions of dollars from those who can afford it least to a government that then uses it to disproportionately imprison members of its community.

More: 'They're Definitely Targeting People': How The St. Louis County Courts Screw Over Minorities

Something is horribly wrong in the St. Louis area!

do you cite anything but left wing lunacy from huffpo? and FYI, that has nothing to do with this case.
Bottom line, when an armed policeman tells you to get out of the street, the smart thing to do is get out of the street. The suspect didn't have to die, Ferguson didn't have to be destroyed by out of town professional agitators.

Well that's a hell of an idea. Who would ever think to do the smart thing?

Common sense like this has no business in the minds of liberals

It's Incredibly Rare For A Grand Jury To Do What Ferguson's Just Did

Ferguson Grand Jury: No Indictment for Darren Wilson in Brown's Death

Darren Wilson's picture above reminds me of George Zimmerman's picture after he killed unarmed Trayvon Martin.


What part of this do you not understand?
The Michael Brown lovers here need to explain why Brown's blood was found in the Officer's car. What does that tell you people?
Not a scratch on him, so why did the Ferguson police state that Wilson had suffered an "orbital blow out fracture"?

You Wilson lovers need to ask yourself why the FPD lied about Wilson's injuries.

No swelling of his face, both sides of his face are consistently showing the same red tones in his cheeks.
What a pussy.

You know more than the Grand Jury? It's people like you who are responsible for Brown's death. You let these thugs think they have a right to attack police officers.

You mentioned physical evidence. The FPD clearly lied about Wilson's injuries. Why?

A grand jury is controlled by the DA who brings his case to them for review in order to file charges, not set out to defend the accused behind closed doors and in secrecy for three months.

hey dipshit, it doesn't matter what the police said about his injuries, the jury saw the same thing you see above.

and grand juries are always secret you dumbass shit fer brains

Read my post or else someone who has a brain read it to you.

Again, Yurtie, the grand jury is controlled by the DA and yes, held in secret. If this situation was honest and clean as Wilson said, then the FPD should have been glad to bring it to the public and state their case TO THE PEOPLE.

Take what case to the public, there is no case. What do you take? Do you put a guy on trial to say the situation is honest and clean?
Having George Zimmerman's asshole attorney, Mark O'Mara, commentate about this on CNN just adds more salt to the wounds and further inflames the injustice..
What injustice, you have not proven there is any injustice, all you have is a narrow minded opinion of you and you have seen none of the evidence. So you, your opinion and $1 will get you a dollar lottery ticket.
Again, Yurtie, the grand jury is controlled by the DA and yes, held in secret. If this situation was honest and clean as Wilson said, then the FPD should have been glad to bring it to the public and state their case TO THE PEOPLE.
Why do you hate the criminal justice system?
Why do you not understand that Officer Wilson has all the same rights and protections that you do?
Why do you not understand that the GJ knows the whole story and you do not?
'They're Definitely Targeting People': How The St. Louis County Courts Screw Over Minorities

FERGUSON, Mo. - The concept of "driving while black" has been part of the public consciousness for years, but for those who have never experienced this injustice, it's hard to understand how much it can permeate the lives of those caught up in it.

The Huffington Post visited four separate St. Louis-area municipal courts in a span of four nights last week: Pasadena Hills, Jennings, Country Club Hills and St. Ann. Two court sessions took place in municipal buildings, and two took place in residential homes that serve as courtrooms and city hall. In every single court session, the court officials, police officers and lawyers were overwhelmingly white, while the defendants were overwhelmingly black.

Part of the nickel and diming of America's working class, with a particular focus on African Americans, the unrelenting harassment of people leads to lost hours at work, if not lost jobs, and transfers millions of dollars from those who can afford it least to a government that then uses it to disproportionately imprison members of its community.

More: 'They're Definitely Targeting People': How The St. Louis County Courts Screw Over Minorities

Something is horribly wrong in the St. Louis area!
Where do I start with this level of stupid?

1. WTF does this have to do with Ferguson? Brown wouldn't have been stopped if he hadn't committed a crime first, that's hardly harassment.

2. Court officals,police and lawyers were white and the defendants were black. Again what does this prove?
A. People are racist against white.
B. Blacks overwhelmingly have not gone work in the criminal justice system. They certainly could have done.
C.Race has no bearing on whether a person is innocent or guilty of a crime. Again to suggest otherwise is racist.

3. Any black that feels they have been unduly harassed should file a complaint and take it to court. I'm sure Rev Al will show up for the photo op. For as many blacks who have complained police harassment the courts should be flooded with racial profiling cases and yet they are not. Why? If you look at the mentality of the Black community in Ferguson and Sanford make it clear what the problem is. Blacks don't want to take responsibility for their peoples actions and want whites to fabricate evidence to fit their accusations. That's not how the justice system works. It's got nothing to do with race. You have to have evidence beyond a shadow of a doubt to make the kind of conviction the black community wants. Clearly there was enough doubt to clear Zimmerman and Wilson.

4. The prison system may be disproportionately full but that's not the key question. The key question is whether or not those in jail have disproportionately committed crimes to make the prison population have a higher percentage of blacks than whites or other races? If so what are we supposed to do? Should we let a black person go for a crime he committed because we are up to a certain percentage of blacks in jail already? "sorry sir the person who killed your father can't go to jail because we already have our limit of blacks incarcerated and we can't add more".

5. If a person wants to work they will find a job regardless of the obstacles in their path.

I'm tired of the BS and excuse making. Blacks today don't have it half as hard as black folk did 50 years ago. Quit your bitching,suck it up and make something of yourselves. MLK is rolling in his grave over this crap. The black community today is an embarrassment to their ancestors.
The outcome was completely predictable and from everything I've heard probably as close to Justice as was possible given the chaotic nature of the event. The fact that police officers react with the same emotions as civilians is inescapable. I believe Wilson feared for his life and that fear lead to the fatal shot that was probably unnecessary but in the grip of fear the mind usually doesn't react rationally. It's just too bad the reaction of the community is also driven by emotion (anger) and not reason. The Brown family's statement was good advice;

"While we understand that many others share our pain, we ask that you channel your frustration in ways that will make a positive change. We need to work together to fix the system that allowed this to happen.

Join with us in our campaign to ensure that every police officer working the streets in this country wears a body camera.

We respectfully ask that you please keep your protests peaceful. Answering violence with violence is not the appropriate reaction.

Let's not just make noise, let's make a difference."

There must be ways to keep situations from escalating so tragically. The body camera might provide good after the fact evidence but I don't see it being preventative in a serious confrontation. I think one thing the community could do is work towards getting more (qualified) black officers on the force. Also I've always questioned whether having lone officers on patrol is a good idea. In this case if Wilson had back-up right there his perception that he was in a life or death situation may have been relieved to the point the outcome may not have been fatal. Of course a policy requiring partners would have to be supported by tax measures supported by the community. No measures will be a 100% solution but in any case "Let's not just make noise, let's make a difference" is the only sensible pro-active course for Ferguson's legitimate activists.
The outcome was completely predictable and from everything I've heard probably as close to Justice as was possible given the chaotic nature of the event. The fact that police officers react with the same emotions as civilians is inescapable. I believe Wilson feared for his life and that fear lead to the fatal shot that was probably unnecessary but in the grip of fear the mind usually doesn't react rationally.
Horseshit. Whether he experienced fear and to what level is irrelevant. What matters is that he experienced a threat and acted accordingly. Play stupid games, win stupid prises. Too many people today think they are above that age old universal truth.
The outcome was completely predictable and from everything I've heard probably as close to Justice as was possible given the chaotic nature of the event. The fact that police officers react with the same emotions as civilians is inescapable. I believe Wilson feared for his life and that fear lead to the fatal shot that was probably unnecessary but in the grip of fear the mind usually doesn't react rationally.
Horseshit. Whether he experienced fear and to what level is irrelevant. What matters is that he experienced a threat and acted accordingly. Play stupid games, win stupid prises. Too many people today think they are above that age old universal truth.

Horseshit back at you. Cause and effect are never irrelevant. Denying the fact that human behavior is determined largely by emotions and the hormones those emotions stimulate does not argue in Wilson's favor. He had different options to the actions he took and if judged by pure logic in a perfect world a number of optional reasoned responses can be suggested that would have led to a non-fatal conflict resolution.

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