Ferguson Prosecutor Robert McCulloch Gives Bizarre Press Conference


It's Incredibly Rare For A Grand Jury To Do What Ferguson's Just Did

Ferguson Grand Jury: No Indictment for Darren Wilson in Brown's Death

Darren Wilson's picture above reminds me of George Zimmerman's picture after he killed unarmed Trayvon Martin.


What part of this do you not understand?

They don't want to understand, they don't care about evidence, they want to stir up hate on both sides, it helps justify their warped minds.
Why Civil Rights Groups Are Calling For The Ferguson Prosecutor To Step Down

As St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch presented the case for charging Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson privately before a grand jury, protesters stood outside calling for his removal. They cite McCulloch’s support for police officers in another police misconduct case, and a family history that includes many family members on the police force including his father, who was killed by a black man with a gun.

Prosecutors are law enforcers, like police. In most every case they take, they rely on police to provide them with cases, make arrests, present evidence, and even testify at trial. If prosecutors can’t work with cops, they can’t convict anybody. And they don’t want to alienate those very same people, particularly because they often maintain personal relationships. As a result, when faced with a case charging the police, “prosecutors face enormous pressure from both police and fellow prosecutors not to go forward with such cases,” explainslaw professor David A. Harris in a law review article on police accountability.

Many local prosecutors are also elected, and thus face external political pressure not to go up against the police. “[T]he election of local prosecutors makes bringing these cases very difficult and quite uncommon, even instances of serious abuse of citizens,” Harris explains. Prosecutors who go up against cops may be painted as soft on crime. And police unions are particularly well positioned to exert negative pressure on prosecutors during their re-election campaigns.

Convictions against police officers are also incredibly hard to come by, even when prosecutors do file charges, as juries also tend to side with police. Add to that the racial biases that mean black men like Michael Brown are more likely to be perceived as “dangerous,” and it will take a particularly hard-charging and committed prosecutor to overcome all of the obstacles to getting justice against a police officer.

More: Why Civil Rights Groups Are Calling For The Ferguson Prosecutor To Step Down

It's no surprise that Wilson wasn't indicted.

More proof that the far left will believe anything their rich white far left master want them to believe.
The fault is the jury system. It never works the way black people demand. It was a jury that found George Zimmerman not guilty and a grand jury that could not find evidence to indict Darren Wilson.

Can't they have justice by mob opinion.
laktota is full of shit. i don't recall him saying that and if he did, he is being quoted out of context.

also, what laktolerance and other far lefty blogs fail to mention is that the FEDS have the same information and they are not pressing charges either.

you far lefties hate facts and nothing will change your mind. you guys are delusional.
St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch announced on Monday night that Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted for the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in a press conference that many found baffling, unwieldy and inflammatory.

McCulloch said the grand jury "gave up their lives" while deliberating.

The prosecutor also repeatedly lashed out at the media, blaming the internet and "the 24-hour news cycle" for the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, where Brown was shot and killed in August. He continued talking for several minutes before revealing the much-anticipated grand jury decision.

“The most significant challenge encountered in this investigation has been the 24-hour news cycle and its insatiable appetite for something, for anything to talk about, following closely behind with the non-stop rumors on social media,” he said.

"Social media isn't the problem," author Maureen Johnson said. "Shooting children is the problem."

CNN legal expert Jeffrey Toobin called the press conference "an extended whine" and "entirely inappropriate and embarrassing."

Ferguson Prosecutor Robert McCulloch Gives Bizarre Press Conference

I also thought his press conference was bizarre. I've heard he has a questionable record as prosecutor.

The 'gave up their lives' remarks was in the context of how long it all took. If you'd heard it live it wouldn't be a thing.

What WAS puzzling is relating every eye-witness account of what happened only to then refute it. Like he was muddying the waters about what happened by mentioning every account or something I thought.
The truth and the left have yet to get acquainted with each other....sadly, the left is incapable of seeing the truth even when it is right there for every normal person to see....
The officer needs to face some kind of charge. He clearly did not do his duty correctly. How does a jaywalking incident end in a teenager's death, in just moments. It does not make any sense unless the officer mishandled the situation from the git go.

He should have behaved in a way that did not escalate the situation. He should have called for backup. If he was doing his job right, things would have not gone so wrong so fast.
The truth and the left have yet to get acquainted with each other....sadly, the left is incapable of seeing the truth even when it is right there for every normal person to see....
The very same thing could be said about the right and the truth: it isn't really a matter of truth, it is a matter of perspective.
I am going to take the word of the grand jury, whom was presented with all evidence, over the opinions of others that didn't sit as a member of the grand jury. The law gives wide latitude to police officers whom have to make life or death decisions in a split second. I don't believe for a hot second Wilson was itching to shot and kill someone that day. Brown made a series of poor decisions that day and it ultimately cost him his life.
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I am going to take the word of the grand jury, whom was presented with all evidence, over the opinions of others that didn't sit as a member of the grand jury. The law gives wide latitude to police officers whom have to make life or death decisions in a split second. I don't believe for a hot second Wilson was itching to shot and kill someone that day. Brown made a series of poor decisions that day and it ultimately cost him his life.

Actually, under Miz law, a police officer can use deadly force of he thinks a felony is going to be committed against him. THATS the law there........

Should have never even gone to a grand jury.
St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch announced on Monday night that Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted for the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in a press conference that many found baffling, unwieldy and inflammatory.

McCulloch said the grand jury "gave up their lives" while deliberating.

The prosecutor also repeatedly lashed out at the media, blaming the internet and "the 24-hour news cycle" for the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, where Brown was shot and killed in August. He continued talking for several minutes before revealing the much-anticipated grand jury decision.

“The most significant challenge encountered in this investigation has been the 24-hour news cycle and its insatiable appetite for something, for anything to talk about, following closely behind with the non-stop rumors on social media,” he said.

"Social media isn't the problem," author Maureen Johnson said. "Shooting children is the problem."

CNN legal expert Jeffrey Toobin called the press conference "an extended whine" and "entirely inappropriate and embarrassing."

Ferguson Prosecutor Robert McCulloch Gives Bizarre Press Conference

I also thought his press conference was bizarre. I've heard he has a questionable record as prosecutor.

The 'gave up their lives' remarks was in the context of how long it all took. If you'd heard it live it wouldn't be a thing.

What WAS puzzling is relating every eye-witness account of what happened only to then refute it. Like he was muddying the waters about what happened by mentioning every account or something I thought.
Most that have a problem with the term "gave up their lives" would lie to get out of jury duty because it is too onerous for their lifestyles.
The stupidity that is being illustrated on the streets of Ferguson is just incredible. I would suspect that the majority of people looting and burning are not from the city. Just crazy....
The truth and the left have yet to get acquainted with each other....sadly, the left is incapable of seeing the truth even when it is right there for every normal person to see....
The left knew there were no wmd`s. And you?
Although Wilson was not indicted - I expect we'll learn in the coming days/weeks/months just how fucked up the process was that did not indict him.
Wilson is claiming Big Mike punched him twice in the face, and that he wasn't sure he could survive a third punch:

"Wilson told the grand jury in testimony released on Monday that while on a call about a sick baby, he heard on his portable radio a report of a 'stealing in progress' from a local store on West Florissant Avenue.

"He said he did not hear the entire call, but 'did hear that a suspect was wearing a black shirt and that a box of cigarillos was stolen.'

"He said he did not plan to respond to that call as two other officers were on it."

Ferguson Docs Officer Darren Wilson s Testimony The Two-Way NPR
The officer needs to face some kind of charge. He clearly did not do his duty correctly. How does a jaywalking incident end in a teenager's death, in just moments. It does not make any sense unless the officer mishandled the situation from the git go.

He should have behaved in a way that did not escalate the situation. He should have called for backup. If he was doing his job right, things would have not gone so wrong so fast.

Officer Wilson did his job. According to the evidence, Brown came after Wilson in the car, ran, Wilson pursued (that's what cops are suppose to do when chasing bad guy suspects), Brown went after Wilson again and yet again. So Wilson was suppose to sit in his car? Drive away? Do nothing? Let Brown beat the shit out of him? He did his job right and the evidence proved it.

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