Ferguson Prosecutor Robert McCulloch Gives Bizarre Press Conference

Only in liberal la la land is a 6' 4", nearly 300lb. 18-year-old street thug, who just robbed a store and strongarmed its clerk, referred to as a child. He's a dead man and responsible for his own demise. Period, as Barry would say.
Although Wilson was not indicted - I expect we'll learn in the coming days/weeks/months just how fucked up the process was that did not indict him.

Yeah, like this photo that seems to have been missing before now. Brown was at least 130 feet from Wilson when he was shot. Wilson's SUV is circled in red at the far left, Brown's body is to the far right in the street. The second policeman to the right of Brown's body is the "horribly injured" Wilson who reportedly was taken to the hospital to attend his injuries.


And here's a recently released photo of Wilson's "injuries", you know, the eye-socket wallop as reported by fellow FPD police:


Yeah, a slap on the face is reason to kill somebody unarmed and running away from you .

The have the DA's office fuck with the heads of everybody in town and drag out a grand jury for three months, then make a bizarro press conference at night when everybody is out on the streets.

Totally, completely mismanaged, mangled by a bunch of redneck amateurs. A pack of lies by authorities from beginning to end.
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The left knew there were no wmd`s. And you?

Uhh...you know there were wmd's right...it just came out in the New York times....you did know that right?
Yeah, a slap on the face is reason to kill somebody unarmed and running away from you .
If that was a slap, the thug would have probably killed him with a punch. The evidence was that the shots were directed at someone lunging forward, not running away.

Welcome to the world of irrelevance.
Yeah, like this photo that seems to have been missing before now. Brown was at least 130 feet from Wilson when he was shot. Wilson's SUV is circled in red at the far left, Brown's body is to the far right in the street. The second policeman to the right of Brown's body is the horribly injured Wilson.

I know....you went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party so rational thought is not something you will be good at.....it was reported Wilson chased brown...then brown turned and charged the officer...as seems to have been reported by Black witnesses.....if you have a problem....go burn down their homes....like they did to the minority owned businesses....
St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch announced on Monday night that Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted for the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in a press conference that many found baffling, unwieldy and inflammatory.

McCulloch said the grand jury "gave up their lives" while deliberating.

The prosecutor also repeatedly lashed out at the media, blaming the internet and "the 24-hour news cycle" for the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, where Brown was shot and killed in August. He continued talking for several minutes before revealing the much-anticipated grand jury decision.

“The most significant challenge encountered in this investigation has been the 24-hour news cycle and its insatiable appetite for something, for anything to talk about, following closely behind with the non-stop rumors on social media,” he said.

"Social media isn't the problem," author Maureen Johnson said. "Shooting children is the problem."

CNN legal expert Jeffrey Toobin called the press conference "an extended whine" and "entirely inappropriate and embarrassing."

Ferguson Prosecutor Robert McCulloch Gives Bizarre Press Conference

I also thought his press conference was bizarre. I've heard he has a questionable record as prosecutor.

The 'gave up their lives' remarks was in the context of how long it all took. If you'd heard it live it wouldn't be a thing.

What WAS puzzling is relating every eye-witness account of what happened only to then refute it. Like he was muddying the waters about what happened by mentioning every account or something I thought.
You need to read McCulloch's news conference more carefully. He did say there were a number of independent witnesses who testified to seeing the exact same things. It was these actual credible witnesses the GJ believed.
He said a number of people who "claimed" to have been witnesses were basically lying and they had to recant their testimonies when faced with the scientific forensic facts.
One 'Special Needs' Tree Dweller claimed he saw Wilson shoot BM repeatedly beside the SUV while BM was laying face down.
Everyone who wasn't at the Grand Jury, didn't see all the evidence, and bases their opinion only on what they heard on the internet knows more and is better informed than the people who had all the evidence and based their opinion on what the evidence showed.
The officer needs to face some kind of charge. He clearly did not do his duty correctly. How does a jaywalking incident end in a teenager's death, in just moments. It does not make any sense unless the officer mishandled the situation from the git go.

He should have behaved in a way that did not escalate the situation. He should have called for backup. If he was doing his job right, things would have not gone so wrong so fast.

Everything indicates Brown was the aggressor. Wilson did call for backup. You don't know the first thing about being a police officer to say he (Wilson) didn't do his job correctly.

I know you're a lonely and bitter person due to your disgusting attitude and horrendous personality, but try to find something else to talk about on another message board. You're not an American, and I speak for most of us when I say we would appreciate it if you were to mind your fucking business, stupid twat.
justice Ferguson style

St.Louis Fish & Chicken Grill
Family Dollar
Dollar Tree
O’Reilly’s Auto Parts
Beauty Mart
A.J. & R. Pawn Shop
Cakes and More [Natalie DuBose’s store]
JC Wireless
STL Bread Company
Auto Buy Credit
Phillips 66
Red’s Barbecue
Taco Bell
Beauty Town
Little Caesar’s
Ferguson Liquor
Public Storage
Sam’s Meat Market
Medicine Shop
Commerce Bank
Auto Zone
Toys R Us
Dellwood Market
Chop Suey restaurant
Antonio French’s Heal Stl Community Center

If I owned any of those chain stores/businesses I would draw a red circle on the map of Ferguson with a ten mile radius. No stores ever to be built/opened again within that circle.
Let the fucking Tree Dwellers drive, in their stolen vehicles, a twenty mile round trip to stuff their faces with a pizza.
The officer needs to face some kind of charge. He clearly did not do his duty correctly. How does a jaywalking incident end in a teenager's death, in just moments. It does not make any sense unless the officer mishandled the situation from the git go.

He should have behaved in a way that did not escalate the situation. He should have called for backup. If he was doing his job right, things would have not gone so wrong so fast.
Spoken like a typical TV watcher.
notice how they didn't get all bent when OJ Simpson was acquitted on charges of murdering two, white people. One his WIFE. This whole affair should of STAYED in the state but this administration with the HELP of our lamestream media helped stir this up to the point of riots. They all now have the blood of INNOCENT people's lives and livelihoods on their hands. People better wake up to this administration. it HAS TWO more years to cause us much HARM
That's BOBO's plan. He knew from day one he wasn't up to the job.
Being the narcissist he is he couldn't resist the chance. Then when he won he didn't really want the fucking responsibilities required.
Now the whole fucking world knows that a bunch of 'Special Needs' negroes put him in office based solely on his skin colour.
The country got what it deserved.
This you can count on: There will never be a negro President again should the country last a thousand years.
Before that would ever happen the voters will have to go through the 'First ___________ President' list.
'The First paraplegic transgender midget' is higher on the 'list' than another negro President.

It's Incredibly Rare For A Grand Jury To Do What Ferguson's Just Did

Ferguson Grand Jury: No Indictment for Darren Wilson in Brown's Death

Darren Wilson's picture above reminds me of George Zimmerman's picture after he killed unarmed Trayvon Martin.


What part of this do you not understand?
The Michael Brown lovers here need to explain why Brown's blood was found in the Officer's car. What does that tell you people?
Not a scratch on him, so why did the Ferguson police state that Wilson had suffered an "orbital blow out fracture"?

You Wilson lovers need to ask yourself why the FPD lied about Wilson's injuries.

No swelling of his face, both sides of his face are consistently showing the same red tones in his cheeks.
What a pussy.


It's Incredibly Rare For A Grand Jury To Do What Ferguson's Just Did

Ferguson Grand Jury: No Indictment for Darren Wilson in Brown's Death

Darren Wilson's picture above reminds me of George Zimmerman's picture after he killed unarmed Trayvon Martin.

This whole situation reminds me of how people don't want facts, or evidence but want to form an opinion based on race and social stature.

It reminds me how Justice is not what some want, they want mob rule and will justify it by ignoring reason and facts and hope people run on the emotion of hate.
I blame it on the liberal indoctrination of blacks reminding them daily of their victim status. They have bred hopelessness in these people. Whites aren't brought up that way. That's why you never see white communities being looted by the residents. Until liberals are jailed for inciting riots, this will continue.

It's Incredibly Rare For A Grand Jury To Do What Ferguson's Just Did

Ferguson Grand Jury: No Indictment for Darren Wilson in Brown's Death

Darren Wilson's picture above reminds me of George Zimmerman's picture after he killed unarmed Trayvon Martin.


What part of this do you not understand?
The Michael Brown lovers here need to explain why Brown's blood was found in the Officer's car. What does that tell you people?
BM's supporters are frankly not sentient enough to understand blood/forensic evidence. They are a 'Special Needs' race who must be tolerated and constant excuses for their animalistic/tribal behaviour made.
Low IQ
Endemic HPD
Zero impulse control.
An allele count which results in violent behavior.
Endemic obesity/diabetes a constant huge drain on the medical system, which BTW the vast majority never contribute a dime to in Federal income tax.
Stir them all together and witness what happened in Ferguson last night.
St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch announced on Monday night that Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted for the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in a press conference that many found baffling, unwieldy and inflammatory.

McCulloch said the grand jury "gave up their lives" while deliberating.

The prosecutor also repeatedly lashed out at the media, blaming the internet and "the 24-hour news cycle" for the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, where Brown was shot and killed in August. He continued talking for several minutes before revealing the much-anticipated grand jury decision.

“The most significant challenge encountered in this investigation has been the 24-hour news cycle and its insatiable appetite for something, for anything to talk about, following closely behind with the non-stop rumors on social media,” he said.

"Social media isn't the problem," author Maureen Johnson said. "Shooting children is the problem."

CNN legal expert Jeffrey Toobin called the press conference "an extended whine" and "entirely inappropriate and embarrassing."

Ferguson Prosecutor Robert McCulloch Gives Bizarre Press Conference

I also thought his press conference was bizarre. I've heard he has a questionable record as prosecutor.
I heard you were in special ed as a child, someone who knew someone who knew your cousin said so, must be true. The facts prove Wilson innocent and Brown guilty of being a thug, live with it.

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