Ferguson Prosecutor Robert McCulloch Gives Bizarre Press Conference

Not a scratch on him, so why did the Ferguson police state that Wilson had suffered an "orbital blow out fracture"?

You Wilson lovers need to ask yourself why the FPD lied about Wilson's injuries.

No swelling of his face, both sides of his face are consistently showing the same red tones in his cheeks.
What a pussy.

You know more than the Grand Jury? It's people like you who are responsible for Brown's death. You let these thugs think they have a right to attack police officers.
The officer needs to face some kind of charge. He clearly did not do his duty correctly. How does a jaywalking incident end in a teenager's death, in just moments. It does not make any sense unless the officer mishandled the situation from the git go.

He should have behaved in a way that did not escalate the situation. He should have called for backup. If he was doing his job right, things would have not gone so wrong so fast.
Give him a ticket for littering the street with a piece of shit and leaving it there for 4 hours.
Bottom line, when an armed policeman tells you to get out of the street, the smart thing to do is get out of the street. The suspect didn't have to die, Ferguson didn't have to be destroyed by out of town professional agitators.
The officer needs to face some kind of charge. He clearly did not do his duty correctly. How does a jaywalking incident end in a teenager's death, in just moments. It does not make any sense unless the officer mishandled the situation from the git go.

He should have behaved in a way that did not escalate the situation. He should have called for backup. If he was doing his job right, things would have not gone so wrong so fast.
Give him a ticket for littering the street with a piece of shit and leaving it there for 4 hours.
Wilson should send the Brown family a bill for the bullets he used.
The officer needs to face some kind of charge. He clearly did not do his duty correctly. How does a jaywalking incident end in a teenager's death, in just moments. It does not make any sense unless the officer mishandled the situation from the git go.

He should have behaved in a way that did not escalate the situation. He should have called for backup. If he was doing his job right, things would have not gone so wrong so fast.

How do you know what he did or did not do? You are speculating and the grand jury is looking at evidence and does not see enough to pursue a trial. How do you know if he escalated the situation or not? You weren't there.

Have you ever thought about the facts before you go on emotion?
Esmeralda is 'on the rag' today. We'll have to cut her some slack.
Plus she's a 'Tree Dweller' So we can't expect anything sentient from her.
The more we learn about the grand jury and prosecutor the more we'll learn about how flawed and lopsided the process was.

It's Incredibly Rare For A Grand Jury To Do What Ferguson's Just Did

Ferguson Grand Jury: No Indictment for Darren Wilson in Brown's Death

Darren Wilson's picture above reminds me of George Zimmerman's picture after he killed unarmed Trayvon Martin.


What part of this do you not understand?
The Michael Brown lovers here need to explain why Brown's blood was found in the Officer's car. What does that tell you people?
Not a scratch on him, so why did the Ferguson police state that Wilson had suffered an "orbital blow out fracture"?

You Wilson lovers need to ask yourself why the FPD lied about Wilson's injuries.

No swelling of his face, both sides of his face are consistently showing the same red tones in his cheeks.
What a pussy.

You know more than the Grand Jury? It's people like you who are responsible for Brown's death. You let these thugs think they have a right to attack police officers.

You mentioned physical evidence. The FPD clearly lied about Wilson's injuries. Why?

A grand jury is controlled by the DA who brings his case to them for review in order to file charges, not set out to defend the accused behind closed doors and in secrecy for three months.
The officer needs to face some kind of charge. He clearly did not do his duty correctly. How does a jaywalking incident end in a teenager's death, in just moments. It does not make any sense unless the officer mishandled the situation from the git go.

He should have behaved in a way that did not escalate the situation. He should have called for backup. If he was doing his job right, things would have not gone so wrong so fast.

How do you know what he did or did not do? You are speculating and the grand jury is looking at evidence and does not see enough to pursue a trial. How do you know if he escalated the situation or not? You weren't there.

Have you ever thought about the facts before you go on emotion?
I'm not going on emotion, I'm going on logic. Logically, if the officer is handling the situation correctly and intelligently, it does not instantly escalate to a situation that ends in someone's death, not someone who is not a hardened criminal.

I'm sick to death of this thread: it is all about racists claiming the black community deserves a police force that is in conflict with them, full of officers who apparently think like you all do, who think they are savages and criminals, and some kind of lower life form, then, you, who are the emotional ones (bigotry is an emotion, not a logical concept) call me emotional for thinking logically. You cannot think outside your own bias to realize your entire position and your entire perception of this situation is emotional: it's based on hate, which is what racism is based on.

Had the Ferguson police department had a good working relationship with the black people of the town from the beginning, this incident would never have happened.

I'm done with this thread. I'm clicking the unwatch tab. Reading the racist name calling and racist posts in the thread is truly sickening. This is one reason not to believe in a god: only a devil would create people like you.
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It's Incredibly Rare For A Grand Jury To Do What Ferguson's Just Did

Ferguson Grand Jury: No Indictment for Darren Wilson in Brown's Death

Darren Wilson's picture above reminds me of George Zimmerman's picture after he killed unarmed Trayvon Martin.


What part of this do you not understand?
The Michael Brown lovers here need to explain why Brown's blood was found in the Officer's car. What does that tell you people?
Not a scratch on him, so why did the Ferguson police state that Wilson had suffered an "orbital blow out fracture"?

You Wilson lovers need to ask yourself why the FPD lied about Wilson's injuries.

No swelling of his face, both sides of his face are consistently showing the same red tones in his cheeks.
What a pussy.

You know more than the Grand Jury? It's people like you who are responsible for Brown's death. You let these thugs think they have a right to attack police officers.

You mentioned physical evidence. The FPD clearly lied about Wilson's injuries. Why?

A grand jury is controlled by the DA who brings his case to them for review in order to file charges, not set out to defend the accused behind closed doors and in secrecy for three months.

hey dipshit, it doesn't matter what the police said about his injuries, the jury saw the same thing you see above.

and grand juries are always secret you dumbass shit fer brains
St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch announced on Monday night that Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted for the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in a press conference that many found baffling, unwieldy and inflammatory.

McCulloch said the grand jury "gave up their lives" while deliberating.

The prosecutor also repeatedly lashed out at the media, blaming the internet and "the 24-hour news cycle" for the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, where Brown was shot and killed in August. He continued talking for several minutes before revealing the much-anticipated grand jury decision.

“The most significant challenge encountered in this investigation has been the 24-hour news cycle and its insatiable appetite for something, for anything to talk about, following closely behind with the non-stop rumors on social media,” he said.

"Social media isn't the problem," author Maureen Johnson said. "Shooting children is the problem."

CNN legal expert Jeffrey Toobin called the press conference "an extended whine" and "entirely inappropriate and embarrassing."

Ferguson Prosecutor Robert McCulloch Gives Bizarre Press Conference

I also thought his press conference was bizarre. I've heard he has a questionable record as prosecutor.

1 The grand jury as all grand juries did give up they regular lives to make sure Officer Wilson got his due Process. That's not Bizarre.

2 McCulloch was making sure that everybody understood that this was not a hasty or uneducated decision which is why he took so long explaining. McCulloch knew the potential for riots it was hardly a secret. His so called"an extended whine" and "entirely inappropriate and embarrassing." was a futile attempt to try to defuse the situation.

3 Michael Brown was not a child in the eyes of the law, he was 18.

4 None of this would have happened if Michael Brown wasn't out acting like a thug and stealing from a convenience store. Officer Wilson wouldn't have stopped him. Brown would be alive and Ferguson would be in one piece.

The evidence spoke, there was no cause to charge Wilson,Michael Brown caused his own death by his own illegal actions. when you break the law you know things can end badly and that's the chance Brown took. He lost. Time for the black community to stop whining and get over it. They should concentrate they're energy on more productive and deserving people than a thug and a thief.
The officer needs to face some kind of charge. He clearly did not do his duty correctly. How does a jaywalking incident end in a teenager's death, in just moments. It does not make any sense unless the officer mishandled the situation from the git go.

He should have behaved in a way that did not escalate the situation. He should have called for backup. If he was doing his job right, things would have not gone so wrong so fast.

How do you know what he did or did not do? You are speculating and the grand jury is looking at evidence and does not see enough to pursue a trial. How do you know if he escalated the situation or not? You weren't there.

Have you ever thought about the facts before you go on emotion?
I'm not going on emotion, I'm going on logic. Logically, if the officer is handling the situation correctly and intelligently, it does not instantly escalate to a situation that ends on someone's death, not someone who is not a hardened criminal.

I'm sick to death of this thread: it is all about racists claiming the black community deserves a police force that is in conflict with them, full of officers who apparently think like you all do, who think they are savages and criminals, and some kind of lower life form, then, you, who are the emotional ones (bigotry is an emotion, not a logical concept) call me emotional for thinking logically. You cannot think outside your own bias to realize your entire position and your entire perception of this situation is emotional: it's based on hate, which is what racism is based on.

Had the Ferguson police department had a good working relationship with the black people of the town from the beginning, this incident would never have happened.
The GJ found that BM attacked Wilson and Wilson shot the fucking Tree Dweller in self defense.
Who the fuck cares what your 'opinion' is.
BM was seen on camera committing strong arm felony robbery then committing felony assault on a little Korean shop keeper a third BM's size.
BM would have killed someone or been killed anyway.
Wilson deserves a medal. He 'took out the garbage'.

It's Incredibly Rare For A Grand Jury To Do What Ferguson's Just Did

Ferguson Grand Jury: No Indictment for Darren Wilson in Brown's Death

Darren Wilson's picture above reminds me of George Zimmerman's picture after he killed unarmed Trayvon Martin.


What part of this do you not understand?
The Michael Brown lovers here need to explain why Brown's blood was found in the Officer's car. What does that tell you people?
Not a scratch on him, so why did the Ferguson police state that Wilson had suffered an "orbital blow out fracture"?

You Wilson lovers need to ask yourself why the FPD lied about Wilson's injuries.

No swelling of his face, both sides of his face are consistently showing the same red tones in his cheeks.
What a pussy.

You know more than the Grand Jury? It's people like you who are responsible for Brown's death. You let these thugs think they have a right to attack police officers.

You mentioned physical evidence. The FPD clearly lied about Wilson's injuries. Why?

A grand jury is controlled by the DA who brings his case to them for review in order to file charges, not set out to defend the accused behind closed doors and in secrecy for three months.

hey dipshit, it doesn't matter what the police said about his injuries, the jury saw the same thing you see above.

and grand juries are always secret you dumbass shit fer brains

Read my post or else someone who has a brain read it to you.

Again, Yurtie, the grand jury is controlled by the DA and yes, held in secret. If this situation was honest and clean as Wilson said, then the FPD should have been glad to bring it to the public and state their case TO THE PEOPLE.

It's Incredibly Rare For A Grand Jury To Do What Ferguson's Just Did

Ferguson Grand Jury: No Indictment for Darren Wilson in Brown's Death

Darren Wilson's picture above reminds me of George Zimmerman's picture after he killed unarmed Trayvon Martin.


What part of this do you not understand?
The Michael Brown lovers here need to explain why Brown's blood was found in the Officer's car. What does that tell you people?
Not a scratch on him, so why did the Ferguson police state that Wilson had suffered an "orbital blow out fracture"?

You Wilson lovers need to ask yourself why the FPD lied about Wilson's injuries.

No swelling of his face, both sides of his face are consistently showing the same red tones in his cheeks.
What a pussy.

You know more than the Grand Jury? It's people like you who are responsible for Brown's death. You let these thugs think they have a right to attack police officers.

You mentioned physical evidence. The FPD clearly lied about Wilson's injuries. Why?

A grand jury is controlled by the DA who brings his case to them for review in order to file charges, not set out to defend the accused behind closed doors and in secrecy for three months.

hey dipshit, it doesn't matter what the police said about his injuries, the jury saw the same thing you see above.

and grand juries are always secret you dumbass shit fer brains

Read my post or else someone who has a brain read it to you.

Again, Yurtie, the grand jury is controlled by the DA and yes, held in secret. If this situation was honest and clean as Wilson said, then the FPD should have been glad to bring it to the public and state their case TO THE PEOPLE.

the grand jury is not controlled by the DA you ignorant retard. and pray tell, since you know the GJ is secret, how could the DA state their case to the public? you first have to go to a GJ, which is secret, and you're now advocating ignoring the law because you have a bias in this case.

thank goodness you were no where near the GJ.

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