Ferguson Protests Grow Larger: ‘We Don’t Give a F--- about Your Laws’

It does not matter. Simple observations will tell you everything. If they had video of the shooting, plain GED evidence it will make no matter. They are not interested in any of it. Witnesses, who actually saw it....does not matter.

They did not get the desired outcome.

I don't think they know what they want as it seems to keep changing.

The solutions are actually quite simple, however, it will continue to elude them.

They complained aboutbthe Nat guard... Now they complain they didn't do enough. I get the feeling they could have walked fifty miles through the desert to get them water and they would complain it wasn't cold.

The news keeps talking about facts and are not getting the fact....that it does not matter.

Iknow I have no idea what they want. do they wish to succeed from the US? Is that what they want? Do they have a new list of laws they wish were in place? Let's see them. PLEASE let us know what you want!!!! You can't have black criminals are allowed to beat up cops, burn other's businesses riot and loot as a law though. I don't think it will make the negotiation table.
Brown's DNA was inside the car, he attacked him in his car.

Still doesn't justify shooting at him 12 FUCKING TIMES.

He didnt shoot him 12 times. Damn can you get anything right?
He shot AT him 12 times, as poster said.

Hit him 6 times.

Very bad shooting, but, he was adrenaline poisoned, which makes one very shaky.

Deer hunters call it buck fever.

That's what I find curious...how all those rounds hit his chest if he was charging the cop with his head down low enough to take one on top of his skull? I been in several gunfights so I don't need a lecture on ballistics, but it seems to me he'd have been hit in his shoulders or lower abdomen and if his .40 HPs weren't making more of an impression on Brown, why ain't they issued a heavier round?

He received the round to the top of his dome when he was falling forward after Wilson perforated his dumb ass.
Brown's DNA was inside the car, he attacked him in his car.

Still doesn't justify shooting at him 12 FUCKING TIMES.

He didnt shoot him 12 times. Damn can you get anything right?
He shot AT him 12 times, as poster said.

Hit him 6 times.

Very bad shooting, but, he was adrenaline poisoned, which makes one very shaky.

Deer hunters call it buck fever.

I wonder if officer Wilson will get over "buck fever"?
I know I did after my first kill.
I've shot scores of deer.

If I didn't get a little buck fever when I slipped up on a big deer, I'd quit.

Sure it's still exciting when you come across a nice specimen.
I just no longer freak out about it.
Brown's DNA was inside the car, he attacked him in his car.

Still doesn't justify shooting at him 12 FUCKING TIMES.

He didnt shoot him 12 times. Damn can you get anything right?
He shot AT him 12 times, as poster said.

Hit him 6 times.

Very bad shooting, but, he was adrenaline poisoned, which makes one very shaky.

Deer hunters call it buck fever.

That's what I find curious...how all those rounds hit his chest if he was charging the cop with his head down low enough to take one on top of his skull? I been in several gunfights so I don't need a lecture on ballistics, but it seems to me he'd have been hit in his shoulders or lower abdomen and if his .40 HPs weren't making more of an impression on Brown, why ain't they issued a heavier round?

I would say it's pretty obvious how it happened.
Dirt Nap charged and Officer Wilson aimed at center mass,after absorbing the rounds to the chest Dirt Nap fell forward through Wilsons point of aim(center mass)and Wilson was still firing.
Fallout from infamous Miami FBI shootout, when six guns were not up to par in combat with hi-cap 9's.

Traded numbers of rounds for knockdown power.

A 300+ lb adrenaline crazed teen is not going down easily without a brain or spine shot.

Which is why I was further amazed that his autopsy didn't disclose anything stronger than reefer in his system. Adrenaline aside, catching a couple .40s in the chest would take the starch out of anybody, even a guy as big as Brown. And the strongarm act in the store, walking down the middle of the street, going for the cop's pistol? He was high as a kite on something.
Let's see. You're walking along down the street in your neighborhood. A cop that does not live in your hood drives up and tells you to get off his street. You turn to tell him to eff off. The cop says something rude back. You lean onto the car to have a man to man discussion with the cop. The cop grabs your arm to attempt to cuff it. You wrestle with the cop. Cop says I'm gonna shoot you if you don't stop fighting back as cop puts his hand on his gun. You say your not gonna shoot me you're too much of a pussy. Cop gets murder look in his eyes. You reach for gun to stop him. Cop pulls trigger shooting a hole in his floor board. You back off about 10yards. Cop says freeze n___r. You put your hands up and say you got me. Cop starts unloading his pistol at you. He misses the first couple shots. You have about 1sec to decide whether to (1) turn and try to run or (2) start to charge him in the hope you'll be able to disable this crazy white dude. He hits your arm twice, grazes a few shots then starts shooting you in the chest and arms... so figuring that (1) is not gonna work, when you are about 8' away he shoots you in the head twice.
that isn't what happened. The cop recognizes you as the suspect for beating up someone ten minutes ago at a store, he stops and asks you where you've been, knowing you now know he knows you robbed a store, you try and take him out. Now the final part of your story can continue.
ROFL... he barely touched the guy.. beating him up? ROFL Your idea of a beat down and mine are on two different planets. Tried to take him out? ROFL where's the beat down on the cop? The photos show the cop had a scary red mark... you call that "taking the guy out?" Your idea of taking a guy out and mine on are two different planets. The only guy with "actual" injuries is Michael Brown.
Fallout from infamous Miami FBI shootout, when six guns were not up to par in combat with hi-cap 9's.

Traded numbers of rounds for knockdown power.

A 300+ lb adrenaline crazed teen is not going down easily without a brain or spine shot.

Which is why I was further amazed that his autopsy didn't disclose anything stronger than reefer in his system. Adrenaline aside, catching a couple .40s in the chest would take the starch out of anybody, even a guy as big as Brown. And the strongarm act in the store, walking down the middle of the street, going for the cop's pistol? He was high as a kite on something.
Let's see. You're walking along down the street in your neighborhood. A cop that does not live in your hood drives up and tells you to get off his street. You turn to tell him to eff off. The cop says something rude back. You lean onto the car to have a man to man discussion with the cop. The cop grabs your arm to attempt to cuff it. You wrestle with the cop. Cop says I'm gonna shoot you if you don't stop fighting back as cop puts his hand on his gun. You say your not gonna shoot me you're too much of a pussy. Cop gets murder look in his eyes. You reach for gun to stop him. Cop pulls trigger shooting a hole in his floor board. You back off about 10yards. Cop says freeze n___r. You put your hands up and say you got me. Cop starts unloading his pistol at you. He misses the first couple shots. You have about 1sec to decide whether to (1) turn and try to run or (2) start to charge him in the hope you'll be able to disable this crazy white dude. He hits your arm twice, grazes a few shots then starts shooting you in the chest and arms... so figuring that (1) is not gonna work, when you are about 8' away he shoots you in the head twice.
that isn't what happened. The cop recognizes you as the suspect for beating up someone ten minutes ago at a store, he stops and asks you where you've been, knowing you now know he knows you robbed a store, you try and take him out. Now the final part of your story can continue.
ROFL... he barely touched the guy.. beating him up? ROFL Your idea of a beat down and mine are on two different planets. Tried to take him out? ROFL where's the beat down on the cop? The photos show the cop had a scary red mark... you call that "taking the guy out?" Your idea of taking a guy out and mine on are two different planets. The only guy with "actual" injuries is Michael Brown.

So just some questions

Did the Grand Jury learn that the cop new Brown was a suspect?

did Brown reach into the cop's car?

is that what an innocent person does or someone being combative, otherwise why go near the cop?

Did the GJ find that the cops story checked out to what witnesses stated?

Did witnesses lie?
Fallout from infamous Miami FBI shootout, when six guns were not up to par in combat with hi-cap 9's.

Traded numbers of rounds for knockdown power.

A 300+ lb adrenaline crazed teen is not going down easily without a brain or spine shot.

Which is why I was further amazed that his autopsy didn't disclose anything stronger than reefer in his system. Adrenaline aside, catching a couple .40s in the chest would take the starch out of anybody, even a guy as big as Brown. And the strongarm act in the store, walking down the middle of the street, going for the cop's pistol? He was high as a kite on something.
Let's see. You're walking along down the street in your neighborhood. A cop that does not live in your hood drives up and tells you to get off his street. You turn to tell him to eff off. The cop says something rude back. You lean onto the car to have a man to man discussion with the cop. The cop grabs your arm to attempt to cuff it. You wrestle with the cop. Cop says I'm gonna shoot you if you don't stop fighting back as cop puts his hand on his gun. You say your not gonna shoot me you're too much of a pussy. Cop gets murder look in his eyes. You reach for gun to stop him. Cop pulls trigger shooting a hole in his floor board. You back off about 10yards. Cop says freeze n___r. You put your hands up and say you got me. Cop starts unloading his pistol at you. He misses the first couple shots. You have about 1sec to decide whether to (1) turn and try to run or (2) start to charge him in the hope you'll be able to disable this crazy white dude. He hits your arm twice, grazes a few shots then starts shooting you in the chest and arms... so figuring that (1) is not gonna work, when you are about 8' away he shoots you in the head twice.
that isn't what happened. The cop recognizes you as the suspect for beating up someone ten minutes ago at a store, he stops and asks you where you've been, knowing you now know he knows you robbed a store, you try and take him out. Now the final part of your story can continue.
ROFL... he barely touched the guy.. beating him up? ROFL Your idea of a beat down and mine are on two different planets. Tried to take him out? ROFL where's the beat down on the cop? The photos show the cop had a scary red mark... you call that "taking the guy out?" Your idea of taking a guy out and mine on are two different planets. The only guy with "actual" injuries is Michael Brown.

So just some questions

Did the Grand Jury learn that the cop new Brown was a suspect?

did Brown reach into the cop's car?

is that what an innocent person does or someone being combative, otherwise why go near the cop?

Did the GJ find that the cops story checked out to what witnesses stated?

Did witnesses lie?
Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes.

One question back at you. Should we be handing out death sentences on the spot for large black teens that "touch" a cop and "touch" a store clerk?

Bad move mother ___er you're gonna die now.

Is that where we are as a country? Our cops are executioners?
Fallout from infamous Miami FBI shootout, when six guns were not up to par in combat with hi-cap 9's.

Traded numbers of rounds for knockdown power.

A 300+ lb adrenaline crazed teen is not going down easily without a brain or spine shot.

Which is why I was further amazed that his autopsy didn't disclose anything stronger than reefer in his system. Adrenaline aside, catching a couple .40s in the chest would take the starch out of anybody, even a guy as big as Brown. And the strongarm act in the store, walking down the middle of the street, going for the cop's pistol? He was high as a kite on something.
Let's see. You're walking along down the street in your neighborhood. A cop that does not live in your hood drives up and tells you to get off his street. You turn to tell him to eff off. The cop says something rude back. You lean onto the car to have a man to man discussion with the cop. The cop grabs your arm to attempt to cuff it. You wrestle with the cop. Cop says I'm gonna shoot you if you don't stop fighting back as cop puts his hand on his gun. You say your not gonna shoot me you're too much of a pussy. Cop gets murder look in his eyes. You reach for gun to stop him. Cop pulls trigger shooting a hole in his floor board. You back off about 10yards. Cop says freeze n___r. You put your hands up and say you got me. Cop starts unloading his pistol at you. He misses the first couple shots. You have about 1sec to decide whether to (1) turn and try to run or (2) start to charge him in the hope you'll be able to disable this crazy white dude. He hits your arm twice, grazes a few shots then starts shooting you in the chest and arms... so figuring that (1) is not gonna work, when you are about 8' away he shoots you in the head twice.
that isn't what happened. The cop recognizes you as the suspect for beating up someone ten minutes ago at a store, he stops and asks you where you've been, knowing you now know he knows you robbed a store, you try and take him out. Now the final part of your story can continue.
ROFL... he barely touched the guy.. beating him up? ROFL Your idea of a beat down and mine are on two different planets. Tried to take him out? ROFL where's the beat down on the cop? The photos show the cop had a scary red mark... you call that "taking the guy out?" Your idea of taking a guy out and mine on are two different planets. The only guy with "actual" injuries is Michael Brown.
The damage you sometimes see on peoples faces after a fight is unimportant. Many fights end with a KO, but no visible damage. Some people bruise and cut easily, others do not. The important thing to remember is, if you rattle the brain inside someones head hard enough, they will go unconscious. Thank god Mike Brown was shot before he was given the opportunity to further assault officer Wilson.
Which is why I was further amazed that his autopsy didn't disclose anything stronger than reefer in his system. Adrenaline aside, catching a couple .40s in the chest would take the starch out of anybody, even a guy as big as Brown. And the strongarm act in the store, walking down the middle of the street, going for the cop's pistol? He was high as a kite on something.
Let's see. You're walking along down the street in your neighborhood. A cop that does not live in your hood drives up and tells you to get off his street. You turn to tell him to eff off. The cop says something rude back. You lean onto the car to have a man to man discussion with the cop. The cop grabs your arm to attempt to cuff it. You wrestle with the cop. Cop says I'm gonna shoot you if you don't stop fighting back as cop puts his hand on his gun. You say your not gonna shoot me you're too much of a pussy. Cop gets murder look in his eyes. You reach for gun to stop him. Cop pulls trigger shooting a hole in his floor board. You back off about 10yards. Cop says freeze n___r. You put your hands up and say you got me. Cop starts unloading his pistol at you. He misses the first couple shots. You have about 1sec to decide whether to (1) turn and try to run or (2) start to charge him in the hope you'll be able to disable this crazy white dude. He hits your arm twice, grazes a few shots then starts shooting you in the chest and arms... so figuring that (1) is not gonna work, when you are about 8' away he shoots you in the head twice.
that isn't what happened. The cop recognizes you as the suspect for beating up someone ten minutes ago at a store, he stops and asks you where you've been, knowing you now know he knows you robbed a store, you try and take him out. Now the final part of your story can continue.
ROFL... he barely touched the guy.. beating him up? ROFL Your idea of a beat down and mine are on two different planets. Tried to take him out? ROFL where's the beat down on the cop? The photos show the cop had a scary red mark... you call that "taking the guy out?" Your idea of taking a guy out and mine on are two different planets. The only guy with "actual" injuries is Michael Brown.

So just some questions

Did the Grand Jury learn that the cop new Brown was a suspect?

did Brown reach into the cop's car?

is that what an innocent person does or someone being combative, otherwise why go near the cop?

Did the GJ find that the cops story checked out to what witnesses stated?

Did witnesses lie?
Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes.

One question back at you. Should we be handing out death sentences on the spot for large black teens that "touch" a cop and "touch" a store clerk?

Bad move mother ___er you're gonna die now.

Is that where we are as a country? Our cops are executioners?
If by "touch" you mean "assault", then yes, assaulting a cop and trying to grab his gun should be a death sentence on the spot. No exceptions.
Let's see. You're walking along down the street in your neighborhood. A cop that does not live in your hood drives up and tells you to get off his street. You turn to tell him to eff off. The cop says something rude back. You lean onto the car to have a man to man discussion with the cop. The cop grabs your arm to attempt to cuff it. You wrestle with the cop. Cop says I'm gonna shoot you if you don't stop fighting back as cop puts his hand on his gun. You say your not gonna shoot me you're too much of a pussy. Cop gets murder look in his eyes. You reach for gun to stop him. Cop pulls trigger shooting a hole in his floor board. You back off about 10yards. Cop says freeze n___r. You put your hands up and say you got me. Cop starts unloading his pistol at you. He misses the first couple shots. You have about 1sec to decide whether to (1) turn and try to run or (2) start to charge him in the hope you'll be able to disable this crazy white dude. He hits your arm twice, grazes a few shots then starts shooting you in the chest and arms... so figuring that (1) is not gonna work, when you are about 8' away he shoots you in the head twice.
that isn't what happened. The cop recognizes you as the suspect for beating up someone ten minutes ago at a store, he stops and asks you where you've been, knowing you now know he knows you robbed a store, you try and take him out. Now the final part of your story can continue.
ROFL... he barely touched the guy.. beating him up? ROFL Your idea of a beat down and mine are on two different planets. Tried to take him out? ROFL where's the beat down on the cop? The photos show the cop had a scary red mark... you call that "taking the guy out?" Your idea of taking a guy out and mine on are two different planets. The only guy with "actual" injuries is Michael Brown.

So just some questions

Did the Grand Jury learn that the cop new Brown was a suspect?

did Brown reach into the cop's car?

is that what an innocent person does or someone being combative, otherwise why go near the cop?

Did the GJ find that the cops story checked out to what witnesses stated?

Did witnesses lie?
Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes.

One question back at you. Should we be handing out death sentences on the spot for large black teens that "touch" a cop and "touch" a store clerk?

Bad move mother ___er you're gonna die now.

Is that where we are as a country? Our cops are executioners?
If by "touch" you mean "assault", then yes, assaulting a cop and trying to grab his gun should be a death sentence on the spot. No exceptions.
Well there you go. I disagree. If it was a drunk little white girl, vs. a large black teen, say your daughter, you good with that killing too? Should we kill drunk little 18year old white girls who touch a cop? Reach for his gun? Shoot her six times till she stops moving? Even after she backed away? How about if he shot her 22times starting from her feet and arms before he got to her stomach? What if the cop ran out of bullets and got his knife out and decided to carve the little girls heart out to make sure she didn't get away. Does the gun make it cleaner for you?
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Which is why I was further amazed that his autopsy didn't disclose anything stronger than reefer in his system. Adrenaline aside, catching a couple .40s in the chest would take the starch out of anybody, even a guy as big as Brown. And the strongarm act in the store, walking down the middle of the street, going for the cop's pistol? He was high as a kite on something.
Let's see. You're walking along down the street in your neighborhood. A cop that does not live in your hood drives up and tells you to get off his street. You turn to tell him to eff off. The cop says something rude back. You lean onto the car to have a man to man discussion with the cop. The cop grabs your arm to attempt to cuff it. You wrestle with the cop. Cop says I'm gonna shoot you if you don't stop fighting back as cop puts his hand on his gun. You say your not gonna shoot me you're too much of a pussy. Cop gets murder look in his eyes. You reach for gun to stop him. Cop pulls trigger shooting a hole in his floor board. You back off about 10yards. Cop says freeze n___r. You put your hands up and say you got me. Cop starts unloading his pistol at you. He misses the first couple shots. You have about 1sec to decide whether to (1) turn and try to run or (2) start to charge him in the hope you'll be able to disable this crazy white dude. He hits your arm twice, grazes a few shots then starts shooting you in the chest and arms... so figuring that (1) is not gonna work, when you are about 8' away he shoots you in the head twice.
that isn't what happened. The cop recognizes you as the suspect for beating up someone ten minutes ago at a store, he stops and asks you where you've been, knowing you now know he knows you robbed a store, you try and take him out. Now the final part of your story can continue.
ROFL... he barely touched the guy.. beating him up? ROFL Your idea of a beat down and mine are on two different planets. Tried to take him out? ROFL where's the beat down on the cop? The photos show the cop had a scary red mark... you call that "taking the guy out?" Your idea of taking a guy out and mine on are two different planets. The only guy with "actual" injuries is Michael Brown.

So just some questions

Did the Grand Jury learn that the cop new Brown was a suspect?

did Brown reach into the cop's car?

is that what an innocent person does or someone being combative, otherwise why go near the cop?

Did the GJ find that the cops story checked out to what witnesses stated?

Did witnesses lie?
Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes.

One question back at you. Should we be handing out death sentences on the spot for large black teens that "touch" a cop and "touch" a store clerk?

Bad move mother ___er you're gonna die now.

Is that where we are as a country? Our cops are executioners?
no, they're human beings and as such fear for their lives like any other person. It's unfortunate that over a fifty year timeframe,black men still want to challenge police and put themselves in no win positions. the failure is that of the black leaders and the democratic party. It would be advantageous for black men to start challenging those individuals on why their lives are not any better in fifty years.

Edit: BTW, when I was a kid in Ferguson it was all white and Kinlock was the town to avoid as a white guy. Kinlock is still there and now Ferguson and Berkely are included. So the masses grew while the opportunities stayed the same. I call it dumbing down by the Democrats. Been saying that for twenty years. Ignoring that fact by the black leadership is terrible.
Let's see. You're walking along down the street in your neighborhood. A cop that does not live in your hood drives up and tells you to get off his street. You turn to tell him to eff off. The cop says something rude back. You lean onto the car to have a man to man discussion with the cop. The cop grabs your arm to attempt to cuff it. You wrestle with the cop. Cop says I'm gonna shoot you if you don't stop fighting back as cop puts his hand on his gun. You say your not gonna shoot me you're too much of a pussy. Cop gets murder look in his eyes. You reach for gun to stop him. Cop pulls trigger shooting a hole in his floor board. You back off about 10yards. Cop says freeze n___r. You put your hands up and say you got me. Cop starts unloading his pistol at you. He misses the first couple shots. You have about 1sec to decide whether to (1) turn and try to run or (2) start to charge him in the hope you'll be able to disable this crazy white dude. He hits your arm twice, grazes a few shots then starts shooting you in the chest and arms... so figuring that (1) is not gonna work, when you are about 8' away he shoots you in the head twice.
that isn't what happened. The cop recognizes you as the suspect for beating up someone ten minutes ago at a store, he stops and asks you where you've been, knowing you now know he knows you robbed a store, you try and take him out. Now the final part of your story can continue.
ROFL... he barely touched the guy.. beating him up? ROFL Your idea of a beat down and mine are on two different planets. Tried to take him out? ROFL where's the beat down on the cop? The photos show the cop had a scary red mark... you call that "taking the guy out?" Your idea of taking a guy out and mine on are two different planets. The only guy with "actual" injuries is Michael Brown.

So just some questions

Did the Grand Jury learn that the cop new Brown was a suspect?

did Brown reach into the cop's car?

is that what an innocent person does or someone being combative, otherwise why go near the cop?

Did the GJ find that the cops story checked out to what witnesses stated?

Did witnesses lie?
Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes.

One question back at you. Should we be handing out death sentences on the spot for large black teens that "touch" a cop and "touch" a store clerk?

Bad move mother ___er you're gonna die now.

Is that where we are as a country? Our cops are executioners?
no, they're human beings and as such fear for their lives like any other person. It's unfortunate that over a fifty year timeframe,black men still want to challenge police and put themselves in no win positions. the failure is that of the black leaders and the democratic party. It would be advantageous for black men to start challenging those individuals on why their lives are not any better in fifty years.

Edit: BTW, when I was a kid in Ferguson it was all white and Kinlock was the town to avoid as a white guy. Kinlock is still there and now Ferguson and Berkely are included. So the masses grew while the opportunities stayed the same. I call it dumbing down by the Democrats. Been saying that for twenty years. Ignoring that fact by the black leadership is terrible.

Yeah well then maybe we should hire cops that are not in fear for their lives when they come into physical contact with a large 18year old boy.
that isn't what happened. The cop recognizes you as the suspect for beating up someone ten minutes ago at a store, he stops and asks you where you've been, knowing you now know he knows you robbed a store, you try and take him out. Now the final part of your story can continue.
ROFL... he barely touched the guy.. beating him up? ROFL Your idea of a beat down and mine are on two different planets. Tried to take him out? ROFL where's the beat down on the cop? The photos show the cop had a scary red mark... you call that "taking the guy out?" Your idea of taking a guy out and mine on are two different planets. The only guy with "actual" injuries is Michael Brown.

So just some questions

Did the Grand Jury learn that the cop new Brown was a suspect?

did Brown reach into the cop's car?

is that what an innocent person does or someone being combative, otherwise why go near the cop?

Did the GJ find that the cops story checked out to what witnesses stated?

Did witnesses lie?
Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes.

One question back at you. Should we be handing out death sentences on the spot for large black teens that "touch" a cop and "touch" a store clerk?

Bad move mother ___er you're gonna die now.

Is that where we are as a country? Our cops are executioners?
If by "touch" you mean "assault", then yes, assaulting a cop and trying to grab his gun should be a death sentence on the spot. No exceptions.
Well there you go. I disagree. If it was a drunk little white girl, vs. a large black teen, say your daughter, you good with that killing too? Should we kill drunk little 18year old white girls who touch a cop? Reach for his gun? Shoot her six times till she stops moving? Even after she backed away? How about if he shot her 22times starting from her feet and arms before he got to her stomach? What if the cop ran out of bullets and got his knife out and decided to carve the little girls heart out to make sure she didn't get away. Does the gun make it cleaner for you?
If she robbed a store and beat on an old man, maybe.
ROFL... he barely touched the guy.. beating him up? ROFL Your idea of a beat down and mine are on two different planets. Tried to take him out? ROFL where's the beat down on the cop? The photos show the cop had a scary red mark... you call that "taking the guy out?" Your idea of taking a guy out and mine on are two different planets. The only guy with "actual" injuries is Michael Brown.

So just some questions

Did the Grand Jury learn that the cop new Brown was a suspect?

did Brown reach into the cop's car?

is that what an innocent person does or someone being combative, otherwise why go near the cop?

Did the GJ find that the cops story checked out to what witnesses stated?

Did witnesses lie?
Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes.

One question back at you. Should we be handing out death sentences on the spot for large black teens that "touch" a cop and "touch" a store clerk?

Bad move mother ___er you're gonna die now.

Is that where we are as a country? Our cops are executioners?
If by "touch" you mean "assault", then yes, assaulting a cop and trying to grab his gun should be a death sentence on the spot. No exceptions.
Well there you go. I disagree. If it was a drunk little white girl, vs. a large black teen, say your daughter, you good with that killing too? Should we kill drunk little 18year old white girls who touch a cop? Reach for his gun? Shoot her six times till she stops moving? Even after she backed away? How about if he shot her 22times starting from her feet and arms before he got to her stomach? What if the cop ran out of bullets and got his knife out and decided to carve the little girls heart out to make sure she didn't get away. Does the gun make it cleaner for you?
If she robbed a store and beat on an old man, maybe.
he "touched" the old man beating did not happen...

Just to add my understanding is that this dumb ass town does now allow their cops to have night sticks. Apparently sticks are too violent. Much better to shoot to kill then whack some dumb ass with a stick. Rolls eyes...
that isn't what happened. The cop recognizes you as the suspect for beating up someone ten minutes ago at a store, he stops and asks you where you've been, knowing you now know he knows you robbed a store, you try and take him out. Now the final part of your story can continue.
ROFL... he barely touched the guy.. beating him up? ROFL Your idea of a beat down and mine are on two different planets. Tried to take him out? ROFL where's the beat down on the cop? The photos show the cop had a scary red mark... you call that "taking the guy out?" Your idea of taking a guy out and mine on are two different planets. The only guy with "actual" injuries is Michael Brown.

So just some questions

Did the Grand Jury learn that the cop new Brown was a suspect?

did Brown reach into the cop's car?

is that what an innocent person does or someone being combative, otherwise why go near the cop?

Did the GJ find that the cops story checked out to what witnesses stated?

Did witnesses lie?
Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes.

One question back at you. Should we be handing out death sentences on the spot for large black teens that "touch" a cop and "touch" a store clerk?

Bad move mother ___er you're gonna die now.

Is that where we are as a country? Our cops are executioners?
If by "touch" you mean "assault", then yes, assaulting a cop and trying to grab his gun should be a death sentence on the spot. No exceptions.
Well there you go. I disagree. If it was a drunk little white girl, vs. a large black teen, say your daughter, you good with that killing too? Should we kill drunk little 18year old white girls who touch a cop? Reach for his gun? Shoot her six times till she stops moving? Even after she backed away? How about if he shot her 22times starting from her feet and arms before he got to her stomach? What if the cop ran out of bullets and got his knife out and decided to carve the little girls heart out to make sure she didn't get away. Does the gun make it cleaner for you?
Well when you actually have a scenario play out then I supposed that would be a discussion point, but i think Bonnie from Bonnie and Clyde fit that bill and I think she was shot. So yes.
that isn't what happened. The cop recognizes you as the suspect for beating up someone ten minutes ago at a store, he stops and asks you where you've been, knowing you now know he knows you robbed a store, you try and take him out. Now the final part of your story can continue.
ROFL... he barely touched the guy.. beating him up? ROFL Your idea of a beat down and mine are on two different planets. Tried to take him out? ROFL where's the beat down on the cop? The photos show the cop had a scary red mark... you call that "taking the guy out?" Your idea of taking a guy out and mine on are two different planets. The only guy with "actual" injuries is Michael Brown.

So just some questions

Did the Grand Jury learn that the cop new Brown was a suspect?

did Brown reach into the cop's car?

is that what an innocent person does or someone being combative, otherwise why go near the cop?

Did the GJ find that the cops story checked out to what witnesses stated?

Did witnesses lie?
Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes.

One question back at you. Should we be handing out death sentences on the spot for large black teens that "touch" a cop and "touch" a store clerk?

Bad move mother ___er you're gonna die now.

Is that where we are as a country? Our cops are executioners?
If by "touch" you mean "assault", then yes, assaulting a cop and trying to grab his gun should be a death sentence on the spot. No exceptions.
Well there you go. I disagree. If it was a drunk little white girl, vs. a large black teen, say your daughter, you good with that killing too? Should we kill drunk little 18year old white girls who touch a cop? Reach for his gun? Shoot her six times till she stops moving? Even after she backed away? How about if he shot her 22times starting from her feet and arms before he got to her stomach? What if the cop ran out of bullets and got his knife out and decided to carve the little girls heart out to make sure she didn't get away. Does the gun make it cleaner for you?
Did she assault the cop and was there a struggle in an attempt to take his gun? If so, then yes, she should be shot dead on the spot. No exceptions.
ROFL... he barely touched the guy.. beating him up? ROFL Your idea of a beat down and mine are on two different planets. Tried to take him out? ROFL where's the beat down on the cop? The photos show the cop had a scary red mark... you call that "taking the guy out?" Your idea of taking a guy out and mine on are two different planets. The only guy with "actual" injuries is Michael Brown.

So just some questions

Did the Grand Jury learn that the cop new Brown was a suspect?

did Brown reach into the cop's car?

is that what an innocent person does or someone being combative, otherwise why go near the cop?

Did the GJ find that the cops story checked out to what witnesses stated?

Did witnesses lie?
Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes.

One question back at you. Should we be handing out death sentences on the spot for large black teens that "touch" a cop and "touch" a store clerk?

Bad move mother ___er you're gonna die now.

Is that where we are as a country? Our cops are executioners?
If by "touch" you mean "assault", then yes, assaulting a cop and trying to grab his gun should be a death sentence on the spot. No exceptions.
Well there you go. I disagree. If it was a drunk little white girl, vs. a large black teen, say your daughter, you good with that killing too? Should we kill drunk little 18year old white girls who touch a cop? Reach for his gun? Shoot her six times till she stops moving? Even after she backed away? How about if he shot her 22times starting from her feet and arms before he got to her stomach? What if the cop ran out of bullets and got his knife out and decided to carve the little girls heart out to make sure she didn't get away. Does the gun make it cleaner for you?
Well when you actually have a scenario play out then I supposed that would be a discussion point, but i think Bonnie from Bonnie and Clyde fit that bill and I think she was shot. So yes.
You are comparing "touching" a cop and a clerk to "Bonnie and Clyde?" What's next looking at a cop wrong gets you killed on the spot? What about just thinking or chatting on the inter-web, should that be enough to warrant killing someone? Or is it the light brush of a hand on you that is all that is needed to justify killing someone?
So how stupid is it to state you need jobs in Ferguson and then burn down businesses that give those people jobs. OMG it doesn't get more stupid then that!!
the next time some of the anti gun morons demand we justify having "high capacity magazines" just say

ROFL... he barely touched the guy.. beating him up? ROFL Your idea of a beat down and mine are on two different planets. Tried to take him out? ROFL where's the beat down on the cop? The photos show the cop had a scary red mark... you call that "taking the guy out?" Your idea of taking a guy out and mine on are two different planets. The only guy with "actual" injuries is Michael Brown.

So just some questions

Did the Grand Jury learn that the cop new Brown was a suspect?

did Brown reach into the cop's car?

is that what an innocent person does or someone being combative, otherwise why go near the cop?

Did the GJ find that the cops story checked out to what witnesses stated?

Did witnesses lie?
Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes.

One question back at you. Should we be handing out death sentences on the spot for large black teens that "touch" a cop and "touch" a store clerk?

Bad move mother ___er you're gonna die now.

Is that where we are as a country? Our cops are executioners?
If by "touch" you mean "assault", then yes, assaulting a cop and trying to grab his gun should be a death sentence on the spot. No exceptions.
Well there you go. I disagree. If it was a drunk little white girl, vs. a large black teen, say your daughter, you good with that killing too? Should we kill drunk little 18year old white girls who touch a cop? Reach for his gun? Shoot her six times till she stops moving? Even after she backed away? How about if he shot her 22times starting from her feet and arms before he got to her stomach? What if the cop ran out of bullets and got his knife out and decided to carve the little girls heart out to make sure she didn't get away. Does the gun make it cleaner for you?
Did she assault the cop and was there a struggle in an attempt to take his gun? If so, then yes, she should be shot dead on the spot. No exceptions.
Well there you go. IMO this test should be given to every cop. I don't want cops like you who are so scared and weak that they can't handle a scrape.

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