Ferguson Protests Grow Larger: ‘We Don’t Give a F--- about Your Laws’

So just some questions

Did the Grand Jury learn that the cop new Brown was a suspect?

did Brown reach into the cop's car?

is that what an innocent person does or someone being combative, otherwise why go near the cop?

Did the GJ find that the cops story checked out to what witnesses stated?

Did witnesses lie?
Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes.

One question back at you. Should we be handing out death sentences on the spot for large black teens that "touch" a cop and "touch" a store clerk?

Bad move mother ___er you're gonna die now.

Is that where we are as a country? Our cops are executioners?
If by "touch" you mean "assault", then yes, assaulting a cop and trying to grab his gun should be a death sentence on the spot. No exceptions.
Well there you go. I disagree. If it was a drunk little white girl, vs. a large black teen, say your daughter, you good with that killing too? Should we kill drunk little 18year old white girls who touch a cop? Reach for his gun? Shoot her six times till she stops moving? Even after she backed away? How about if he shot her 22times starting from her feet and arms before he got to her stomach? What if the cop ran out of bullets and got his knife out and decided to carve the little girls heart out to make sure she didn't get away. Does the gun make it cleaner for you?
Well when you actually have a scenario play out then I supposed that would be a discussion point, but i think Bonnie from Bonnie and Clyde fit that bill and I think she was shot. So yes.
You are comparing "touching" a cop and a clerk to "Bonnie and Clyde?" What's next looking at a cop wrong gets you killed on the spot? What about just thinking or chatting on the inter-web, should that be enough to warrant killing someone? Or is it the light brush of a hand on you that is all that is needed to justify killing someone?
nope I''m showing that cops kill white girls. You asked that, she committed crimes and bada boom eventually dead by shooting from the law.

And like Godboy stated, if the dude was a pretty white girl and she did that, then that would be exceptable as well. See I have no sympathy for people who inflict pain on others and end up where brown ended up. I don't care their color. the problem here you do. You want punks to be punks and continue to inflict pain on innocent people.

Edit: you find it acceptable behavior!
the next time some of the anti gun morons demand we justify having "high capacity magazines" just say

I said that same exact thing last evening. Anyone wants to know why we need machine guns and magazines with 17 shots, witness Ferguson!!!!!
So just some questions

Did the Grand Jury learn that the cop new Brown was a suspect?

did Brown reach into the cop's car?

is that what an innocent person does or someone being combative, otherwise why go near the cop?

Did the GJ find that the cops story checked out to what witnesses stated?

Did witnesses lie?
Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes.

One question back at you. Should we be handing out death sentences on the spot for large black teens that "touch" a cop and "touch" a store clerk?

Bad move mother ___er you're gonna die now.

Is that where we are as a country? Our cops are executioners?
If by "touch" you mean "assault", then yes, assaulting a cop and trying to grab his gun should be a death sentence on the spot. No exceptions.
Well there you go. I disagree. If it was a drunk little white girl, vs. a large black teen, say your daughter, you good with that killing too? Should we kill drunk little 18year old white girls who touch a cop? Reach for his gun? Shoot her six times till she stops moving? Even after she backed away? How about if he shot her 22times starting from her feet and arms before he got to her stomach? What if the cop ran out of bullets and got his knife out and decided to carve the little girls heart out to make sure she didn't get away. Does the gun make it cleaner for you?
Did she assault the cop and was there a struggle in an attempt to take his gun? If so, then yes, she should be shot dead on the spot. No exceptions.
Well there you go. IMO this test should be given to every cop. I don't want cops like you who are so scared and weak that they can't handle a scrape.
I think you should move then!! You've never experienced a Ferguson!!!! You have double standards. You don't care that cops are humans and you're expectations live on a different planet.
Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes.

One question back at you. Should we be handing out death sentences on the spot for large black teens that "touch" a cop and "touch" a store clerk?

Bad move mother ___er you're gonna die now.

Is that where we are as a country? Our cops are executioners?
If by "touch" you mean "assault", then yes, assaulting a cop and trying to grab his gun should be a death sentence on the spot. No exceptions.
Well there you go. I disagree. If it was a drunk little white girl, vs. a large black teen, say your daughter, you good with that killing too? Should we kill drunk little 18year old white girls who touch a cop? Reach for his gun? Shoot her six times till she stops moving? Even after she backed away? How about if he shot her 22times starting from her feet and arms before he got to her stomach? What if the cop ran out of bullets and got his knife out and decided to carve the little girls heart out to make sure she didn't get away. Does the gun make it cleaner for you?
Well when you actually have a scenario play out then I supposed that would be a discussion point, but i think Bonnie from Bonnie and Clyde fit that bill and I think she was shot. So yes.
You are comparing "touching" a cop and a clerk to "Bonnie and Clyde?" What's next looking at a cop wrong gets you killed on the spot? What about just thinking or chatting on the inter-web, should that be enough to warrant killing someone? Or is it the light brush of a hand on you that is all that is needed to justify killing someone?
nope I''m showing that cops kill white girls. You asked that, she committed crimes and bada boom eventually dead by shooting from the law.

And like Godboy stated, if the dude was a pretty white girl and she did that, then that would be exceptable as well. See I have no sympathy for people who inflict pain on others and end up where brown ended up. I don't care their color. the problem here you do. You want punks to be punks and continue to inflict pain on innocent people.
Nah... I'm saying hit the kid with a stick. Break his arm. Hit the gas on your car. roll the window up. Call it in. Zap him with a taser. Shoot him in the leg or groin. Then back away and call it in. Two arm shots, two chest shots, and two shots to the head? WTF?
Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes.

One question back at you. Should we be handing out death sentences on the spot for large black teens that "touch" a cop and "touch" a store clerk?

Bad move mother ___er you're gonna die now.

Is that where we are as a country? Our cops are executioners?
If by "touch" you mean "assault", then yes, assaulting a cop and trying to grab his gun should be a death sentence on the spot. No exceptions.
Well there you go. I disagree. If it was a drunk little white girl, vs. a large black teen, say your daughter, you good with that killing too? Should we kill drunk little 18year old white girls who touch a cop? Reach for his gun? Shoot her six times till she stops moving? Even after she backed away? How about if he shot her 22times starting from her feet and arms before he got to her stomach? What if the cop ran out of bullets and got his knife out and decided to carve the little girls heart out to make sure she didn't get away. Does the gun make it cleaner for you?
Did she assault the cop and was there a struggle in an attempt to take his gun? If so, then yes, she should be shot dead on the spot. No exceptions.
Well there you go. IMO this test should be given to every cop. I don't want cops like you who are so scared and weak that they can't handle a scrape.
I think you should move then!!
So I'm "driving home." And this new cop pulls me over walks up to my car while holding his flash light and gun on me screaming at me to put my hands on the wheel "or he'll shoot." This as I'm going through my wallet to show him my DL. This with my 15year old son sitting next to me and I'm driving a silver suburban with no tint. He's looking in the back of my vehicle for god knows what. Then before he leaves he finally tells me why he pulled me over as he tells me to sign a ticket for going 75 in a 55. I said I was going 55 you must have been pointing that thing at the highway, which was right next to the road I was on... he laughs and says good luck proving that, and just walks off.

Monday morning that ass hole was looking for a new job. Police are our employees, they work for us. They are not paid to threaten us, or to be our Executioners. He assumed reaching for my wallet was reaching for a gun. I don't want someone that scared of the public that he's ready to kill people without just cause.
If by "touch" you mean "assault", then yes, assaulting a cop and trying to grab his gun should be a death sentence on the spot. No exceptions.
Well there you go. I disagree. If it was a drunk little white girl, vs. a large black teen, say your daughter, you good with that killing too? Should we kill drunk little 18year old white girls who touch a cop? Reach for his gun? Shoot her six times till she stops moving? Even after she backed away? How about if he shot her 22times starting from her feet and arms before he got to her stomach? What if the cop ran out of bullets and got his knife out and decided to carve the little girls heart out to make sure she didn't get away. Does the gun make it cleaner for you?
Did she assault the cop and was there a struggle in an attempt to take his gun? If so, then yes, she should be shot dead on the spot. No exceptions.
Well there you go. IMO this test should be given to every cop. I don't want cops like you who are so scared and weak that they can't handle a scrape.
I think you should move then!!
So I'm "driving home." And this new cop pulls me over walks up to my car while holding his flash light and gun on me screaming at me to put my hands on the wheel "or he'll shoot." This as I'm going through my wallet to show him my DL. This with my 15year old son sitting next to me and I'm driving a silver suburban with no tint. He's looking in the back of my vehicle for god knows what. Then before he leaves he finally tells me why he pulled me over as he tells me to sign a ticket for going 75 in a 55. I said I was going 55 you must have been pointing that thing at the highway, which was right next to the road I was on... he laughs and says good luck proving that, and just walks off.

Monday morning that ass hole was looking for a new job. Police are our employees, they work for us. They are not paid to threaten us, or to be our Executioners.
Maybe he got a better job?
If by "touch" you mean "assault", then yes, assaulting a cop and trying to grab his gun should be a death sentence on the spot. No exceptions.
Well there you go. I disagree. If it was a drunk little white girl, vs. a large black teen, say your daughter, you good with that killing too? Should we kill drunk little 18year old white girls who touch a cop? Reach for his gun? Shoot her six times till she stops moving? Even after she backed away? How about if he shot her 22times starting from her feet and arms before he got to her stomach? What if the cop ran out of bullets and got his knife out and decided to carve the little girls heart out to make sure she didn't get away. Does the gun make it cleaner for you?
Well when you actually have a scenario play out then I supposed that would be a discussion point, but i think Bonnie from Bonnie and Clyde fit that bill and I think she was shot. So yes.
You are comparing "touching" a cop and a clerk to "Bonnie and Clyde?" What's next looking at a cop wrong gets you killed on the spot? What about just thinking or chatting on the inter-web, should that be enough to warrant killing someone? Or is it the light brush of a hand on you that is all that is needed to justify killing someone?
nope I''m showing that cops kill white girls. You asked that, she committed crimes and bada boom eventually dead by shooting from the law.

And like Godboy stated, if the dude was a pretty white girl and she did that, then that would be exceptable as well. See I have no sympathy for people who inflict pain on others and end up where brown ended up. I don't care their color. the problem here you do. You want punks to be punks and continue to inflict pain on innocent people.
Nah... I'm saying hit the kid with a stick. Break his arm. Hit the gas on your car. roll the window up. Call it in. Zap him with a taser. Shoot him in the leg or groin. Then back away and call it in. Two arm shots, two chest shots, and two shots to the head? WTF?
Well you weren't there and you have no idea what happened. you play speculate all day long for all I care. I know one thing, I don't mess with cops, they carry guns.

BTW, that means I respect them!!!
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Al Sharpton should be arrested for inciting riots all over the nation. Also that gentle giant's step-pappy should be forced to pay for every store burned down.
Well there you go. I disagree. If it was a drunk little white girl, vs. a large black teen, say your daughter, you good with that killing too? Should we kill drunk little 18year old white girls who touch a cop? Reach for his gun? Shoot her six times till she stops moving? Even after she backed away? How about if he shot her 22times starting from her feet and arms before he got to her stomach? What if the cop ran out of bullets and got his knife out and decided to carve the little girls heart out to make sure she didn't get away. Does the gun make it cleaner for you?
Well when you actually have a scenario play out then I supposed that would be a discussion point, but i think Bonnie from Bonnie and Clyde fit that bill and I think she was shot. So yes.
You are comparing "touching" a cop and a clerk to "Bonnie and Clyde?" What's next looking at a cop wrong gets you killed on the spot? What about just thinking or chatting on the inter-web, should that be enough to warrant killing someone? Or is it the light brush of a hand on you that is all that is needed to justify killing someone?
nope I''m showing that cops kill white girls. You asked that, she committed crimes and bada boom eventually dead by shooting from the law.

And like Godboy stated, if the dude was a pretty white girl and she did that, then that would be exceptable as well. See I have no sympathy for people who inflict pain on others and end up where brown ended up. I don't care their color. the problem here you do. You want punks to be punks and continue to inflict pain on innocent people.
Nah... I'm saying hit the kid with a stick. Break his arm. Hit the gas on your car. roll the window up. Call it in. Zap him with a taser. Shoot him in the leg or groin. Then back away and call it in. Two arm shots, two chest shots, and two shots to the head? WTF?
Well yo weren't there and you have no idea what happened. you play speculate all day long for all I care. I know one thing, I don't mess with cops, they carry guns.

BTW, that means I respect them!!!
That's not respect. That's fear.

Well when you actually have a scenario play out then I supposed that would be a discussion point, but i think Bonnie from Bonnie and Clyde fit that bill and I think she was shot. So yes.
You are comparing "touching" a cop and a clerk to "Bonnie and Clyde?" What's next looking at a cop wrong gets you killed on the spot? What about just thinking or chatting on the inter-web, should that be enough to warrant killing someone? Or is it the light brush of a hand on you that is all that is needed to justify killing someone?
nope I''m showing that cops kill white girls. You asked that, she committed crimes and bada boom eventually dead by shooting from the law.

And like Godboy stated, if the dude was a pretty white girl and she did that, then that would be exceptable as well. See I have no sympathy for people who inflict pain on others and end up where brown ended up. I don't care their color. the problem here you do. You want punks to be punks and continue to inflict pain on innocent people.
Nah... I'm saying hit the kid with a stick. Break his arm. Hit the gas on your car. roll the window up. Call it in. Zap him with a taser. Shoot him in the leg or groin. Then back away and call it in. Two arm shots, two chest shots, and two shots to the head? WTF?
Well yo weren't there and you have no idea what happened. you play speculate all day long for all I care. I know one thing, I don't mess with cops, they carry guns.

BTW, that means I respect them!!!
That's not respect. That's fear.

It's both!!!
Al Sharpton should be arrested for inciting riots all over the nation. Also that gentle giant's step-pappy should be forced to pay for every store burned down.
I say all of those who organized the rally, including the President of the US Mr. Obama who incited the activity!!! I thought he was the president, but he's not. He's a thug who doesn't follow the law of the land. he gave us his example last week.

What's even more hilarious is his statement that those black men need jobs and then decriminalizes the illegal aliens who will take them!! Now that's fnnn hilarious.

Edit: BTW, this a perfet example of how the Dems keep the blackman down. It's all about votes remember.
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You are comparing "touching" a cop and a clerk to "Bonnie and Clyde?" What's next looking at a cop wrong gets you killed on the spot? What about just thinking or chatting on the inter-web, should that be enough to warrant killing someone? Or is it the light brush of a hand on you that is all that is needed to justify killing someone?
nope I''m showing that cops kill white girls. You asked that, she committed crimes and bada boom eventually dead by shooting from the law.

And like Godboy stated, if the dude was a pretty white girl and she did that, then that would be exceptable as well. See I have no sympathy for people who inflict pain on others and end up where brown ended up. I don't care their color. the problem here you do. You want punks to be punks and continue to inflict pain on innocent people.
Nah... I'm saying hit the kid with a stick. Break his arm. Hit the gas on your car. roll the window up. Call it in. Zap him with a taser. Shoot him in the leg or groin. Then back away and call it in. Two arm shots, two chest shots, and two shots to the head? WTF?
Well yo weren't there and you have no idea what happened. you play speculate all day long for all I care. I know one thing, I don't mess with cops, they carry guns.

BTW, that means I respect them!!!
That's not respect. That's fear.

It's both!!!

It may be both for you but it's not for me. I may choose to respect a police officer, but it's not gonna be out of fear. Fear is the mind killer. I may respect what a gun can do but that does not mean I fear it. I may have respect for what a cop can do, but that does not mean I fear it.
So I'm "driving home." And this new cop pulls me over walks up to my car while holding his flash light and gun on me screaming at me to put my hands on the wheel "or he'll shoot." This as I'm going through my wallet to show him my DL. This with my 15year old son sitting next to me and I'm driving a silver suburban with no tint. He's looking in the back of my vehicle for god knows what. Then before he leaves he finally tells me why he pulled me over as he tells me to sign a ticket for going 75 in a 55. I said I was going 55 you must have been pointing that thing at the highway, which was right next to the road I was on... he laughs and says good luck proving that, and just walks off.

Monday morning that ass hole was looking for a new job. Police are our employees, they work for us. They are not paid to threaten us, or to be our Executioners. He assumed reaching for my wallet was reaching for a gun. I don't want someone that scared of the public that he's ready to kill people without just cause.

Do you think his ass would have been looking for a new job if you were black?
the next time some of the anti gun morons demand we justify having "high capacity magazines" just say


That's barely an argument for LEO's to have them. frankly, if you can't put down your target without firing 12 shots, you really need to consider another line of work.

What the fuck do you know about firing a pistol under stress?
Obviously nothing..

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