Ferguson's Brown WAS the aggressor,the media LEAVES and who gets stuck with the bill???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Many news media services already had begun packing tents and television transmission vehicles as word circulated through the Ferguson community of further evidence that the black teen shot and killed by a police officer was the aggressor, resisting arrest after his suspected role in a convenience store robbery

Earlier on Wednesday, WND found the businesses boarded up after window damage from the riot activity could be measured in the dozens, with only a few stores appearing to have suffered fire damage.

Some are staying closed for the time being, waiting for insurance money to come in.”

Ferguson calm amid further evidence backing officer

So who will be paying the insurance premium increases?? The shop owners.
What will the owners DO??? HAVE to raise their prices because they premiums increase cost of business.
WHO pays these prices???
THE SAME few idiots that rioted and MOST of the blacks that suffered through this embarrassing Media
exploited false narrative episode.
Who ultimately will be hurt?
ALL OF US because all this has done is further divisiveness being perpetuated by totally on purpose
community organizers who depend as Jackson demonstrated... DONATIONS!!!
"Jesse Jackson getting booed off for asking for donations for church."

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