fetus of woman on forced life support malformed?

Are you going to change the subject to ALS now, Mertex?

I can see why you might want to. I clarified, now it's time for you to try to focus on the topic.
Attorneys for the family of a brain-dead pregnant woman who is in life support in a Texas hospital said Wednesday they have medical records showing the fetus is "distinctly abnormal."

They issued the statement, they said, to clear up any “misconceptions about the condition of the fetus.”

Fetus of Texas woman on life support 'distinctly abnormal,' family lawyers say - U.S. News

now we have it...a nice moral debate on 'mercy' killing or following the wishes of the family and now the issue of keeping the host body alive to keep a malformed fetus alive?

I thought the reason was the baby could not survive ie was not viable.

A. had the mother died FULLY right away, the baby would not be viable by being born prematurely but would be dead right away
B. the baby would need to be able to carry to term, but the damage ALREADY DONE to the
baby's brain and body showed too much damage by lack of oxygen for the baby to survive
Yes, well, you've never been my ally anyway, katz, so it doesn't matter. I have been yours, but pfft...no passes on your bitchiness just because you often agree with me. Sorry.

ALS is a disease of the brain, it is degenerative.

In fact, they think it can be caused by brain injury in some cases.

It's beside the point anyway. My point was that people who are "brain damaged" ...in whatever text that is used by whomever is using it, are not necessarily "better off dead"

Dear KosherGrl: If you or others are debating who had the right to make the decision that the baby should die or be sustained until natural death

A. since a woman does have legal right to terminate pregnancy up to a certain time,
if the mother proved in writing (not faith based by others' testimony) that she would agree not to have this baby but to let it miscarry or to abort, that is legally recognized as her choice

B. if someone else believes so much in this baby's right to life that they would agree to have the baby implanted in their womb and/or agree to pay the costs of artificially sustaining the baby to birth outside the mother's body (who didn't agree to be kept alive artificially) then it is possible to argue to transfer the baby legally to someone else's care and financial and legal responsibility. Someone could have asked the father to take on this baby if they cared that much to carry all responsibility for it. But it would have to be transferred in order not to impose on the mother's right to die, similar to adoption to someone else.

In the case of Terri Schiavo the family DID offer to take care of her and pay for her care so this did not impose on anyone else who disagreed.

In this case, the mother did have proof she did not want to be kept alive artificially. I don't think there was proof she would or would not approve of either choice for her unborn child.
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Yes, well, you've never been my ally anyway, katz, so it doesn't matter. I have been yours, but pfft...no passes on your bitchiness just because you often agree with me. Sorry.

ALS is a disease of the brain, it is degenerative.

In fact, they think it can be caused by brain injury in some cases.

It's beside the point anyway. My point was that people who are "brain damaged" ...in whatever text that is used by whomever is using it, are not necessarily "better off dead"

Dear KosherGrl: If you or others are debating who had the right to make the decision that the baby should die or be sustained until natural death

A. since a woman does have legal right to terminate pregnancy up to a certain time,
if the mother proved in writing (not faith based by others' testimony) that she would agree not to have this baby but to let it miscarry or to abort, that is legally recognized as her choice

B. if someone else believes so much in this baby's right to life that they would agree to have the baby implanted in their womb and/or agree to pay the costs of artificially sustaining the baby to birth outside the mother's body (who didn't agree to be kept alive artificially) then it is possible to argue to transfer the baby legally to someone else's care and financial and legal responsibility. Someone could have asked the father to take on this baby if they cared that much to carry all responsibility for it. But it would have to be transferred in order not to impose on the mother's right to die, similar to adoption to someone else.

In the case of Terri Schiavo the family DID offer to take care of her and pay for her care so this did not impose on anyone else who disagreed.

In this case, the mother did have proof she did not want to be kept alive artificially. I don't think there was proof she would or would not approve of either choice for her unborn child.

I don't believe the money it takes to raise a child should be of any consequence when it comes to determining the humanity of the child.

We know very little of this case. Just what we hear from the family's attorneys via the press. But that doesn't stop the pro-death cultists from jumping in, CERTAIN that the baby was a monster, certain that the mother's wish was to die with her baby, rather than postponing the funeral a few weeks to be delivered of a live child.

Maybe the baby didn't have a chance, and maybe there were indications that the baby was terribly compromised. We don't know.

But I am suspicious in that the hospital refused to pronounce her dead. That tells ME they thought the baby had a chance. And if the baby has a chance, I don't see what all the squeamishness is about, or WHY the insistence to make ridiculous medical pronouncements that it's a deformed monster with brain damage when there's nothing except some off the cuff comments by attorneys during a press conference that confirms that *diagnosis*.

They WANT people to view the unborn as monsters and parasites. That's my objection. They don't care about the mother, they don't care about children. They hate them and they want them to die. They view humanity as a blight upon the earth...particularly any humanity unfortunate enough to be weaker than they are.
Yes, well, you've never been my ally anyway, katz, so it doesn't matter. I have been yours, but pfft...no passes on your bitchiness just because you often agree with me. Sorry.

ALS is a disease of the brain, it is degenerative.

In fact, they think it can be caused by brain injury in some cases.

It's beside the point anyway. My point was that people who are "brain damaged" ...in whatever text that is used by whomever is using it, are not necessarily "better off dead"

Dear KosherGrl: If you or others are debating who had the right to make the decision that the baby should die or be sustained until natural death

A. since a woman does have legal right to terminate pregnancy up to a certain time,
if the mother proved in writing (not faith based by others' testimony) that she would agree not to have this baby but to let it miscarry or to abort, that is legally recognized as her choice

B. if someone else believes so much in this baby's right to life that they would agree to have the baby implanted in their womb and/or agree to pay the costs of artificially sustaining the baby to birth outside the mother's body (who didn't agree to be kept alive artificially) then it is possible to argue to transfer the baby legally to someone else's care and financial and legal responsibility. Someone could have asked the father to take on this baby if they cared that much to carry all responsibility for it. But it would have to be transferred in order not to impose on the mother's right to die, similar to adoption to someone else.

In the case of Terri Schiavo the family DID offer to take care of her and pay for her care so this did not impose on anyone else who disagreed.

In this case, the mother did have proof she did not want to be kept alive artificially. I don't think there was proof she would or would not approve of either choice for her unborn child.

I don't believe the money it takes to raise a child should be of any consequence when it comes to determining the humanity of the child.

We know very little of this case. Just what we hear from the family's attorneys via the press. But that doesn't stop the pro-death cultists from jumping in, CERTAIN that the baby was a monster, certain that the mother's wish was to die with her baby, rather than postponing the funeral a few weeks to be delivered of a live child.

Maybe the baby didn't have a chance, and maybe there were indications that the baby was terribly compromised. We don't know.

But I am suspicious in that the hospital refused to pronounce her dead. That tells ME they thought the baby had a chance. And if the baby has a chance, I don't see what all the squeamishness is about, or WHY the insistence to make ridiculous medical pronouncements that it's a deformed monster with brain damage when there's nothing except some off the cuff comments by attorneys during a press conference that confirms that *diagnosis*.

They WANT people to view the unborn as monsters and parasites. That's my objection. They don't care about the mother, they don't care about children. They hate them and they want them to die. They view humanity as a blight upon the earth...particularly any humanity unfortunate enough to be weaker than they are.

You are one truly fucked up individual when you constantly demonize people who do not think exactly as you do. It must be a mental illness with you, the way you spread your vomit all over this forum with shit like this. Cut it out, Noob.
I don't demonize them, or despise them, because they don't think like I do.

I demonize them and despise them because they hate women and kill babies, and move heaven and earth to successfully do so.
I don't demonize them, or despise them, because they don't think like I do.

I demonize them and despise them because they hate women and kill babies, and move heaven and earth to successfully do so.

says the person who calls women sluts. See with everything you say there is something on this board you've said that contradicts it.

the people who think like you kill abortion doctors.
It's beside the point anyway. My point was that people who are "brain damaged" ...in whatever text that is used by whomever is using it, are not necessarily "better off dead"

Why not KG? Don't you believe that innocent children go straight to heaven to be with Jesus? Would living a life in a wheel chair, unaware of your surroundings, with half of your body gone, having to have someone change your diaper, bathe you and feed you, that you might grow up and curse God for allowing you to have such a life, something that you would prefer over going straight to heaven?
No, the argument was won the first time I asked for references to the doctors who said the baby was "malformed", and the references did not come. That was, I think, on page one.

Each page thereafter has been win, on top of win, on top of win. Evidenced by the recent attempts to change the subject, and the advancement of the troll army.

Nobody is changing the subject, that you are to dense to comprehend what is being said is no sign that the subject is changing. Just because doctors have not been named is not indication that the information is made up. The attorneys are reporting the diagnosis that was provided in the medical records. The doctors that made the diagnosis have not been made public.....what part of that do you not understand? ....but keep trying.....you have already lost and don't even realize it....the woman has been taken off life support.

Even Faux News didn't counter the lawyers, but maybe they surreptitiously are the ones that are misleading you to think that?
Munoz's attorneys, Heather King and Jessica Hall Janicek, issued a statement Wednesday describing the condition of the fetus, now believed to be at about 22 weeks' gestation. King and Janicek based their statement on medical records they received from the hospital.Brain-dead woman kept alive by hospital is carrying 'deformed' fetus, attorney says | Fox News

Lol..keep that fail coming.

Cling to it, desperately.

Fail? You haven't provided any proof that Hawking is brain damaged....you keep on rattling the same babble and you think you are "winning".....Okay Charlie Sheen......:razz::razz:
Is this thread about Hawking?

Or is it about baby killers desperately trying to hide the fact that they jumped on the "Kill the monster" bandwagon without knowing for sure it really WAS a monster?
Is this thread about Hawking?

Or is it about baby killers desperately trying to hide the fact that they jumped on the "Kill the monster" bandwagon without knowing for sure it really WAS a monster?

It is a lost cause because I believe these gouls get sexual pleasure at the thought of infanticide

tapatalk post
Not just at infanticide..at the thought of women undergoing abortion.

Men who troll these boards for the primary purpose of defending abortion are without exception disgusting, and I think probably criminal. They despise women and it comes through in every word they type. I've seen different ones defend prostitution, pedophilia (I'm not thinking of anyone currently posting, unless they are here in sock form)...I've read more than one brag about the amount of time they devote to watching porn, and the crappy way they treat their kids and women. These aren't nice people. It takes a special kind of man to spend a lot of time fighting viciously with women about why women should be *allowed* to get abortions.

Hell, joeb thinks gosnell's a hero. True story.
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Is this thread about Hawking?
Are you desperately trying to deflect....you're the one that brought Hawking up, and claimed without proof that he was brain damaged. Still waiting for you to provide some backup for that.....

Or is it about baby killers desperately trying to hide the fact that they jumped on the "Kill the monster" bandwagon without knowing for sure it really WAS a monster?

There's a difference between "killing" and "allowing to die peacefully" - just because you would prefer to be kept on life-support even if you were deformed, mentally ill, helpless and causing others to pay for your keep doesn't mean everyone else does too.

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