Fewer Democrats Are Voting This Year In (Surprise!) States With Strict New Voter Laws

The poor, the elderly, and minorities...

But, we could be like Mexico, and issue IDs? Now that's a thought.
maybe we could issue their immigration laws and penalties for breaking them at the same time.
Well, you could, but that would make the capitalists here very unhappy...
Which is all the more reason you should agree with stronger borders and deportation of those here illegally. It would open jobs up, force higher pay and piss off the nasty capitalists all at once. Gives a liberal all they want, to piss off a capitalist.
I'm a capitalist...
I doubt it, but if you are, it gives me even more reason to want deportation and stronger security.
Do you think all these people came here on vacation and just forgot to go home? No matter who was in office the borders stayed open, for 60 years? Hmmm, I can't imagine why, must have just been an oversight...
I know that the state of Alabama has mobile DMV vehicles sent to various counties so that people can obtain a free voters ID. An application can also be downloaded online. If Alabama is part of your list you can ignore it(probably won't) because the citizens in that state are given many opportunities to get voter ID's if they don't its their own fault.

The whole thing is a canard by the Democrats, which is why PMH continues to try and make it about race. They try and blow dog whistles to get people on their side. Most of it is known to everyone as ASTRO TURFING!

In case you don't know what that is, check out this link---------->Watch for these 4 signs of astroturfing to recognize corporate disinfo and propaganda

Once you read that link, you will understand some of these posters with 50,000, 75,000, and even a few with 100,000 posts. They are getting PAID to propagandize EVERYTHING that is against their paymasters wishes. Their whole shtick is make you feel like an outlier to change your mind at worst, or at best, take as much of your will away to go vote.

Normally, (not each and every time, but USUALLY) as soon as someone brings race in instantly, they are ASTRO TURFING, because they know race is a sensitive issue, and they just want to shut you up! Once you learn their modus aperendi, you start to laugh at them. And let me give you a little bit more information---------> if ever you decide to respond to an ASTRO TURFER, never use the quote or respond button, just respond in a post which only includes your message. Under most rules of ASTRO TURFING, this costs them money-) Also, NEVER include any message that has their post anywhere in it.

I understand that sometimes, is very hard to avoid, but if you want to drive them crazy, do the best you can with it, and watch them get more shrill than they are, trying to get you to respond to them for their dinner-)
I have most of them on PI.
I KNOW some of them are getting paid by the post. Almost all of them are being paid by a LIB organization.
Here's another tip-off:
When you see someone constantly posting phrases like : "Oh YA?" and "SO?' You can pretty much be sure they are astroturfing. They earn the same 40 cents per post whether it's two words or two hundred words.
The REAL lazy ones just C&P someone else's words.
We have some of these losers on this forum.
I meet one of these assholes at a party. Someone pointed her out to me. "I hear you are working for the Democrat party" I said. Her response was: "Yes I'm what you call an 'operative'".
I know that the state of Alabama has mobile DMV vehicles sent to various counties so that people can obtain a free voters ID. An application can also be downloaded online. If Alabama is part of your list you can ignore it(probably won't) because the citizens in that state are given many opportunities to get voter ID's if they don't its their own fault.

The whole thing is a canard by the Democrats, which is why PMH continues to try and make it about race. They try and blow dog whistles to get people on their side. Most of it is known to everyone as ASTRO TURFING!

In case you don't know what that is, check out this link---------->Watch for these 4 signs of astroturfing to recognize corporate disinfo and propaganda

Once you read that link, you will understand some of these posters with 50,000, 75,000, and even a few with 100,000 posts. They are getting PAID to propagandize EVERYTHING that is against their paymasters wishes. Their whole shtick is make you feel like an outlier to change your mind at worst, or at best, take as much of your will away to go vote.

Normally, (not each and every time, but USUALLY) as soon as someone brings race in instantly, they are ASTRO TURFING, because they know race is a sensitive issue, and they just want to shut you up! Once you learn their modus aperendi, you start to laugh at them. And let me give you a little bit more information---------> if ever you decide to respond to an ASTRO TURFER, never use the quote or respond button, just respond in a post which only includes your message. Under most rules of ASTRO TURFING, this costs them money-) Also, NEVER include any message that has their post anywhere in it.

I understand that sometimes, is very hard to avoid, but if you want to drive them crazy, do the best you can with it, and watch them get more shrill than they are, trying to get you to respond to them for their dinner-)

You really think that imbecile rdean is getting paid to post his idiocies?
There is no question there are some 'astroturfers' on this forum.
The shorter their posts the more obvious they are.
maybe we could issue their immigration laws and penalties for breaking them at the same time.
Well, you could, but that would make the capitalists here very unhappy...
Which is all the more reason you should agree with stronger borders and deportation of those here illegally. It would open jobs up, force higher pay and piss off the nasty capitalists all at once. Gives a liberal all they want, to piss off a capitalist.
I'm a capitalist...
I doubt it, but if you are, it gives me even more reason to want deportation and stronger security.
Do you think all these people came here on vacation and just forgot to go home? No matter who was in office the borders stayed open, for 60 years? Hmmm, I can't imagine why, must have just been an oversight...
Hmmm, if that is a valid reason for not closing it now, I mean, because there was a problem and it was not addressed, then by extension we should get rid of health care.
Since healthcare has been discussed in congress since 1943, it stands to reason that there was no need to do anything now since that has been 73 years without action.
Hmmm, if that is a valid reason for not closing it now, I mean, because there was a problem and it was not addressed...
That's the point, to the capitalists for the last 60 years, it hasn't been a problem, and it still isn't. You think it's a problem, they sure as hell don't.

Becoming clear now?
becoming clear that you are twisting things again.
if 60 years of arguing proves that something does not need to be changed because its working well, then 73 years of arguing a different thing proves by 13 more years that it too is working and has no need to change.
Becoming clear now?
Either that, or we will have more "disenfranchised" lol
Apparently voting booths require a different idea that it takes to get utilities, welfare, go to certain establishments etc
200 years of voting without needing ID, and somehow we managed...
Never had tens of millions of illegals in this country.
They don't vote...

Apparently they do.
well today's democrats are so dumb, they dont even know we are having an election this year.
Yesterday I watched a current news video of a women stopping random people on the street in some city in Cal.
I forget the city.
She stopped at least a dozen people and asked them if they have voted in "yesterday's" Cal. Primary.
One person said not he hadn't bothered. The others all said "yes". She asked them if they had received any 'bling' for voting. One woman said yes she had been given a coffee mug. One person said a ballcap.
She asked all nine if she could put a little "I VOTED" sticker on their jacket/shirt. They all proudly said "yes".
Cal. is one of the most LIB states in the country.
I wonder how many potential Cal. voters are as fucking stupid and/or are bald faced liars as these people are?
Hmmm, if that is a valid reason for not closing it now, I mean, because there was a problem and it was not addressed...
That's the point, to the capitalists for the last 60 years, it hasn't been a problem, and it still isn't. You think it's a problem, they sure as hell don't.

Becoming clear now?
becoming clear that you are twisting things again.
if 60 years of arguing proves that something does not need to be changed because its working well, then 73 years of arguing a different thing proves by 13 more years that it too is working and has no need to change.
Becoming clear now?
Healthcare is a problem, cheap (even illegal) labor isn't. Why was Walmart for Obamacare, even Universal Single-Payer? Better for Walmart.

What you think is a problem, and what a capitalist thinks is a problem, two different things.
Funny how that's turning out.....:rolleyes:

“Eight out of the 16 states that have held primaries or caucuses so far have implemented new voter ID or other restrictive voting laws since 2010. Democratic turnout has dropped 37 percent overall in those eight states, but just 13 percent in the states that didn’t enact new voter restrictions. To put it another way, Democratic voter turnout was 285 percent worse in states with new voter ID laws.”

Fewer Democrats Are Voting This Year In (Surprise!) States With Strict New Voter Laws

This was the 5th election since the TX voter ID law took effect, in several we've had record turnouts from both parties. I wonder why the article didn't take cross over votes in open primaries in account? Cross overs could explain part of the dem decline and repub records. But hey, that would fit into the narrative, would it?
Poor people don't have photo ids? :dunno:
The poor, the elderly, and minorities...

But, we could be like Mexico, and issue IDs? Now that's a thought.
We should. Voting integrity is crucial.
I'm not stopping you. Put Americans back to work, issuing voter IDs.

I carry 4 ID's that are acceptable to vote, why the hell would I want another one?
There's no intellectual argument against an ID.... you have to have an ID to drive, cash checks, use credit/debit cards, get a library card, etc.
The only argument is, too many voters don't have what's required. Issue them first, then ask to see them eh?

Unless you live in a box under the freeway, or in a building with no utilities, all you normally need is three types of proof of residency like bills.

It ain't rocket science.
Those who live in boxes also have a right to vote, usually.

Not unless they can prove they've lived in the box long enough to establish residency. Boxes don't usually stand that long.
The reason Dems give for being against voter ID laws is that people who tend to vote for them are stupid, uncoordinated morons who can't pass a driving test, sign their own name, or pose for a picture. Yet somehow they're able to cash a welfare check, hook up a tv, swipe an EBT card and remember the PIN, and are able to find their polling place and recognize the D next to the candidate's names. Other than that, they're all helpless illiterates.
There's no intellectual argument against an ID.... you have to have an ID to drive, cash checks, use credit/debit cards, get a library card, etc.
The only argument is, too many voters don't have what's required. Issue them first, then ask to see them eh?

Unless you live in a box under the freeway, or in a building with no utilities, all you normally need is three types of proof of residency like bills.

It ain't rocket science.
Those who live in boxes also have a right to vote, usually.
you know you bring up a valid point. in order to register to vote, you need to give them your address so they can find your polling place. If you are homeless and/or live in a box you have no permanent address, that means that the requirement to have the address disenfranchises homeless people.
We need to get rid of any requirement that requires address.
Even a box, or a bridge, has a voting district...

Only a Democrat would want people who live in boxes and under bridges voting. Then again, Democrats heavily rely on those who don't have a clue WTF they are voting on.
Poor people don't have photo ids? :dunno:
The poor, the elderly, and minorities...

But, we could be like Mexico, and issue IDs? Now that's a thought.
We should. Voting integrity is crucial.
I'm not stopping you. Put Americans back to work, issuing voter IDs.

I carry 4 ID's that are acceptable to vote, why the hell would I want another one?
You wouldn't, but it would be good for Americans to have a national ID, like other nations. Then you'd know who was supposed to be here. among other things.
most of todays dems are so lazy that they will forget its election night in november and just stay home ....
Not a chance. Look up the voting patterns.

Really? Then why do they need voting places open for a week to vote?
Why shouldn't they be open for a month?

Voting is important, right?

Yes, voting is important. That's why only those who make the effort to vote on voting day and have a Voter-ID should be voting in the first place.
The only argument is, too many voters don't have what's required. Issue them first, then ask to see them eh?

Unless you live in a box under the freeway, or in a building with no utilities, all you normally need is three types of proof of residency like bills.

It ain't rocket science.
Those who live in boxes also have a right to vote, usually.
you know you bring up a valid point. in order to register to vote, you need to give them your address so they can find your polling place. If you are homeless and/or live in a box you have no permanent address, that means that the requirement to have the address disenfranchises homeless people.
We need to get rid of any requirement that requires address.
Even a box, or a bridge, has a voting district...

Only a Democrat would want people who live in boxes and under bridges voting. Then again, Democrats heavily rely on those who don't have a clue WTF they are voting on.
Rights don't go away just because you are homeless, now do they?

But, you can understand why the Founders let so few people vote. Elitism...
most of todays dems are so lazy that they will forget its election night in november and just stay home ....
Not a chance. Look up the voting patterns.

Really? Then why do they need voting places open for a week to vote?
Why shouldn't they be open for a month?

Voting is important, right?

Yes, voting is important. That's why only those who make the effort to vote on voting day and have a Voter-ID should be voting in the first place.
No reason it needs to be just one day. That's nonsense in a country this size.

It should be at least three days, and they should be national holidays to celebrate our Constitutional Democratic Republic.
absolute proof that the Republican plan to disenfranchise American citizens that lean Democratic, of the votes, has worked.

The Math proves it....there is no way, upside down, right side up, inside out, that 28% of the voters are illegal voters or dead people....

Maybe, but how many felons that used to vote before they got Voter-ID? Democrat areas are loaded with felons you know........

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