Fewer Democrats Are Voting This Year In (Surprise!) States With Strict New Voter Laws

absolute proof that the Republican plan to disenfranchise American citizens that lean Democratic, of the votes, has worked.

The Math proves it....there is no way, upside down, right side up, inside out, that 28% of the voters are illegal voters or dead people....

Maybe, but how many felons that used to vote before they got Voter-ID? Democrat areas are loaded with felons you know........
Felons were always allowed to vote in this Nation from the time of our Constitution, and they still are allowed to vote in my State.

States began removing the right to vote from felons, when Blacks were given the right to vote.

It is a racist law and was purposely to keep Blacks, who were the majority of people in prison, from voting along with many other tricks of the trade of disenfranchisement that were considered Poll Taxes....

Maine never changed their laws to prevent Blacks and other minorities from voting and kept it as it was before Blacks were given the right to vote, because Maine only had white men in prison. My State allows all ex felons and felons while in prison, to vote.

As far as your premise about felons voting, how does having a gvt issued photo id stop that? IT DOESN'T.

NOT if they are already registered to vote and on the voting rolls...

And the dead people voting of the past times, have always done so, through absentee ballot, and NOT by someone taking the place of the dead person at the polling booth where the dead person's wife, mother, father, brother, sister, neighbor, best friend could be the person in line behind you or the person that is a volunteer working at the polls.

A pictured gvt id at the polls, stops NONE of this kind of voter fraud, because as said, it is not done at the polling booth, it is done via absentee ballot.

The only way to stop ex felons in the states that do not allow them to vote, is to remove them from the voter rolls, and the ONLY way to stop dead people from voting is to remove them when they die and are issued a death certificate by the State, from the voter rolls, and the only way to stop illegals from voting is to vet them and not add them to the voter rolls....Illegals HAVE gvt issued photo IDS, most all States have been issuing illegals drivers licenses for over 20 years now...

This phony voter gvt issued photo ID laws at the polls doesn't stop any of the voter fraud that you claim takes place...its SOLE PURPOSE is to disenfranchise primarily Democratic leaning voters who are poor, elderly, or disabled....it's to prevent CITIZENS from voting...


or are just fine and dandy with citizens being disenfranchised of their right to vote....and with this two tiered voting system with those who drive it being easy peasy for them to vote, and those citizens who do not drive, giving them hurdles to jump over.

I'm not ok with that....its simply wrong, and even if I were not a Democrat, I would still say as a loyal American citizen, it is unjust and wrong.
So since the Democrats' turnout fell by 37% in the states that began requiring an ID, I would like for you to clarify your position.....

Do the Democrats commit that level of voter fraud, or are over 1/3 of them too stupid and lazy to just go get a free ID???
You know Obiwan, I would never say that they are too stupid or too lazy to get a gvt issued photo id...

You obviously have never donated your time to work among the poorest in this Nation of lived in their areas....Or lived in their shoes and you lack in this kind of empathy....

People who do not own a car and drive should not have to go to a driver's license bureau in the next county over in order to get one, they don't drive or have easy access to a person with a car, so this makes it much harder for them than it would for you or me, they work hourly jobs, so any time it would take for them to do this during gvt working hours, is less money in their pockets of the little money there is, because they work HOURLY, and on top of this, they should not have to get a gvt issued photo id in order to vote, especially all of the elderly that have been voting for years, and primarily because the gvt should not have the power to force you to get a gvt issued photo id in order to exercise your rights as a citizen to vote....these people have lived their entire lives without one, why in the heck should they be required to get one, when they can simply show their SSAN card and a utility bill with their name on it and address on it....to prove they are the person registered.

As soon as Alabama passed their strict voter ID laws, they closed a ton of their drivers license bureaus where 8 out of the top 10 counties that did not have a single DMV were counties that were low income, black voters.

this reeks of disenfranchisement...

and it is PURPOSEFUL.

And I already posted the SNOPES article on Alabama that says you are wrong. Obviously you ignored it or didn't read it. In fact, the government will come TO YOUR HOUSE to create a Voter-Id if you have no transportation to get one. How much more convenient can it be than that?

Sorry, be we Republicans have to take time off of work too. Our doctors are not open at night. Neither are our courts. Neither are our banks.

As far as knowing the poor, I live in Cleveland--Cleveland, the city that was voted the poorest two out of three years. If Detroit didn't collapse, we might have made it three years in a row.

I've been in every project here. I've been in the poorest of neighborhoods here. I was in the home of thousands of poor people here. I know all about poor people.

The effort it takes to get a voter ID is about the same effort it takes to vote in the first place. It's a pathetic excuse to allow those who should not be voting to vote. The results apparently are in.
absolute proof that the Republican plan to disenfranchise American citizens that lean Democratic, of the votes, has worked.

The Math proves it....there is no way, upside down, right side up, inside out, that 28% of the voters are illegal voters or dead people....

Maybe, but how many felons that used to vote before they got Voter-ID? Democrat areas are loaded with felons you know........
Felons were always allowed to vote in this Nation from the time of our Constitution, and they still are allowed to vote in my State.

States began removing the right to vote from felons, when Blacks were given the right to vote.

It is a racist law and was purposely to keep Blacks, who were the majority of people in prison, from voting along with many other tricks of the trade of disenfranchisement that were considered Poll Taxes....

Maine never changed their laws to prevent Blacks and other minorities from voting and kept it as it was before Blacks were given the right to vote, because Maine only had white men in prison. My State allows all ex felons and felons while in prison, to vote.

As far as your premise about felons voting, how does having a gvt issued photo id stop that? IT DOESN'T.

NOT if they are already registered to vote and on the voting rolls...

And the dead people voting of the past times, have always done so, through absentee ballot, and NOT by someone taking the place of the dead person at the polling booth where the dead person's wife, mother, father, brother, sister, neighbor, best friend could be the person in line behind you or the person that is a volunteer working at the polls.

A pictured gvt id at the polls, stops NONE of this kind of voter fraud, because as said, it is not done at the polling booth, it is done via absentee ballot.

The only way to stop ex felons in the states that do not allow them to vote, is to remove them from the voter rolls, and the ONLY way to stop dead people from voting is to remove them when they die and are issued a death certificate by the State, from the voter rolls, and the only way to stop illegals from voting is to vet them and not add them to the voter rolls....Illegals HAVE gvt issued photo IDS, most all States have been issuing illegals drivers licenses for over 20 years now...

This phony voter gvt issued photo ID laws at the polls doesn't stop any of the voter fraud that you claim takes place...its SOLE PURPOSE is to disenfranchise primarily Democratic leaning voters who are poor, elderly, or disabled....it's to prevent CITIZENS from voting...


or are just fine and dandy with citizens being disenfranchised of their right to vote....and with this two tiered voting system with those who drive it being easy peasy for them to vote, and those citizens who do not drive, giving them hurdles to jump over.

I'm not ok with that....its simply wrong, and even if I were not a Democrat, I would still say as a loyal American citizen, it is unjust and wrong.
So since the Democrats' turnout fell by 37% in the states that began requiring an ID, I would like for you to clarify your position.....

Do the Democrats commit that level of voter fraud, or are over 1/3 of them too stupid and lazy to just go get a free ID???
You know Obiwan, I would never say that they are too stupid or too lazy to get a gvt issued photo id...

You obviously have never donated your time to work among the poorest in this Nation of lived in their areas....Or lived in their shoes and you lack in this kind of empathy....

People who do not own a car and drive should not have to go to a driver's license bureau in the next county over in order to get one, they don't drive or have easy access to a person with a car, so this makes it much harder for them than it would for you or me, they work hourly jobs, so any time it would take for them to do this during gvt working hours, is less money in their pockets of the little money there is, because they work HOURLY, and on top of this, they should not have to get a gvt issued photo id in order to vote, especially all of the elderly that have been voting for years, and primarily because the gvt should not have the power to force you to get a gvt issued photo id in order to exercise your rights as a citizen to vote....these people have lived their entire lives without one, why in the heck should they be required to get one, when they can simply show their SSAN card and a utility bill with their name on it and address on it....to prove they are the person registered.

As soon as Alabama passed their strict voter ID laws, they closed a ton of their drivers license bureaus where 8 out of the top 10 counties that did not have a single DMV were counties that were low income, black voters.

this reeks of disenfranchisement...

and it is PURPOSEFUL.

And I already posted the SNOPES article on Alabama that says you are wrong. Obviously you ignored it or didn't read it. In fact, the government will come TO YOUR HOUSE to create a Voter-Id if you have no transportation to get one. How much more convenient can it be than that?

Sorry, be we Republicans have to take time off of work too. Our doctors are not open at night. Neither are our courts. Neither are our banks.

As far as knowing the poor, I live in Cleveland--Cleveland, the city that was voted the poorest two out of three years. If Detroit didn't collapse, we might have made it three years in a row.

I've been in every project here. I've been in the poorest of neighborhoods here. I was in the home of thousands of poor people here. I know all about poor people.

The effort it takes to get a voter ID is about the same effort it takes to vote in the first place. It's a pathetic excuse to allow those who should not be voting to vote. The results apparently are in.
ahhh, you must be a PAPERS PLEASE, type of wanna be German who has no problem with the govt requiring a National ID on us at all times.... "a number", the "number of the beast", so to say..... Well, I am not one that supports that.....

But if this is what you want, a National ID for all of us, then why not do this openly, instead of this back door means? Because Americans would say a resounding NO TO THAT.....we are not Nazis...at least I would have thought we were not, but in this political cycle, I truly am beginning to wonder what has happened to us Americans in the supposed land of the free???

I repeat, there is no voter fraud that photo gvt id's at the polls will stop, that should not have been stopped when the State is vetting the people who apply to vote, and by removing dead people and felons and illegals etc, from the voter rolls and it is a sham, that any politician is pushing this as the reason for these id's at the polls, a SHAM in all capital letters, and it appears you bought in to it hook line and sinker, while voter fraud will continue by insiders with lists of dead people, and voting through absentee ballots.

THE WHOLE PURPOSE of requiring gvt issued photo id at the polls is to disenfranchise citizens of their vote, to make a two tiered voting system...easy for those who have money and cars and hurdles for those who don't, and to underhandedly make it a requirement for every citizen to eventually have to have a National ID, even to simply walk on the Street, or to breathe....

You all, have been had....while the man behind the curtain, continues with their true voter fraud.
Maybe, but how many felons that used to vote before they got Voter-ID? Democrat areas are loaded with felons you know........
Felons were always allowed to vote in this Nation from the time of our Constitution, and they still are allowed to vote in my State.

States began removing the right to vote from felons, when Blacks were given the right to vote.

It is a racist law and was purposely to keep Blacks, who were the majority of people in prison, from voting along with many other tricks of the trade of disenfranchisement that were considered Poll Taxes....

Maine never changed their laws to prevent Blacks and other minorities from voting and kept it as it was before Blacks were given the right to vote, because Maine only had white men in prison. My State allows all ex felons and felons while in prison, to vote.

As far as your premise about felons voting, how does having a gvt issued photo id stop that? IT DOESN'T.

NOT if they are already registered to vote and on the voting rolls...

And the dead people voting of the past times, have always done so, through absentee ballot, and NOT by someone taking the place of the dead person at the polling booth where the dead person's wife, mother, father, brother, sister, neighbor, best friend could be the person in line behind you or the person that is a volunteer working at the polls.

A pictured gvt id at the polls, stops NONE of this kind of voter fraud, because as said, it is not done at the polling booth, it is done via absentee ballot.

The only way to stop ex felons in the states that do not allow them to vote, is to remove them from the voter rolls, and the ONLY way to stop dead people from voting is to remove them when they die and are issued a death certificate by the State, from the voter rolls, and the only way to stop illegals from voting is to vet them and not add them to the voter rolls....Illegals HAVE gvt issued photo IDS, most all States have been issuing illegals drivers licenses for over 20 years now...

This phony voter gvt issued photo ID laws at the polls doesn't stop any of the voter fraud that you claim takes place...its SOLE PURPOSE is to disenfranchise primarily Democratic leaning voters who are poor, elderly, or disabled....it's to prevent CITIZENS from voting...


or are just fine and dandy with citizens being disenfranchised of their right to vote....and with this two tiered voting system with those who drive it being easy peasy for them to vote, and those citizens who do not drive, giving them hurdles to jump over.

I'm not ok with that....its simply wrong, and even if I were not a Democrat, I would still say as a loyal American citizen, it is unjust and wrong.
So since the Democrats' turnout fell by 37% in the states that began requiring an ID, I would like for you to clarify your position.....

Do the Democrats commit that level of voter fraud, or are over 1/3 of them too stupid and lazy to just go get a free ID???
You know Obiwan, I would never say that they are too stupid or too lazy to get a gvt issued photo id...

You obviously have never donated your time to work among the poorest in this Nation of lived in their areas....Or lived in their shoes and you lack in this kind of empathy....

People who do not own a car and drive should not have to go to a driver's license bureau in the next county over in order to get one, they don't drive or have easy access to a person with a car, so this makes it much harder for them than it would for you or me, they work hourly jobs, so any time it would take for them to do this during gvt working hours, is less money in their pockets of the little money there is, because they work HOURLY, and on top of this, they should not have to get a gvt issued photo id in order to vote, especially all of the elderly that have been voting for years, and primarily because the gvt should not have the power to force you to get a gvt issued photo id in order to exercise your rights as a citizen to vote....these people have lived their entire lives without one, why in the heck should they be required to get one, when they can simply show their SSAN card and a utility bill with their name on it and address on it....to prove they are the person registered.

As soon as Alabama passed their strict voter ID laws, they closed a ton of their drivers license bureaus where 8 out of the top 10 counties that did not have a single DMV were counties that were low income, black voters.

this reeks of disenfranchisement...

and it is PURPOSEFUL.

And I already posted the SNOPES article on Alabama that says you are wrong. Obviously you ignored it or didn't read it. In fact, the government will come TO YOUR HOUSE to create a Voter-Id if you have no transportation to get one. How much more convenient can it be than that?

Sorry, be we Republicans have to take time off of work too. Our doctors are not open at night. Neither are our courts. Neither are our banks.

As far as knowing the poor, I live in Cleveland--Cleveland, the city that was voted the poorest two out of three years. If Detroit didn't collapse, we might have made it three years in a row.

I've been in every project here. I've been in the poorest of neighborhoods here. I was in the home of thousands of poor people here. I know all about poor people.

The effort it takes to get a voter ID is about the same effort it takes to vote in the first place. It's a pathetic excuse to allow those who should not be voting to vote. The results apparently are in.
ahhh, you must be a PAPERS PLEASE, type of wanna be German who has no problem with the govt requiring a National ID on us at all times.... "a number", the "number of the beast", so to say..... Well, I am not one that supports that.....

But if this is what you want, a National ID for all of us, then why not do this openly, instead of this back door means? Because Americans would say a resounding NO TO THAT.....we are not Nazis...at least I would have thought we were not, but in this political cycle, I truly am beginning to wonder what has happened to us Americans in the supposed land of the free???

I repeat, there is no voter fraud that photo gvt id's at the polls will stop, that should not have been stopped when the State is vetting the people who apply to vote, and by removing dead people and felons and illegals etc, from the voter rolls and it is a sham, that any politician is pushing this as the reason for these id's at the polls, a SHAM in all capital letters, and it appears you bought in to it hook line and sinker, while voter fraud will continue by insiders with lists of dead people, and voting through absentee ballots.

THE WHOLE PURPOSE of requiring gvt issued photo id at the polls is to disenfranchise citizens of their vote, to make a two tiered voting system...easy for those who have money and cars and hurdles for those who don't, and to underhandedly make it a requirement for every citizen to eventually have to have a National ID, even to simply walk on the Street, or to breathe....

You all, have been had....while the man behind the curtain, continues with their true voter fraud.

Oh please, why do you people always use the extremes to try and make a point?

I'm not talking a national ID. I'm not talking about everybody being carded on the street. It's a simple process that anybody can be part of. We don't live in the jungles.

Face facts, you can't live in a modern society without positive identification. Nobody is being disenfranchised because we all live under the same laws. Voter-ID does not affect any particular group of people. Democrat politicians don't want it because they don't want to stop cheating elections. They've lied to you about all these poor people.
I guess the dead people don't have a ride to the polls this year.

Laughing....the 'dead' vote absentee. Which is where the vast majority of voter fraud occurs. But old people vote absentee. And they lean republican. So not one republican state has stopped the practice despite it being the single largest source of fraudulent ballots.

In person voter fraud is less likely than being struck by lightning. About 100 cases a decade in the entire country.

It was never about 'the integrity of the election'. It was always to discourage democrat leaning voters from being able to cast their ballots.

Horseshit. To vote absentee you have to go down to the registrar and pick up your ballot in person.
I dont think you do. Im pretty sure that the military members dont fly home from active duty, pick up the ballot and then fly back. I think you can get them mailed to you.
I guess the dead people don't have a ride to the polls this year.

Laughing....the 'dead' vote absentee. Which is where the vast majority of voter fraud occurs. But old people vote absentee. And they lean republican. So not one republican state has stopped the practice despite it being the single largest source of fraudulent ballots.

In person voter fraud is less likely than being struck by lightning. About 100 cases a decade in the entire country.

It was never about 'the integrity of the election'. It was always to discourage democrat leaning voters from being able to cast their ballots.

Horseshit. To vote absentee you have to go down to the registrar and pick up your ballot in person.
I dont think you do. Im pretty sure that the military members dont fly home from active duty, pick up the ballot and then fly back. I think you can get them mailed to you.

That's the military. Procedures for them are not the same as standard absentee voters.
I guess the dead people don't have a ride to the polls this year.

Laughing....the 'dead' vote absentee. Which is where the vast majority of voter fraud occurs. But old people vote absentee. And they lean republican. So not one republican state has stopped the practice despite it being the single largest source of fraudulent ballots.

In person voter fraud is less likely than being struck by lightning. About 100 cases a decade in the entire country.

It was never about 'the integrity of the election'. It was always to discourage democrat leaning voters from being able to cast their ballots.

Horseshit. To vote absentee you have to go down to the registrar and pick up your ballot in person.
I dont think you do. Im pretty sure that the military members dont fly home from active duty, pick up the ballot and then fly back. I think you can get them mailed to you.

That's the military. Procedures for them are not the same as standard absentee voters.
There are three ways you can request an absentee ballot.

I guess the dead people don't have a ride to the polls this year.

Laughing....the 'dead' vote absentee. Which is where the vast majority of voter fraud occurs. But old people vote absentee. And they lean republican. So not one republican state has stopped the practice despite it being the single largest source of fraudulent ballots.

In person voter fraud is less likely than being struck by lightning. About 100 cases a decade in the entire country.

It was never about 'the integrity of the election'. It was always to discourage democrat leaning voters from being able to cast their ballots.

Horseshit. To vote absentee you have to go down to the registrar and pick up your ballot in person.
I dont think you do. Im pretty sure that the military members dont fly home from active duty, pick up the ballot and then fly back. I think you can get them mailed to you.

That's the military. Procedures for them are not the same as standard absentee voters.
There are three ways you can request an absentee ballot.

That's Maryland, not Florida.
Laughing....the 'dead' vote absentee. Which is where the vast majority of voter fraud occurs. But old people vote absentee. And they lean republican. So not one republican state has stopped the practice despite it being the single largest source of fraudulent ballots.

In person voter fraud is less likely than being struck by lightning. About 100 cases a decade in the entire country.

It was never about 'the integrity of the election'. It was always to discourage democrat leaning voters from being able to cast their ballots.

Horseshit. To vote absentee you have to go down to the registrar and pick up your ballot in person.
I dont think you do. Im pretty sure that the military members dont fly home from active duty, pick up the ballot and then fly back. I think you can get them mailed to you.

That's the military. Procedures for them are not the same as standard absentee voters.
There are three ways you can request an absentee ballot.

That's Maryland, not Florida.
The deadline to request that an absentee ballot be mailed is no later than 5 p.m. on the 6th day before the election. Otherwise, an absentee ballot can be picked-up until and including on Election Day. However, the ballot must still be received by the Supervisor of Elections no later than 7 p.m. on Election Day if the voted ballot is to count.
Absentee Voting - Division of Elections - Florida Department of State
looks like Florida mails them out also.
waiting for the concession.
Why cant you just admit you are wrong?

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