Fewer tanks-more horses demilitarizing the police

By the way, when I say "tanks" I don't mean that law enforcement agencies in the U.S. have actual main battle tanks like M1 Abrams. I was just saying "tanks" instead of "armored vehicles" because "tanks" sounds much cooler and gets the point across. I don't mind the occasional very specialized law enforcement unit having armored vehicles as part of very specialized SWAT teams, but the sheer number of these teams and their specialized weapons is very troubling to me and I think their presence can't help but encourage their use.

"capability in search of opportunity".

For example in my own state there is no where you can't get to from Little Rock in three hours or less (rough estimates). I think the only SWAT teams in the state with the only armored vehicles should be based there and all others disbanded.
I've long been an opponent of what I see as the increasing militarization of American law enforcement agencies with police often fielding SWAT teams that look more like light infantry units than part of law enforcement.

So why not pull back, get rid of the armored vehicles for most law enforcement agencies and instead spend the resources on more mounted (horse) units? Though it probably wouldn't save money as trained horses and keeping up training for mounted officers would probably soak up the money not spent on maintaining even wheeled armored vehicles.

But to my way of thinking some mounted police officers are far more palatable to the public than those officers riding around in an armored vehicle. And obviously the public image of police forces are important.

And from a practical standpoint, according to what I've heard about mounted law enforcement, there are few things more effective than them when it comes to controlling an unruly mob.

Police shouldn’t have tanks

So they should just roll up to a hostage situation on mopeds in their jammies?
Ya, a hostage situation is where you use a tank. Lol I guess if ya don't like the hostages much you can roll in with a tank. We typically use a little more precision instrument for such a job. The tanks are mainly used to roll into fortified drug dens.

Noooo,an armored vehicle,because our police dont even have tanks,allows the police to get right up to the door or window.
Some of them have rams which they use to open those doors so the police officers aren't exposed to gunfire while breaking down the door.
These rams can also inject tear gas into the structure further protecting officers from gunfire.
God Damn you liberals are some dumb MFers!!!
So you bring a rank for hostage situations? Lol. Not standard tactics but what ever you are a legend in your own mind.

What's a rank?
Well I think if you think about it aminute you can figure out what a rank is it is in the dictionary. Fucking auto correct. Was supposed to be tank.. you know that thing you wanna pull upto windows to peer in. Lol ever been in an armored vehicle. They are so well known to be easy to see out of. Much better tools available for such thing you fucking retard.
I've long been an opponent of what I see as the increasing militarization of American law enforcement agencies with police often fielding SWAT teams that look more like light infantry units than part of law enforcement.

So why not pull back, get rid of the armored vehicles for most law enforcement agencies and instead spend the resources on more mounted (horse) units? Though it probably wouldn't save money as trained horses and keeping up training for mounted officers would probably soak up the money not spent on maintaining even wheeled armored vehicles.

But to my way of thinking some mounted police officers are far more palatable to the public than those officers riding around in an armored vehicle. And obviously the public image of police forces are important.

And from a practical standpoint, according to what I've heard about mounted law enforcement, there are few things more effective than them when it comes to controlling an unruly mob.

Police shouldn’t have tanks

So they should just roll up to a hostage situation on mopeds in their jammies?
Ya, a hostage situation is where you use a tank. Lol I guess if ya don't like the hostages much you can roll in with a tank. We typically use a little more precision instrument for such a job. The tanks are mainly used to roll into fortified drug dens.

Noooo,an armored vehicle,because our police dont even have tanks,allows the police to get right up to the door or window.
Some of them have rams which they use to open those doors so the police officers aren't exposed to gunfire while breaking down the door.
These rams can also inject tear gas into the structure further protecting officers from gunfire.
God Damn you liberals are some dumb MFers!!!
So you bring a rank for hostage situations? Lol. Not standard tactics but what ever you are a legend in your own mind.

What's a rank?
Well I think if you think about it aminute you can figure out what a rank is it is in the dictionary. Fucking auto correct. Was supposed to be tank.. you know that thing you wanna pull upto windows to peer in. Lol ever been in an armored vehicle. They are so well known to be easy to see out of. Much better tools available for such thing you fucking retard.

The police dont have tanks demwit.
Can't we compromise?

No tanks and no horses just issue them flame throwers and take care of business for good. After just a few demonstrations there'd no more trouble.
The heavy militarization of police forces, the fact that many cops were themselves previously military or have military training, the mostly fake “war on terror,” our foreign adventures and high-tech drone wars against “enemy combatants” in “forever wars” ... all this has had subtle and not-so-subtle deleterious effects on policing in many big and even small cities. It has tended to weaken ties with local communities and built up an ever higher “us vs. them” wall of fear and misunderstanding. “Community policing” goals have often fallen to the wayside in recent years.

Here is a far-from-radical study of “militarization of the police” by the corporate “libertarian” Koch brother’s institute:

All of the military equipment is donated.
That is one of the problems.
The heavy militarization of police forces, the fact that many cops were themselves previously military or have military training, the mostly fake “war on terror,” our foreign adventures and high-tech drone wars against “enemy combatants” in “forever wars” ... all this has had subtle and not-so-subtle deleterious effects on policing in many big and even small cities. It has tended to weaken ties with local communities and built up an ever higher “us vs. them” wall of fear and misunderstanding. “Community policing” goals have often fallen to the wayside in recent years.

Here is a far-from-radical study of “militarization of the police” by the corporate “libertarian” Koch brother’s institute:

All of the military equipment is donated.
That is one of the problems.

Free armored vehicles for swat teams is a problem?
Why do you hate our police?
The heavy militarization of police forces, the fact that many cops were themselves previously military or have military training, the mostly fake “war on terror,” our foreign adventures and high-tech drone wars against “enemy combatants” in “forever wars” ... all this has had subtle and not-so-subtle deleterious effects on policing in many big and even small cities. It has tended to weaken ties with local communities and built up an ever higher “us vs. them” wall of fear and misunderstanding. “Community policing” goals have often fallen to the wayside in recent years.

Here is a far-from-radical study of “militarization of the police” by the corporate “libertarian” Koch brother’s institute:

All of the military equipment is donated.
That is one of the problems.

Free armored vehicles for swat teams is a problem?
Why do you hate our police?
I don't. Where is the story about cops hiding in armored cars, up armored Humvees, or other armored vehicles or not hiding, but being saved from harm by one. They had various trucks and vans before the Feds started giving away military equipment to every town big and small across America. It is mostly for intimidation, showing military strength. So I do not think "most" police departments need them in the numbers I have seen. Big deal. You ever talk to a cop that told you how much he depends on one and it's military capabilities? I get around, and I haven't. You want them to be able to project that strength, daily on the streets. I think it unnecessary. I think it was a waste of military equipment, mostly paid for by the military budget. You don't. Big deal. Doesn't make I think you support government storm troopers and doesn't mean I have anything against the police. Doesn't work that was in real life.
The heavy militarization of police forces, the fact that many cops were themselves previously military or have military training, the mostly fake “war on terror,” our foreign adventures and high-tech drone wars against “enemy combatants” in “forever wars” ... all this has had subtle and not-so-subtle deleterious effects on policing in many big and even small cities. It has tended to weaken ties with local communities and built up an ever higher “us vs. them” wall of fear and misunderstanding. “Community policing” goals have often fallen to the wayside in recent years.

Here is a far-from-radical study of “militarization of the police” by the corporate “libertarian” Koch brother’s institute:

All of the military equipment is donated.
That is one of the problems.

Free armored vehicles for swat teams is a problem?
Why do you hate our police?
I don't. Where is the story about cops hiding in armored cars, up armored Humvees, or other armored vehicles or not hiding, but being saved from harm by one. They had various trucks and vans before the Feds started giving away military equipment to every town big and small across America. It is mostly for intimidation, showing military strength. So I do not think "most" police departments need them in the numbers I have seen. Big deal. You ever talk to a cop that told you how much he depends on one and it's military capabilities? I get around, and I haven't. You want them to be able to project that strength, daily on the streets. I think it unnecessary. I think it was a waste of military equipment, mostly paid for by the military budget. You don't. Big deal. Doesn't make I think you support government storm troopers and doesn't mean I have anything against the police. Doesn't work that was in real life.

Bla,bla,bla.... answer the fucken question .
The heavy militarization of police forces, the fact that many cops were themselves previously military or have military training, the mostly fake “war on terror,” our foreign adventures and high-tech drone wars against “enemy combatants” in “forever wars” ... all this has had subtle and not-so-subtle deleterious effects on policing in many big and even small cities. It has tended to weaken ties with local communities and built up an ever higher “us vs. them” wall of fear and misunderstanding. “Community policing” goals have often fallen to the wayside in recent years.

Here is a far-from-radical study of “militarization of the police” by the corporate “libertarian” Koch brother’s institute:

All of the military equipment is donated.
That is one of the problems.

Free armored vehicles for swat teams is a problem?
Why do you hate our police?
I don't. Where is the story about cops hiding in armored cars, up armored Humvees, or other armored vehicles or not hiding, but being saved from harm by one. They had various trucks and vans before the Feds started giving away military equipment to every town big and small across America. It is mostly for intimidation, showing military strength. So I do not think "most" police departments need them in the numbers I have seen. Big deal. You ever talk to a cop that told you how much he depends on one and it's military capabilities? I get around, and I haven't. You want them to be able to project that strength, daily on the streets. I think it unnecessary. I think it was a waste of military equipment, mostly paid for by the military budget. You don't. Big deal. Doesn't make I think you support government storm troopers and doesn't mean I have anything against the police. Doesn't work that was in real life.

Bla,bla,bla.... answer the fucken question .
I did. Show me the big stories that justify the up armored tactical equipment for towns of 10,000 or less. How bout the police stories of "That armored Humvee saved my life". You see a heightened value, I just don't see. I can see a swat squad or bomb squad need, but a lot of little towns and communities with far great needs in fire equipment, Ambulance services, yet they got new tactical equipment as if the uni bomber had moved to town. I just don't see it.
The heavy militarization of police forces, the fact that many cops were themselves previously military or have military training, the mostly fake “war on terror,” our foreign adventures and high-tech drone wars against “enemy combatants” in “forever wars” ... all this has had subtle and not-so-subtle deleterious effects on policing in many big and even small cities. It has tended to weaken ties with local communities and built up an ever higher “us vs. them” wall of fear and misunderstanding. “Community policing” goals have often fallen to the wayside in recent years.

Here is a far-from-radical study of “militarization of the police” by the corporate “libertarian” Koch brother’s institute:

All of the military equipment is donated.
That is one of the problems.

Free armored vehicles for swat teams is a problem?
Why do you hate our police?
I don't. Where is the story about cops hiding in armored cars, up armored Humvees, or other armored vehicles or not hiding, but being saved from harm by one. They had various trucks and vans before the Feds started giving away military equipment to every town big and small across America. It is mostly for intimidation, showing military strength. So I do not think "most" police departments need them in the numbers I have seen. Big deal. You ever talk to a cop that told you how much he depends on one and it's military capabilities? I get around, and I haven't. You want them to be able to project that strength, daily on the streets. I think it unnecessary. I think it was a waste of military equipment, mostly paid for by the military budget. You don't. Big deal. Doesn't make I think you support government storm troopers and doesn't mean I have anything against the police. Doesn't work that was in real life.

Bla,bla,bla.... answer the fucken question .
I did. Show me the big stories that justify the up armored tactical equipment for towns of 10,000 or less. How bout the police stories of "That armored Humvee saved my life". You see a heightened value, I just don't see. I can see a swat squad or bomb squad need, but a lot of little towns and communities with far great needs in fire equipment, Ambulance services, yet they got new tactical equipment as if the uni bomber had moved to town. I just don't see it.

So you hate the idea that the police should survive encounters with criminals.
The heavy militarization of police forces, the fact that many cops were themselves previously military or have military training, the mostly fake “war on terror,” our foreign adventures and high-tech drone wars against “enemy combatants” in “forever wars” ... all this has had subtle and not-so-subtle deleterious effects on policing in many big and even small cities. It has tended to weaken ties with local communities and built up an ever higher “us vs. them” wall of fear and misunderstanding. “Community policing” goals have often fallen to the wayside in recent years.

Here is a far-from-radical study of “militarization of the police” by the corporate “libertarian” Koch brother’s institute:

All of the military equipment is donated.
That is one of the problems.

Free armored vehicles for swat teams is a problem?
Why do you hate our police?
I don't. Where is the story about cops hiding in armored cars, up armored Humvees, or other armored vehicles or not hiding, but being saved from harm by one. They had various trucks and vans before the Feds started giving away military equipment to every town big and small across America. It is mostly for intimidation, showing military strength. So I do not think "most" police departments need them in the numbers I have seen. Big deal. You ever talk to a cop that told you how much he depends on one and it's military capabilities? I get around, and I haven't. You want them to be able to project that strength, daily on the streets. I think it unnecessary. I think it was a waste of military equipment, mostly paid for by the military budget. You don't. Big deal. Doesn't make I think you support government storm troopers and doesn't mean I have anything against the police. Doesn't work that was in real life.

Bla,bla,bla.... answer the fucken question .
I did. Show me the big stories that justify the up armored tactical equipment for towns of 10,000 or less. How bout the police stories of "That armored Humvee saved my life". You see a heightened value, I just don't see. I can see a swat squad or bomb squad need, but a lot of little towns and communities with far great needs in fire equipment, Ambulance services, yet they got new tactical equipment as if the uni bomber had moved to town. I just don't see it.

So you hate the idea that the police should survive encounters with criminals.
How did you get that? You on crack? Hearing voices of angels and devils? Just say no, dude.
The heavy militarization of police forces, the fact that many cops were themselves previously military or have military training, the mostly fake “war on terror,” our foreign adventures and high-tech drone wars against “enemy combatants” in “forever wars” ... all this has had subtle and not-so-subtle deleterious effects on policing in many big and even small cities. It has tended to weaken ties with local communities and built up an ever higher “us vs. them” wall of fear and misunderstanding. “Community policing” goals have often fallen to the wayside in recent years.

Here is a far-from-radical study of “militarization of the police” by the corporate “libertarian” Koch brother’s institute:

All of the military equipment is donated.
That is one of the problems.

Free armored vehicles for swat teams is a problem?
Why do you hate our police?
I don't. Where is the story about cops hiding in armored cars, up armored Humvees, or other armored vehicles or not hiding, but being saved from harm by one. They had various trucks and vans before the Feds started giving away military equipment to every town big and small across America. It is mostly for intimidation, showing military strength. So I do not think "most" police departments need them in the numbers I have seen. Big deal. You ever talk to a cop that told you how much he depends on one and it's military capabilities? I get around, and I haven't. You want them to be able to project that strength, daily on the streets. I think it unnecessary. I think it was a waste of military equipment, mostly paid for by the military budget. You don't. Big deal. Doesn't make I think you support government storm troopers and doesn't mean I have anything against the police. Doesn't work that was in real life.

Bla,bla,bla.... answer the fucken question .
I did. Show me the big stories that justify the up armored tactical equipment for towns of 10,000 or less. How bout the police stories of "That armored Humvee saved my life". You see a heightened value, I just don't see. I can see a swat squad or bomb squad need, but a lot of little towns and communities with far great needs in fire equipment, Ambulance services, yet they got new tactical equipment as if the uni bomber had moved to town. I just don't see it.

So you hate the idea that the police should survive encounters with criminals.
“So you hate the idea that the police should survive encounters with criminals.”

You are obviously not interested in a serious discussion. White 6 and I have made reasonable points, and you just reply with nonsense personal insults. If you read the link I provided you would see that even the right wing Koch Institute is aware that militarizing local police departments has gone too far in many towns and small cities where there is no need for heavy military equipment and SWAT-style police units. Such equipment and units often cannot even be maintained without breaking police budgets.

You want to give small town police departments howitzers and armored personnel carriers? Never know when you may need them! There are laws against using the army against civilians for normal police work. Do you want an army that just calls itself “police”? You want those “black helicopters” the right warns us about to sweep in to make round ups of civilians’ guns?
Mounted police have come under attack by violent protesters. In Los Angeles protesters have complained about the eye shields horses wear. Going for the eyes to blind horses in one of the favorite targets. In fact anti police protests have complained about horses wearing body armor.
Of course we could go back to the days when police wore this shit.

And never bathed...
herzlich willkommen to zee police stasi state ... When only the best security measure will do.....
And from a practical standpoint, according to what I've heard about mounted law enforcement, there are few things more effective than them when it comes to controlling an unruly mob.

--> «Gendarmerie royale du Canada»
They sound plenty militarized to me to use the French term «gendarmes
herzlich willkommen to zee police stasi state ... When only the best security measure will do.....
The inner cities are not nice when it comes to crimes. People in those areas will be severely tested with a diminished police presence. In any given day, there are a pittance of cops on the streets compared to the size of the department.

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