Fifteen months to go and STILL birthers can't give up

Nat us a racist who, like Biden, thinks its worth noting that a black man can be both clean and articulate. Obama said he was born in Kenya and let it stand for years.
Out of context and not quite right in the statement. If you believe in birferism, frank, you are a simpleton.
Starkey had his Obama Context Filter surgically implanted. He can read the words but their meaning is converted to whatever Obama needs him to think
The context of the interview is clear; he is not a Muslim. Your writing in context is clear: old age is catching up with you, as you slip into dementia.

Jake? So sorry to hear that you and reality are no longer on speaking terms. I'll post the video where Biden tells us its amazing that a black guy can be both clean and articulate. It won't get past your context filter
Deflection does not help you, Mr. Dementia. We were talking about Obama's interview, then your mind went 'crack' and slipped to Biden. Hang in there.

But when this hits Jake's Obama Context Filter he hears and see "The Wizard of Oz"
Too funny that we do not hear a peep about Ted Cruz who was born in a different country.

Well, Cruz is (sort of) white and he can entertain us with a flawless reading of Dr. Seuss....

(actually, Cruz is running for the VP slot with Trump....imagine, just imagine the fun we'd have with that ticket.)
15 months to go and the radical left still feels they have to come rushing in to protect dear leader.
..if the issue is "resolved" why do they feel the need to bother responding.

..apparently they think there might be something to it...
Scanning the active topics on this forum, it is hard to believe that a certain segment of the right wing nut jobs is STILL harping on Obama's birth place, his education, his father's influence on him, whether he is a Marxist, etc.

Beside the obvious futility in feeding the self-induced, bile-generating exercise, what can compel these imbeciles to keep on going, beside the resentment of Obama's race and continuing successes?

22. August, 2021, The Pan-American Times:

Obama-Gegner Donald Trump (gescheiterter Präsidentschaftskandidat vom Jahr 2016) und verurteilter Krimineller Joseph Arpaio haben endlich das Beweismaterial, was auf unwiderlegbarer Weise beweisen sollte, daß ehemaliger US-Präsident Barack Obama kein US-Staatsbürger war, vorgelegt:


Nun, endlich haben wir den Salat!!!!
Still waiting for obozo-nuts to explain why his own literary agency for years published a brochure saying O was born in kenya.
Scanning the active topics on this forum, it is hard to believe that a certain segment of the right wing nut jobs is STILL harping on Obama's birth place, his education, his father's influence on him, whether he is a Marxist, etc.

Beside the obvious futility in feeding the self-induced, bile-generating exercise, what can compel these imbeciles to keep on going, beside the resentment of Obama's race and continuing successes?
hopefully once the illegal one is out of office, the truth can be found, all he has done can be reversed and he and his transvestite can be placed in a jail cell next to the hildabeest.
You are loony.
hopefully once the illegal one is out of office, the truth can be found, all he has done can be reversed and he and his transvestite can be placed in a jail cell next to the hildabeest.

Rabid hatred and powerlessness by another right wing moron who, as the masochist that he surely is, comes on this forum for his daily share of abuse....and likes it.....
only due to voter fraud, illegal votes (voting more than once) and do not forget the dead!! :up:

It was such "hard work" getting those dead people to vote in 2008 and 2012, that in 2014 we took a break......LOL

(What an IDIOT !!!!)
If you leftist swine can have YOUR "facts" (eg, "common sense gun control" does not mean loosing your 2nd Amend Rights; if you like your doctor then you can keep your doctor; you don't have a job because the greedy corporations are hording all the money; abortion and birth control are part of necessary women's health; raising taxes does not stifle the economy; etc..), then we can have OUR facts: Obama is a saucer-lipped African Muslim hell-bent on destroying America.

The "good news" for you is that others share your insanity and hatred....The bad news is that the cleaners messed up your sheet and pointed hood. LOL

Why are you calling my beloved president a liar?

He stated he was born in stop it.
Nat us a racist who, like Biden, thinks its worth noting that a black man can be both clean and articulate.

Obama said he was born in Kenya and let it stand for years.

No evidence that Barack Obama has ever said he was born in Kenya.

Just another Birther lie.
Scanning the active topics on this forum, it is hard to believe that a certain segment of the right wing nut jobs is STILL harping on Obama's birth place, his education, his father's influence on him, whether he is a Marxist, etc.

Beside the obvious futility in feeding the self-induced, bile-generating exercise, what can compel these imbeciles to keep on going, beside the resentment of Obama's race and continuing successes?

that's because they're ugly, delusional and insane.

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