Fifty-seven percent of Mexican immigrants on welfare

No solid evidence of that at all.

Show me the evidence.


Welfare Tab for Children of Illegal Immigrants Estimated at $600M in L.A. County

Welfare Tab for Children of Illegal Immigrants Estimated at $600M in L.A. County | Fox News

Legal & illegal immigrants struggle, use welfare to make up the difference
Legal & illegal immigrants struggle, use welfare to make up the difference - San Diego County Political Buzz |

want more, look it up your self. :cuckoo:

Thanks but I'm ceratin that despite the hundreds of millions of $$$$$$$$ that the plague costs, someone will want to know how the 57% ratio was derived.

Beating that 57% horse to death will be much easier than having to explain why citizens should be supporting non-citizens.

Even then, they'd get all teary-eyed and wonder what kind of monster would not want to spend millions $$$$$ on illegal immigrants, their mothers, their children...their innocent babies....the usual bleeding heart liberal sactamonious bullshit: as if citizens do not have children and expenses of their own.
In other words the 57% is a lie.

No, in other words, you don't see capable of reading.

Immigrants in the United States: A Profile of America's Foreign-Born Population

Table 12:

Table 12 indicates that, even after the 1996 welfare reforms, which curtailed eligibility for some immigrants, immigrant households’ use of the welfare system remains higher than that of natives for most programs. Use of cash tends to be quite similar for immigrant and native households. Thus if by “welfare” one only means cash assistance programs, then immigrant use is roughly the same as that of natives. Of course, there is the question of whether native use of welfare is the proper yardstick by which to measure immigrants. If immigration is supposed to be a benefit, our admission criteria should, with the exception of refugees, select only those immigrants who are self‑sufficient. Table 12 shows that welfare use, even of cash programs, is not at or near zero. It is also worth noting that the welfare use figures in Table 12 understate use of all of these programs, particularly cash assistance. The problem of under-reporting of welfare in the CPS is well known by the Census Bureau and has been studied for some time. The welfare figures are all based on self-reporting and many people who have used the program in the prior calendar year forget about it or do not report it when asked by the Census Bureau. However, it is not clear if this problem is more or less pronounced among immigrants

Using US Census data, 57.4% of Immigrant households headed by individuals of Mexican origin use some form of Welfare. Most is Food Assistance (45.3%) and Medicare (44.7%).

Table 12 shows that use of food assistance is significantly higher for immigrant households than native households — 24.1 percent vs. 13.9 percent. The same is also true for Medicaid: 28.4 percent of immigrant households have one or more persons using the program compared to 17.5 percent of native households.

In terms of costs to taxpayers, use of Medicaid by immigrants and their dependent children is the most problematic because that program costs more than the combined total for the other welfare programs listed

I don't intend to spend all day spoon feeding you Jake.

If anyone wishes to find the data and more information regarding the study,
What's hilarious about this. Right wingers insist their jobs are being taken away. But when a Republican state like Georgia passed anti immigrant laws, it devastated their farming community. Now farmers are planting less which drives up the prices. No way you can get those Republicans out there actually doing hard work. It's not going to happen.

Georgia farmers losing millions to anti-migrant law | Fox News

"Georgia is the poster child for what can happen when mandatory E-Verify and enforcement legislation is passed without an adequate guest worker program," the GFVGA's Charles Hall said on presenting the report at the 2011 United Fresh Produce Association's Washington Public Policy Conference

If the survey respondents are considered representative of all Georgia farm producers, the total economic impact on the state's economy for this year would be roughly $391 million.

U.S. Farmers Urge Changes to Immigration Law Amid Labor Shortage |

Roughly 70% of the 1.2 million people employed by the agriculture industry are undocumented. No U.S. industry is more dependent on undocumented immigrants. But acute labor shortages brought on by anti-immigration measures threaten to heap record losses on an industry emerging from years of stiff foreign competition. Nationwide, labor shortages will result in losses of up to $9 billion, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation.


Oh those poor Republicans, bless their little souls. They can't help failing for trying. You can explain all you want there is a right way and a Republican way, but they are so entrenched in what they imagine will work, they fail over and over again. Who will they blame it on THIS time?

Pitiful, just pitiful.

If illegal aliens working here allow me to buy cheap fruits and vegetables, I'm all for it. After all, there is NO way we can get Republicans to actually work beyond standing in line for food stamps, disability and Medicare.

Supply and demand allow you to buy cheap fruits and vegetables. Dumb Fuck. You pay the difference in welfare.

If having them costs 100 million but not having them costs 9 billion, I would rather have them shitstain. Do we have to explain why? Republicans aren't going to do the work. Try to figure out why:

Open borders = millions of unskilled poor workers = higher poverty rates = more inequality... and the need of bigger government to fight against it.
Do you know what happens when we give illegals amnesty? That's right, the greatest single day mass Welfare sign up that history has ever known.
Do you know what happens when we give illegals amnesty? That's right, the greatest single day mass Welfare sign up that history has ever known.

Not just that, but illegal traffic across the border will increase. Everytime we grant amnesty to illegals, there's an increase of illegals coming across hoping to get in on the next amnesty.
If illegal aliens working here allow me to buy cheap fruits and vegetables, I'm all for it. After all, there is NO way we can get Republicans to actually work beyond standing in line for food stamps, disability and Medicare.
make sure you wash that produce Dean.....
If illegal aliens working here allow me to buy cheap fruits and vegetables, I'm all for it. After all, there is NO way we can get Republicans to actually work beyond standing in line for food stamps, disability and Medicare.

Supply and demand allow you to buy cheap fruits and vegetables. Dumb Fuck. You pay the difference in welfare.

If having them costs 100 million but not having them costs 9 billion, I would rather have them shitstain. Do we have to explain why? Republicans aren't going to do the work. Try to figure out why:

you tell em Dean.....just remember to wash that produce....

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