Finally, a Democrat asked a Republican THE Question

The economy started to tank the day Democrats took control of Congress


Thanks for the graph frankie....

It obviously shows a collapsing economy under RED Bush and a recovering economy under BLUE Obama

I thought I was the only one who noticed that.
Love how people can only scream "less taxes" or "more regulations". Check the Federal Register, there were 64,438 in 2001 when Bush took office and in 2007, there were 78,090, there were more regulations that at anytime in the history of our Republic when Bush was President.

There is more to economics than fiscal or regulatory, too many ignore monetary policy and how it affects the economy.

That doesn't really mean anything.

If you add six regulations making it harder to get health care and remove a single regulation from Wall Street, the one Wall Street regulation could have a much farther reaching impact.

Then what regulations are needed? All I hear is screams for more regulations yet ;hundreds of thousands of regulations later; we're still chasing problems and a lot of those problems were created by the very intervention by government that is supported by so many,imho.
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The economy started to tank the day Democrats took control of Congress


and began to recover as soon as Obama took office.

Thanks, Frank!

you call this recovery? :lol::lol::lol: what are you? a cockroach?

Well, yes. I do call it recovery. It's a sooner and stronger jobs recovery than in 2001 (22 months for technical end to sustained job creation).

It's a sooner and stronger jobs recovery than in 1991 (12 months to sustained job creation)

The difference is that this recovery started from a hole that was well over twice as deep as either of those previous ones.
The economy started to tank the day Democrats took control of Congress


Frank....please tell us the point of this graph? I'd love to hear you explain it, because what it shows is that shit went down hill under Bush and has been steadily improving under Obama. I'm sure you realize that's what this shows, right? I mean, you wouldn't post a graph that you didn't understand, would you?
The economy started to tank the day Democrats took control of Congress


Thanks for the graph frankie....

It obviously shows a collapsing economy under RED Bush and a recovering economy under BLUE Obama

Actually, the entire graph shows a government under a Democratic run Congress. You guys get to take credi tfor the whole graph. Also, that would be Pelosi's graph if you note it was generated by the Speaker's Office.
The economy started to tank the day Democrats took control of Congress


Thanks for the graph frankie....

It obviously shows a collapsing economy under RED Bush and a recovering economy under BLUE Obama

Actually, the entire graph shows a government under a Democratic run Congress. You guys get to take credi tfor the whole graph. Also, that would be Pelosi's graph if you note it was generated by the Speaker's Office.

So do Republicans get to take credit for the 3-year span of continuous job losses after Bush took office and they controlled the legislature?
Thanks for the graph frankie....

It obviously shows a collapsing economy under RED Bush and a recovering economy under BLUE Obama

Actually, the entire graph shows a government under a Democratic run Congress. You guys get to take credi tfor the whole graph. Also, that would be Pelosi's graph if you note it was generated by the Speaker's Office.

So do Republicans get to take credit for the 3-year span of continuous job losses after Bush took office and they controlled the legislature?

Let me get this straight. You want Republicans to take credit for less than one million in job losses, while you assign job losses of over 3 million to Democrats?

You are totally focused on the wrong thing in my opinion. Why not focus on specific policies in government which contributed to the economic crisis? Oversight in government agencies seems to bear the lion's share of the burden.
The economy started to tank the day Democrats took control of Congress


Thanks for the graph frankie....

It obviously shows a collapsing economy under RED Bush and a recovering economy under BLUE Obama

Actually, the entire graph shows a government under a Democratic run Congress. You guys get to take credi tfor the whole graph. Also, that would be Pelosi's graph if you note it was generated by the Speaker's Office.


No it doesn't show that. Please goback and check who controlled Congress and when.

If you are going to place this on Congress, please note that the entire recovery is under a Democratic Congress
Actually, the entire graph shows a government under a Democratic run Congress. You guys get to take credi tfor the whole graph. Also, that would be Pelosi's graph if you note it was generated by the Speaker's Office.

So do Republicans get to take credit for the 3-year span of continuous job losses after Bush took office and they controlled the legislature?

Let me get this straight. You want Republicans to take credit for less than one million in job losses, while you assign job losses of over 3 million to Democrats?

No, I don't "want" either party to take credit for things they don't control. But since you placed the credit with the Dems, perhaps Republicans can take credit for an economy that experienced 22 months of jobs losses after the recovery started, while Democrats can take credit for 6 months of job losses after the recovery started.

You are totally focused on the wrong thing in my opinion. Why not focus on specific policies in government which contributed to the economic crisis? Oversight in government agencies seems to bear the lion's share of the burden.

OK, then. Let's look at oversight. The housing bubble popped in mid-2006. Who was in power for the six years prior to that bubble popping? Who was in charge of oversight, of writing regulations and policies during that period?
So do Republicans get to take credit for the 3-year span of continuous job losses after Bush took office and they controlled the legislature?

Let me get this straight. You want Republicans to take credit for less than one million in job losses, while you assign job losses of over 3 million to Democrats?

No, I don't "want" either party to take credit for things they don't control. But since you placed the credit with the Dems, perhaps Republicans can take credit for an economy that experienced 22 months of jobs losses after the recovery started, while Democrats can take credit for 6 months of job losses after the recovery started.

You are totally focused on the wrong thing in my opinion. Why not focus on specific policies in government which contributed to the economic crisis? Oversight in government agencies seems to bear the lion's share of the burden.

OK, then. Let's look at oversight. The housing bubble popped in mid-2006. Who was in power for the six years prior to that bubble popping? Who was in charge of oversight, of writing regulations and policies during that period?

Back to the blame game again? How does that fix the problem? The problem is still with us today. Can we fix it please?
But then they will allow the corporations to BUY OUT our election system completely.

I hope you are right and IF they win the American public finnally learns its lesson.

Thge American public has learned a lesson from 2007 until 2010.
You know, I've asked this very question many, MANY times, and not once has a corporatist, ahem "conservative" even TRIED to answer. They act like it has never been asked. Can't face the music, I guess.
You know, I've asked this very question many, MANY times, and not once has a corporatist, ahem "conservative" even TRIED to answer. They act like it has never been asked. Can't face the music, I guess.

Answered in part on post #11.
Answered in part on post #11.

Um, no you didn't. How is letting businesses run roughshod over all of us and the environment going to make the economy grow? Every time you de-regulate, guess what, the price goes up for the common man. Just ask my parents who are still on the TVA vs. my (Con Edison) energy bills. It's ridiculous how much more I pay.

And the question is about tax breaks. It was the very wealthy & corporations that got the lions' share of the windfall, not the "real businesses" which I assume you mean, small businesses.
No, I don't "want" either party to take credit for things they don't control.


someone playing the blame game (you) said:
Actually, the entire graph shows a government under a Democratic run Congress. You guys get to take credi tfor the whole graph.

Thank you for pointing out some similiar points of view.

Thank you for starting a round of the blame game while accusing others of playing the blame game.
Love how people can only scream "less taxes" or "more regulations". Check the Federal Register, there were 64,438 in 2001 when Bush took office and in 2007, there were 78,090, there were more regulations that at anytime in the history of our Republic when Bush was President.

There is more to economics than fiscal or regulatory, too many ignore monetary policy and how it affects the economy.

That doesn't really mean anything.

If you add six regulations making it harder to get health care and remove a single regulation from Wall Street, the one Wall Street regulation could have a much farther reaching impact.

This administration has added countless healthcare regulations & 1099 tax paperwork to small business while exempting BP from environmental regs almost a year before they had the disaster in the gulf. If a small business owner messed up one of those tax-forms or spilled even 1 gallon of oil they would be fined & penalized at a far greater rate than the big business donors who rape the shit out of the citizens. Democrats take care of their own at the expense of the rest of the country.

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