Finally, a Democrat asked a Republican THE Question

Answered in part on post #11.

Um, no you didn't. How is letting businesses run roughshod over all of us and the environment going to make the economy grow? Every time you de-regulate, guess what, the price goes up for the common man. Just ask my parents who are still on the TVA vs. my (Con Edison) energy bills. It's ridiculous how much more I pay.

And the question is about tax breaks. It was the very wealthy & corporations that got the lions' share of the windfall, not the "real businesses" which I assume you mean, small businesses.

if the corporations are taxed at a higher rate who do "YOU" think is going to pay that tax? Really Really Think NOW.
Thank you for pointing out some similiar points of view.

Thank you for starting a round of the blame game while accusing others of playing the blame game.

Which is precisely what you were doing, then I showed up.

Where was I playing the blame game before you showed up?

I clarified some points that had been made and tried to draw you back into the pursuit of a solution, which you still dodge.

what points did you clarify and what problem are you seeking a solution for?
Answered in part on post #11.

Um, no you didn't. How is letting businesses run roughshod over all of us and the environment going to make the economy grow? Every time you de-regulate, guess what, the price goes up for the common man. Just ask my parents who are still on the TVA vs. my (Con Edison) energy bills. It's ridiculous how much more I pay.

And the question is about tax breaks. It was the very wealthy & corporations that got the lions' share of the windfall, not the "real businesses" which I assume you mean, small businesses.

if the corporations are taxed at a higher rate who do "YOU" think is going to pay that tax? Really Really Think NOW.

If your taxes go up, will your employer cover the costs?
Answered in part on post #11.

Um, no you didn't. How is letting businesses run roughshod over all of us and the environment going to make the economy grow? Every time you de-regulate, guess what, the price goes up for the common man. Just ask my parents who are still on the TVA vs. my (Con Edison) energy bills. It's ridiculous how much more I pay.

And the question is about tax breaks. It was the very wealthy & corporations that got the lions' share of the windfall, not the "real businesses" which I assume you mean, small businesses.

Where to start? How about the TVA, which generates its power from a local renewable source. Why wouldn't it be cheaper? BTW, the TVA has faced environmental challenges too. I am curious for you to cite sources that, by industry, any of your statements can be proven. Seems like you would find tax breaks for small businesses to be helpful. Why don't you support moves toward that end?
if the corporations are taxed at a higher rate who do "YOU" think is going to pay that tax? Really Really Think NOW.

Corporations aren't taxed for shit after government welfare they receive (shrub gave it out so that they could move their operations overseas to take advantage of near-slave labor - how nice of him!). I'm sick of the defense of corporations, the coddling of them is ruining this country bit by bit... and now they have more of a voice in our electoral process? Wonderful. Anyone defending this is certifiably stupid.
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Where to start? How about the TVA, which generates its power from a local renewable source. Why wouldn't it be cheaper? BTW, the TVA has faced environmental challenges too. I am curious for you to cite sources that, by industry, any of your statements can be proven. Seems like you would find tax breaks for small businesses to be helpful. Why don't you support moves toward that end?

You didn't specify small businesses. They didn't get much in the way of tax breaks, only the uber-wealthy & corporations did.
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Where to start? How about the TVA, which generates its power from a local renewable source. Why wouldn't it be cheaper? BTW, the TVA has faced environmental challenges too. I am curious for you to cite sources that, by industry, any of your statements can be proven. Seems like you would find tax breaks for small businesses to be helpful. Why don't you support moves toward that end?

You didn't specify small businesses. They didn't get much in the way of tax breaks, only the uber-wealthy & corporations did.

It is an important difference. Small business is the way to go in my opinion.
It is an important difference. Small business is the way to go in my opinion.

I agree. They are the largest employers of Americans AND they are local businesses with ties to the community.
This morning on “Morning Joe”, there was a young Republican from some conservative publication going on about how if you want to improve the economy, you need to cut taxes for corporations and deregulate. In fact, you should stop making corporations pay any taxes because they only pass them on to the consumers. He said that taxing the wealthy was “wealth redistribution” and the ONLY way to grow the economy is put money into the hands of the wealthy.

When Republicans make this argument, Democrats, for some strange and unknown reason, rarely challenge them. Only this time, some old guy, I don’t know who he was, left the Republican gasping like a fish out of water.

I’m paraphrasing here, “You have to stop the ideological rhetoric. You know that doesn’t work. If it did, after a 2.4 trillion dollar tax cut with the top 1% getting MORE than 52% on top of the FACT that we are paying the lowest taxes in 50 years, AND all the Wall Street deregulation, our economy should be booming. If Republican ideology worked, our economy should be booming. Instead, we are on the brink of economic disaster. Explain how it worked. Just once. Tell us what went wrong”.

It was so revealing. The Republican couldn’t answer. He was so confident giving his lecture on “economics” and was completely dismantled.

This is what Democrats have to run on.

Gene Robinson came on and said Americans are like children having a “temper tantrum”. They are angry at Democrats for not fixing the Republican economic mess fast enough. They will probably vote Republican, even though they know Republicans created this economic mess, they want to “teach” Democrats a “lesson”, like children stomping their feet. It’s almost like “cutting off your nose to spite your face”.

In a way, it might be good. Can you just imagine what these radical right wingers will do once in office? They want to trash SS and Medicare and Medicaid. This will be the most ideology and ignorance driven congress ever. That will give Americans two more years to see exactly what the right is about. Two LONG years.

You think there will be a landslide now? Wait till then. I think electing right wing crazies will finally produce the “political awakening” that is long, long overdue.

Republicans = tax cuts for the rich = hugh deficits

It's been true since 1980.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt.
This morning on “Morning Joe”, there was a young Republican from some conservative publication going on about how if you want to improve the economy, you need to cut taxes for corporations and deregulate. In fact, you should stop making corporations pay any taxes because they only pass them on to the consumers. He said that taxing the wealthy was “wealth redistribution” and the ONLY way to grow the economy is put money into the hands of the wealthy.

When Republicans make this argument, Democrats, for some strange and unknown reason, rarely challenge them. Only this time, some old guy, I don’t know who he was, left the Republican gasping like a fish out of water.

I’m paraphrasing here, “You have to stop the ideological rhetoric. You know that doesn’t work. If it did, after a 2.4 trillion dollar tax cut with the top 1% getting MORE than 52% on top of the FACT that we are paying the lowest taxes in 50 years, AND all the Wall Street deregulation, our economy should be booming. If Republican ideology worked, our economy should be booming. Instead, we are on the brink of economic disaster. Explain how it worked. Just once. Tell us what went wrong”.

It was so revealing. The Republican couldn’t answer. He was so confident giving his lecture on “economics” and was completely dismantled.

This is what Democrats have to run on.

Gene Robinson came on and said Americans are like children having a “temper tantrum”. They are angry at Democrats for not fixing the Republican economic mess fast enough. They will probably vote Republican, even though they know Republicans created this economic mess, they want to “teach” Democrats a “lesson”, like children stomping their feet. It’s almost like “cutting off your nose to spite your face”.

In a way, it might be good. Can you just imagine what these radical right wingers will do once in office? They want to trash SS and Medicare and Medicaid. This will be the most ideology and ignorance driven congress ever. That will give Americans two more years to see exactly what the right is about. Two LONG years.

You think there will be a landslide now? Wait till then. I think electing right wing crazies will finally produce the “political awakening” that is long, long overdue.

Republicans = tax cuts for the rich = hugh deficits

It's been true since 1980.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt.

WOW do you have something else beside a liberal link?:lol::rofl::rofl:
Answered in part on post #11.

Um, no you didn't. How is letting businesses run roughshod over all of us and the environment going to make the economy grow? Every time you de-regulate, guess what, the price goes up for the common man. Just ask my parents who are still on the TVA vs. my (Con Edison) energy bills. It's ridiculous how much more I pay.

And the question is about tax breaks. It was the very wealthy & corporations that got the lions' share of the windfall, not the "real businesses" which I assume you mean, small businesses.

if the corporations are taxed at a higher rate who do "YOU" think is going to pay that tax? Really Really Think NOW.

So corporations shouldn't have to pay taxes? What about health care? Should that be completely on the employee?
This morning on “Morning Joe”, there was a young Republican from some conservative publication going on about how if you want to improve the economy, you need to cut taxes for corporations and deregulate. In fact, you should stop making corporations pay any taxes because they only pass them on to the consumers. He said that taxing the wealthy was “wealth redistribution” and the ONLY way to grow the economy is put money into the hands of the wealthy.

When Republicans make this argument, Democrats, for some strange and unknown reason, rarely challenge them. Only this time, some old guy, I don’t know who he was, left the Republican gasping like a fish out of water.

I’m paraphrasing here, “You have to stop the ideological rhetoric. You know that doesn’t work. If it did, after a 2.4 trillion dollar tax cut with the top 1% getting MORE than 52% on top of the FACT that we are paying the lowest taxes in 50 years, AND all the Wall Street deregulation, our economy should be booming. If Republican ideology worked, our economy should be booming. Instead, we are on the brink of economic disaster. Explain how it worked. Just once. Tell us what went wrong”.

It was so revealing. The Republican couldn’t answer. He was so confident giving his lecture on “economics” and was completely dismantled.

This is what Democrats have to run on.

Gene Robinson came on and said Americans are like children having a “temper tantrum”. They are angry at Democrats for not fixing the Republican economic mess fast enough. They will probably vote Republican, even though they know Republicans created this economic mess, they want to “teach” Democrats a “lesson”, like children stomping their feet. It’s almost like “cutting off your nose to spite your face”.

In a way, it might be good. Can you just imagine what these radical right wingers will do once in office? They want to trash SS and Medicare and Medicaid. This will be the most ideology and ignorance driven congress ever. That will give Americans two more years to see exactly what the right is about. Two LONG years.

You think there will be a landslide now? Wait till then. I think electing right wing crazies will finally produce the “political awakening” that is long, long overdue.

Republicans = tax cuts for the rich = hugh deficits

It's been true since 1980.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt.

WOW do you have something else beside a liberal link?:lol::rofl::rofl:

What about you?
I’m paraphrasing here, “You have to stop the ideological rhetoric. You know that doesn’t work. If it did, after a 2.4 trillion dollar tax cut with the top 1% getting MORE than 52% on top of the FACT that we are paying the lowest taxes in 50 years, AND all the Wall Street deregulation, our economy should be booming. If Republican ideology worked, our economy should be booming. Instead, we are on the brink of economic disaster. Explain how it worked. Just once. Tell us what went wrong”.

What went wrong is that the wealthy, once given the choice of keeping the money or pouring it back into the economy....chose to just keep the money

Shocked.....I'm SHOCKED I say!

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