Finally SCOTUS defends democracy

How does one "suppress" the vote of actual citizens by asking about citizenship?
On it's face that's asinine.

Gun owners fear registration because they fear confiscation. Democrats fear counting illegals will cause them to lose their power as well.
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.

So without help from the census,

How does counting the number of illegal aliens help Trump get re-elected?
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.
And exactly which clause of the Constitution says that the Department of Commerce must show "adequate justification" for counting only citizens in our decennial count of only citizens?

In reality the Constitution specifically excludes only non-tax paying Indians. It included indenture servants as well as 60% of the Slaves held in perpetuity.

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be
determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to
Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting
of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one
Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire
shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight,
Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three

Repubs say they don't want USSC justices that rule with political leanings...unless those those rulings favor Repubs....

The Hypocricy of the Republican Party has become a joke...a very sick joke

Nothing in there says we can't ask a citizenship question. Thanks!
The Census is specifically to count Americans to determine representation.

The fact they can ask how many toilets I have is nonsensical gibberish.
We cant be scaring illegals and suppressing the foreign vote can we?

Responding to a census does not allow you to vote does it?

The Constitution says count them all, (excepting them non-tax paying Injuns.). The question is designed to circumvent counting everyone.

This stops the count? Not hardly. What it does is cause Democrats to fear a loss of their core base...foreign citizens. These people fight knowledge because knowledge exposes their treason.

View attachment 266677

You think the Democrats core voting base is foreign citizens?

The democrat Party is on record that an accurate voter database is an "Existential threat" to their existence

LinkedIn co-founder backs $35 million voter data project in 'existential threat' to Democratic Party

Because it wont be finished by 2020 not because of who is in it?

Do you actually read your links?

"The DNC’s top leaders have been telling people that Hoffman’s project represents an “existential threat" to the party, according to two sources with knowledge of the discussions.

With tens of millions of dollars at their disposal, the people behind Hoffman-backed project could eventually create their own voter file, making the Democratic Party’s file less valuable. That process, however, would likely take several years and would be nearly impossible to complete by the 2020 election.

As a result, DNC officials say the committee is open to collaborating with Hoffman, or perhaps joining forces with him."

The lateness was not the "existential threat"; purging Illegals, the nonliving and frauds was.
How does one "suppress" the vote of actual citizens by asking about citizenship?
On it's face that's asinine.

Basically cause you have a so called president who is demonizing immigrants....How many immigrants will refuse to answer the census because they fear trump will use the information to take away their soap and tooth brushes and throw them into one of his detention cages....Duh.....


How does one "suppress" the vote of actual citizens by asking about citizenship?
On it's face that's asinine.

Basically cause you have a so called president who is demonizing immigrants....How many immigrants will refuse to answer the census because they fear trump will use the information to take away their soap and tooth brushes and throw them into one of his detention cages....Duh.....



How many immigrants will refuse to answer the census

How many?
It hurts me to say this but the Constitution does not say the census is to only count citizens living in the country. I read it to say EVERYONE has to be counted.

And it had nothing to do with allocation of federal dollars to the various states. It was specifically for the determination of how many Congressional districts were to be in each state.

It was Congress that limited the number of House seats and should be revoked. We should have as many seats as there are people enumerated in the various areas.

327.16 million people should equal 10,900 based on the original 30k per district. I think they should be apportioned at 60k or 70k per district.
Could it possibly be that Ross did indeed want a citizenship question in the census AND it was not feasible to use administrative records, as Roberts admits. as the Census Bureau wanted?

John Roberts is once again playing politics just like he did when ruling on Obama Care.

If Wilbur Ross wants a citizenship question as part of the census, and there is no legal reason why that couldn't be done, as it was for many years, then why is Roberts picking sides? And why are the wishes of the US Census Bureau inherently more desirable or germane than that of the US Department of Commerce, that supervises the Census Bureau?

Roberts is picking sides instead of ruling on the legal aspects of citizenship questions on the census. And it stinks!
Ross cannot legally put in the question if his motive is illegal. If the intent of the question is to depress responses from people here illegally for the purpose of taking House seats from states with more illegal aliens, that would be ILLEGAL.

So Roberts wrote to send the issue back to the district court for more factual questioning of the Dept of Commerce because …. it appears Ross may have lied about why he wants the question.
It hurts me to say this but the Constitution does not say the census is to only count citizens living in the country. I read it to say EVERYONE has to be counted.

And it had nothing to do with allocation of federal dollars to the various states. It was specifically for the determination of how many Congressional districts were to be in each state.

It was Congress that limited the number of House seats and should be revoked. We should have as many seats as there are people enumerated in the various areas.

327.16 million people should equal 10,900 based on the original 30k per district. I think they should be apportioned at 60k or 70k per district.
I think it's about the money too, but yeah it's about apportioning House seats.
Ross cannot legally put in the question if his motive is illegal. If the intent of the question is to depress responses from people here illegally for the purpose of taking House seats from states with more illegal aliens, that would be ILLEGAL.

So Roberts wrote to send the issue back to the district court for more factual questioning of the Dept of Commerce because …. it appears Ross may have lied about why he wants the question.
So John Roberts is playing mind games pretending he can read minds.

And the comical part is all Ross needs to do now is say "Oh no sir. My intent is not to suppress voting" (as if legally entitled voters are going to be deterred by this judicial circus Roberts has set up).
"We are merely trying to gain a ball park estimate of how many illegals we have in this nation because no one seems to know and it is quite a problem".

It's all a farce. Is the question a legal one or not? If it is legal (as it was in the past) then Roberts should pack up his little robes and get the fuck out of the way.
The other question is should we not be deterring votes from people who have no right or business voting to begin with? What sort of sick upside down world does the SC live in?
Ross cannot legally put in the question if his motive is illegal. If the intent of the question is to depress responses from people here illegally for the purpose of taking House seats from states with more illegal aliens, that would be ILLEGAL.

So Roberts wrote to send the issue back to the district court for more factual questioning of the Dept of Commerce because …. it appears Ross may have lied about why he wants the question.
So John Roberts is playing mind games pretending he can read minds.

And the comical part is all Ross needs to do now is say "Oh no sir. My intent is not to suppress voting" (as if legally entitled voters are going to be deterred by this judicial circus Roberts has set up).
"We are merely trying to gain a ball park estimate of how many illegals we have in this nation because no one seems to know and it is quite a problem".

It's all a farce. Is the question a legal one or not? If it is legal (as it was in the past) then Roberts should pack up his little robes and get the fuck out of the way.
The other question is should we not be deterring votes from people who have no right or business voting to begin with? What sort of sick upside down world does the SC live in?
I accept you don't want illegal aliens counted because that will reduce dem power. But that is not really the issue for the SC.

It's up to district courts, and to a lesser extent appeals courts, to determine motivations for actions. All Roberts opinion said was, basically, the evidence of Ross's motivations is in conflict and possibly hidden from the district court, so do it again
I accept you don't want illegal aliens counted because that will reduce dem power. But that is not really the issue for the SC.

It's up to district courts, and to a lesser extent appeals courts, to determine motivations for actions. All Roberts opinion said was, basically, the evidence of Ross's motivations is in conflict and possibly hidden from the district court, so do it again
So I guess to John Roberts and the American judicial establishment the idea that you cannot suppress the vote of people who have every legitimate right to exercise their franchise to vote is a totally foreign one?

If Ross's motivations are already in doubt what can he possibly say now to convince judges otherwise?

This is bullshit! Either the census has the right to ask a question about citizenship as it has before, or it does not.
The idea that John Roberts is looking to be convinced of something he obviously does not believe is absurd. And what difference does Ross' motives make if the question (citizenship status) is a legal one? This is insane.

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