Finally SCOTUS defends democracy

Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.

We cant be scaring illegals and suppressing the foreign vote can we?
". . . On January 16, 2014, Matthew Boyle of Breitbart News reported that a new FAIR report contained the number of illegal immigrants in Texas elementary and secondary taxpayer-funded schools. Boyle reported: “FAIR found that annually the estimated 195,000 illegal alien students and 481,000 U.S.-born children of illegal aliens place an $8.5 billion burden on taxpayers for their education costs.” Thus, FAIR found an increase of $2.4 billion from 2010 to early 2014. According to FAIR’s estimate, the students who are illegally present in the country are 29% of the total amount of students on which the $8.5 billion amount is based. Twenty-nine percent of $8.5 billion is $2.465 billion. This would easily satisfy the Plyler criteria and allow Texas to deny illegal immigrants a taxpayer-funded elementary and secondary education, without conflicting with Plyler.

Various states, including Texas, may want to provide a taxpayer-funded elementary and secondary education to illegal immigrants. But they should not say that Plyler requires them to do so. Nor should they allow the Obama administration to falsely state that Plyler requires them to."
Are States Constitutionally Required to Educate Illegal Immigrant Children?

Read more: Are States Constitutionally Required to Educate Illegal Immigrant Children?
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Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.
Trump can’t win without suppressing voter turnout

Illegal aliens are not voters.
The census has NOTHING to do with voting....NOTHING....The Repubs saw a chance to hurt Democratic districts....the emails and correspondence with Ross have shown that to be true....GOP = SCUM

So, letting illegal aliens vote HELPS Democrat districts. Thanks for the clarification.
If Gavin Newsom wants to fill his state with illegals by putting in all sorts of inducements (health care, driver's licenses,
college tuition, etc.) let him pay the bill for it all.

He's a typical leftist who wants his policies put in and other people to pay for them.
Roberts probably read the newspaper. The files of a dead Republican consultant said that putting a citizenship question on the census would discourage Hispanics from replying to the census and would help Republicans politically. I am not surprised it was sent back to a lower court given that.

Oops: GOP Docs Reveal Census Questions Were Designed to Help White Republicans

Those pesky facts got in the Repubs way again....just tragic....[/QUOTE]

Democrat desperation, getting 'proof' from dead guys. :abgg2q.jpg:
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.

Nope, I see the Fake News is out in full force reporting that the SC "blocked" the census question. That's false and a lie--if it were true they would not have sent it back to the lower courts, it would have been over. They said the Commerce Dept needs to clarify the reasons they pursued this. If they can do that, presumably, the question can remain.

But here's a good question: aren't illegal immigrants unable to vote anyway? Why would you WANT illegal people voting???

They don't, they don't go near the polls. Only gop-hers are dumb enough to believe that lie.

I don't think you get it Penny.

It isn't about the vote so much as the distribution of Federal tax dollars.

States with a higher population get more money and more congressional seats. They don't NEED to vote to get representation or money from the American collective taxpaying body.

But should they?

THAT is the argument. THEY AREN'T CITIZENS, or contributing anything to the other states or the American culture. In fact, some argue they are destroying the nation and the culture.

If states are required to provide educ and hc for the non-citizens, and they are, why shouldn't they get a proportional share fed largesse?


Maybe they shouldn't be required to provide education and housing for non-citizens? Eh?

Who is making that requirement? IS that a federal SCOTUS ruling? :dunno:

Show me in the Constitution where that is the responsibility of the government?

You do know education is a STATE issue, right? As are other social welfare benefits. . .

The Trump admin cannot legally deny benefits the Sup Court and congress and former presidents have found must be legally provided. They have to change the laws, rather than lie to courts.
The Trump admin cannot legally deny benefits the Sup Court and congress and former presidents have found must be legally provided. They have to change the laws, rather than lie to courts.
Once again, what lies specifically were you thinking of?
Great news for Dimocrats, who see no difference between an illegal and an American citizen.
These people have zero respect for our sovereignty, our borders, and for citizenship.
They are looking for a better life
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.

Nope, I see the Fake News is out in full force reporting that the SC "blocked" the census question. That's false and a lie--if it were true they would not have sent it back to the lower courts, it would have been over. They said the Commerce Dept needs to clarify the reasons they pursued this. If they can do that, presumably, the question can remain.

But here's a good question: aren't illegal immigrants unable to vote anyway? Why would you WANT illegal people voting???
This is to pad and populate democrat districts with non-assimilated and illegals.
The entire effort is more democrat undermining of the election process. Again.
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.
Traditionally the Corrupt Democratic Party is unable to win without cheating.
Counting non-citizens in the census violates the rights of American citizens.
The Democratic Party no longer represents American citizens.

Did you read the excerpt from the Constitution or are you just a blind ....ignorant partisan. Where does legal or illegal immigrant cone in the text? Countng only citizens would be the most inaccurate census ever. I coordinated our local census tabulation for years. This was a bad but very partisan idea.

Speaking of cheating....let's look at some Repub efforts

-Receiving offers from foreign adversaries for election assistance
-Cutting the voting times to keep minorities away from the polls
-Removing eligible voters from the rolls
-The many examples of Repubs playing dirty tricks on voters.

The Repub party only cares about Power....

-Receiving offers from foreign adversaries for election assistance

I know. Paying British citizens to get info from Russian agents to influence the election.

There ought to be a Special Counsel appointed.
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.

We cant be scaring illegals and suppressing the foreign vote can we?

Responding to a census does not allow you to vote does it?

The Constitution says count them all, (excepting them non-tax paying Injuns.). The question is designed to circumvent counting everyone.
Roberts probably read the newspaper. The files of a dead Republican consultant said that putting a citizenship question on the census would discourage Hispanics from replying to the census and would help Republicans politically. I am not surprised it was sent back to a lower court given that.

Oops: GOP Docs Reveal Census Questions Were Designed to Help White Republicans

Those pesky facts got in the Repubs way again....just tragic....

Democrat desperation, getting 'proof' from dead guys. :abgg2q.jpg:[/QUOTE]

Well, now that he's dead, he's a dependable Dem voter.
It's only fair that they get proof from him.
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.

We cant be scaring illegals and suppressing the foreign vote can we?

Responding to a census does not allow you to vote does it?

The Constitution says count them all, (excepting them non-tax paying Injuns.). The question is designed to circumvent counting everyone.

The Constitution says count them all

Best way to count the illegals is to ask them if they're illegals.
The Trump admin cannot legally deny benefits the Sup Court and congress and former presidents have found must be legally provided. They have to change the laws, rather than lie to courts.
Once again, what lies specifically were you thinking of?
In an opinion by Chief Justice John Roberts, the court today explained that the district court had overturned Ross’ decision to add the citizenship question for two reasons. The first is that it wasn’t supported by the evidence before Ross, because the Census Bureau had recommended that the citizenship data be gathered from administrative records instead. But neither approach was perfect, Roberts concluded, so it was reasonable for Ross to decide to use the citizenship question instead of the administrative records. And it was also reasonable for him to decide that it would be worth it to include the citizenship question even though it might result in a lower response rate from households with residents who are not U.S. citizens.

But the district court had also ruled that Ross’ rationale for including the citizenship question – that the Department of Justice had asked for the data to better enforce federal voting-rights laws – was a pretext for its actual reasoning, and here the court agreed. “The evidence showed,” Roberts wrote, that Ross “was determined to reinstate a citizenship question from the time he entered office; instructed his staff to make it happen; waited while Commerce officials explored whether another agency would request census-based citizenship data; subsequently contacted the Attorney General himself to ask if DOJ would make the request; and adopted the Voting Rights Act rationale late in the process.”

Roberts acknowledged that courts should be “deferential” when reviewing an agency’s action, but he countered – citing Judge Henry Friendly, for whom he clerked on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit – that “we are not required to exhibit a naiveté from which ordinary citizens are free.” And here, when “the evidence tells a story that does not match the explanation the Secretary gave for his decision,” judicial review calls for “something better than the explanation offered for the action taken in this case.” “In these unusual circumstances,” Roberts concluded, the district court was therefore correct to send the case back to the Department of Commerce for it to provide a better explanation.

Opinion analysis: Court orders do-over on citizenship question in census case - SCOTUSblog
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.

We cant be scaring illegals and suppressing the foreign vote can we?

Responding to a census does not allow you to vote does it?

The Constitution says count them all, (excepting them non-tax paying Injuns.). The question is designed to circumvent counting everyone.

This stops the count? Not hardly. What it does is cause Democrats to fear a loss of their core base...foreign citizens. These people fight knowledge because knowledge exposes their treason.

Could it possibly be that Ross did indeed want a citizenship question in the census AND it was not feasible to use administrative records, as Roberts admits. as the Census Bureau wanted?

John Roberts is once again playing politics just like he did when ruling on Obama Care.

If Wilbur Ross wants a citizenship question as part of the census, and there is no legal reason why that couldn't be done, as it was for many years, then why is Roberts picking sides? And why are the wishes of the US Census Bureau inherently more desirable or germane than that of the US Department of Commerce, that supervises the Census Bureau?

Roberts is picking sides instead of ruling on the legal aspects of citizenship questions on the census. And it stinks!

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