Finally SCOTUS defends democracy

Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.
And exactly which clause of the Constitution says that the Department of Commerce must show "adequate justification" for counting only citizens in our decennial count of only citizens?

In reality the Constitution specifically excludes only non-tax paying Indians. It included indenture servants as well as 60% of the Slaves held in perpetuity.
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.
Trump can’t win without suppressing voter turnout
It's a long time GOP tactic.
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.
And exactly which clause of the Constitution says that the Department of Commerce must show "adequate justification" for counting only citizens in our decennial count of only citizens?

In reality the Constitution specifically excludes only non-tax paying Indians. It included indenture servants as well as 60% of the Slaves held in perpetuity.

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be
determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to
Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting
of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one
Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire
shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight,
Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three

Repubs say they don't want USSC justices that rule with political leanings...unless those those rulings favor Repubs....

The Hypocricy of the Republican Party has become a joke...a very sick joke
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.
And exactly which clause of the Constitution says that the Department of Commerce must show "adequate justification" for counting only citizens in our decennial count of only citizens?

In reality the Constitution specifically excludes only non-tax paying Indians. It included indenture servants as well as 60% of the Slaves held in perpetuity.

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be
determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to
Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting
of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one
Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire
shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight,
Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three

Repubs say they don't want USSC justices that rule with political leanings...unless those those rulings favor Repubs....

The Hypocricy of the Republican Party has become a joke...a very sick joke

Nothing in there says we can't ask a citizenship question. Thanks!
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.
Trump can’t win without suppressing voter turnout
It's a long time GOP tactic.

It's a long time GOP tactic.

Yes, suppressing the illegal alien and dead vote is an excellent GOP tactic.
Repubs rail against judges being "activist"....unless their skewed political decisions favor the GOP....Then they are alright with it.
I didn't see anything in the elections forum. I think Roberts was right that gerrymandering is wrong and corrosive (maybe he didn't use the word, I don't remember) but the constitution is not precisely about "fairness."

A link to analysis, but the text can be found too … if anyone wants to bother.
Opinion analysis: No role for courts in partisan gerrymandering - SCOTUSblog

And I was sort of shocked the national review seemed almost to return to principled reason rather than rabid Trumpism.

Partisan Gerrymandering Isn’t Unconstitutional. But It’s Corrosive and It Should End.
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.
Traditionally the Corrupt Democratic Party is unable to win without cheating.
Counting non-citizens in the census violates the rights of American citizens.
The Democratic Party no longer represents American citizens.
States rights are so very.........constitutional!
Well so are individual rights, and that was the dissent's point …. basically.

But so long as a maj of a state's voters choose to allow it, either party can have at it. Although, if precedent is not adhered to, a Court with a similar makeup could say dems can't gerrymander. And that concerns me.
States rights are so very.........constitutional!
Well so are individual rights, and that was the dissent's point …. basically.

But so long as a maj of a state's voters choose to allow it, either party can have at it. Although, if precedent is not adhered to, a Court with a similar makeup could say dems can't gerrymander. And that concerns me.

It works both ways. Ergo, balance is maintained. It remains an issue determined by the state's voters.
Gerrymandering is bullshit. Just one more way in which the government subverts the will of the people.
States rights are so very.........constitutional!
Well so are individual rights, and that was the dissent's point …. basically.

But so long as a maj of a state's voters choose to allow it, either party can have at it. Although, if precedent is not adhered to, a Court with a similar makeup could say dems can't gerrymander. And that concerns me.

It works both ways. Ergo, balance is maintained. It remains an issue determined by the state's voters.

Thread on it was started in Breaking News earlier. Merged one thread on it so far.
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.

Nope, I see the Fake News is out in full force reporting that the SC "blocked" the census question. That's false and a lie--if it were true they would not have sent it back to the lower courts, it would have been over. They said the Commerce Dept needs to clarify the reasons they pursued this. If they can do that, presumably, the question can remain.

But here's a good question: aren't illegal immigrants unable to vote anyway? Why would you WANT illegal people voting???

They don't, they don't go near the polls. Only gop-hers are dumb enough to believe that lie.
Giuliani was pro illegals when he was mayor of NYC. They also said on TV that he was anti the citizen question as mayor due to less funding.

As Mayor of New York City, Giuliani encouraged hardworking illegal immigrants to move to New York City.[30] He said in 1994:
Some of the hardest-working and most productive people in this city are undocumented aliens. If you come here and you work hard and you happen to be in an undocumented status, you're one of the people who we want in this city. You're somebody that we want to protect, and we want you to get out from under what is often a life of being like a fugitive, which is really unfair."[30]
In 2000, Giuliani said of New York City, "Immigration is a very positive force for the City of New York. Immigration is the key to the city's success. Both historically and to this very day."[32]
Giuliani also expressed doubt that the federal government can completely stop illegal immigration.[33] Giuliani said that the Immigration and Naturalization Service "do nothing with those names but terrorize people." In 1996 he said that the new anti-illegal immigration law, as well as the Welfare Reform Act, were "inherently unfair."[34][34] In 1996, Giuliani said, "I believe the anti-immigration movement in America is one of our most serious public problems."[32] In the same year he said, "We're never, ever going to be able to totally control immigration in a country that is as large as ours." He went on to say, "If you were to totally control immigration into the United States, you might very well destroy the economy of the United States, because you'd have to inspect everything and everyone in every way possible."[

Mayoralty of Rudy Giuliani - Wikipedia
In reality the Constitution specifically excludes only non-tax paying Indians. It included indenture servants as well as 60% of the Slaves held in perpetuity.
We won't count them then. But why should we count non citizens in a census designed to find out how many citizens are living here? John Roberts has turned into the John McCain of the Supreme Court.

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