Finally SCOTUS defends democracy

I LOVE it when people post with little to no knowledge of the issue

Per the ruling:

2. The Enumeration Clause permits Congress, and by extension
the Secretary, to inquire about citizenship on the census questionnaire.
That conclusion follows from Congress’s broad authority over
the census, as informed by long and consistent historical practice
that “has been open, widespread, and unchallenged since the early
days of the Republic.”

Department of Commerce v. New York, No. 18-966 | Casetext

That is, the question, in and of itself, does not violate the constitution.

And so, the Commerce Department --can-- ask about citizenship, so long as the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act are met.
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.
Traditionally the Corrupt Democratic Party is unable to win without cheating.
Counting non-citizens in the census violates the rights of American citizens.
The Democratic Party no longer represents American citizens.

Did you read the excerpt from the Constitution or are you just a blind ....ignorant partisan. Where does legal or illegal immigrant cone in the text? Countng only citizens would be the most inaccurate census ever. I coordinated our local census tabulation for years. This was a bad but very partisan idea.

Speaking of cheating....let's look at some Repub efforts

-Receiving offers from foreign adversaries for election assistance
-Cutting the voting times to keep minorities away from the polls
-Removing eligible voters from the rolls
-The many examples of Repubs playing dirty tricks on voters.

The Repub party only cares about Power....
In reality the Constitution specifically excludes only non-tax paying Indians. It included indenture servants as well as 60% of the Slaves held in perpetuity.
We won't count them then. But why should we count non citizens in a census designed to find out how many citizens are living here? John Roberts has turned into the John McCain of the Supreme Court.

Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.
Traditionally the Corrupt Democratic Party is unable to win without cheating.
Counting non-citizens in the census violates the rights of American citizens.
The Democratic Party no longer represents American citizens.

Did you read the excerpt from the Constitution or are you just a blind ....ignorant partisan. Where does legal or illegal immigrant cone in the text? Countng only citizens would be the most inaccurate census ever. I coordinated our local census tabulation for years. This was a bad but very partisan idea.

Speaking of cheating....let's look at some Repub efforts

-Receiving offers from foreign adversaries for election assistance
-Cutting the voting times to keep minorities away from the polls
-Removing eligible voters from the rolls
-The many examples of Repubs playing dirty tricks on voters.

The Repub party only cares about Power....

Countng only citizens would be the most inaccurate census ever.

Then why was it on Census forms for decades?

Census citizenship question: what you need to know
I LOVE it when people post with little to no knowledge of the issue

Per the ruling:

2. The Enumeration Clause permits Congress, and by extension
the Secretary, to inquire about citizenship on the census questionnaire.
That conclusion follows from Congress’s broad authority over
the census, as informed by long and consistent historical practice
that “has been open, widespread, and unchallenged since the early
days of the Republic.”

Department of Commerce v. New York, No. 18-966 | Casetext

That is, the question, in and of itself, does not violate the constitution.

And so, the Commerce Department --can-- ask about citizenship, so long as the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act are met. is going back to lower Courts
I LOVE it when people post with little to no knowledge of the issue

Per the ruling:

2. The Enumeration Clause permits Congress, and by extension
the Secretary, to inquire about citizenship on the census questionnaire.
That conclusion follows from Congress’s broad authority over
the census, as informed by long and consistent historical practice
that “has been open, widespread, and unchallenged since the early
days of the Republic.”

Department of Commerce v. New York, No. 18-966 | Casetext

That is, the question, in and of itself, does not violate the constitution.

And so, the Commerce Department --can-- ask about citizenship, so long as the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act are met. is going back to lower Courts
I see you still choose to not comprehend what you read.
In reality the Constitution specifically excludes only non-tax paying Indians. It included indenture servants as well as 60% of the Slaves held in perpetuity.
We won't count them then. But why should we count non citizens in a census designed to find out how many citizens are living here? John Roberts has turned into the John McCain of the Supreme Court.

https://www.advancingjustice-aajc.o...hs re Citizenship Question Final 6.6.2018.pdf

MYTH #1: The Constitution says to only count citizens. This is incorrect. The U.S. Constitution requires a census every 10 years of all persons living in the country for the purpose of apportioning seats in the U.S. House of Representatives (Article I, sec. 2, clause 3) among the states. The Constitution explicitly requires an “actual Enumeration” of “all persons,” imposing on the federal government the duty to count the “whole number of persons in each State.” Both Republican and Democratic administrations, through the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), have confirmed unequivocally that the Constitution requires a count of all persons living in the United States on Census Day, regardless of citizenship status. Moreover, in adopting the 14th Amendment, Congress rejected proposals to allocate seats in the House of Representatives based on voter-eligible population alone, rather than total population. Supreme Court rulings affirming the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of equal representation require that congressional districts have equal numbers of people, so the census population numbers also are used to draw congressional district lines. Public officials also rely on census counts to draw state and local voting districts.
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.

Nope, I see the Fake News is out in full force reporting that the SC "blocked" the census question. That's false and a lie--if it were true they would not have sent it back to the lower courts, it would have been over. They said the Commerce Dept needs to clarify the reasons they pursued this. If they can do that, presumably, the question can remain.

But here's a good question: aren't illegal immigrants unable to vote anyway? Why would you WANT illegal people voting???

They don't, they don't go near the polls. Only gop-hers are dumb enough to believe that lie.

American citizens should sign up to be the census takers, ask to see folks SS cards or birth certificates, and just take care of this issue themselves.

No citizenship? Dump that persons questionnaire where it belongs.


Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.

Nope, I see the Fake News is out in full force reporting that the SC "blocked" the census question. That's false and a lie--if it were true they would not have sent it back to the lower courts, it would have been over. They said the Commerce Dept needs to clarify the reasons they pursued this. If they can do that, presumably, the question can remain.

But here's a good question: aren't illegal immigrants unable to vote anyway? Why would you WANT illegal people voting???

They don't, they don't go near the polls. Only gop-hers are dumb enough to believe that lie.

I don't think you get it Penny.

It isn't about the vote so much as the distribution of Federal tax dollars.

States with a higher population get more money and more congressional seats. They don't NEED to vote to get representation or money from the American collective taxpaying body.

But should they?

THAT is the argument. THEY AREN'T CITIZENS, or contributing anything to the other states or the American culture. In fact, some argue they are destroying the nation and the culture.
In reality the Constitution specifically excludes only non-tax paying Indians. It included indenture servants as well as 60% of the Slaves held in perpetuity.
We won't count them then. But why should we count non citizens in a census designed to find out how many citizens are living here? John Roberts has turned into the John McCain of the Supreme Court. NALEO Debunking the Myths re Citizenship Question Final 6.6.2018.pdf

MYTH #1: The Constitution says to only count citizens. This is incorrect. The U.S. Constitution requires a census every 10 years of all persons living in the country for the purpose of apportioning seats in the U.S. House of Representatives (Article I, sec. 2, clause 3) among the states. The Constitution explicitly requires an “actual Enumeration” of “all persons,” imposing on the federal government the duty to count the “whole number of persons in each State.” Both Republican and Democratic administrations, through the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), have confirmed unequivocally that the Constitution requires a count of all persons living in the United States on Census Day, regardless of citizenship status. Moreover, in adopting the 14th Amendment, Congress rejected proposals to allocate seats in the House of Representatives based on voter-eligible population alone, rather than total population. Supreme Court rulings affirming the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of equal representation require that congressional districts have equal numbers of people, so the census population numbers also are used to draw congressional district lines. Public officials also rely on census counts to draw state and local voting districts.
Yeah I'm not sure how the citizenship question would affect how many reps a state got, or how much federal aid even, since states are required to educate and provide Medicaid for kids here illegally. But fortunately Roberts chose not to ignore the fact that Ross and the Trump admin appears to have flat out lied about why the wanted the question.
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.

Nope, I see the Fake News is out in full force reporting that the SC "blocked" the census question. That's false and a lie--if it were true they would not have sent it back to the lower courts, it would have been over. They said the Commerce Dept needs to clarify the reasons they pursued this. If they can do that, presumably, the question can remain.

But here's a good question: aren't illegal immigrants unable to vote anyway? Why would you WANT illegal people voting???

They don't, they don't go near the polls. Only gop-hers are dumb enough to believe that lie.

I don't think you get it Penny.

It isn't about the vote so much as the distribution of Federal tax dollars.

States with a higher population get more money and more congressional seats. They don't NEED to vote to get representation or money from the American collective taxpaying body.

But should they?

THAT is the argument. THEY AREN'T CITIZENS, or contributing anything to the other states or the American culture. In fact, some argue they are destroying the nation and the culture.

If states are required to provide educ and hc for the non-citizens, and they are, why shouldn't they get a proportional share fed largesse?
Census citizenship question blocked by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics

Based on what Chief Justice Roberts had to say, this is probably a dead issue for Trump & company. The whole idea was OBVIOUSLY an attempt to scare people and suppress the vote, a tactic Trump and Republicans are expert at..

So without help from the census, Trump is more dependent on Russia for election help than ever. Will Putin rise to the challenge? You can bet he will try to help his buddy.

Nope, I see the Fake News is out in full force reporting that the SC "blocked" the census question. That's false and a lie--if it were true they would not have sent it back to the lower courts, it would have been over. They said the Commerce Dept needs to clarify the reasons they pursued this. If they can do that, presumably, the question can remain.

But here's a good question: aren't illegal immigrants unable to vote anyway? Why would you WANT illegal people voting???

They don't, they don't go near the polls. Only gop-hers are dumb enough to believe that lie.

I don't think you get it Penny.

It isn't about the vote so much as the distribution of Federal tax dollars.

States with a higher population get more money and more congressional seats. They don't NEED to vote to get representation or money from the American collective taxpaying body.

But should they?

THAT is the argument. THEY AREN'T CITIZENS, or contributing anything to the other states or the American culture. In fact, some argue they are destroying the nation and the culture.

If states are required to provide educ and hc for the non-citizens, and they are, why shouldn't they get a proportional share fed largesse?


Maybe they shouldn't be required to provide education and housing for non-citizens? Eh?

Who is making that requirement? IS that a federal SCOTUS ruling? :dunno:

Show me in the Constitution where that is the responsibility of the government?

You do know education is a STATE issue, right? As are other social welfare benefits. . .
Yeah I'm not sure how the citizenship question would affect how many reps a state got, or how much federal aid even, since states are required to educate and provide Medicaid for kids here illegally. But fortunately Roberts chose not to ignore the fact that Ross and the Trump admin appears to have flat out lied about why the wanted the question.
Lied in what way?
Yeah I'm not sure how the citizenship question would affect how many reps a state got, or how much federal aid even, since states are required to educate and provide Medicaid for kids here illegally. But fortunately Roberts chose not to ignore the fact that Ross and the Trump admin appears to have flat out lied about why the wanted the question.
Lied in what way?
Appears to me, that is the only reason they wanted the question there.
If states are required to provide educ and hc for the non-citizens, and they are, why shouldn't they get a proportional share fed largesse?
Because states, like California, New York, Illinois, etc. are not doing anything of substance to keep illegals out..
The feds at least are trying under Trump. If anything states are hanging out a "come on in" sign with their sanctuary policies.

So why should the feds subsidize the duplicity of dicks like Gavin Newsom, Kate Brown and Cuomo?

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