Finally! Supreme Court rules in favor of First Amendment rights for Christians etc.

No you didn't. You made the typical leftist effort to start a food fight and derail the thread.
I think you're appealing to this forum's court for relief.

There's really no need, I'm finished with the topic voluntarily.
Now you can't answer why we shouldn't force Jewish or Muslim stores to sell pork if we can force bakers to bake the cake or else.....
Exactly. Why should any proprietor be required to offer products or services he/she does not choose to offer so long as nobody is discriminated against who wants the products and services the proprietor does offer?
Again, not like those services are unique, or timely, or only provided by Christians who would deny the work.

All wedding services for same sex weddings are now subject to denial.
Conservatives hiding their bigotry behind their religion.

The Supreme Court should be ashamed

They are just biding their time till they can abolish same sex weddings
All wedding services for same sex weddings are now subject to denial.
Conservatives hiding their bigotry behind their religion.

The Supreme Court should be ashamed

They are just biding their time till they can abolish same sex weddings

The denial rate will be miniscule.

The services are easily replicable and non-timely.
Talk about hyperbole.

They can still get websites made, it's not like all website designers are Christian.

This doesn't target actual public accommodations, or point of sale items, just contracted expressions of someone's labor.

Correct, the little fascist, Donald duck likes slavery. He has said so many times.
All wedding services for same sex weddings are now subject to denial.
Conservatives hiding their bigotry behind their religion.

The Supreme Court should be ashamed

They are just biding their time till they can abolish same sex weddings

Try taking your bullshit to a Muslim. See how long you last.
What it means is that same sex couples can be denied wedding related services by bigoted Conservatives hiding under their Christianity.

No reception hall, invitations, cake, limo, hotel room ….…all in the name of Jesus
Not at all. Which one of those services requires the provider to express an opinion or belief they disagree with?
So if someone thinks a mixed couple is "offensive" they don't have to seat them at a restaurant?'e supporting discrimination.

Point of sale isn't affected, dummy. What the Ruling stipulates is you may not FORCE people to work against their will.

In other words no slavery!

And why shouldn't Christians be allowed to provide services for those they agree with?

Ever seen a "We reserve the right to refuse service" sign?

This isn't about denial of service, this is about forcing Christians or other to deny their beliefs
Public accommodations
If you provide a service to one, you have to provide for all.
We don’t serve blacks, we do not serve gays is not tolerated

You don’t have to approve of a married couple but you can’t deny services
Public accommodations
If you provide a service to one, you have to provide for all.
We don’t serve blacks, we do not serve gays is not tolerated

You don’t have to approve of a married couple but you can’t deny services

But things like contracted services aren't PA's. Expect the court to further clarify this.
Public accommodations
If you provide a service to one, you have to provide for all.
We don’t serve blacks, we do not serve gays is not tolerated

You don’t have to approve of a married couple but you can’t deny services
But you can deny your artistic expression.
The baker issue was already settled.

The problem with conservatives is that they’re incredibly short-sighted. They don’t consider that the same thing might come back at them from the other direction, which is exactly what happened not long ago.

How many conservatives were fine with the baker refusing the gay wedding cake but have a big problem with a florist who doesn’t want to serve Republicans? Before anyone asks, I’m fine with both. It’s fair.

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