Finally! Supreme Court rules in favor of First Amendment rights for Christians etc.

Only the invitations and cake require individual artistic talent.

The reception hall hosting it can be seen as advocating for it.

The limo service is a trickier one.

The hotel rooms are a no go for any objection, as what PA laws were intended for.

So by my book, the Hotel could refuse to allow one of it's conference rooms for the service or reception, but can't refuse people staying over in a room.

Is this complicated? Yes it is, but no one said it was supposed to be easy, or solvable by one size fits all solutions.
Legalized discrimination makes you happy?
So if the worker was forced to do something against their will, they werent being discriminated against?
Question: Is it better the govt discriminates, or the private sector?
But things like contracted services aren't PA's. Expect the court to further clarify this.

Web sites, flowers, cakes, music, reception halls, limo’s …..No gays need apply

Conservatives can’t stop same sex weddings……but now they can stop them from celebrating it.
The baker issue was already settled.

The problem with conservatives is that they’re incredibly short-sighted. They don’t consider that the same thing might come back at them from the other direction, which is exactly what happened not long ago.

How many conservatives were fine with the baker refusing the gay wedding cake but have a big problem with a florist who doesn’t want to serve Republicans? Before anyone asks, I’m fine with both. It’s fair.
Fine with both. There's more than one florist.
The baker issue was already settled.

The problem with conservatives is that they’re incredibly short-sighted. They don’t consider that the same thing might come back at them from the other direction, which is exactly what happened not long ago.

How many conservatives were fine with the baker refusing the gay wedding cake but have a big problem with a florist who doesn’t want to serve Republicans? Before anyone asks, I’m fine with both. It’s fair.

Was the refusal for point of sale or for a contracted service?
Fascism discriminates against minorities.

And the fascist will have a convincing argument to support the discrimination. Eventually there will be no minorities left to discriminate against.

Surely everyone has heard: .................. and then they came for me, and nobody was left................

Sadly, extreme right Americans are making the case against themselves.
No one came for the degenerates, duck. A business' right to operate within their own morals was upheld. If the degenerates want an immoral product, go find someone willing to do it. Just STFU and stay in commie Canada where they deny freedom of speech.
In Conservative America, there is nowhere else.
In Red State America, they can now give the Bud Light treatment to any business that provides services to same sex weddings

I doubt it. Most on the right aren't out to ruin other people. That's the left's game plan.
All wedding services for same sex weddings are now subject to denial.
Conservatives hiding their bigotry behind their religion.

The Supreme Court should be ashamed

They are just biding their time till they can abolish same sex weddings
Subject to denial yes. Which is as it should be. But are services for same sex weddings banned? No. There are no doubt many doing wedding services to accommodate every gay weddings now and forever. And if not, there is opportunity for somebody to offer a service that is in demand.

But just as the gay person in business should not be required to provide products or services ordered by a group opposing gay marriage, the Christian or other person who opposes gay marriage should not have to provide products or services for that.

A proprietor shouldn't have to carry products promoting the traditional family if he/she does not choose to. A baker should not have to carry a wedding cake topper of two guys or two gals if the baker does not choose to. Either should politely tell the customer that no, we don't carry that. Sorry.

Everybody regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or whatever should be able to buy any product or service that a proprietor normally has for sale. But nobody should be able to require somebody else to accommodate, contribute to, or participate in an activity or concept that is offensive or ethically wrong to that somebody.

And the Supreme Court has no authority to abolish same sex weddings. Or to allow them. Marriage law has always been left to the states and vary from state to state. It is not given to the High Court to decide what the law must be. This high court is restoring that Constitutional principle in their rulings and again, it is a breath of fresh air, an extremely healthy thing.

Neither the right nor the left should get around having to pass laws in Congress or state legislatures by having the courts make the laws. Only the people's representatives elected by the people for the purpose of making their laws are given authority to pass laws for the people.
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I don’t think it does. I think precedent has been set and you’re not going to be able to split hairs to justify one while outlawing the other.

The whole point is to split hairs between actual PA's and contracted services that have some component of endorsement of the act being performed.
Ask Bud Light what happens when you accommodate gays

Or ask them about deliberately insulting your customer base with a chick with dick performance artist.

Or when Pride went from adults galivanting in fetish gear to doing it in front of kids.

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