Finding comfort in tragedy

All this reminds me of one of my favorite poems:

No Man Is An Island

No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.

---John Donne
Well, you are responding to someone's comment that is directed to me on a thread that I started. Silly me for thinking your comment related to me in any way.

By the way, your words belie all your smiley faces and blessings and prayers.

Grief makes me blunt.
If I hurt your feelings, I do apologize. It was never once my intention. All that anyone can do is just be honest about how things are from their perspective...even if it doesn't register with everyone else. I've endured so much loss in my life that what I said earlier is how I feel about the way to deal with it. If losing people is something that can't be stopped, what is still in my life is what I try to focus on.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Please don't take what I say here the wrong way, y'all. Even though I do focus a lot on other things, those who I have lost will never be completely out of my mind. They will always have a residence there.
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Well, you are responding to someone's comment that is directed to me on a thread that I started. Silly me for thinking your comment related to me in any way.

By the way, your words belie all your smiley faces and blessings and prayers.

Grief makes me blunt.
If I hurt your feelings, I do apologize. It was never once my intention. All that anyone can do is just be honest about how things are from their perspective...even if it doesn't register with everyone else. I've endured so much loss in my life that what I said earlier is how I feel about the way to deal with it. If losing people is something that can't be stopped, what is still in my life is what I try to focus on.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Please don't take what I say here the wrong way, y'all. Even though I do focus a lot on other things, those who I have lost will never be completely out of my mind. They will always have a residence there.

And I apologize for being so touchy.
Koosh, go back to rainbow bridge. I found comfort there. Nobody dissed me, nobody insulted me, nobody judged me. Remember the link I sent you? Go back.
I don't know...that Rainbow Bridge support community doesn't comfort me.

For one thing, I have my doubts about the existence of this Rainbow Bridge. It's a human invention, that is all.

I don't know what else it is...maybe because I don't like the term "furbabies." Or "pets." I never thought of Greta as "a pet." She was more like my best friend. She won that place in my heart over many, many humans.

I need to go to a forum for poeple grieving the death of a beloved child. Their teenage child. That would be about equivalent to what I am going through. I say teenage child, because Greta wasn't like a baby. She was dignified. But silly. Really, really smart. The light and love of my life.

I remember one time I posted her picture on Facebook and captioned it, "The love of my life." One of my cousins replied and said, "Well, I thought that would be your husband." I didn't bother to answer, but I was thinking, If that was the case, why didn't I post his picture and caption it "The love of my life." Duh.

I'm not saying I don't love my husband, but he doesn't really give all that much of a damn about me. But Greta did.

The only other "person" who meant as much was my Mom. I hope those two are first to greet me when I die. Unless my loved ones want to do one of those deals where they greet me, and then say, all sneaky like, "Why I think there's someone here you might want to see." And then Greta would come bounding out. And THEN I'd know I was in Heaven.
How are you doing now, K? I saw this, and thought of you. I hope you are being gentle with yourself. :smiliehug:


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