f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

Their plan is to keep the markets as unstable as possible, to hinder growth, and play political football with the economy until the election all while accusing Obama of purposely trying to destroy the economy.

I was right there with you up until I read "accusing Obama". I think you have the gist of it, just backwards.

Obama wanted a clean bill, I think I got the gist just fine.

No, Obama's idea of bi-partisan compromise is for the Republicans to capitulate to his whims and desires. That is what he considers a clean bill.
WRAPUP 11-Republican rebels force new delay in US debt crisis | Reuters

beautiful. Finally, people who stick to what they believe. Fresh air never tasted so sweet. Liberty loving folk don't compromise with RINOs, socialists, or keynesians baby!

Yep, and it wasn't long ago the leftist fucks were claiming they didn't like "republicans" because they flip-flopped on issues.

Now the republicans backed by a strong libertarian movement are being firm and progressive fucks are crying foul..

I have absolutely nothing but admiration for this crop of GOP.... They're not allowing themselves to be bullied into making the wrong decisions no matter how unpopular the progressives are trying to paint the tea party position.
WRAPUP 11-Republican rebels force new delay in US debt crisis | Reuters

beautiful. Finally, people who stick to what they believe. Fresh air never tasted so sweet. Liberty loving folk don't compromise with RINOs, socialists, or keynesians baby!

Yep, and it wasn't long ago the leftist fucks were claiming they didn't like "republicans" because they flip-flopped on issues.

Now the republicans backed by a strong libertarian movement are being firm and progressive fucks are crying foul..

I have absolutely nothing but admiration for this crop of GOP.... They're not allowing themselves to be bullied into making the wrong decisions no matter how unpopular the progressives are trying to paint the tea party position.

Wouldn't it be sumpin' if this fresh crop managed to educate the more senior members of the House, at least?
Yeah, won't it just be GREAT when all of our interest rates go up? Awesome job tea mother fucking baggers.

I hereby pledge to kick Grover Norquist in the balls if he is ever within kicking distance.

Typical Dumbocrat - turn to violence when someone advocates that we stop giving you life on a platter and demand that you actually work like a big boy or girl for the things you need in life. How dare us! Instead, we should collapse the nation like the U.S.S.R., Cuba, and Greece so that you Dumbocrats don't have to hold a job!

Typical tea bagger...talking with his mouth full. It is in defaulting on our loans that will bring about an economic collapse.

I've had a job since I was 13 and then served my country for 20 years. What branch of service were you in bagger?
Yep, and it wasn't long ago the leftist fucks were claiming they didn't like "republicans" because they flip-flopped on issues.

Now the republicans backed by a strong libertarian movement are being firm and progressive fucks are crying foul..

I have absolutely nothing but admiration for this crop of GOP.... They're not allowing themselves to be bullied into making the wrong decisions no matter how unpopular the progressives are trying to paint the tea party position.

They're not Libertarian. They're so-called "Conservatives" who are fine with Big Government as long as it's their kind of Big Government.

Want to go down memory lane? Like when the Tea Party caucus fell in line like nice sheep and voted to extend the Patriot Act.
I was right there with you up until I read "accusing Obama". I think you have the gist of it, just backwards.

Obama wanted a clean bill, I think I got the gist just fine.

No, Obama's idea of bi-partisan compromise is for the Republicans to capitulate to his whims and desires. That is what he considers a clean bill.

Not at all. A clean bill means that the Tea Pots accept their minority role in the process of crafting a consensus bill. The president rightfully will not let them dominate the process and crash the economy without the far right of the GOP paying a terrible political price.
WRAPUP 11-Republican rebels force new delay in US debt crisis | Reuters

beautiful. Finally, people who stick to what they believe. Fresh air never tasted so sweet. Liberty loving folk don't compromise with RINOs, socialists, or keynesians baby!

Yep, and it wasn't long ago the leftist fucks were claiming they didn't like "republicans" because they flip-flopped on issues.

Now the republicans backed by a strong libertarian movement are being firm and progressive fucks are crying foul..

I have absolutely nothing but admiration for this crop of GOP.... They're not allowing themselves to be bullied into making the wrong decisions no matter how unpopular the progressives are trying to paint the tea party position.

Wouldn't it be sumpin' if this fresh crop managed to educate the more senior members of the House, at least?

Well if the senior members don't start voting with the Bill of Rights in mind they will be bounced out of their cushy jobs.
I was right there with you up until I read "accusing Obama". I think you have the gist of it, just backwards.

Obama wanted a clean bill, I think I got the gist just fine.

No, Obama's idea of bi-partisan compromise is for the Republicans to capitulate to his whims and desires. That is what he considers a clean bill.

A clean bill would look exactly as they did 7 times under Bush and 18 fucking times under Teabagger god, Reagan.

The Dems have done nothing but capitulate to the Tea baggy GnOP to the tune of trillions in cuts AND no revenue increases. Point out even a single compromise by the GnOP.
It shows how fucking stupid these wingnut teabaggers are that they STILL think the Debt Ceiling is for FUTURE spending.

Ah yes, the whole "giving Obama a blank check" talking point. It'd be amusing if they weren't serious.
When the moderates both parties kick out the TP'ers and far leftists and reach a bipartisan solution, the insignificance will show.
Lots of speculatiuon on your part... Pretty funny from someone so fond of the word "unexpected"...

What are you talking about? Unexpected?

You ARE dense, aren't you....

But hey, that Neg Rep with the "Fuck You" was supersweet! Thanks.
It was "Fuck off..."

Can you get anything correct?

Now go whine to mamma - she waitin' for ya...

Ah yes, that's much better! You are such a little sweetheart.

Apology accepted... Creepy use of "sweetheart" notwithstanding...
Well, Mr. Nick, you don't understand at all, do you? If 20% of Americans hurt the other 80%, then the Tea Party will be crushed and the GOP badly hurt.
It shows how fucking stupid these wingnut teabaggers are that they STILL think the Debt Ceiling is for FUTURE spending.

It is dummy...

You may as well say a dumb fuck that maxes out a credit card and applies for a new one really wont use it..

If this was the real world, this would be nothing more than a layman begging his creditor to raise his debt limit because he/she hit their 5,000 limit but they want more credit so they can buy more needless shit.
Lots of speculatiuon on your part... Pretty funny from someone so fond of the word "unexpected"...

What are you talking about? Unexpected?

You ARE dense, aren't you....

So then you don't actually know what you're talking about in reference to "unexpected"?

I'm not surprised.

It was "Fuck off..."

Can you get anything correct?

Now go whine to mamma - she waitin' for ya...

Ah yes, that's much better! You are such a little sweetheart.

Apology accepted... Creepy use of "sweetheart" notwithstanding...

it's OK sweetie. I didn't apologize, but if it makes ya feel better that's fine.
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We may need a default just to put an end to the crackpot tea partiers once and for all.

The Dems in the senate and the president are no better than the teapartiers.

The senate dems unanimously voted against both bills the repubs put forth and the President did not bargain in good faith when the dems and reps did give him a compromise bill they all agreed to (he then added more revenue to it making the compromise fail)

At least be honest NYcarbineer.....you know the left is not better than the tea party in this one.

Oh and yeah.....the teapartier plan below is so horrible right?

How do we get debt? From spending and bad budgets. What did the cut cap and balance bill do? It tries to control spending and bad budgets. The things in the bill are directly related to the debt ceiling

The Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011


Cuts total spending by $111 billion in FY 2012. The savings is divided as follows:
•Reduce non-security discretionary spending below 2008 levels, which saves $76 billion.
•$35 billion cut to non-veterans, non-Medicare, non-Social Security mandatory spending.
•Defense budget at President's level.


Total federal spending is scaled back based on the glide path for the fiscal years below:
•2012, 22.5% of GDP.
•2013, 21.7% of GDP.
•2014, 20.8% of GDP.
•2015, 20.2% of GDP.
•2016, 20.2% of GDP.
•2017, 20.0% of GDP.
•2018, 19.7% of GDP.
•2019, 19.9% of GDP.
•2020, 19.9% of GDP.
•2021, 19.9% of GDP.


Requires the passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment before raising the nation's debt limit.


Provides for the President's request for a debt ceiling increase if a qualifying Balanced Budget Amendment passes Congress and is sent to the states for ratification.

The Republicans voted down a clean debt ceiling bill in May. A majority of Democrats voted for that bill.

If we default, and the real life effects start to happen, the American people will finally notice. Once they figure out that the default consequences were the sole responsibility of the GOP, and moreover the sole responsibility of the GOP kowtowing to the tea party faction in the GOP,

that is it for the tea party, and a big fat mess for the GOP in general to explain.
I have seen/heard:


all of those terms refer to them as less than average intellectually

I have seen/heard:

Small group of peoeple

all of those terms imply that they have little strength.

So what you folks are saying is that Obama is spending his time fighting off a small insignificant group of people with below average intelligence so they are not able to control domestic policy.

Seems like time well spent.
Well, Mr. Nick, you don't understand at all, do you? If 20% of Americans hurt the other 80%, then the Tea Party will be crushed and the GOP badly hurt.

I fully understand...

The progressive minion voting block are too fucking stupid to understand. They're willing to sell their souls to the fucking authoritarians because they want security over a healthy socioeconomic environment.

This is why your fucking president implied that YOU are too fucking dumb to understand whats going on today and our financial issues are best left up to the "gubbiment."
What are you talking about? Unexpected?

You ARE dense, aren't you....

So then you don't actually know what you're talking about in reference to "unexpected"?

I'm not surprised.

We both know what I'm talking about... You're just being purposefully stupid...

It comes easy to you...

Ah yes, that's much better! You are such a little sweetheart.

Apology accepted... Creepy use of "sweetheart" notwithstanding...

it's OK sweetie. I didn't apologize, but if it makes ya feel better that's fine.

Queer responses for someone who admiotted he was wrong, but you always had that streak in ya...

Now go get a tissue and wipe that drool....
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Obama could have accepted Cut Cap and Balance 1 week ago but he'd rather have blood in the streets

And Republicans could have also accepted Reid's plan which gives them what they wanted in no revenue increases. By your logic, I guess Republicans rather have blood in the streets.

Our plan was in writing, Reid's was not

Obama changed his stance at the last minute because he wants to star5t a revolution by starving our Seniors

He also wants the debt ceiling raised enough that it will get them past the 2012 elections so they can conveniently bury all of this shit until it's finished. How can you go 800+ days without passing any form of a budget, add trillions in debt, play politics with America's credit rating, insinuate that seniors aren't going to get their checks, and then just expect that everyone is going to forget about it? I think they're betting on an awful damn lot, and it's going to come back to bite them in the ass.
Can you explain how the new ADA regs make compliance more expensive, as Heritage claims? I'm not sure how clarifying definitions for service animals and providing clearer guidance for ADA D&C standards adds up to more expensive regulation.

In fact, I'm quite certain those lead to less expensive regulation.

You clearly have no experience in the real world.

That's hilarious! But of course you don't mean to insult...oh no, you're just able to discern the entirety of one's experience from a couple posts on a message board.

I I'm not saying that to be combative or insulting - I'm just stating fact based on your insane comments. Any regulation costs money for a business. Any.

Indeed! And providing clarity about that regulation reduces the burden.

Something tells me you've never read an ADA reg in your life.

How you can come to the conclusion that regulation means saving money

How you can come to the conclusion that I said such a stupid thing is simply mind-boggling.

Try this: Read what I actually wrote instead of what you presume I might think. Then maybe we can have an actual conversation instead of you asking me to defend things I never said.

That's how it works in the real world you claim I've never experienced.

Take note of your own words - "reduces the burden" (direct quote) not elliminates a burden. By your own admission, the very regulations you advocate for and claim are so wonderful are in fact a burden. Oops. Looks like a liberal let a moment of truth escape their lips!

Burdens signifcantly impact an economy in a negative way - ie reduce employment.

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